JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Data Types | Functions/Subroutines
modmisc Module Reference

Data Types

interface  bublesort
interface  operator(.cross.)
interface  operator(.dot.)
interface  reorder
interface  swap


real(8) function, dimension(1:3) vectorcross (p1, p2)
real(8) function minkowskyproduct (p1, p2)
complex(8) function minkowskyproductc (p1, p2)
complex(8) function minkowskyproductrc (p1, p2)
complex(8) function minkowskyproductcr (p1, p2)
integer function logicaltointeger (var)
double complex function et1 (e1, e2, e3, e4)
double complex function sc (q1, q2)
double precision function scr (p1, p2)
double complex function scrc (p1, p2)
real(8) function get_pt (Mom)
real(8) function get_pt2 (Mom)
real(8) function get_minv (Mom)
real(8) function get_minv2 (Mom)
real(8) function get_eta (Mom)
real(8) function get_phi (Mom)
real(8) function get_cosalpha (Mom1, Mom2)
real(8) function get_costheta (Mom)
real(8) function get_r (Mom1, Mom2)
subroutine pt_order (N, Mom)
subroutine printmom (Mom)
subroutine error (Message, ErrNum)
logical function isnan (x)
subroutine swapi (i, j)
subroutine swapr (i, j)
subroutine swapc (i, j)
subroutine swap_mom (Mom1, Mom2)
subroutine swap_cmom (Mom1, Mom2)
complex(8) function leviciv (e1, e2, e3, e4)
complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) pol_gluon_incoming (p, hel)
complex(8) function, dimension(4) pol_zff_outgoing (pf, pfbar, hel)
complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) ubar_spinor (p, hel)
complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) v_spinor (p, hel)
double complex function, dimension(1:4) chir_weyl (sign, sp)
complex(8) function, dimension(dv) vbqq_weyl (sp1, sp2)
complex(8) function, dimension(4) spb2_weyl (sp, v)
complex(8) function, dimension(4) spi2_weyl (v, sp)
character(len=150) function findinputfmt0 (EventInfoLine)
character(len=150) function findinputfmt1 (ParticleLine)
character(len=150) function capitalize (InputString)
subroutine houseofrepresentatives (XSecArray, NumberOfSeats, TotalNumberOfSeats)
subroutine houseofrepresentatives2 (XSecArray, NumberOfSeats, TotalNumberOfSeats)
subroutine convert_to_mcfm (p, pout)
subroutine evaluatespline (EvalPoint, SplineData, SplineDataLength, TheResult)
character(len=totallength) function centerwithstars (string, totallength, align, padleft, padright)
subroutine printlogo (TheUnit, title)
real function infinity ()
logical function calculatesxsec (Process)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ calculatesxsec()

logical function modmisc::calculatesxsec ( integer  Process)

Definition at line 1570 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1570  implicit none
1571  integer :: Process
1572  logical :: CalculatesXsec
1573  calculatesxsec=.false.
1574  if (process.le.2) then
1575  calculatesxsec=.true.
1576  elseif (process.eq.50) then
1577  calculatesxsec=.false.
1578  elseif (process.ge.51 .and. process.le.52) then
1579  calculatesxsec=.false.
1580  elseif (process.eq.60) then
1581  calculatesxsec=.true.
1582  elseif (process.eq.61) then
1583  calculatesxsec=.true.
1584  elseif (process.eq.62) then
1585  calculatesxsec=.false.
1586  elseif (process.ge.66 .and. process.le.75) then
1587  calculatesxsec=.true.
1588  elseif (process.eq.80 .or. process.eq.90) then
1589  calculatesxsec=.false.
1590  elseif (process.ge.110 .and. process.le.114) then
1591  calculatesxsec=.true.
1592  elseif (process.ge.115 .and. process.le.117) then
1593  calculatesxsec=.true.
1594  else
1595  print *, "Unknown process in CalculatesXsec", process, "; setting CalculatesXsec=false."
1596  endif

◆ capitalize()

character(len=150) function modmisc::capitalize ( character(len=150)  InputString)

Definition at line 1144 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1144 implicit none
1145 character(len=150) :: InputString
1146 character(len=150) :: Capitalize
1147 character(len=26), parameter :: lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
1148 character(len=26), parameter :: upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
1149 integer :: i, j
1151 capitalize = ""
1153 do i=1,len(trim(inputstring))
1154  j = index(lower,inputstring(i:i))
1155  if (j.ne.0) then
1156  capitalize(i:i) = upper(j:j)
1157  else
1158  capitalize(i:i) = inputstring(i:i)
1159  endif
1160 enddo
1161 return

◆ centerwithstars()

character(len=totallength) function modmisc::centerwithstars ( character(len=*)  string,
integer  totallength,
integer, optional  align,
integer, optional  padleft,
integer, optional  padright 

Definition at line 1493 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1493 implicit none
1494 character(len=*) :: string
1495 integer :: totallength, nspaces, nleftspaces, nrightspaces
1496 integer, optional :: align, padleft, padright
1497 integer :: align2, padleft2, padright2
1498 character(len=totallength) CenterWithStars
1500  align2 = 2
1501  padleft2 = 0
1502  padright2 = 0
1503  if (present(align)) align2 = align
1504  if (present(padleft)) padleft2 = padleft
1505  if (present(padright)) padright2 = padright
1507  if (len(trim(string))+padleft2+padright2 .gt. totallength-2) then
1508  call error("len(trim(string))+padleft+padright > totallength-2!")
1509  endif
1511  nspaces = totallength - len(trim(string)) - 2
1513  if (align2.eq.1) then !left
1514  nleftspaces = padleft2
1515  nrightspaces = nspaces-nleftspaces
1516  elseif (align2.eq.2) then !center
1517  nleftspaces = (nspaces+padleft2-padright2)/2
1518  nrightspaces = nspaces-nleftspaces
1519  elseif (align2.eq.3) then !right
1520  nrightspaces = padright2
1521  nleftspaces = nspaces-nrightspaces
1522  else
1523  print *, "Unknown align value", align2
1524  endif
1526  centerwithstars = "*" // repeat(" ", nleftspaces) // trim(string) // repeat(" ", nrightspaces) // "*"

◆ chir_weyl()

double complex function, dimension(1:4) modmisc::chir_weyl ( integer  sign,
double complex, dimension(1:4)  sp 

Definition at line 607 of file mod_Misc.F90.

607 implicit none
608 integer :: sign
609 double complex :: sp(1:4)
610 double complex :: Chir_Weyl(1:4)
611  if(sign.eq.+1) then !omega_+
612  chir_weyl(1) = sp(1)
613  chir_weyl(2) = sp(2)
614  chir_weyl(3) = 0d0
615  chir_weyl(4) = 0d0
616  else !omega_-
617  chir_weyl(1) = 0d0
618  chir_weyl(2) = 0d0
619  chir_weyl(3) = sp(3)
620  chir_weyl(4) = sp(4)
621  endif
622  return

◆ convert_to_mcfm()

subroutine modmisc::convert_to_mcfm ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  p,
real(8), dimension(1:4), optional  pout 

Definition at line 1281 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1281  implicit none
1282 ! converts from (E,px,py,pz) to (px,py,pz,E)
1283  real(8) :: p(1:4),tmp(1:4)
1284  real(8), optional :: pout(1:4)
1286  if( present(pout) ) then
1287  pout(1)=p(2)
1288  pout(2)=p(3)
1289  pout(3)=p(4)
1290  pout(4)=p(1)
1291  else
1292  tmp(1)=p(1)
1293  tmp(2)=p(2)
1294  tmp(3)=p(3)
1295  tmp(4)=p(4)
1297  p(1)=tmp(2)
1298  p(2)=tmp(3)
1299  p(3)=tmp(4)
1300  p(4)=tmp(1)
1301  endif

◆ error()

subroutine modmisc::error ( character(*)  Message,
integer, optional  ErrNum 

Definition at line 366 of file mod_Misc.F90.

366 implicit none
367 character(*) :: Message
368 integer,optional :: ErrNum
370  if( present(errnum) ) then
371  print *, "ERROR: ",message,errnum
372  else
373  print *, "ERROR: ",message
374  endif
375  stop 1

◆ et1()

double complex function modmisc::et1 ( complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e1,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e2,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e3,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e4 

Definition at line 109 of file mod_Misc.F90.

109 implicit none
110 complex(8), intent(in) :: e1(4), e2(4), e3(4), e4(4)
111  et1 = e1(1)*e2(2)*e3(3)*e4(4)-e1(1)*e2(2)*e3(4)*e4(3) &
112  -e1(1)*e2(3)*e3(2)*e4(4)+e1(1)*e2(3)*e3(4)*e4(2) &
113  +e1(1)*e2(4)*e3(2)*e4(3)-e1(1)*e2(4)*e3(3)*e4(2) &
114  -e1(2)*e2(1)*e3(3)*e4(4)+e1(2)*e2(1)*e3(4)*e4(3) &
115  +e1(2)*e2(3)*e3(1)*e4(4)-e1(2)*e2(3)*e3(4)*e4(1) &
116  -e1(2)*e2(4)*e3(1)*e4(3)+e1(2)*e2(4)*e3(3)*e4(1) &
117  +e1(3)*e2(1)*e3(2)*e4(4)-e1(3)*e2(1)*e3(4)*e4(2) &
118  -e1(3)*e2(2)*e3(1)*e4(4)+e1(3)*e2(2)*e3(4)*e4(1) &
119  +e1(3)*e2(4)*e3(1)*e4(2)-e1(3)*e2(4)*e3(2)*e4(1) &
120  -e1(4)*e2(1)*e3(2)*e4(3)+e1(4)*e2(1)*e3(3)*e4(2) &
121  +e1(4)*e2(2)*e3(1)*e4(3)-e1(4)*e2(2)*e3(3)*e4(1) &
122  -e1(4)*e2(3)*e3(1)*e4(2)+e1(4)*e2(3)*e3(2)*e4(1)
123  return

◆ evaluatespline()

subroutine modmisc::evaluatespline ( real(8)  EvalPoint,
real(8), dimension(1:splinedatalength, 1:2)  SplineData,
integer  SplineDataLength,
real(8), intent(out)  TheResult 

Definition at line 1311 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1311 !SplineData: SplineDataLength by 2 array
1312 ! SplineData(1:SplineDataLength,1) are the x values
1313 ! SplineData(1:SplineDataLength,2) are the corresponding y values
1317 INTEGER i,top,gdim,SplineDataLength
1318 REAL(8) u,value,EvalPoint
1319 REAL(8), intent(out) :: TheResult
1320 REAL(8), dimension(SplineDataLength) :: bc,cc,dc
1321 REAL(8) :: SplineData(1:SplineDataLength, 1:2)
1323 ! u value of M_H at which the spline is to be evaluated
1325 gdim= splinedatalength
1327 CALL hto_fmmsplinesingleht(bc,cc,dc,top,gdim,splinedata(1:splinedatalength,1),splinedata(1:splinedatalength,2))
1329 u= evalpoint
1330 CALL hto_seval3singleht(u,bc,cc,dc,top,gdim,value,xc=splinedata(1:splinedatalength,1),yc=splinedata(1:splinedatalength,2))
1332 theresult= value
1336 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
1340 SUBROUTINE hto_fmmsplinesingleht(b,c,d,top,gdim,xc,yc)
1342 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1344 INTEGER k,n,i,top,gdim,l
1346 REAL(8), dimension(gdim) :: xc,yc
1347 REAL(8), dimension(gdim) :: x,y
1349 REAL(8), DIMENSION(gdim) :: b
1350 ! linear coeff
1352 REAL(8), DIMENSION(gdim) :: c
1353 ! quadratic coeff.
1355 REAL(8), DIMENSION(gdim) :: d
1356 ! cubic coeff.
1358 REAL(8) :: t
1359 REAL(8),PARAMETER:: ZERO=0.0, two=2.0, three=3.0
1361 ! The grid
1364 n= gdim
1365 FORALL(l=1:gdim)
1366 x(l)= xc(l)
1367 y(l)= yc(l)
1370 !.....Set up tridiagonal system.........................................
1371 ! b=diagonal, d=offdiagonal, c=right-hand side
1373 d(1)= x(2)-x(1)
1374 c(2)= (y(2)-y(1))/d(1)
1375 DO k= 2,n-1
1376 d(k)= x(k+1)-x(k)
1377 b(k)= two*(d(k-1)+d(k))
1378 c(k+1)= (y(k+1)-y(k))/d(k)
1379 c(k)= c(k+1)-c(k)
1380 END DO
1382 !.....End conditions. third derivatives at x(1) and x(n) obtained
1383 ! from divided differences.......................................
1385 b(1)= -d(1)
1386 b(n)= -d(n-1)
1387 c(1)= zero
1388 c(n)= zero
1389 IF (n > 3) THEN
1390 c(1)= c(3)/(x(4)-x(2))-c(2)/(x(3)-x(1))
1391 c(n)= c(n-1)/(x(n)-x(n-2))-c(n-2)/(x(n-1)-x(n-3))
1392 c(1)= c(1)*d(1)*d(1)/(x(4)-x(1))
1393 c(n)= -c(n)*d(n-1)*d(n-1)/(x(n)-x(n-3))
1394 END IF
1396 DO k=2,n ! forward elimination
1397 t= d(k-1)/b(k-1)
1398 b(k)= b(k)-t*d(k-1)
1399 c(k)= c(k)-t*c(k-1)
1400 END DO
1402 c(n)= c(n)/b(n)
1404 ! back substitution ( makes c the sigma of text)
1406 DO k=n-1,1,-1
1407 c(k)= (c(k)-d(k)*c(k+1))/b(k)
1408 END DO
1410 !.....Compute polynomial coefficients...................................
1412 b(n)= (y(n)-y(n-1))/d(n-1)+d(n-1)*(c(n-1)+c(n)+c(n))
1413 DO k=1,n-1
1414 b(k)= (y(k+1)-y(k))/d(k)-d(k)*(c(k+1)+c(k)+c(k))
1415 d(k)= (c(k+1)-c(k))/d(k)
1416 c(k)= three*c(k)
1417 END DO
1418 c(n)= three*c(n)
1419 d(n)= d(n-1)
1423 END SUBROUTINE hto_fmmsplinesingleht
1425 !------------------------------------------------------------------------
1427 SUBROUTINE hto_seval3singleht(u,b,c,d,top,gdim,f,fp,fpp,fppp,xc,yc)
1429 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
1431 REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: u
1432 ! abscissa at which the spline is to be evaluated
1434 INTEGER j,k,n,l,top,gdim
1436 REAL(8), dimension(gdim) :: xc,yc
1437 REAL(8), dimension(gdim) :: x,y
1438 REAL(8), DIMENSION(gdim) :: b,c,d
1439 ! linear,quadratic,cubic coeff
1441 REAL(8),INTENT(OUT),OPTIONAL:: f,fp,fpp,fppp
1442 ! function, 1st,2nd,3rd deriv
1444 INTEGER, SAVE :: i=1
1445 REAL(8) :: dx
1446 REAL(8),PARAMETER:: TWO=2.0, three=3.0, six=6.0
1448 ! The grid
1450 n= gdim
1451 FORALL(l=1:gdim)
1452 x(l)= xc(l)
1453 y(l)= yc(l)
1456 !.....First check if u is in the same interval found on the
1457 ! last call to Seval.............................................
1459 IF ( (i<1) .OR. (i >= n) ) i=1
1460 IF ( (u < x(i)) .OR. (u >= x(i+1)) ) THEN
1461 i=1
1463 ! binary search
1465 j= n+1
1466 DO
1467 k= (i+j)/2
1468 IF (u < x(k)) THEN
1469 j= k
1470 ELSE
1471 i= k
1472 ENDIF
1473 IF (j <= i+1) EXIT
1474 ENDDO
1475 ENDIF
1477 dx= u-x(i)
1479 ! evaluate the spline
1481 IF (Present(f)) f= y(i)+dx*(b(i)+dx*(c(i)+dx*d(i)))
1482 IF (Present(fp)) fp= b(i)+dx*(two*c(i) + dx*three*d(i))
1483 IF (Present(fpp)) fpp= two*c(i) + dx*six*d(i)
1484 IF (Present(fppp)) fppp= six*d(i)
1488 END SUBROUTINE hto_seval3singleht

◆ findinputfmt0()

character(len=150) function modmisc::findinputfmt0 ( character(len=*)  EventInfoLine)

Definition at line 769 of file mod_Misc.F90.

769 implicit none
770 character(len=*) :: EventInfoLine
771 character(len=150) FindInputFmt0
772 integer :: i, j, fieldwidth, spaces(1:6)
773 integer :: ProcessIdCharacters, WeightScaleAqedAqcdCharacters(1:4), WeightScaleAqedAqcdAfterDecimal(1:4)
774 character(len=40) :: FormatParts(1:6)
776 !find the number of spaces at the beginning
777 spaces(1) = 0
778 i = 1
779 do while (eventinfoline(i:i) .eq. " ")
780  i = i+1
781  spaces(1) = spaces(1)+1
782 end do
783 !now find the width of the number of particles, assume it's right aligned with a max of 2 digits
784 fieldwidth = 0
785 do while (eventinfoline(i:i) .ne. " ")
786  i = i+1
787  fieldwidth = fieldwidth+1
788 end do
789 spaces(1) = spaces(1) + fieldwidth - 2
791 !spaces and process id.
792 !"The process ID’s are not intended to be generic" [arXiv:0109068]
793 !I will assume that however many digits they are, they're right aligned
795 processidcharacters = -1 !so that it's 0 after the first space
796 spaces(2) = 1 !this is not increased, it's exactly 1
797 do while (eventinfoline(i:i) .eq. " ")
798  i = i+1
799  processidcharacters = processidcharacters+1
800 end do
801 do while (eventinfoline(i:i) .ne. " ")
802  i = i+1
803  processidcharacters = processidcharacters+1
804 end do
806 !the rest of the fields (scale, alpha_QED, alpha_QCD) are decimals
807 do j=1,4
808  spaces(j+2) = 0
809  do while (eventinfoline(i:i) .eq. " ")
810  i = i+1
811  spaces(j+2) = spaces(j+2)+1
812  end do
813  if (eventinfoline(i:i) .eq. "-") then
814  i = i+1
815  weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j) = 1 !we are already past the -
816  else if (spaces(j+2).eq.1) then
817  weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j) = 0
818  else
819  spaces(j+2) = spaces(j+2)-1 !because the place where the - sign is supposed to go is not always a space
820  weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j) = 1 !we are already past the -
821  endif
822  do while (eventinfoline(i:i) .ne. " ")
823  i = i+1
824  weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j) = weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j)+1
825  end do
826  weightscaleaqedaqcdafterdecimal(j) = weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j)-7
827 end do
829 !now we construct the format string
830 if (spaces(1).eq.0) then
831  formatparts(1) = "(I2,"
832 else
833  write(formatparts(1), "(A,I1,A)") "(", spaces(1), "X,I2,"
834 endif
835 if (processidcharacters.lt.10) then
836  write(formatparts(2), "(I1,A,I1,A)") spaces(2), "X,I", processidcharacters !the comma is at the beginning of the next part
837 else
838  write(formatparts(2), "(I1,A,I2)") spaces(2), "X,I", processidcharacters !the comma is at the beginning of the next part
839 endif
840 do j=1,4
841  if (weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j).lt.10) then
842  write(formatparts(j+2), "(A,I1,A,I1,A,I1)") ",", spaces(j+2), "X,1PE", weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j), ".", weightscaleaqedaqcdafterdecimal(j)
843  elseif (weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j).lt.17) then
844  write(formatparts(j+2), "(A,I1,A,I2,A,I1)") ",", spaces(j+2), "X,1PE", weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j), ".", weightscaleaqedaqcdafterdecimal(j)
845  else
846  write(formatparts(j+2), "(A,I1,A,I2,A,I2)") ",", spaces(j+2), "X,1PE", weightscaleaqedaqcdcharacters(j), ".", weightscaleaqedaqcdafterdecimal(j)
847  endif
848 end do
850 findinputfmt0 = (trim(formatparts(1)) &
851  // trim(formatparts(2)) &
852  // trim(formatparts(3)) &
853  // trim(formatparts(4)) &
854  // trim(formatparts(5)) &
855  // trim(formatparts(6)) &
856  // ")")
858 return

◆ findinputfmt1()

character(len=150) function modmisc::findinputfmt1 ( character(len=*)  ParticleLine)

Definition at line 864 of file mod_Misc.F90.

864 implicit none
865 character(len=*) :: ParticleLine
866 integer :: i, j, fieldwidth, spaces(1:13)
867 character(len=150) :: FindInputFmt1
868 integer :: MomentumCharacters(1:5), LifetimeCharacters, LifetimeDigitsAfterDecimal, SpinCharacters, SpinDigitsAfterDecimal
869 logical :: LifetimeIsExponential, SpinIsExponential
870 character(len=40) :: FormatParts(11)
871 !first find the number of spaces at the beginning
872 i = 1
873 spaces(1) = 0
874 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
875  i = i+1
876  spaces(1) = spaces(1)+1
877 end do
878 !now find the width of the id; assume it's right aligned.
879 fieldwidth = 0
880 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
881  i = i+1
882  fieldwidth = fieldwidth+1
883 end do
884 spaces(1) = spaces(1) + fieldwidth - 3
886 !number of spaces between the id and the status
887 spaces(2) = 0
888 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
889  i = i+1
890  spaces(2) = spaces(2)+1
891 end do
892 !width of the status (should be -1, so width 2, but just in case)
893 fieldwidth = 0
894 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
895  i = i+1
896  fieldwidth = fieldwidth+1
897 end do
898 spaces(2) = spaces(2) + fieldwidth - 2
900 !number of spaces between the status and the first mother
901 spaces(3) = 0
902 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
903  i = i+1
904  spaces(3) = spaces(3)+1
905 end do
906 fieldwidth = 0
907 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
908  i = i+1
909  fieldwidth = fieldwidth+1
910 end do
911 spaces(3) = spaces(3) + fieldwidth - 2
913 !number of spaces between the mothers
914 spaces(4) = 0
915 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
916  i = i+1
917  spaces(4) = spaces(4)+1
918 end do
919 fieldwidth = 0
920 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
921  i = i+1
922  fieldwidth = fieldwidth+1
923 end do
924 spaces(4) = spaces(4) + fieldwidth - 2
926 !number of spaces between the second mother and the color
927 spaces(5) = 0
928 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
929  i = i+1
930  spaces(5) = spaces(5)+1
931 end do
932 fieldwidth = 0
933 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
934  i = i+1
935  fieldwidth = fieldwidth+1
936 end do
937 spaces(5) = spaces(5) + fieldwidth - 3
939 !number of spaces between the color and the anticolor
940 spaces(6) = 0
941 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
942  i = i+1
943  spaces(6) = spaces(6)+1
944 end do
945 fieldwidth = 0
946 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
947  i = i+1
948  fieldwidth = fieldwidth+1
949 end do
950 spaces(6) = spaces(6) + fieldwidth - 3
952 !From now on the alignment is simpler, every row will have the same width
953 ! except for possibly a - sign at the beginning
954 !Unfortunately now there's number formatting to worry about
955 do j=7,11 !px, py, pz, E, m
956  !spaces before the momentum component
957  spaces(j) = 0
958  do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
959  i = i+1
960  spaces(j) = spaces(j)+1
961  end do
962  if (particleline(i:i) .eq. "-") then
963  i = i+1
964  else
965  spaces(j) = spaces(j)-1 !because the place where the - sign is supposed to go is not always a space
966  endif
967  !i is now on the first actual digit (not -) of the component
969  !number of characters used for the component
970  momentumcharacters(j-6) = 1 !we are already past the -
971  do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
972  i = i+1
973  momentumcharacters(j-6) = momentumcharacters(j-6)+1
974  end do
975 enddo
977 !number of spaces between m and lifetime
978 !lifetime is nonnegative, so no - sign
979 !but some generators (JHUGen) write 0.00000000000E+00
980 !while some (old JHUGen, some versions of MadGraph) write 0.
981 spaces(12) = 0
982 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
983  i = i+1
984  spaces(12) = spaces(12)+1
985 end do
987 !lifetime formatting
988 lifetimecharacters = 0
989 lifetimedigitsafterdecimal = -1
990 lifetimeisexponential = .false.
991 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
992  if ((lifetimedigitsafterdecimal .ge. 0 .and. .not.lifetimeisexponential) &
993  .or. particleline(i:i) .eq. ".") then
994  lifetimedigitsafterdecimal = lifetimedigitsafterdecimal+1
995  endif
996  if (particleline(i:i) .eq. "E" .or. particleline(i:i) .eq. "e") then
997  lifetimeisexponential = .true.
998  endif
999  i = i+1
1000  lifetimecharacters = lifetimecharacters+1
1001 enddo
1003 !number of spaces between lifetime and spin
1004 !spin has all the complications of lifetime, plus it might be negative
1005 spaces(13) = 0
1006 do while (particleline(i:i) .eq. " ")
1007  i = i+1
1008  spaces(13) = spaces(13)+1
1009 end do
1010 if (particleline(i:i) .eq. "-") then
1011  i = i+1
1012 else
1013  spaces(13) = spaces(13)-1 !because the place where the - sign is supposed to go is not always a space
1014 endif
1015 !i is now on the first digit of the spin
1017 !spin formatting
1018 spincharacters = 1 !we are already past the -
1019 spindigitsafterdecimal = -1
1020 spinisexponential = .false.
1021 do while (particleline(i:i) .ne. " ")
1022  if (spindigitsafterdecimal .ge. 0 .or. particleline(i:i) .eq. ".") then
1023  spindigitsafterdecimal = spindigitsafterdecimal+1
1024  endif
1025  if (particleline(i:i) .eq. "E" .or. particleline(i:i) .eq. "e") then
1026  spinisexponential = .true.
1027  endif
1028  i = i+1
1029  spincharacters = spincharacters+1
1030 enddo
1032 !check that spaces(i) > 0
1033 !(besides for spaces(1), before the id, which can be 0)
1034 !the only way this can happen, consistent with the definition of lhe format,
1035 ! is for a column not to leave extra space for a -
1036 do i=2,13
1037  if (spaces(i).eq.0) then
1038  spaces(i) = 1
1039  if (i.ge.7 .and. i.le.11) then !we counted the nonexistant space for - in MomentumCharacters(i-6)
1040  momentumcharacters(i-6) = momentumcharacters(i-6)-1
1041  endif
1042  if (i.eq.13) then !same
1043  spincharacters = spincharacters-1
1044  endif
1045  endif
1046 enddo
1048 !Ok, now we construct the format string
1049 !Initial spaces and id
1050 if (spaces(1).eq.0) then
1051  formatparts(1) = "(I3,"
1052 else
1053  write(formatparts(1),"(A,I1,A)") "(", spaces(1), "X,I3,"
1054 endif
1055 !spaces and status
1056 write(formatparts(2),"(I1,A)") spaces(2), "X,I2,"
1057 !spaces and mothers
1058 write(formatparts(3),"(I1,A,I1,A)") spaces(3), "X,I2,", spaces(4), "X,I2,"
1059 !spaces and colors
1060 write(formatparts(4),"(I1,A,I1,A)") spaces(5), "X,I3,", spaces(6), "X,I3,"
1062 do i=5,9
1063  !spaces and momentum components (and mass)
1064  if (momentumcharacters(i-4) .lt. 10) then
1065  write(formatparts(i),"(I1,A,I1,A,I1,A)") spaces(i+2), "X,1PE", momentumcharacters(i-4), ".", momentumcharacters(i-4)-7, ","
1066  elseif (momentumcharacters(i-4) .lt. 17) then
1067  write(formatparts(i),"(I1,A,I2,A,I1,A)") spaces(i+2), "X,1PE", momentumcharacters(i-4), ".", momentumcharacters(i-4)-7, ","
1068  else
1069  write(formatparts(i),"(I1,A,I2,A,I2,A)") spaces(i+2), "X,1PE", momentumcharacters(i-4), ".", momentumcharacters(i-4)-7, ","
1070  endif
1071 enddo
1073 !spaces and lifetime
1074 if (lifetimeisexponential) then
1075  if (lifetimecharacters .lt. 10) then
1076  write(formatparts(10),"(I1,A,I1,A,I1,A)") &
1077  spaces(12), "X,1PE",lifetimecharacters,".",lifetimedigitsafterdecimal,","
1078  elseif (lifetimedigitsafterdecimal.lt.10) then
1079  write(formatparts(10),"(I1,A,I2,A,I1,A)") &
1080  spaces(12), "X,1PE",lifetimecharacters,".",lifetimedigitsafterdecimal,","
1081  else
1082  write(formatparts(10),"(I1,A,I2,A,I2,A)") &
1083  spaces(12), "X,1PE",lifetimecharacters,".",lifetimedigitsafterdecimal,","
1084  endif
1085 else
1086  if (lifetimecharacters .lt. 10) then
1087  write(formatparts(10),"(I1,A,I1,A,I1,A)") &
1088  spaces(12), "X,1F",lifetimecharacters,".",lifetimedigitsafterdecimal,","
1089  elseif (lifetimedigitsafterdecimal.lt.10) then
1090  write(formatparts(10),"(I1,A,I2,A,I1,A)") &
1091  spaces(12), "X,1F",lifetimecharacters,".",lifetimedigitsafterdecimal,","
1092  else
1093  write(formatparts(10),"(I1,A,I2,A,I2,A)") &
1094  spaces(12), "X,1F",lifetimecharacters,".",lifetimedigitsafterdecimal,","
1095  endif
1096 endif
1098 !spaces and spin
1099 if (spinisexponential) then
1100  if (spincharacters .lt. 10) then
1101  write(formatparts(11),"(I1,A,I1,A,I1,A)") &
1102  spaces(13), "X,1PE",spincharacters,".",spindigitsafterdecimal,")"
1103  elseif (spindigitsafterdecimal.lt.10) then
1104  write(formatparts(11),"(I1,A,I2,A,I1,A)") &
1105  spaces(13), "X,1PE",spincharacters,".",spindigitsafterdecimal,")"
1106  else
1107  write(formatparts(11),"(I1,A,I2,A,I2,A)") &
1108  spaces(13), "X,1PE",spincharacters,".",spindigitsafterdecimal,")"
1109  endif
1110 else
1111  if (spincharacters .lt. 10) then
1112  write(formatparts(11),"(I1,A,I1,A,I1,A)") &
1113  spaces(13), "X,1F",spincharacters,".",spindigitsafterdecimal,")"
1114  elseif (spindigitsafterdecimal.lt.10) then
1115  write(formatparts(11),"(I1,A,I2,A,I1,A)") &
1116  spaces(13), "X,1F",spincharacters,".",spindigitsafterdecimal,")"
1117  else
1118  write(formatparts(11),"(I1,A,I2,A,I2,A)") &
1119  spaces(13), "X,1F",spincharacters,".",spindigitsafterdecimal,")"
1120  endif
1121 endif
1123 !do i=1,11
1124 ! print *, FormatParts(i)
1125 !enddo
1127 findinputfmt1 = (trim(formatparts(1)) &
1128  // trim(formatparts(2)) &
1129  // trim(formatparts(3)) &
1130  // trim(formatparts(4)) &
1131  // trim(formatparts(5)) &
1132  // trim(formatparts(6)) &
1133  // trim(formatparts(7)) &
1134  // trim(formatparts(8)) &
1135  // trim(formatparts(9)) &
1136  // trim(formatparts(10)) &
1137  // trim(formatparts(11)))
1138 return

◆ get_cosalpha()

real(8) function modmisc::get_cosalpha ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom1,
real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom2 

Definition at line 212 of file mod_Misc.F90.

212 implicit none
213 real(8) ::Mom1(1:4),Mom2(1:4),Get_CosAlpha
215  get_cosalpha = (mom1(2)*mom2(2)+mom1(3)*mom2(3)+mom1(4)*mom2(4))/dsqrt(mom1(2)**2+mom1(3)**2+mom1(4)**2)/dsqrt(mom2(2)**2+mom2(3)**2+mom2(4)**2)

◆ get_costheta()

real(8) function modmisc::get_costheta ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom)

Definition at line 222 of file mod_Misc.F90.

222 implicit none
223 real(8) ::Mom(1:4), Get_CosTheta
225  get_costheta = mom(4)/dsqrt( mom(2)**2+mom(3)**2+mom(4)**2 +1d-16)

◆ get_eta()

real(8) function modmisc::get_eta ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom)

Definition at line 190 of file mod_Misc.F90.

190 implicit none
191 real(8) ::Mom(1:4),Get_ETA
193  get_eta = 0.5d0*dlog( dabs((mom(1)+mom(4)+1d-16)/(mom(1)-mom(4) +1d-16) ))

◆ get_minv()

real(8) function modmisc::get_minv ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom)

Definition at line 172 of file mod_Misc.F90.

172 implicit none
173 real(8) ::Mom(1:4),Get_MInv
175  get_minv = dsqrt( dabs(mom(1:4).dot.mom(1:4)) )

◆ get_minv2()

real(8) function modmisc::get_minv2 ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom)

Definition at line 181 of file mod_Misc.F90.

181 implicit none
182 real(8) ::Mom(1:4),Get_MInv2
184  get_minv2 = mom(1:4).dot.mom(1:4)

◆ get_phi()

real(8) function modmisc::get_phi ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom)

Definition at line 200 of file mod_Misc.F90.

200 implicit none
201 real(8) ::Mom(1:4),Get_PHI
203  get_phi = datan2( mom(3),mom(2) )

◆ get_pt()

real(8) function modmisc::get_pt ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom)

Definition at line 152 of file mod_Misc.F90.

152 implicit none
153 real(8) ::Mom(1:4),Get_PT
155  get_pt = dsqrt( mom(2)**2 + mom(3)**2 )

◆ get_pt2()

real(8) function modmisc::get_pt2 ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom)

Definition at line 162 of file mod_Misc.F90.

162 implicit none
163 real(8) ::Mom(1:4),Get_PT2
165  get_pt2 = mom(2)**2 + mom(3)**2

◆ get_r()

real(8) function modmisc::get_r ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom1,
real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom2 

Definition at line 233 of file mod_Misc.F90.

233 implicit none
234 real(8),parameter :: Pi=3.141592653589793d0
235 real(8) :: Mom1(1:4),Mom2(1:4),Get_R
236 real(8) :: eta1,eta2,phi1,phi2,DeltaPhi,r2,delphi
238  eta1 = get_eta(mom1(1:4))
239  eta2 = get_eta(mom2(1:4))
240  phi1 = get_phi(mom1(1:4))
241  phi2 = get_phi(mom2(1:4))
242  deltaphi = dabs(phi1-phi2)
243  if( deltaphi.gt.pi ) deltaphi=2d0*pi-deltaphi
244  get_r = dsqrt((eta1-eta2)**2 + deltaphi**2)

◆ houseofrepresentatives()

subroutine modmisc::houseofrepresentatives ( real(8), dimension(-5:5,-5:5), intent(in)  XSecArray,
integer(8), dimension(-5:5,-5:5), intent(out)  NumberOfSeats,
integer, intent(in)  TotalNumberOfSeats 

Definition at line 1167 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1167 !Want to generate TotalNumberOfSeats events among the partonic channels, proportional to the xsec.
1168 !But can't generate half an event, so need to round in some way.
1169 !Apparently this is a major political issue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apportionment_paradox
1170 !The first US presidential veto was when George Washington vetoed a change in rounding scheme
1171 ! because Virginia would have lost seats in the House.
1172 !Also, if the US had used a different system, Rutherford B. Hayes wouldn't have been president.
1174 !For our case, it's much easier because we can and should distribute randomly, not deterministically
1175 ! so that if you run 1000 times with 50 events each the fluctuations average out.
1176 !Also states with small xsec like Wyoming don't get a seat.
1177 implicit none
1178 real(8) :: totalxsec, CrossSecNormalized(-5:5,-5:5), yRnd
1179 integer :: n, i, j
1180 integer, intent(in) :: TotalNumberOfSeats
1181 real(8), intent(in) :: XSecArray(-5:5,-5:5)
1182 integer(8), intent(out) :: NumberOfSeats(-5:5,-5:5)
1183  totalxsec = 0
1184  numberofseats(:,:) = 0
1185  if (totalnumberofseats.lt.1) return
1187  do i=-5,5
1188  do j=-5,5
1189  totalxsec = totalxsec+abs(xsecarray(i,j))
1190  enddo
1191  enddo
1192  if (totalxsec.eq.0d0) then
1193  print *,"HouseOfRepresentatives: Total xsec is 0. Aborting..."
1194  stop 1
1195  endif
1196  do i=-5,5
1197  do j=-5,5
1198  crosssecnormalized(i,j) = abs(xsecarray(i,j)) / totalxsec
1199  enddo
1200  enddo
1202  do n=1,totalnumberofseats
1203  do while(.true.)
1204  call random_number(yrnd)
1205  do i=-5,5
1206  do j=-5,5
1207  if (yrnd .lt. crosssecnormalized(i,j)) then
1208  numberofseats(i,j) = numberofseats(i,j)+1
1209  goto 99
1210  endif
1211  yrnd = yrnd - crosssecnormalized(i,j)
1212  enddo
1213  enddo
1214  !in case a rounding error causes sum(CrossSecNormalized) != 1
1215  print *, "HouseOfRepresentatives: Warning, rounding error, try again"
1216  enddo
1217 99 continue
1218  enddo
1220  if (sum(numberofseats(:,:)).ne.totalnumberofseats) then
1221  print *, "HouseOfRepresentatives: Wrong total number of events, shouldn't be able to happen"
1222  stop 1
1223  endif

◆ houseofrepresentatives2()

subroutine modmisc::houseofrepresentatives2 ( real(8), dimension(:), intent(in)  XSecArray,
integer(8), dimension(:), intent(out)  NumberOfSeats,
integer, intent(in)  TotalNumberOfSeats 

Definition at line 1230 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1230 !same as above with one-dim. arrays
1231 implicit none
1232 real(8), intent(in) :: XSecArray(:)
1233 real(8) :: totalxsec, CrossSecNormalized(size(XSecArray)), yRnd
1234 integer :: n,i,nchannels
1235 integer, intent(in) :: TotalNumberOfSeats
1236 integer(8), intent(out) :: NumberOfSeats(:)
1237  totalxsec = 0
1238  numberofseats(:) = 0
1239  if (totalnumberofseats.lt.1) return
1241  nchannels = size(xsecarray)
1243  do i=1,nchannels
1244  totalxsec = totalxsec+abs(xsecarray(i))
1245  enddo
1246  if (totalxsec.eq.0d0) then
1247  print *,"HouseOfRepresentatives2: Total xsec is 0. Aborting..."
1248  stop 1
1249  endif
1250  do i=1,nchannels
1251  crosssecnormalized(i) = abs(xsecarray(i)) / totalxsec
1252  enddo
1254  do n=1,totalnumberofseats
1255  do while(.true.)
1256  call random_number(yrnd)
1257  do i=1,nchannels
1258  if (yrnd .lt. crosssecnormalized(i)) then
1259  numberofseats(i) = numberofseats(i)+1
1260  goto 99
1261  endif
1262  yrnd = yrnd - crosssecnormalized(i)
1263  enddo
1264  print *, "HouseOfRepresentatives2: Warning, rounding error, try again"
1265  enddo
1266 99 continue
1267  enddo
1269  if (sum(numberofseats(:)).ne.totalnumberofseats) then
1270  print *, "HouseOfRepresentatives2: Wrong total number of events, shouldn't be able to happen"
1271  stop 1
1272  endif

◆ infinity()

real function modmisc::infinity

Definition at line 1563 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1563  implicit none
1564  real :: x
1565  x = 0
1566  infinity=-log(x)

◆ isnan()

logical function modmisc::isnan ( real(8)  x)

Definition at line 380 of file mod_Misc.F90.

380 implicit none
381 logical IsNan
382 real(8) :: x
384  isnan = .not.(x.eq.x)

◆ leviciv()

complex(8) function modmisc::leviciv ( complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e1,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e2,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e3,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  e4 

Definition at line 448 of file mod_Misc.F90.

448 implicit none
449 complex(8), intent(in) :: e1(4), e2(4), e3(4), e4(4)
450 complex(8) ::LeviCiv
452 leviciv = e1(1)*e2(2)*e3(3)*e4(4)-e1(1)*e2(2)*e3(4)*e4(3) &
453  -e1(1)*e2(3)*e3(2)*e4(4)+e1(1)*e2(3)*e3(4)*e4(2) &
454  +e1(1)*e2(4)*e3(2)*e4(3)-e1(1)*e2(4)*e3(3)*e4(2) &
455  -e1(2)*e2(1)*e3(3)*e4(4)+e1(2)*e2(1)*e3(4)*e4(3) &
456  +e1(2)*e2(3)*e3(1)*e4(4)-e1(2)*e2(3)*e3(4)*e4(1) &
457  -e1(2)*e2(4)*e3(1)*e4(3)+e1(2)*e2(4)*e3(3)*e4(1) &
458  +e1(3)*e2(1)*e3(2)*e4(4)-e1(3)*e2(1)*e3(4)*e4(2) &
459  -e1(3)*e2(2)*e3(1)*e4(4)+e1(3)*e2(2)*e3(4)*e4(1) &
460  +e1(3)*e2(4)*e3(1)*e4(2)-e1(3)*e2(4)*e3(2)*e4(1) &
461  -e1(4)*e2(1)*e3(2)*e4(3)+e1(4)*e2(1)*e3(3)*e4(2) &
462  +e1(4)*e2(2)*e3(1)*e4(3)-e1(4)*e2(2)*e3(3)*e4(1) &
463  -e1(4)*e2(3)*e3(1)*e4(2)+e1(4)*e2(3)*e3(2)*e4(1)

◆ logicaltointeger()

integer function modmisc::logicaltointeger ( logical  var)

Definition at line 97 of file mod_Misc.F90.

97 implicit none
98 logical :: var
99 integer :: LogicalToInteger
100  if (var) then
101  logicaltointeger = 1
102  else
103  logicaltointeger = 0
104  endif

◆ minkowskyproduct()

real(8) function modmisc::minkowskyproduct ( real(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p1,
real(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p2 

Definition at line 50 of file mod_Misc.F90.

50 implicit none
51 real(8), intent(in) :: p1(1:4),p2(1:4)
52 real(8) :: MinkowskyProduct
54  minkowskyproduct = p1(1)*p2(1) &
55  - p1(2)*p2(2) &
56  - p1(3)*p2(3) &
57  -p1(4)*p2(4)

◆ minkowskyproductc()

complex(8) function modmisc::minkowskyproductc ( complex(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p1,
complex(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p2 

Definition at line 61 of file mod_Misc.F90.

61 implicit none
62 complex(8), intent(in) :: p1(1:4),p2(1:4)
63 complex(8) :: MinkowskyProductC
65  minkowskyproductc = p1(1)*p2(1) &
66  - p1(2)*p2(2) &
67  - p1(3)*p2(3) &
68  - p1(4)*p2(4)

◆ minkowskyproductcr()

complex(8) function modmisc::minkowskyproductcr ( complex(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p1,
real(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p2 

Definition at line 84 of file mod_Misc.F90.

84 implicit none
85 real(8), intent(in) :: p2(1:4)
86 complex(8), intent(in) :: p1(1:4)
87 complex(8) :: MinkowskyProductCR
89  minkowskyproductcr = p1(1)*p2(1) &
90  - p1(2)*p2(2) &
91  - p1(3)*p2(3) &
92  - p1(4)*p2(4)

◆ minkowskyproductrc()

complex(8) function modmisc::minkowskyproductrc ( real(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p1,
complex(8), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  p2 

Definition at line 72 of file mod_Misc.F90.

72 implicit none
73 real(8), intent(in) :: p1(1:4)
74 complex(8), intent(in) :: p2(1:4)
75 complex(8) :: MinkowskyProductRC
77  minkowskyproductrc = p1(1)*p2(1) &
78  - p1(2)*p2(2) &
79  - p1(3)*p2(3) &
80  - p1(4)*p2(4)

◆ pol_gluon_incoming()

complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) modmisc::pol_gluon_incoming ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  p,
integer  hel 

Definition at line 469 of file mod_Misc.F90.

469 implicit none
470 complex(8) :: pol_gluon_incoming(1:4)
471 real(8) :: p(1:4)
472 integer :: hel
473 real(8) :: pv,ct,st,cphi,sphi
476  pv=dsqrt(dabs(p(1)**2))
477  ct=p(4)/pv
478  st=dsqrt(abs(1.0d0-ct**2))
480  if( st.le.1d-9 ) then
481  cphi=1.0d0
482  sphi=0.0d0
483  else
484  cphi= p(2)/pv/st
485  sphi= p(3)/pv/st
486  endif
487  ! -- distinguish between positive and negative energies
488 ! if ( p(1) .gt. 0.0_dp) then
489 ! hel=hel
490 ! else
491 ! hel=-hel
492 ! endif
494 ! if (present(outgoing)) then
495 ! if (outgoing) pol = -pol
496 ! endif
498  pol_gluon_incoming(1) = 0d0
499  pol_gluon_incoming(2) = ct*cphi - (0d0,1d0)*hel*sphi
500  pol_gluon_incoming(3) = ct*sphi + (0d0,1d0)*hel*cphi
501  pol_gluon_incoming(4) = -st
503  pol_gluon_incoming(2:4) = pol_gluon_incoming(2:4)/dsqrt(2.0d0)

◆ pol_zff_outgoing()

complex(8) function, dimension(4) modmisc::pol_zff_outgoing ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  pf,
real(8), dimension(1:4)  pfbar,
integer  hel 

Definition at line 507 of file mod_Misc.F90.

507 implicit none
508 complex(8) :: pol_Zff_outgoing(4)
509 integer :: hel
510 real(8):: pf(1:4),pfbar(1:4)
511 complex(8) :: Ub(1:4),V(1:4)
512  ub(1:4) = ubar_spinor(pf,hel)
513  v(1:4) = v_spinor(pfbar,-hel)
515  ! This is an expression for (-i)* (-i) Ub(+/-)) Gamma^\mu V(-/+)
516  pol_zff_outgoing(1)=-(ub(2)*v(4)+v(2)*ub(4)+ub(1)*v(3)+v(1)*ub(3))
517  pol_zff_outgoing(2)=-(-ub(1)*v(4)+v(1)*ub(4)-ub(2)*v(3)+v(2)*ub(3))
518  pol_zff_outgoing(3)=-(0d0,1d0)*(ub(1)*v(4)+v(1)*ub(4)-ub(2)*v(3)-v(2)*ub(3))
519  pol_zff_outgoing(4)=-(ub(2)*v(4)-v(2)*ub(4)-ub(1)*v(3)+v(1)*ub(3))

◆ printlogo()

subroutine modmisc::printlogo ( integer  TheUnit,
character(len=*)  title 

Definition at line 1531 of file mod_Misc.F90.

1531 use modparameters
1532 implicit none
1533 integer :: TheUnit
1534 integer, parameter :: linelength = 89
1535 character(len=*) :: title
1537  write(theunit, *) " "
1538  write(theunit, *) " ", repeat("*", linelength)
1539  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars(trim(title)//" "//trim(jhugen_version), linelength)
1540  write(theunit, *) " ", repeat("*", linelength)
1541  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("", linelength)
1542  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Spin and parity determination of single-produced resonances at hadron colliders", linelength)
1543  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("", linelength)
1544  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("I. Anderson, S. Bolognesi, F. Caola, J. Davis, Y. Gao, A. V. Gritsan,", linelength)
1545  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("L. S. Mandacaru Guerra, Z. Guo, L. Kang, S. Kyriacou, C. B. Martin, T. Martini,", linelength)
1546  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("K. Melnikov, R. Pan, M. Panagiotou, R. Rontsch, J. Roskes, U. Sarica,", linelength)
1547  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("M. Schulze, M. V. Srivastav, N. V. Tran, A. Whitbeck, M. Xiao, Y. Zhou", linelength)
1548  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Phys.Rev. D81 (2010) 075022; arXiv:1001.3396 [hep-ph],", linelength)
1549  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 095031; arXiv:1208.4018 [hep-ph],", linelength)
1550  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Phys.Rev. D89 (2014) 035007; arXiv:1309.4819 [hep-ph],", linelength)
1551  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Phys.Rev. D94 (2016) 055023; arXiv:1606.03107 [hep-ph],", linelength)
1552  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Phys.Rev. D102 (2020) 056022; arXiv:2002.09888 [hep-ph],", linelength)
1553  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Phys.Rev. D102 (2021) 055045; arXiv:2104.04277 [hep-ph].", linelength)
1554  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("Phys.Rev. D105 (2022) 096027; arXiv:2109.13363 [hep-ph].", linelength)
1555  write(theunit, *) " ", centerwithstars("", linelength)
1556  write(theunit, *) " ", repeat("*", linelength)
1557  write(theunit, *) " "
1558 return

◆ printmom()

subroutine modmisc::printmom ( real(8), dimension(:,:)  Mom)

Definition at line 351 of file mod_Misc.F90.

351 implicit none
352 real(8) :: Mom(:,:)
353 integer :: n
355  do n=1,size(mom,2)
356  write (*,"(A,I2,A,1F20.16,A,1F20.16,A,1F20.16,A,1F20.16,A)") "Mom(1:4,",n,")= (/",mom(1,n),"d0,",mom(2,n),"d0,",mom(3,n),"d0,",mom(4,n),"d0 /)"
357  enddo

◆ pt_order()

subroutine modmisc::pt_order ( integer  N,
real(8), dimension(1:4,1:n)  Mom 

Definition at line 253 of file mod_Misc.F90.

253 implicit none
254 integer :: N
255 real(8) :: Mom(1:4,1:N),Mom_Tmp(1:4,1:N),pTList(1:N)
256 integer :: i,MomOrder(1:N)
259  if(n.lt.1) return
260  do i=1,n
261  ptlist(i) = get_pt(mom(1:4,i))
262  momorder(i) = i
263  enddo
265  call bublesort(n,ptlist(1:n),momorder(1:n))
267  mom_tmp(1:4,1:n) = mom(1:4,1:n)
268  do i=1,n
269  mom(1:4,i) = mom_tmp(1:4,momorder(i))
270  enddo

◆ sc()

double complex function modmisc::sc ( complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  q1,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  q2 

Definition at line 127 of file mod_Misc.F90.

127 implicit none
128 complex(8), intent(in) :: q1(4)
129 complex(8), intent(in) :: q2(4)
130  sc = q1.dot.q2
131  return

◆ scr()

double precision function modmisc::scr ( real(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  p1,
real(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  p2 

Definition at line 135 of file mod_Misc.F90.

135 implicit none
136 real(8), intent(in) :: p1(4),p2(4)
137  scr = p1.dot.p2
138  return

◆ scrc()

double complex function modmisc::scrc ( real(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  p1,
complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  p2 

Definition at line 142 of file mod_Misc.F90.

142 implicit none
143 real(8), intent(in) :: p1(4)
144 complex(8), intent(in) :: p2(4)
145  scrc = p1.dot.p2
146  return

◆ spb2_weyl()

complex(8) function, dimension(4) modmisc::spb2_weyl ( complex(8), dimension(:), intent(in)  sp,
complex(8), dimension(:), intent(in)  v 

Definition at line 657 of file mod_Misc.F90.

657 implicit none
658 complex(8), intent(in) :: sp(:),v(:)
659 complex(8) :: spb2_Weyl(4)
660 complex(8) :: x0(4,4),xx(4,4),xy(4,4)
661 complex(8) :: xz(4,4),x5(4,4)
662 complex(8) :: y1,y2,y3,y4,bp,bm,cp,cm
663 integer :: i,i1,i2,i3,Dv,Ds,imax
665  ds = 4
666  dv = 4
667  imax = ds/4
669  do i=1,imax
670  i1= 1+4*(i-1)
671  i2=i1+3
673  y1=sp(i1)
674  y2=sp(i1+1)
675  y3=sp(i1+2)
676  y4=sp(i1+3)
678  x0(1,i)=y3
679  x0(2,i)=y4
680  x0(3,i)=y1
681  x0(4,i)=y2
683  xx(1,i) = y4
684  xx(2,i) = y3
685  xx(3,i) = -y2
686  xx(4,i) = -y1
688  xy(1,i)=(0d0,1d0)*y4
689  xy(2,i)=-(0d0,1d0)*y3
690  xy(3,i)=-(0d0,1d0)*y2
691  xy(4,i)=(0d0,1d0)*y1
693  xz(1,i)=y3
694  xz(2,i)=-y4
695  xz(3,i)=-y1
696  xz(4,i)=y2
698  x5(1,i)=y1
699  x5(2,i)=y2
700  x5(3,i)=-y3
701  x5(4,i)=-y4
702  enddo
705  do i=1,4
706  spb2_weyl(i)=v(1)*x0(i,1)-v(2)*xx(i,1)-v(3)*xy(i,1)-v(4)*xz(i,1)
707  enddo

◆ spi2_weyl()

complex(8) function, dimension(4) modmisc::spi2_weyl ( complex(8), dimension(:), intent(in)  v,
complex(8), dimension(:), intent(in)  sp 

Definition at line 711 of file mod_Misc.F90.

711 implicit none
712 complex(8), intent(in) :: sp(:),v(:)
713 complex(8) :: spi2_Weyl(4)
714 complex(8) :: x0(4,4),xx(4,4),xy(4,4)
715 complex(8) :: xz(4,4),x5(4,4)
716 complex(8) :: y1,y2,y3,y4,bp,bm,cp,cm
717 integer :: i,i1,i2,i3,imax,Dv,Ds
719  ds = 4
720  dv = 4
722  imax = ds/4
724  do i=1,imax
725  i1= 1+4*(i-1)
726  i2=i1+3
728  y1=sp(i1)
729  y2=sp(i1+1)
730  y3=sp(i1+2)
731  y4=sp(i1+3)
733  x0(1,i)=y3
734  x0(2,i)=y4
735  x0(3,i)=y1
736  x0(4,i)=y2
739  xx(1,i) = -y4
740  xx(2,i) = -y3
741  xx(3,i) = y2
742  xx(4,i) = y1
745  xy(1,i)=(0d0,1d0)*y4
746  xy(2,i)=-(0d0,1d0)*y3
747  xy(3,i)=-(0d0,1d0)*y2
748  xy(4,i)=(0d0,1d0)*y1
750  xz(1,i)=-y3
751  xz(2,i)=y4
752  xz(3,i)=y1
753  xz(4,i)=-y2
755  x5(1,i)=y1
756  x5(2,i)=y2
757  x5(3,i)=-y3
758  x5(4,i)=-y4
759  enddo
760  do i=1,4
761  spi2_weyl(i)=v(1)*x0(i,1)-v(2)*xx(i,1) -v(3)*xy(i,1)-v(4)*xz(i,1)
762  enddo

◆ swap_cmom()

subroutine modmisc::swap_cmom ( complex(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom1,
complex(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom2 

Definition at line 434 of file mod_Misc.F90.

434 implicit none
435 complex(8) :: Mom1(1:4),Mom2(1:4),tmp(1:4)
437  tmp(1:4) = mom2(1:4)
438  mom2(1:4) = mom1(1:4)
439  mom1(1:4) = tmp(1:4)

◆ swap_mom()

subroutine modmisc::swap_mom ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom1,
real(8), dimension(1:4)  Mom2 

Definition at line 423 of file mod_Misc.F90.

423 implicit none
424 real(8) :: Mom1(1:4),Mom2(1:4),tmp(1:4)
426  tmp(1:4) = mom2(1:4)
427  mom2(1:4) = mom1(1:4)
428  mom1(1:4) = tmp(1:4)

◆ swapc()

subroutine modmisc::swapc ( complex(8)  i,
complex(8)  j 

Definition at line 413 of file mod_Misc.F90.

413 implicit none
414 complex(8) :: i,j,temp
416  temp=j
417  j=i
418  i=temp

◆ swapi()

subroutine modmisc::swapi ( integer  i,
integer  j 

Definition at line 393 of file mod_Misc.F90.

393 implicit none
394 integer :: i,j,temp
396  temp=j
397  j=i
398  i=temp

◆ swapr()

subroutine modmisc::swapr ( real(8)  i,
real(8)  j 

Definition at line 403 of file mod_Misc.F90.

403 implicit none
404 real(8) :: i,j,temp
406  temp=j
407  j=i
408  i=temp

◆ ubar_spinor()

complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) modmisc::ubar_spinor ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  p,
integer  hel 

Definition at line 526 of file mod_Misc.F90.

526 implicit none
527 real(8) :: p(1:4)
528 integer :: hel
529 complex(8) :: ubar_spinor(1:4)
530 complex(8) :: fc, fc2
533  fc2 = p(1) + p(4)
534  fc=sqrt(fc2)
536  if( abs(fc2).gt.1d-9 ) then
537  if(hel.eq.1) then
538  ubar_spinor(1)=0d0
539  ubar_spinor(2)=0d0
540  ubar_spinor(3)=fc
541  ubar_spinor(4)=(p(2)-(0d0,1d0)*p(3))/fc
542  elseif (hel.eq.-1) then
543  ubar_spinor(1)=(p(2)+(0d0,1d0)*p(3))/fc
544  ubar_spinor(2)=-fc
545  ubar_spinor(3)=0d0
546  ubar_spinor(4)=0d0
547  endif
548  else
549  if(hel.eq.1) then
550  ubar_spinor(1) = 0d0
551  ubar_spinor(2) = 0d0
552  ubar_spinor(3) = 0d0
553  ubar_spinor(4) = dsqrt(2*p(1))
554  elseif (hel.eq.-1) then
555  ubar_spinor(1) = dsqrt((2*p(1)))
556  ubar_spinor(2) = 0d0
557  ubar_spinor(3) = 0d0
558  ubar_spinor(4) = 0d0
559  endif
560  endif

◆ v_spinor()

complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) modmisc::v_spinor ( real(8), dimension(1:4)  p,
integer  hel 

Definition at line 567 of file mod_Misc.F90.

567 implicit none
568 real(8) :: p(1:4)
569 integer :: hel
570 complex(8) :: v_spinor(1:4)
571 complex(8) :: fc2, fc
574  fc2 = p(1) + p(4)
575  fc=sqrt(fc2)
577  if( abs(fc2).gt.1d-9 ) then
578  if(hel.eq.1) then
579  v_spinor(1)=0d0
580  v_spinor(2)=0d0
581  v_spinor(3)=(p(2)-(0d0,1d0)*p(3))/fc
582  v_spinor(4)=-fc
583  elseif (hel.eq.-1) then
584  v_spinor(1)=fc
585  v_spinor(2)=(p(2)+(0d0,1d0)*p(3))/fc
586  v_spinor(3)=0d0
587  v_spinor(4)=0d0
588  endif
589  else
590  if(hel.eq.1) then
591  v_spinor(1)=0d0
592  v_spinor(2)=0d0
593  v_spinor(3)=dsqrt(2*p(1))
594  v_spinor(4)=0d0
595  elseif (hel.eq.-1) then
596  v_spinor(1)=0d0
597  v_spinor(2)=dsqrt(2*p(1))
598  v_spinor(3)=0d0
599  v_spinor(4)=0d0
600  endif
601  endif

◆ vbqq_weyl()

complex(8) function, dimension(dv) modmisc::vbqq_weyl ( complex(8), dimension(:), intent(in)  sp1,
complex(8), dimension(:), intent(in)  sp2 

Definition at line 626 of file mod_Misc.F90.

626 implicit none
627 complex(8), intent(in) :: sp1(:), sp2(:)
628 integer, parameter :: Dv=4
629 integer :: i
630 complex(8) :: vbqq_Weyl(Dv)
631 complex(8) :: rr, va(Dv),sp1a(4)
633  va=(0d0,0d0)
634  vbqq_weyl=(0d0,0d0)
636  do i=1,dv
637  if (i.eq.1) then
638  va(1)=(1d0,0d0)
639  else
640  va(i)=(-1d0,0d0)
641  endif
642  sp1a=spb2_weyl(sp1,va)
645  rr=sum(sp1a(1:4)*sp2(1:4))
646  if (i.eq.1) then
647  vbqq_weyl = vbqq_weyl + rr*va
648  else
649  vbqq_weyl = vbqq_weyl - rr*va
650  endif
651  va(i)=(0d0,0d0)
652  enddo

◆ vectorcross()

real(8) function, dimension(1:3) modmisc::vectorcross ( real(8), dimension(1:3), intent(in)  p1,
real(8), dimension(1:3), intent(in)  p2 

Definition at line 38 of file mod_Misc.F90.

38 implicit none
39 real(8), intent(in) :: p1(1:3),p2(1:3)
40 real(8) :: VectorCross(1:3)
42  vectorcross(1) = p1(2)*p2(3) - p1(3)*p2(2)
43  vectorcross(2) = p1(3)*p2(1) - p1(1)*p2(3)
44  vectorcross(3) = p1(1)*p2(2) - p1(2)*p2(1)
double complex function et1(e1, e2, e3, e4)
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:109
real function infinity()
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:1563
real(8), parameter, public two
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:84
subroutine error(Message, ErrNum)
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:366
double complex function sc(q1, q2)
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:127
double complex function scrc(p1, p2)
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:142
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:24
subroutine hto_fmmsplinesingleht(b, c, d, top, gdim)
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:4131
complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) ubar_spinor(p, hel)
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:526
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1
complex(8) function, dimension(1:4) v_spinor(p, hel)
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:567
double precision function scr(p1, p2)
Definition: mod_Misc.F90:135
subroutine hto_seval3singleht(u, b, c, d, top, gdim, f, fp, fpp, fppp)
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:4246
character(len= *), parameter jhugen_version
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:6