JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Functions/Subroutines | Variables
modparameters Module Reference


complex(8) function hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling (index, sWplus, sWminus, sWW, tryWWcoupl)
complex(8) function vpffcoupling (jhuid, hel, useWp)
complex(8) function vpffcoupling_pdg (pdgid, hel, useWp)
real(8) function scalefactor (id1in, id2in)
real(8) function ckmbare (id1in, id2in)
real(8) function ckm (id1in, id2in)
real(8) function zffbare (id1in, id2in, h1, h2)
real(8) function zff (id1in, id2in, h1, h2)
real(8) function aff (id1in, id2in, h1, h2)
integer function convertlhereverse (Part)
integer function convertlhe (Part)
integer function converttopartindex (Part)
integer function convertfrompartindex (Part)
subroutine setmass (mass, ipart)
subroutine setdecaywidth (width, ipart)
real(8) function getmass (Part)
real(8) function getdecaywidth (Part)
subroutine sethiggsmass (jH, mass)
subroutine sethiggsdecaywidth (jH, width)
real(8) function gethiggsmass (jH)
real(8) function gethiggsdecaywidth (jH)
character(len=3) function getparticle (Part)
character(len=3) function getlheparticle (PartLHE)
logical function isazdecay (DKMode)
logical function isawdecay (DKMode)
logical function isaphoton (DKMode)
logical function isdowntypequark (PartType)
logical function islhedowntypequark (PartType)
logical function isuptypequark (PartType)
logical function islheuptypequark (PartType)
logical function isuptypelightquark (PartType)
logical function islheuptypelightquark (PartType)
logical function isaquark (PartType)
logical function isalhequark (PartType)
logical function isalightquark (PartType)
logical function isalhelightquark (PartType)
logical function isaneutrino (PartType)
logical function isalheneutrino (PartType)
logical function isalepton (PartType)
logical function isalhelepton (PartType)
logical function isagluon (PartType)
logical function isalhegluon (PartType)
logical function isajet (PartType)
logical function isalhejet (PartType)
logical function isaboson (PartType)
logical function isalheboson (PartType)
integer function coupledvertex (id, hel, useAHcoupl)
logical function coupledvertexisdiagonal (id, hel)
integer function countleptons (MY_IDUP)
integer function countjets (MY_IDUP)
integer function su2flip (Part)
logical function coupltolhewp (Part)
logical function coupltolhewm (Part)
integer function chargeflip (Part)
subroutine computeckmelements (inVCKM_ud, inVCKM_us, inVCKM_cd, inVCKM_cs, inVCKM_ts, inVCKM_tb, inVCKM_ub, inVCKM_cb, inVCKM_td)
subroutine setdefaultckm ()
subroutine computeewvariables ()
subroutine computeqcdvariables ()
subroutine evalalphas ()
real(8) function massfrun (mf, scale)
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) pol_mless (p, i, outgoing)
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) pol_mless2 (p, i, out)
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) pol_dk2mom (plepton, antilepton, i, outgoing)
complex(8) function, dimension(4) pol_mass (p, i, outgoing)
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) pol_mass2 (p, i, out)
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) ubar0 (p, i)
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) v0 (p, i)
subroutine spinoru (p, za, zb, s)
subroutine initcollier (Nmax, Rmax)


character(len= *), parameter jhugen_version ="v7.5.4"
integer, parameter, public dp = selected_real_kind(15)
real(8), parameter, public tol = 0.0000001d0
integer, parameter, public invalidmode =-1
integer, parameter, public wwmode =00
integer, parameter, public zzmode =01
integer, parameter, public zgsmode =02
integer, parameter, public gszmode =03
integer, parameter, public gsgsmode =04
integer, parameter, public zgmode =05
integer, parameter, public gsgmode =06
integer, parameter, public ggmode =07
integer, parameter, public wwpmode =10
integer, parameter, public wpwmode =11
integer, parameter, public wpwpmode =12
integer, parameter, public zzpmode =20
integer, parameter, public zpzmode =21
integer, parameter, public zpzpmode =22
integer, parameter, public gszpmode =30
integer, parameter, public zpgsmode =31
integer, parameter, public zpgmode =32
integer, public collider
integer, public pchannel
integer, public process
integer, public decaymode1
integer, public decaymode2
integer, public topdecays
integer, public taudecays
integer, public vegasit1
integer, public vegasnc0
integer, public vegasnc1
integer, public vegasnc2
integer, public pmzzevals
real(8), public collider_energy
integer, public facscheme
integer, public renscheme
real(8), public mufacmultiplier
real(8), public murenmultiplier
real(8), public customupperscalebound
real(8), public customlowerscalebound
integer, public vegasit1_default
integer, public vegasnc0_default
integer, public vegasnc1_default
integer, public vegasnc2_default
integer, public numhistograms
integer, dimension(1:2), public requestnleptons = -1
integer, dimension(1:2), public requestnjets = -1
integer, dimension(1:2), public requestos = -1
integer, dimension(1:2), public requestossf = -1
logical, public unweighted
logical, public offshellreson
logical, public offshellv1
logical, public offshellv2
logical, public readlhefile
logical, public convertlhefile
logical, public doprintpmzz
logical, public readcsmax
logical, public generateevents
logical, public counttauasany
logical, public hasleptonfilter
logical, public foundhiggsmass
logical, public foundhiggswidth
integer, public writefailedevents
logical, public filesopened = .false.
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_default =0
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mhstar =1
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mjjhstar =2
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mjj_mhstar =3
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mj_mj_mhstar =4
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mjj =5
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mj_mj =6
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mjhstar =7
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mj_mhstar =8
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_mj =9
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_maxptj =10
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_minptj =11
integer, parameter, public krenfacscheme_custom_scale =12
integer, parameter, public nrenfacschemes =13
integer, parameter, public maxpart = 30
integer, parameter, public nmaxchannels =200
integer(8), public evalcounter =0
integer(8), public rejecounter =0
integer(8), public accepcounter =0
integer(8), public alertcounter =0
integer(8), dimension(-6:6,-6:6), public accepcounter_part =0
integer(8), dimension(-6:6,-6:6), public rejecounter_part =0
integer(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public requevents =0
real(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public crosssecmax =0
real(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public crosssec =0
integer(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public requevents2 =0
integer(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public accepcounter_part2 =0
real(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public crosssec2 =0
real(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public crosssecmax2 =0
integer, public ipart_sel
integer, public jpart_sel
integer, public ichann_sel
real(8) time_start
real(8) time_end
real(8) time_int
logical, public warmup
character(len=500) datafile
character(len=500) csmaxfile
character(len=500) logfile
character(len=500) lheprodfile
character(len=100) lhapdfstring
character(len=500) lhapdf_data_path
integer, public lhapdfmember
integer, public lenlhapdfstring
integer, public pdfset
logical, public includeinterference
logical, public reweightinterference
logical, public writegit
real(8), public m_v
real(8), public ga_v
real(8), public m_vprime
real(8), public ga_vprime
real(8), public m_v_ps
real(8), public ga_v_ps
real(8), public m_z_ps
real(8), public ga_z_ps
real(8), public m_w_ps
real(8), public ga_w_ps
real(dp), parameter, public pi =3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197_dp
real(dp), parameter, public sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980786_dp
real(dp), parameter, public gamma_0 = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421_dp
real(dp), parameter, public pisq = pi**2
real(8), parameter, public one = 1.0d0
real(8), parameter, public mone = -1.0d0
real(8), parameter, public half = 0.5d0
real(8), parameter, public two = 2.0d0
real(8), parameter, public zero = 0d0
complex(8), parameter, public czero = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public cone = 1.0d0
complex(8), parameter, public ci =(0d0, 1.0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public ne =(0d0, 1.0d0)
real(8), parameter, public percent =1d0/100d0
real(8), parameter, public symmfac =1d0/2d0
real(8), parameter, public spinavg =1d0/4d0
real(8), parameter, public quarkcolavg =1d0/3d0
real(8), parameter, public gluoncolavg =1d0/8d0
real(8), parameter, public gev =1d0/100d0
real(8), parameter, public tev =1d+3*GeV
real(8), parameter, public mev =1d-3*GeV
real(8), parameter, public kev =1d-6*GeV
real(8), parameter, public ev =1d-9*GeV
real(8), parameter, public meter =1d6
real(8), parameter, public milimeter =1d-3*meter
real(8), parameter, public ctauunit =milimeter
real(8), parameter, public barn =1d-28*(meter**2)
real(8), parameter, public picobarn =1e-12*barn
real(8), parameter, public femtobarn =1e-15*barn
real(8), parameter, public attobarn =1e-18*barn
real(8), parameter, public second =1d15
real(8), parameter, public milisecond =1d-3*second
real(8), parameter, public speedoflight =299792458*meter/second
real(8), parameter, public planckconstant =4.13567d-15*eV*second
real(8), parameter, public hbar =PlanckConstant/(2d0*pi)
real(8), parameter, public hbarc =hbar*SpeedOfLight
real(8), parameter, public hbarc2 =hbarc**2
real(8), parameter, public hbarc2_fbgev2 = hbarc2/(femtobarn*(GeV**2))
real(8), parameter, public hbarc2_pbgev2 = hbarc2/(picobarn*(GeV**2))
real(8), parameter, public hbarc2xsecunit = hbarc2_fbGeV2*(GeV**2)
real(8), public mincs =1d10
real(8), public maxcs =0d0
real(8), public avgcs =0d0
integer, public br_z_ll_counter =0
integer, public br_z_inv_counter =0
integer, public br_z_uu_counter =0
integer, public br_z_dd_counter =0
integer, public br_w_ll_counter =0
integer, public br_w_ud_counter =0
integer, dimension(1:5, 1:5), public br_counter =0
integer, dimension(0:8), public leptinevent = 0
integer, dimension(0:8), public jetsinevent = 0
logical, public reweightdecay = .false.
integer, public userseed = 0
integer, public widthscheme = 0
integer, public widthschemein = 0
real(8), public mubarh = -999d0
real(8), public gabarh = -999d0
real(8), public maxinputmhstar = -999d0
real(8), public mininputmhstar = 1d15
real(8), public mhstarforphasespace
logical, public readpmzz
character(len=500), public pmzzfile = "PMZZdistribution.out"
real(8), public pmzz_mreso = -1d0
integer, parameter, public pmzzsize = 10000
real(8), dimension(1:pmzzsize, 1:2), public pmzzdistribution
integer, public pmzzminindex =-1
integer, public pmzzmaxindex =-1
complex(8), public printpmzz
integer, public printpmzzintervals
integer, public vbfoffsh_run =-1
logical, public findcrosssectionwithweights = .false.
real(8), public vprimedecaylengthmasscutofffactor = -1d0
real(8), public crosssectionwithweights = 0d0
real(8), public crosssectionwithweightserrorsquared = 0d0
integer, parameter, public nmaxseeds = 33
integer, dimension(1:nmaxseeds), parameter, public defaultseeds = (/847362834,470115596,392845769,191039475,372910496,192049687,695820194,218930493,902943834,471748302,123958674,390534012,938576849,386472918,938576483,891928354,593857698,938576432,948576849,192847564 ,218940493,902943854,471748304,123958670,390534013,938576846,386472917,938576484,891928359,593857698,938576434,948576848,192847565/)
integer, dimension(1:nmaxseeds), public theseeds = DefaultSeeds
logical, public fix_channels_ratio = .false.
real(8), public channels_ratio_fix = 0.25d0
logical, public writeweightedlhe = .false.
logical, public randomizevvdecays = .true.
logical, public useunformattedread = .false.
logical, public hbbdecays =.false.
logical, public h_dk =.false.
character(len=2), public vh_pc = "lo"
real(8), public alpha_dip = 1d0
real(8), public ptjetcut = -1d0*GeV
real(8), public etajetcut = -1d0
real(8), public detajetcut = -1d0
real(8), public rjet = -1d0
real(8), public mjjcut = 0d0*GeV
real(8), dimension(1:2), public m4l_minmax = (/ -1d0,-1d0 /)*GeV
real(8), dimension(1:2), public m2l_minmax = (/ 0d0,14000d0 /)*GeV
real(8), dimension(1:2), public mvh_minmax = (/ 0d0,14000d0 /)*GeV
logical, public includegammastar = .false.
logical, public includevprime = .false.
real(8), public mphotoncutoff = -1d0*GeV
real(8), public ptlepcut = -1d0*GeV
real(8), public etalepcut = 999d0
real(8), public pthcut = 0d0*GeV
logical, public jetsoppositeeta = .false.
real(8), public m_top = 173.2d0 *GeV
real(8), public ga_top = 2.0d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_z = 91.1876d0 *GeV
real(8), public ga_z = 2.4952d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_w = 80.399d0 *GeV
real(8), public ga_w = 2.085d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_reso = 125.0d0 *GeV
real(8), public ga_reso = 0.00407d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_reso2 = -1d0 *GeV
real(8), public ga_reso2 = 0d0 *GeV
real(8), public higgsdecaylengthmm = 0d0
real(8), public vprimedecaylengthmm = 0d0
real(8), public m_bot = 4.75d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_charm = 1.275d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_el = 0.00051100d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_mu = 0.10566d0 *GeV
real(8), public m_tau = 1.7768d0 *GeV
real(8), public ga_tau = 2.267d-12 *GeV
real(8), public m_bot_4gen = 100000d0*GeV
real(8), public m_top_4gen = 100000d0*GeV
real(8), public gf = 1.16639d-5/GeV**2
real(8), public alpha_qed = 1d0/128d0
real(8), public vev
real(8), public gwsq
real(dp), public esq
real(8), public xw = 0.23119d0
real(8), public sitw
real(8), public twosc
real(8), parameter, public lhc_energy =13d0 *TeV
real(8), parameter, public tev_energy =1.96d0 *TeV
real(8), parameter, public ilc_energy =250d0 *GeV
real(8), public pol_a = 0d0
real(8), public pol_b = 0d0
integer, parameter, public nqflavors_pdf = 5
integer, parameter, public nloops_pdf = 1
real(8), public zmass_pdf
real(8), public mu_fact
real(8), public mu_ren
real(dp), public alphas
real(dp), public alphas_mz
real(dp), public gs
real(8), public breitwignercutoff = 20d0
real(8), public vckm_ud
real(8), public vckm_us
real(8), public vckm_cs
real(8), public vckm_cd
real(8), public vckm_tb
real(8), public vckm_ts
real(8), public vckm_cb
real(8), public vckm_ub
real(8), public vckm_td
real(8), parameter, public br_z_ll = 10.10d0*percent
real(8), parameter, public br_z_hadr = 69.91d0*percent
real(8), parameter, public br_z_inv = 100d0*percent - Br_Z_ll - Br_Z_hadr
real(8), parameter, public br_z_uu = 11.6d0*percent
real(8), parameter, public br_z_cc = 11.6d0*percent
real(8), parameter, public br_z_dd = 15.6d0*percent
real(8), parameter, public br_z_ss = 15.6d0*percent
real(8), parameter, public br_z_bb = Br_Z_hadr - Br_Z_uu - Br_Z_dd - Br_Z_cc - Br_Z_ss
real(8), parameter, public br_w_ll = 32.72d0*percent
real(8), parameter, public br_w_hadr = 100d0*percent - Br_W_ll
real(8), parameter, public br_z_ee = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_ll
real(8), parameter, public br_z_mm = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_ll
real(8), parameter, public br_z_tt = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_ll
real(8), parameter, public br_z_nn = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_inv
real(8), parameter, public br_w_en = 1d0/3d0*Br_W_ll
real(8), parameter, public br_w_mn = 1d0/3d0*Br_W_ll
real(8), parameter, public br_w_tn = 1d0/3d0*Br_W_ll
real(8), parameter, public br_w_ud = 1d0/2d0*Br_W_hadr
real(8), parameter, public br_w_cs = 1d0/2d0*Br_W_hadr
real(8), parameter, public brlept_z_ee = Br_Z_ee/Br_Z_ll
real(8), parameter, public brlept_z_mm = Br_Z_mm/Br_Z_ll
real(8), parameter, public brlept_z_tt = Br_Z_tt/Br_Z_ll
real(8), parameter, public brlept_z_nn = Br_Z_nn/Br_Z_inv
real(8), parameter, public brlept_w_en = Br_W_en/Br_W_ll
real(8), parameter, public brlept_w_mn = Br_W_mn/Br_W_ll
real(8), parameter, public brlept_w_tn = Br_W_tn/Br_W_ll
real(8), parameter, public brhadr_z_uu = Br_Z_uu/Br_Z_hadr
real(8), parameter, public brhadr_z_cc = Br_Z_cc/Br_Z_hadr
real(8), parameter, public brhadr_z_dd = Br_Z_dd/Br_Z_hadr
real(8), parameter, public brhadr_z_ss = Br_Z_ss/Br_Z_hadr
real(8), parameter, public brhadr_z_bb = Br_Z_bb/Br_Z_hadr
real(8), parameter, public brhadr_w_ud = Br_W_ud/Br_W_hadr
real(8), parameter, public brhadr_w_cs = Br_W_cs/Br_W_hadr
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_uu = 1.037560d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_dd = 1.037560d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_ll = 1d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_tt = 1d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_nn = 1d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_ud = 1.038200d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_cs = 1.038200d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_ln = 1d0
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_tn = 1d0
real(8), parameter, public lambda = 1000d0 *GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2 = 1000d0 *GeV
logical, parameter, public generate_as = .false.
complex(8), parameter, public ahg1 = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public ahg2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public ahg3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public ahz1 = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public ahz2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public ahz3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghg2 = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghg3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghg4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghg2_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghg3_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghg4_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1 = (2.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghz4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzgs1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghgsgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghgsgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghgsgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z1 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z2 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z3 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z4 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_zgs1 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_q = 10000d0*GeV
integer, public cz_q1sq = 0
integer, public cz_q2sq = 0
integer, public cz_q12sq = 0
real(8), public lambda_z11 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z21 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z31 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z41 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z12 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z22 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z32 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z42 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z10 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z20 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z30 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_z40 = 100d0*GeV
logical, public distinguish_hwwcouplings =.false.
complex(8), public ghw1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghw4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w1 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w2 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w3 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w4 = 10000d0*GeV
integer, public cw_q1sq = 0
integer, public cw_q2sq = 0
integer, public cw_q12sq = 0
real(8), public lambda_w11 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w21 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w31 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w41 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w12 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w22 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w32 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w42 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w10 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w20 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w30 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda_w40 = 100d0*GeV
complex(8), public ghzzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpgs1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_el_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_el_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_mu_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_mu_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_ta_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_ta_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_nue_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_nue_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_up_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_up_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_chm_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_chm_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_dn_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_dn_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_str_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_str_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_bot_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_bot_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_top_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ezp_top_right = (0d0, 0d0)
real(8), public m_zprime = -1d0
real(8), public ga_zprime = 0d0
complex(8), public ghwwp1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_el_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_el_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_mu_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_mu_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_ta_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_ta_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_up_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_up_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_chm_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_chm_right = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_top_left = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public ewp_top_right = (0d0, 0d0)
real(8), public m_wprime = -1d0
real(8), public ga_wprime = 0d0
complex(8), public gh2g2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2g3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2g4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2g2_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2g3_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2g4_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2zgs2 = (0.00d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2zgs3 = (0.00d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2zgs4 = (0.00d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2gsgs2 = (0.00d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2gsgs3 = (0.00d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2gsgs4 = (0.00d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z1_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z2_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z3_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2z4_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2zgs1_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_z1 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_z2 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_z3 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_z4 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_zgs1 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_q = 10000d0*GeV
integer, public c2z_q1sq = 0
integer, public c2z_q2sq = 0
integer, public c2z_q12sq = 0
real(8), public lambda2_z11 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z21 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z31 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z41 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z12 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z22 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z32 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z42 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z10 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z20 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z30 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_z40 = 100d0*GeV
complex(8), public gh2w1 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w1_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w1_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w1_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w1_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w1_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w1_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w1_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w2_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w3_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public gh2w4_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_w1 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_w2 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_w3 = 10000d0*GeV
real(8), parameter, public lambda2_w4 = 10000d0*GeV
integer, public c2w_q1sq = 0
integer, public c2w_q2sq = 0
integer, public c2w_q12sq = 0
real(8), public lambda2_w11 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w21 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w31 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w41 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w12 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w22 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w32 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w42 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w10 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w20 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w30 = 100d0*GeV
real(8), public lambda2_w40 = 100d0*GeV
complex(8), public dv_a = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dp_a = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dm_a = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dv_z = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dp_z = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dm_z = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public daawpwm = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dzawpwm = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dzzwpwm = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dfour_a = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public dfour_z = (0.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa = (1d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_tilde = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_top = (1d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_tilde_top = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_bot = (1d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_tilde_bot = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_tilde_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa_tilde_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_top = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_tilde_top = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_bot = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_tilde_bot = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_tilde_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public kappa2_tilde_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public zprime_qq_left = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public zprime_qq_right = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public zprime_zz_1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public zprime_zz_2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public a1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public a2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public a3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public a4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public a5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public graviton_qq_left = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public graviton_qq_right = (1.0d0, 0d0)
logical, parameter, public generate_bis = .true.
logical, parameter, public use_dynamic_mg = .true.
complex(8), public b1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b8 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b9 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public b10 =(0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp8 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp9 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzzp10 =(0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp7 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp8 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp9 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpzp10 =(0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzgs1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzgs8 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bgsgs1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bgsgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bgsgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bgsgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bgsgs8 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpgs1 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), public bzpgs8 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c1 = (1.0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c2 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c3 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c41 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c42 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c5 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c6 = (0d0, 0d0)
complex(8), parameter, public c7 = (0d0, 0d0)
real(8), public daz_lep_left = (0d0)
real(8), public daz_lep_right = (0d0)
real(8), public daz_neu_left = (0d0)
real(8), public daz_neu_right = (0d0)
real(8), public daz_qup_left = (0d0)
real(8), public daz_qup_right = (0d0)
real(8), public daz_qdn_left = (0d0)
real(8), public daz_qdn_right = (0d0)
real(dp), dimension(0:6), parameter, public b0_pdf = (/ 0.8753521870054244D0,0.822300539308126D0,0.7692488916108274D0,0.716197243913529D0,0.6631455962162306D0,0.6100939485189321D0,0.5570423008216338D0 /)
real(dp), parameter, public nf = 5.0_dp
real(dp), parameter, public xn = 3.0_dp
real(dp), parameter, public ca = 3.0_dp
real(dp), parameter, public cf = 4.0_dp/3.0_dp
real(dp), parameter, public tr = 0.5_dp
real(dp), parameter, public avegg = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/64.0_dp
real(dp), parameter, public aveqg = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/24.0_dp
real(dp), parameter, public aveqq = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/9.0_dp
real(8), parameter, public t3ll = -0.5d0
real(8), parameter, public t3lr = 0d0
real(8), parameter, public t3nl = 0.5d0
real(8), parameter, public t3nr = 0d0
real(8), parameter, public t3ul = 0.5d0
real(8), parameter, public t3ur = 0d0
real(8), parameter, public t3dl = -0.5d0
real(8), parameter, public t3dr = 0d0
real(8), parameter, public qll = -1d0
real(8), parameter, public qlr = -1d0
real(8), parameter, public qnl = 0d0
real(8), parameter, public qnr = 0d0
real(8), parameter, public qul = 2d0/3d0
real(8), parameter, public qur = 2d0/3d0
real(8), parameter, public qdl = -1d0/3d0
real(8), parameter, public qdr = -1d0/3d0
real(8), public overallcouplvffsq
real(8), public ar_lep
real(8), public al_lep
real(8), public ar_neu
real(8), public al_neu
real(8), public ar_qup
real(8), public al_qup
real(8), public ar_qdn
real(8), public al_qdn
real(8), public bl
real(8), public br
real(8), public cr_lep
real(8), public cl_lep
real(8), public cr_neu
real(8), public cl_neu
real(8), public cr_qup
real(8), public cl_qup
real(8), public cr_qdn
real(8), public cl_qdn
real(dp), public couplwffsq
real(dp), public couplzffsq
real(dp), public couplazff
real(dp), public couplaffsq
integer, target, public up_ = 1
integer, target, public dn_ = 2
integer, target, public chm_ = 3
integer, target, public str_ = 4
integer, target, public top_ = 5
integer, target, public bot_ = 6
integer, target, public elp_ = 7
integer, target, public mup_ = 8
integer, target, public tap_ = 9
integer, target, public glu_ = 10
integer, target, public pho_ = 11
integer, target, public z0_ = 12
integer, target, public wp_ = 13
integer, target, public nue_ = 14
integer, target, public num_ = 15
integer, target, public nut_ = 16
integer, target, public hig_ = 25
integer, target, public zpr_ = 32
integer, target, public zpr2_ = 33
integer, target, public wppr_ = 34
integer, target, public gra_ = 39
integer, target, public aup_ = -1
integer, target, public adn_ = -2
integer, target, public achm_ = -3
integer, target, public astr_ = -4
integer, target, public atop_ = -5
integer, target, public abot_ = -6
integer, target, public elm_ = -7
integer, target, public mum_ = -8
integer, target, public tam_ = -9
integer, target, public wm_ = -13
integer, target, public anue_ = -14
integer, target, public anum_ = -15
integer, target, public anut_ = -16
integer, target, public wmpr_ = -34
integer, parameter, public not_a_particle_ = -9000
real(8), dimension(1:4), parameter, public mom_not_a_particle = (/0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0/)
integer, parameter, public pdfglu_ = 0
integer, parameter, public pdfdn_ = 1
integer, parameter, public pdfup_ = 2
integer, parameter, public pdfstr_ = 3
integer, parameter, public pdfchm_ = 4
integer, parameter, public pdfbot_ = 5
integer, parameter, public pdftop_ = 6
integer, parameter, public pdfadn_ = -1
integer, parameter, public pdfaup_ = -2
integer, parameter, public pdfastr_ = -3
integer, parameter, public pdfachm_ = -4
integer, parameter, public pdfabot_ = -5
integer, parameter, public pdfatop_ = -6
integer, parameter io_stdout =6
integer, parameter io_lheoutfile =14
integer, parameter io_histofile =15
integer, parameter io_lheinfile =16
integer, parameter io_logfile =17
integer, parameter io_csmaxfile =18
integer, parameter io_lheoutfile2 =19
integer, parameter io_lheoutfile3 =20
integer, parameter io_tmpfile =21
integer, dimension(0:10), public debugcounter = 0
real(8), dimension(0:10), public debugvar = 0d0
integer, dimension(1:2), public ijpartons =0

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ aff()

real(8) function modparameters::aff ( integer  id1in,
integer  id2in,
real(8)  h1,
real(8)  h2 

Definition at line 1659 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1659 implicit none
1660 real(8) :: AFF
1661 integer :: id1, id2, id1in, id2in
1662 real(8) :: h1,h2
1663 logical, save :: printedneutrinowarning = .false.
1665 id1 = abs(id1in)
1666 id2 = abs(id2in)
1668  if(id1.ne.id2)then
1669  print*,"Not a valid Z to fermion pair vertex!",id1in,id2in
1670  stop
1671  !photon ll
1672  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(elm_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(mum_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(tam_))then
1673  if((id1in*h1).gt.0d0)then
1674  aff = qlr
1675  else
1676  aff = qll
1677  endif
1678  !photon uu
1679  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(up_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(top_))then
1680  if((id1in*h1).gt.0d0)then
1681  aff = qur
1682  else
1683  aff = qul
1684  endif
1685  !photon dd
1686  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(str_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_))then
1687  if((id1in*h1).gt.0d0)then
1688  aff = qdr
1689  else
1690  aff = qdl
1691  endif
1692  !photon nu nu
1693  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(nue_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(num_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(nut_))then
1694  aff = 0d0
1695  if (.not. printedneutrinowarning) then
1696  print*,"Warning, gamma > nu nu~ gives 0.",id1in,id2in
1697  printedneutrinowarning = .true.
1698  endif
1699  else
1700  print*,"Not a valid photon to fermion pair vertex!",id1in,id2in
1701  stop
1702  endif
1704 return

◆ chargeflip()

integer function modparameters::chargeflip ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 2689 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2689 implicit none
2690 integer :: ChargeFlip
2691 integer :: Part
2693  if( (abs(part).ge.1 .and. abs(part).le.9) .or. (abs(part).ge.13 .and. abs(part).le.16)) then! quarks, leptons, W's, neutrinos
2694  chargeflip = -part
2695  elseif( (abs(part).ge.10 .and. abs(part).le.12) ) then! glu,pho,Z0
2696  chargeflip = +part
2697  elseif( part.eq.25 .or. part.eq.32 .or. part.eq.39 ) then ! Higgs,Zprime,Graviton
2698  chargeflip = +part
2699  else
2700  print *, "Error: Invalid flavor in ChargeFlip"
2701  stop
2702  endif

◆ ckm()

real(8) function modparameters::ckm ( integer  id1in,
integer  id2in 

Definition at line 1593 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1593 implicit none
1594 real(8) :: CKM
1595 integer :: id1in, id2in
1596  ckm=ckmbare(id1in, id2in)*sqrt(scalefactor(id1in,id2in))

◆ ckmbare()

real(8) function modparameters::ckmbare ( integer  id1in,
integer  id2in 

Definition at line 1563 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1563 implicit none
1564 real(8) :: CKMbare
1565 integer :: id1, id2, id1in, id2in
1566 id1 = abs(id1in)
1567 id2 = abs(id2in)
1568 if((id1.eq.convertlhe(up_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(dn_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(up_)))then
1569  ckmbare= vckm_ud
1570 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(up_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(str_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(str_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(up_)))then
1571  ckmbare= vckm_us
1572 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(up_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(bot_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(up_)))then
1573  ckmbare= vckm_ub
1574 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(dn_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(chm_)))then
1575  ckmbare= vckm_cd
1576 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(str_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(str_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(chm_)))then
1577  ckmbare= vckm_cs
1578 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(bot_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(chm_)))then
1579  ckmbare= vckm_cb
1580 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(top_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(dn_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(top_)))then
1581  ckmbare= vckm_td
1582 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(top_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(str_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(str_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(top_)))then
1583  ckmbare= vckm_ts
1584 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(top_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(bot_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(top_)))then
1585  ckmbare= vckm_tb
1586 else
1587  ckmbare= 1d0
1588 endif

◆ computeckmelements()

subroutine modparameters::computeckmelements ( real(8)  inVCKM_ud,
real(8)  inVCKM_us,
real(8)  inVCKM_cd,
real(8)  inVCKM_cs,
real(8)  inVCKM_ts,
real(8)  inVCKM_tb,
real(8), optional  inVCKM_ub,
real(8), optional  inVCKM_cb,
real(8), optional  inVCKM_td 

Definition at line 2708 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2708 implicit none
2709 real(8) :: inVCKM_ud
2710 real(8) :: inVCKM_us
2711 real(8) :: inVCKM_cd
2712 real(8) :: inVCKM_cs
2713 real(8) :: inVCKM_ts
2714 real(8) :: inVCKM_tb
2715 real(8), optional :: inVCKM_ub
2716 real(8), optional :: inVCKM_cb
2717 real(8), optional :: inVCKM_td
2718 real(8) :: sumVsq(1:3),diffVsq
2720  vckm_ud=invckm_ud
2721  vckm_us=invckm_us
2722  vckm_cd=invckm_cd
2723  vckm_cs=invckm_cs
2724  vckm_ts=invckm_ts
2725  vckm_tb=invckm_tb
2727  if(present(invckm_ub)) then
2728  vckm_ub = invckm_ub
2729  else
2730  diffvsq = 1d0-vckm_ud**2-vckm_us**2
2731  if (diffvsq.ge.0d0) then
2732  vckm_ub = sqrt(diffvsq)
2733  else
2734  vckm_ub = 0d0
2735  endif
2736  endif
2737  if(present(invckm_cb)) then
2738  vckm_cb = invckm_cb
2739  else
2740  diffvsq = 1d0-vckm_cd**2-vckm_cs**2
2741  if (diffvsq.ge.0d0) then
2742  vckm_cb = sqrt(diffvsq)
2743  else
2744  vckm_cb = 0d0
2745  endif
2746  endif
2747  if(present(invckm_td)) then
2748  vckm_td = invckm_td
2749  else
2750  diffvsq = 1d0-vckm_td**2-vckm_ts**2
2751  if (diffvsq.ge.0d0) then
2752  vckm_tb = sqrt(diffvsq)
2753  else
2754  vckm_tb = 0d0
2755  endif
2756  endif
2758  sumvsq(1) = vckm_ub**2+vckm_us**2+vckm_ud**2
2759  vckm_ud=vckm_ud/sqrt(sumvsq(1))
2760  vckm_us=vckm_us/sqrt(sumvsq(1))
2761  vckm_ub=vckm_ub/sqrt(sumvsq(1))
2762  sumvsq(2) = vckm_cb**2+vckm_cs**2+vckm_cd**2
2763  vckm_cd=vckm_cd/sqrt(sumvsq(2))
2764  vckm_cs=vckm_cs/sqrt(sumvsq(2))
2765  vckm_cb=vckm_cb/sqrt(sumvsq(2))
2766  sumvsq(3) = vckm_tb**2+vckm_ts**2+vckm_td**2
2767  vckm_td=vckm_td/sqrt(sumvsq(3))
2768  vckm_ts=vckm_ts/sqrt(sumvsq(3))
2769  vckm_tb=vckm_tb/sqrt(sumvsq(3))

◆ computeewvariables()

subroutine modparameters::computeewvariables

Definition at line 2785 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2785 implicit none
2787  ! Calculate fundamental couplings
2788  vev = 1.0d0/sqrt(gf*sqrt(2.0d0))
2789  gwsq = 4.0d0 * m_w**2/vev**2
2790  sitw = sqrt(xw)
2791  twosc = sqrt(4d0*xw*(1d0-xw))
2793  esq = 4.0_dp*pi*alpha_qed
2794  overallcouplvffsq = esq/(twosc**2) ! ~= gwsq/4.0_dp/(1.0_dp-xw)
2795  ! Z couplings
2796  ar_lep =2d0*(t3lr-qlr*xw)
2797  al_lep =2d0*(t3ll-qll*xw)
2798  ar_neu =2d0*(t3nr-qnr*xw)
2799  al_neu =2d0*(t3nl-qnl*xw)
2800  ar_qup =2d0*(t3ur-qur*xw)
2801  al_qup =2d0*(t3ul-qul*xw)
2802  ar_qdn =2d0*(t3dr-qdr*xw)
2803  al_qdn =2d0*(t3dl-qdl*xw)
2805  ! Zff couplings: adding user specified values (default 0.0) to SM values
2815  ! W couplings
2816  bl = sqrt(2d0*(1d0-xw))
2817  br = 0d0
2818  ! A couplings
2819  cr_lep = -twosc*qlr
2820  cl_lep = -twosc*qll
2821  cr_neu = -twosc*qnr
2822  cl_neu = -twosc*qnl
2823  cr_qup = -twosc*qur
2824  cl_qup = -twosc*qul
2825  cr_qdn = -twosc*qdr
2826  cl_qdn = -twosc*qdl
2828  ! Normalizations used in VH and VBF
2829  couplwffsq = gwsq/2.0_dp
2830  couplzffsq = gwsq/4.0_dp/(1.0_dp-xw)
2831  !couplZffsq = alpha_QED*4d0*pi/xw/4.0_dp/(1.0_dp-xw)
2832  couplazff = -gwsq*sitw/2.0_dp/sqrt(1.0_dp-xw)
2833  couplaffsq = gwsq*xw

◆ computeqcdvariables()

subroutine modparameters::computeqcdvariables

Definition at line 2841 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2841 implicit none
2842  gs = sqrt(alphas*4.0_dp*pi)

◆ convertfrompartindex()

integer function modparameters::convertfrompartindex ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 1922 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1922 implicit none
1923 integer :: convertFromPartIndex
1924 integer :: Part
1927  if( part.eq.pdfglu_ ) then
1928  convertfrompartindex = glu_
1929  elseif( part.eq.pdfup_ ) then
1930  convertfrompartindex = up_
1931  elseif( part.eq.pdfaup_ ) then
1932  convertfrompartindex = aup_
1933  elseif( part.eq.pdfdn_ ) then
1934  convertfrompartindex = dn_
1935  elseif( part.eq.pdfadn_ ) then
1936  convertfrompartindex = adn_
1937  elseif( part.eq.pdfchm_ ) then
1938  convertfrompartindex = chm_
1939  elseif( part.eq.pdfachm_) then
1940  convertfrompartindex = achm_
1941  elseif( part.eq.pdfstr_ ) then
1942  convertfrompartindex = str_
1943  elseif( part.eq.pdfastr_) then
1944  convertfrompartindex = astr_
1945  elseif( part.eq.pdfbot_ ) then
1946  convertfrompartindex = bot_
1947  elseif( part.eq.pdfabot_) then
1948  convertfrompartindex = abot_
1949  elseif( part.eq.pdftop_ ) then
1950  convertfrompartindex = top_
1951  elseif( part.eq.pdfatop_) then
1952  convertfrompartindex = atop_
1953  else
1954  print *, "Unsuccessful conversion to a parton id from the ME array index ",part
1955  stop
1956  endif

◆ convertlhe()

integer function modparameters::convertlhe ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 1798 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1798 implicit none
1799 integer :: convertLHE
1800 integer :: Part
1803  if( part.eq.0 ) then
1804  convertlhe = 0
1805  elseif( part.eq.glu_ ) then
1806  convertlhe = 21
1807  elseif( part.eq.elm_ ) then
1808  convertlhe = 11
1809  elseif( part.eq.elp_ ) then
1810  convertlhe =-11
1811  elseif( part.eq.mum_ ) then
1812  convertlhe = 13
1813  elseif( part.eq.mup_ ) then
1814  convertlhe =-13
1815  elseif( part.eq.tam_ ) then
1816  convertlhe = 15
1817  elseif( part.eq.tap_ ) then
1818  convertlhe =-15
1819  elseif( part.eq.nue_ ) then
1820  convertlhe = 12
1821  elseif( part.eq.anue_) then
1822  convertlhe =-12
1823  elseif( part.eq.num_) then
1824  convertlhe = 14
1825  elseif( part.eq.anum_) then
1826  convertlhe =-14
1827  elseif( part.eq.nut_ ) then
1828  convertlhe = 16
1829  elseif( part.eq.anut_) then
1830  convertlhe =-16
1831  elseif( part.eq.up_ ) then
1832  convertlhe = 2
1833  elseif( part.eq.aup_ ) then
1834  convertlhe =-2
1835  elseif( part.eq.dn_ ) then
1836  convertlhe = 1
1837  elseif( part.eq.adn_ ) then
1838  convertlhe =-1
1839  elseif( part.eq.chm_ ) then
1840  convertlhe = 4
1841  elseif( part.eq.achm_) then
1842  convertlhe =-4
1843  elseif( part.eq.str_ ) then
1844  convertlhe = 3
1845  elseif( part.eq.astr_) then
1846  convertlhe =-3
1847  elseif( part.eq.bot_ ) then
1848  convertlhe = 5
1849  elseif( part.eq.abot_) then
1850  convertlhe =-5
1851  elseif( part.eq.top_ ) then
1852  convertlhe = 6
1853  elseif( part.eq.atop_) then
1854  convertlhe =-6
1855  elseif( part.eq.z0_) then
1856  convertlhe =23
1857  elseif( part.eq.wp_) then
1858  convertlhe =24
1859  elseif( part.eq.wm_) then
1860  convertlhe =-24
1861  elseif( part.eq.pho_) then
1862  convertlhe =22
1863  elseif( part.eq.hig_) then
1864  convertlhe =25
1865  elseif( part.eq.zpr_) then
1866  convertlhe =32
1867  elseif( part.eq.zpr2_) then
1868  convertlhe =33
1869  elseif( part.eq.wppr_) then
1870  convertlhe =34
1871  elseif( part.eq.wmpr_) then
1872  convertlhe =-34
1873  elseif( part.eq.gra_) then
1874  convertlhe =39
1875  elseif( part.le.not_a_particle_) then
1876  convertlhe = not_a_particle_
1877  else
1878  print *, "LHE format not implemented for ",part
1879  stop
1880  endif

◆ convertlhereverse()

integer function modparameters::convertlhereverse ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 1711 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1711 implicit none
1712 integer :: convertLHEreverse
1713 integer :: Part
1715  if( part.eq.0 ) then ! 0=Glu_ is not the official LHE convention
1716  convertlhereverse = glu_
1717  elseif( part.eq.1 ) then
1718  convertlhereverse = dn_
1719  elseif( part.eq.2 ) then
1720  convertlhereverse = up_
1721  elseif( part.eq.3 ) then
1722  convertlhereverse = str_
1723  elseif( part.eq.4 ) then
1724  convertlhereverse = chm_
1725  elseif( part.eq.5 ) then
1726  convertlhereverse = bot_
1727  elseif( part.eq.6 ) then
1728  convertlhereverse = top_
1729  elseif( part.eq.-1 ) then
1730  convertlhereverse = adn_
1731  elseif( part.eq.-2 ) then
1732  convertlhereverse = aup_
1733  elseif( part.eq.-3 ) then
1734  convertlhereverse = astr_
1735  elseif( part.eq.-4 ) then
1736  convertlhereverse = achm_
1737  elseif( part.eq.-5 ) then
1738  convertlhereverse = abot_
1739  elseif( part.eq.-6 ) then
1740  convertlhereverse = atop_
1741  elseif( part.eq.21 ) then
1742  convertlhereverse = glu_
1743  elseif( part.eq.11 ) then
1744  convertlhereverse = elm_
1745  elseif( part.eq.22 ) then
1746  convertlhereverse = pho_
1747  elseif( part.eq.23 ) then
1748  convertlhereverse = z0_
1749  elseif( part.eq.24 ) then
1750  convertlhereverse = wp_
1751  elseif( part.eq.-24 ) then
1752  convertlhereverse = wm_
1753  elseif( part.eq.-11 ) then
1754  convertlhereverse = elp_
1755  elseif( part.eq.13 ) then
1756  convertlhereverse = mum_
1757  elseif( part.eq.-13 ) then
1758  convertlhereverse = mup_
1759  elseif( part.eq.15 ) then
1760  convertlhereverse = tam_
1761  elseif( part.eq.-15 ) then
1762  convertlhereverse = tap_
1763  elseif( part.eq.12 ) then
1764  convertlhereverse = nue_
1765  elseif( part.eq.-12) then
1766  convertlhereverse = anue_
1767  elseif( part.eq.14) then
1768  convertlhereverse = num_
1769  elseif( part.eq.-14) then
1770  convertlhereverse = anum_
1771  elseif( part.eq.16 ) then
1772  convertlhereverse = nut_
1773  elseif( part.eq.-16) then
1774  convertlhereverse = anut_
1775  elseif( part.eq.+25) then
1776  convertlhereverse = hig_
1777  elseif( part.eq.-25) then
1778  convertlhereverse = hig_
1779  elseif( part.eq.32) then
1780  convertlhereverse = zpr_
1781  elseif( part.eq.33) then
1782  convertlhereverse = zpr2_
1783  elseif( part.eq.34) then
1784  convertlhereverse = wppr_
1785  elseif( part.eq.-34) then
1786  convertlhereverse = wmpr_
1787  else
1788  print *, "MYLHE format not implemented for ",part
1789  stop
1790  endif

◆ converttopartindex()

integer function modparameters::converttopartindex ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 1886 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1886 implicit none
1887 integer :: convertToPartIndex
1888 integer :: Part
1891  if( part.eq.glu_ ) then
1892  converttopartindex = pdfglu_
1893  elseif( part.eq.up_ ) then
1894  converttopartindex = pdfup_
1895  elseif( part.eq.aup_ ) then
1896  converttopartindex = pdfaup_
1897  elseif( part.eq.dn_ ) then
1898  converttopartindex = pdfdn_
1899  elseif( part.eq.adn_ ) then
1900  converttopartindex = pdfadn_
1901  elseif( part.eq.chm_ ) then
1902  converttopartindex = pdfchm_
1903  elseif( part.eq.achm_) then
1904  converttopartindex = pdfachm_
1905  elseif( part.eq.str_ ) then
1906  converttopartindex = pdfstr_
1907  elseif( part.eq.astr_) then
1908  converttopartindex = pdfastr_
1909  elseif( part.eq.bot_ ) then
1910  converttopartindex = pdfbot_
1911  elseif( part.eq.abot_) then
1912  converttopartindex = pdfabot_
1913  else
1914  print *, "Unsuccessful conversion to a parton ME array index from ",part
1915  stop
1916  endif

◆ countjets()

integer function modparameters::countjets ( integer, dimension(:)  MY_IDUP)

Definition at line 2587 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2587 implicit none
2588 integer :: MY_IDUP(:),CountJets
2589 integer :: i
2591  countjets = 0
2592  do i = 1,size(my_idup)
2593  if( isajet( my_idup(i) ) ) countjets=countjets+1
2594  enddo

◆ countleptons()

integer function modparameters::countleptons ( integer, dimension(:)  MY_IDUP)

Definition at line 2572 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2572 implicit none
2573 integer :: MY_IDUP(:),CountLeptons
2574 integer :: i
2576  countleptons = 0
2577  do i = 1,size(my_idup)
2578  if( isalepton( my_idup(i) ) ) countleptons=countleptons+1
2579  enddo

◆ coupledvertex()

integer function modparameters::coupledvertex ( integer, dimension(1:2), intent(in)  id,
integer, intent(in)  hel,
integer, optional  useAHcoupl 

Definition at line 2467 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2467  implicit none
2468  integer, optional :: useAHcoupl
2469  integer, intent(in) :: id(1:2),hel
2470  integer :: testAHcoupl
2471  integer :: CoupledVertex
2473  testahcoupl = 0
2474  if(present(useahcoupl)) then
2475  testahcoupl = useahcoupl
2476  endif
2477  if( (&
2478  (id(1).eq.elp_ .and. id(2).eq.nue_) .or. (id(2).eq.elp_ .and. id(1).eq.nue_) .or. &
2479  (id(1).eq.mup_ .and. id(2).eq.num_) .or. (id(2).eq.mup_ .and. id(1).eq.num_) .or. &
2480  (id(1).eq.tap_ .and. id(2).eq.nut_) .or. (id(2).eq.tap_ .and. id(1).eq.nut_) .or. &
2481  (id(1).eq.up_ .and. (id(2).eq.adn_ .or. id(2).eq.astr_ .or. id(2).eq.abot_)) .or. (id(2).eq.up_ .and. (id(1).eq.adn_ .or. id(1).eq.astr_ .or. id(1).eq.abot_)) .or. &
2482  (id(1).eq.chm_ .and. (id(2).eq.adn_ .or. id(2).eq.astr_ .or. id(2).eq.abot_)) .or. (id(2).eq.chm_ .and. (id(1).eq.adn_ .or. id(1).eq.astr_ .or. id(1).eq.abot_)) .or. &
2483  (id(1).eq.top_ .and. (id(2).eq.adn_ .or. id(2).eq.astr_ .or. id(2).eq.abot_)) .or. (id(2).eq.top_ .and. (id(1).eq.adn_ .or. id(1).eq.astr_ .or. id(1).eq.abot_)) &
2484  ) .and. hel.lt.0) then
2485  coupledvertex=wp_
2486  elseif( (&
2487  (id(1).eq.elm_ .and. id(2).eq.anue_) .or. (id(2).eq.elm_ .and. id(1).eq.anue_) .or. &
2488  (id(1).eq.mum_ .and. id(2).eq.anum_) .or. (id(2).eq.mum_ .and. id(1).eq.anum_) .or. &
2489  (id(1).eq.tam_ .and. id(2).eq.anut_) .or. (id(2).eq.tam_ .and. id(1).eq.anut_) .or. &
2490  (id(1).eq.aup_ .and. (id(2).eq.dn_ .or. id(2).eq.str_ .or. id(2).eq.bot_)) .or. (id(2).eq.aup_ .and. (id(1).eq.dn_ .or. id(1).eq.str_ .or. id(1).eq.bot_)) .or. &
2491  (id(1).eq.achm_ .and. (id(2).eq.dn_ .or. id(2).eq.str_ .or. id(2).eq.bot_)) .or. (id(2).eq.achm_ .and. (id(1).eq.dn_ .or. id(1).eq.str_ .or. id(1).eq.bot_)) .or. &
2492  (id(1).eq.atop_ .and. (id(2).eq.dn_ .or. id(2).eq.str_ .or. id(2).eq.bot_)) .or. (id(2).eq.atop_ .and. (id(1).eq.dn_ .or. id(1).eq.str_ .or. id(1).eq.bot_)) &
2493  ) .and. hel.lt.0) then
2494  coupledvertex=wm_
2495  elseif( (&
2496  (id(1).eq.elm_ .and. id(2).eq.elp_) .or. (id(2).eq.elm_ .and. id(1).eq.elp_) .or. &
2497  (id(1).eq.mum_ .and. id(2).eq.mup_) .or. (id(2).eq.mum_ .and. id(1).eq.mup_) .or. &
2498  (id(1).eq.tam_ .and. id(2).eq.tap_) .or. (id(2).eq.tam_ .and. id(1).eq.tap_) .or. &
2499  (id(1).eq.up_ .and. id(2).eq.aup_) .or. (id(2).eq.up_ .and. id(1).eq.aup_) .or. &
2500  (id(1).eq.dn_ .and. id(2).eq.adn_) .or. (id(2).eq.dn_ .and. id(1).eq.adn_) .or. &
2501  (id(1).eq.chm_ .and. id(2).eq.achm_) .or. (id(2).eq.chm_ .and. id(1).eq.achm_) .or. &
2502  (id(1).eq.str_ .and. id(2).eq.astr_) .or. (id(2).eq.str_ .and. id(1).eq.astr_) .or. &
2503  (id(1).eq.top_ .and. id(2).eq.atop_) .or. (id(2).eq.top_ .and. id(1).eq.atop_) .or. &
2504  (id(1).eq.bot_ .and. id(2).eq.abot_) .or. (id(2).eq.bot_ .and. id(1).eq.abot_) &
2505  ) .and. hel.ne.0) then
2506  if(testahcoupl.eq.1) then
2507  coupledvertex=pho_
2508  elseif(testahcoupl.eq.2) then
2509  coupledvertex=hig_
2510  else
2511  coupledvertex=z0_
2512  endif
2513  elseif( (&
2514  (id(1).eq.nue_ .and. id(2).eq.anue_) .or. (id(2).eq.nue_ .and. id(1).eq.anue_) .or. &
2515  (id(1).eq.num_ .and. id(2).eq.anum_) .or. (id(2).eq.num_ .and. id(1).eq.anum_) .or. &
2516  (id(1).eq.nut_ .and. id(2).eq.anut_) .or. (id(2).eq.nut_ .and. id(1).eq.anut_) &
2517  ) .and. hel.lt.0) then
2518  coupledvertex=z0_ ! Only Z coupling to nuL-nubR
2519  else
2520  coupledvertex=not_a_particle_
2521  endif
2523  return

◆ coupledvertexisdiagonal()

logical function modparameters::coupledvertexisdiagonal ( integer, dimension(1:2), intent(in)  id,
integer, intent(in)  hel 

Definition at line 2527 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2527  implicit none
2528  integer, intent(in) :: id(1:2),hel
2529  logical :: CoupledVertexIsDiagonal
2531  if( (&
2532  (id(1).eq.elp_ .and. id(2).eq.nue_) .or. (id(2).eq.elp_ .and. id(1).eq.nue_) .or. & ! W+ -> l+ nu
2533  (id(1).eq.mup_ .and. id(2).eq.num_) .or. (id(2).eq.mup_ .and. id(1).eq.num_) .or. &
2534  (id(1).eq.tap_ .and. id(2).eq.nut_) .or. (id(2).eq.tap_ .and. id(1).eq.nut_) .or. &
2535  (id(1).eq.up_ .and. id(2).eq.adn_) .or. (id(2).eq.up_ .and. id(1).eq.adn_) .or. & ! W+ -> qu qbd
2536  (id(1).eq.chm_ .and. id(2).eq.astr_) .or. (id(2).eq.chm_ .and. id(1).eq.astr_) .or. &
2537  (id(1).eq.top_ .and. id(2).eq.abot_) .or. (id(2).eq.top_ .and. id(1).eq.abot_) .or. &
2538  (id(1).eq.elm_ .and. id(2).eq.anue_) .or. (id(2).eq.elm_ .and. id(1).eq.anue_) .or. & ! W- -> l- nub
2539  (id(1).eq.mum_ .and. id(2).eq.anum_) .or. (id(2).eq.mum_ .and. id(1).eq.anum_) .or. &
2540  (id(1).eq.tam_ .and. id(2).eq.anut_) .or. (id(2).eq.tam_ .and. id(1).eq.anut_) .or. &
2541  (id(1).eq.aup_ .and. id(2).eq.dn_ ) .or. (id(2).eq.aup_ .and. id(1).eq.dn_) .or. & ! W- -> qd qbu
2542  (id(1).eq.achm_ .and. id(2).eq.str_) .or. (id(2).eq.achm_ .and. id(1).eq.str_) .or. &
2543  (id(1).eq.atop_ .and. id(2).eq.bot_) .or. (id(2).eq.atop_ .and. id(1).eq.bot_) .or. &
2544  (id(1).eq.nue_ .and. id(2).eq.anue_) .or. (id(2).eq.nue_ .and. id(1).eq.anue_) .or. & ! Z -> nu nu
2545  (id(1).eq.num_ .and. id(2).eq.anum_) .or. (id(2).eq.num_ .and. id(1).eq.anum_) .or. &
2546  (id(1).eq.nut_ .and. id(2).eq.anut_) .or. (id(2).eq.nut_ .and. id(1).eq.anut_) &
2547  ) .and. hel.lt.0) then
2548  coupledvertexisdiagonal=.true.
2549  elseif( (&
2550  (id(1).eq.elm_ .and. id(2).eq.elp_) .or. (id(2).eq.elm_ .and. id(1).eq.elp_) .or. & ! Z -> ll
2551  (id(1).eq.mum_ .and. id(2).eq.mup_) .or. (id(2).eq.mum_ .and. id(1).eq.mup_) .or. &
2552  (id(1).eq.tam_ .and. id(2).eq.tap_) .or. (id(2).eq.tam_ .and. id(1).eq.tap_) .or. &
2553  (id(1).eq.up_ .and. id(2).eq.aup_) .or. (id(2).eq.up_ .and. id(1).eq.aup_) .or. & ! Z -> qq
2554  (id(1).eq.dn_ .and. id(2).eq.adn_) .or. (id(2).eq.dn_ .and. id(1).eq.adn_) .or. &
2555  (id(1).eq.chm_ .and. id(2).eq.achm_) .or. (id(2).eq.chm_ .and. id(1).eq.achm_) .or. &
2556  (id(1).eq.str_ .and. id(2).eq.astr_) .or. (id(2).eq.str_ .and. id(1).eq.astr_) .or. &
2557  (id(1).eq.top_ .and. id(2).eq.atop_) .or. (id(2).eq.top_ .and. id(1).eq.atop_) .or. &
2558  (id(1).eq.bot_ .and. id(2).eq.abot_) .or. (id(2).eq.bot_ .and. id(1).eq.abot_) &
2559  ) .and. hel.ne.0) then
2560  coupledvertexisdiagonal=.true.
2561  else
2562  coupledvertexisdiagonal=.false.
2563  endif
2565  return

◆ coupltolhewm()

logical function modparameters::coupltolhewm ( integer, dimension(1:2), intent(in)  Part)

Definition at line 2663 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2663  implicit none
2664  logical :: CouplToLHEWm
2665  integer, intent(in) :: Part(1:2)
2667  coupltolhewm = &
2668  ((part(1).eq.-2.and.part(2).eq. 1) &
2669  .or.(part(1).eq.-2.and.part(2).eq. 3) &
2670  .or.(part(1).eq.-2.and.part(2).eq. 5) &
2671  .or.(part(1).eq.-4.and.part(2).eq. 1) &
2672  .or.(part(1).eq.-4.and.part(2).eq. 3) &
2673  .or.(part(1).eq.-4.and.part(2).eq. 5) &
2674  .or.(part(1).eq. 1.and.part(2).eq.-2) &
2675  .or.(part(1).eq. 3.and.part(2).eq.-2) &
2676  .or.(part(1).eq. 5.and.part(2).eq.-2) &
2677  .or.(part(1).eq. 1.and.part(2).eq.-4) &
2678  .or.(part(1).eq. 3.and.part(2).eq.-4) &
2679  .or.(part(1).eq. 5.and.part(2).eq.-4))
2681  return

◆ coupltolhewp()

logical function modparameters::coupltolhewp ( integer, dimension(1:2), intent(in)  Part)

Definition at line 2640 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2640  implicit none
2641  logical :: CouplToLHEWp
2642  integer, intent(in) :: Part(1:2)
2644  coupltolhewp = &
2645  ((part(1).eq.2 .and.part(2).eq.-1) &
2646  .or.(part(1).eq.2 .and.part(2).eq.-3) &
2647  .or.(part(1).eq.2 .and.part(2).eq.-5) &
2648  .or.(part(1).eq.4 .and.part(2).eq.-1) &
2649  .or.(part(1).eq.4 .and.part(2).eq.-3) &
2650  .or.(part(1).eq.4 .and.part(2).eq.-5) &
2651  .or.(part(1).eq.-1.and.part(2).eq. 2) &
2652  .or.(part(1).eq.-3.and.part(2).eq. 2) &
2653  .or.(part(1).eq.-5.and.part(2).eq. 2) &
2654  .or.(part(1).eq.-1.and.part(2).eq. 4) &
2655  .or.(part(1).eq.-3.and.part(2).eq. 4) &
2656  .or.(part(1).eq.-5.and.part(2).eq. 4))
2658  return

◆ evalalphas()

subroutine modparameters::evalalphas

Definition at line 2850 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2850 ! use ModParameters
2852 #if useLHAPDF==1
2853 !--- This is simply a wrapper to the LHAPDF implementation of the running coupling alphas, in the style of the native MCFM routine
2855  REAL(DP) :: Q
2856  q = mu_ren/gev
2857  alphas=alphaspdf(q)
2858 #else
2859 ! Evaluation of strong coupling constant alphas
2860 ! Original Author: R.K. Ellis
2861 ! q -- Scale at which alpha_s is to be evaluated
2862 ! alphas_mz -- ModParameters value of alpha_s at the mass of the Z-boson
2863 ! nloops_pdf -- ModParameters value of the number of loops (1,2, or 3) at which the beta function is evaluated to determine running.
2864 ! If you somehow need a more complete implementation, check everything at or before commit 28472c5bfee128dde458fd4929b4d3ece9519ab8
2873  IF (mu_ren .LE. 0d0) THEN
2874  WRITE(6,*) .le.'ModParameters::EvalAlphaS: Mu_Ren 0, Mu_Ren (GeV) = ',(mu_ren*gev)
2875  stop
2876  ENDIF
2877  IF (nqflavors_pdf .GT. nf6 .OR. nqflavors_pdf .LT. nf0) THEN
2878  WRITE(6,*) 'ModParameters::EvalAlphaS: nQflavors_pdf has to be between 0 and 6. nQflavors_pdf = ',nqflavors_pdf
2879  stop
2880  ENDIF
2881  IF (nqflavors_pdf .NE. nf5) THEN
2882  WRITE(6,*) 'ModParameters::EvalAlphaS: nQflavors_pdf invalid, nQflavors_pdf = ',nqflavors_pdf
2883  WRITE(6,*) 'ModParameters::EvalAlphaS: Check 28472c5bfee128dde458fd4929b4d3ece9519ab8'
2884  stop
2885  ENDIF
2886  IF (nloops_pdf .NE. 1) THEN
2887  WRITE(6,*) 'ModParameters::EvalAlphaS: nloops_pdf invalid, nloops_pdf = ',nloops_pdf
2888  WRITE(6,*) 'ModParameters::EvalAlphaS: Check 28472c5bfee128dde458fd4929b4d3ece9519ab8'
2889  stop
2890  ENDIF
2892  alphas=alphas_mz/(1.0_dp+alphas_mz*b0_pdf(nqflavors_pdf)*2.0_dp*dlog((mu_ren/zmass_pdf)))
2893 #endif
2894  ! Calculate the derived couplings
2895  call computeqcdvariables()
2896  RETURN

◆ getdecaywidth()

real(8) function modparameters::getdecaywidth ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 2074 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2074 implicit none
2075 real(8) :: getDecayWidth
2076 integer :: Part
2078  getdecaywidth = 0d0
2079  if( abs(part).eq.abs(top_) ) then
2080  getdecaywidth = ga_top
2081  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(z0_) ) then
2082  getdecaywidth = ga_z
2083  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(zpr_) ) then
2084  getdecaywidth = ga_zprime
2085  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(wp_) ) then
2086  getdecaywidth = ga_w
2087  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(wppr_) ) then
2088  getdecaywidth = ga_wprime
2089  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(hig_) ) then
2090  getdecaywidth = ga_reso
2091  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(tam_) ) then
2092  getdecaywidth = ga_tau
2093  endif

◆ gethiggsdecaywidth()

real(8) function modparameters::gethiggsdecaywidth ( integer  jH)

Definition at line 2133 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2133 implicit none
2134 real(8) :: getHiggsDecayWidth
2135 integer :: jH
2136  gethiggsdecaywidth=0d0
2137  if (jh .eq. 1) then
2138  gethiggsdecaywidth = ga_reso
2139  elseif (jh .eq.2) then
2140  gethiggsdecaywidth = ga_reso2
2141  endif

◆ gethiggsmass()

real(8) function modparameters::gethiggsmass ( integer  jH)

Definition at line 2121 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2121 implicit none
2122 real(8) :: getHiggsMass
2123 integer :: jH
2124  gethiggsmass=0d0
2125  if (jh .eq. 1) then
2126  gethiggsmass = m_reso
2127  elseif (jh .eq.2) then
2128  gethiggsmass = m_reso2
2129  endif

◆ getlheparticle()

character(len=3) function modparameters::getlheparticle ( integer  PartLHE)

Definition at line 2229 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2229 implicit none
2230 character(len=3) :: getLHEParticle
2231 integer :: PartLHE,Part
2234  part = convertlhereverse(partlhe)
2235  getlheparticle = getparticle(part)

◆ getmass()

real(8) function modparameters::getmass ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 2021 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2021 implicit none
2022 real(8) :: getMass
2023 integer :: Part
2026  if( part.eq.glu_ ) then
2027  getmass = 0d0
2028  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(elm_) ) then
2029  getmass = m_el
2030  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(mum_) ) then
2031  getmass = m_mu
2032  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(tam_) ) then
2033  getmass = m_tau
2034  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(nue_) ) then
2035  getmass = 0d0
2036  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(num_) ) then
2037  getmass = 0d0
2038  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(nut_) ) then
2039  getmass = 0d0
2040  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(up_) ) then
2041  getmass = 0d0
2042  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(dn_) ) then
2043  getmass = 0d0
2044  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(chm_) ) then
2045  getmass = m_charm
2046  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(str_) ) then
2047  getmass = 0d0
2048  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(bot_) ) then
2049  getmass = m_bot
2050  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(top_) ) then
2051  getmass = m_top
2052  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(z0_) ) then
2053  getmass = m_z
2054  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(zpr_) ) then
2055  getmass = m_zprime
2056  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(wp_) ) then
2057  getmass = m_w
2058  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(wppr_) ) then
2059  getmass = m_wprime
2060  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(pho_) ) then
2061  getmass = 0d0
2062  elseif( abs(part).eq.abs(hig_) ) then
2063  getmass = m_reso
2064  elseif( part.eq.not_a_particle_) then
2065  getmass = 0d0
2066  else
2067  print *, "Error in getMass",part
2068  stop
2069  endif

◆ getparticle()

character(len=3) function modparameters::getparticle ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 2146 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2146 implicit none
2147 character(len=3) :: getParticle
2148 integer :: Part
2151  if( part.eq.glu_ ) then
2152  getparticle = "glu"
2153  elseif( part.eq.0 ) then
2154  getparticle = "glu"
2155  elseif( part.eq.elm_ ) then
2156  getparticle = "el-"
2157  elseif( part.eq.elp_ ) then
2158  getparticle = "el+"
2159  elseif( part.eq.mum_ ) then
2160  getparticle = "mu-"
2161  elseif( part.eq.mup_ ) then
2162  getparticle = "mu+"
2163  elseif( part.eq.tam_ ) then
2164  getparticle = "ta-"
2165  elseif( part.eq.tap_ ) then
2166  getparticle = "t+-"
2167  elseif( part.eq.nue_ ) then
2168  getparticle = "nuE"
2169  elseif( part.eq.anue_ ) then
2170  getparticle = "AnE"
2171  elseif( part.eq.num_ ) then
2172  getparticle = "nuM"
2173  elseif( part.eq.anum_ ) then
2174  getparticle = "AnM"
2175  elseif( part.eq.nut_ ) then
2176  getparticle = "nuT"
2177  elseif( part.eq.anut_ ) then
2178  getparticle = "AnT"
2179  elseif( part.eq.up_ ) then
2180  getparticle = " up"
2181  elseif( part.eq.aup_ ) then
2182  getparticle = "Aup"
2183  elseif( part.eq.dn_ ) then
2184  getparticle = " dn"
2185  elseif( part.eq.adn_ ) then
2186  getparticle = "Adn"
2187  elseif( part.eq.chm_ ) then
2188  getparticle = "chm"
2189  elseif( part.eq.achm_ ) then
2190  getparticle = "Achm"
2191  elseif( part.eq.str_ ) then
2192  getparticle = "str"
2193  elseif( part.eq.astr_ ) then
2194  getparticle = "Astr"
2195  elseif( part.eq.bot_ ) then
2196  getparticle = "bot"
2197  elseif( part.eq.abot_ ) then
2198  getparticle = "Abot"
2199  elseif( part.eq.top_ ) then
2200  getparticle = "top"
2201  elseif( part.eq.atop_ ) then
2202  getparticle = "Atop"
2203  elseif( part.eq.z0_ ) then
2204  getparticle = " Z0"
2205  elseif( part.eq.zpr_ ) then
2206  getparticle = " Zprime"
2207  elseif( part.eq.wp_ ) then
2208  getparticle = " W+"
2209  elseif( part.eq.wm_ ) then
2210  getparticle = " W-"
2211  elseif( part.eq.wppr_ ) then
2212  getparticle = " W+prime"
2213  elseif( part.eq.wmpr_ ) then
2214  getparticle = " W-prime"
2215  elseif( part.eq.pho_ ) then
2216  getparticle = "pho"
2217  elseif( part.eq.hig_ ) then
2218  getparticle = "Hig"
2219  else
2220  print *, "Error in getParticle",part
2221  stop
2222  endif

◆ hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling()

complex(8) function modparameters::hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling ( integer, intent(in)  index,
real(8), intent(in)  sWplus,
real(8), intent(in)  sWminus,
real(8), intent(in)  sWW,
logical, optional  tryWWcoupl 

Definition at line 1161 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1161 integer, intent(in) :: index
1162 real(8), intent(in) :: sWplus, sWminus, sWW
1163 real(8) :: sWplus_signed, sWminus_signed, sWW_signed, QsqCompoundFactor
1164 logical,optional :: tryWWcoupl
1165 complex(8) :: HVVSpinZeroDynamicCoupling
1166 complex(8) :: vvcoupl(1:8)
1167 real(8) :: lambda_v
1168 real(8) :: lambda_v120(1:3)
1169 logical :: forceZZcoupl
1170 logical :: computeQsqCompundCoupl
1172  if(present(trywwcoupl)) then
1173  forcezzcoupl = (.not.trywwcoupl .or. .not.distinguish_hwwcouplings .or. (index.gt.4 .and. index.lt.12))
1174  else
1175  forcezzcoupl = .true.
1176  endif
1177  computeqsqcompundcoupl = .false.
1178  swplus_signed=0d0
1179  swminus_signed=0d0
1180  sww_signed=0d0
1181  vvcoupl(:)=czero
1182  hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling=czero
1183  if( forcezzcoupl ) then
1184  if(cz_q1sq.ne.0) swplus_signed=abs(swplus)*dble(sign(1,cz_q1sq))
1185  if(cz_q2sq.ne.0) swminus_signed=abs(swminus)*dble(sign(1,cz_q2sq))
1186  if(cz_q12sq.ne.0) sww_signed=abs(sww)*dble(sign(1,cz_q12sq))
1187  if(cz_q1sq.ne.0 .or. cz_q2sq.ne.0 .or. cz_q12sq.ne.0) computeqsqcompundcoupl=.true.
1188  if(index.eq.1) then ! ZZ 1-4
1190  lambda_v = lambda_z1
1191  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1192  elseif(index.eq.2) then
1194  lambda_v = lambda_z2
1195  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z21, lambda_z22, lambda_z20 /)
1196  elseif(index.eq.3) then
1198  lambda_v = lambda_z3
1199  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z31, lambda_z32, lambda_z30 /)
1200  elseif(index.eq.4) then
1202  lambda_v = lambda_z4
1203  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z41, lambda_z42, lambda_z40 /)
1204  elseif(index.eq.5) then ! Zgs 1
1205  vvcoupl(3) = ghzgs1_prime2
1206  lambda_v = lambda_zgs1
1207  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1208  elseif(index.eq.6) then ! Zgs 2-4
1209  vvcoupl(1) = ghzgs2
1210  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1211  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z21, lambda_z22, lambda_z20 /)
1212  elseif(index.eq.7) then
1213  vvcoupl(1) = ghzgs3
1214  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1215  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z31, lambda_z32, lambda_z30 /)
1216  elseif(index.eq.8) then
1217  vvcoupl(1) = ghzgs4
1218  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1219  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z41, lambda_z42, lambda_z40 /)
1220  elseif(index.eq.9) then ! gsgs 2-4
1221  vvcoupl(1) = ghgsgs2
1222  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1223  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z21, lambda_z22, lambda_z20 /)
1224  elseif(index.eq.10) then
1225  vvcoupl(1) = ghgsgs3
1226  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1227  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z31, lambda_z32, lambda_z30 /)
1228  elseif(index.eq.11) then
1229  vvcoupl(1) = ghgsgs4
1230  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1231  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z41, lambda_z42, lambda_z40 /)
1232  elseif(index.eq.12) then ! ZpZ 1-4
1234  lambda_v = lambda_z1
1235  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1236  elseif(index.eq.13) then
1238  lambda_v = lambda_z2
1239  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1240  elseif(index.eq.14) then
1242  lambda_v = lambda_z3
1243  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1244  elseif(index.eq.15) then
1246  lambda_v = lambda_z4
1247  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1248  elseif(index.eq.16) then ! ZpZp 1-4
1250  lambda_v = lambda_z1
1251  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1252  elseif(index.eq.17) then
1254  lambda_v = lambda_z2
1255  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1256  elseif(index.eq.18) then
1258  lambda_v = lambda_z3
1259  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1260  elseif(index.eq.19) then
1262  lambda_v = lambda_z4
1263  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1264  elseif(index.eq.20) then ! Zpgs 1
1265  vvcoupl(3) = ghzpgs1_prime2
1266  lambda_v = lambda_zgs1
1267  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z11, lambda_z12, lambda_z10 /)
1268  elseif(index.eq.21) then ! Zpgs 2-4
1269  vvcoupl(1) = ghzpgs2
1270  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1271  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z21, lambda_z22, lambda_z20 /)
1272  elseif(index.eq.22) then
1273  vvcoupl(1) = ghzpgs3
1274  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1275  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z31, lambda_z32, lambda_z30 /)
1276  elseif(index.eq.23) then
1277  vvcoupl(1) = ghzpgs4
1278  lambda_v = 1d0 ! Not present
1279  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_z41, lambda_z42, lambda_z40 /)
1280  endif
1281  else
1282  if(cw_q1sq.ne.0) swplus_signed=abs(swplus)*dble(sign(1,cw_q1sq))
1283  if(cw_q2sq.ne.0) swminus_signed=abs(swminus)*dble(sign(1,cw_q2sq))
1284  if(cw_q12sq.ne.0) sww_signed=abs(sww)*dble(sign(1,cw_q12sq))
1285  if(cw_q1sq.ne.0 .or. cw_q2sq.ne.0 .or. cw_q12sq.ne.0) computeqsqcompundcoupl=.true.
1286  if(index.eq.1) then
1288  lambda_v = lambda_w1
1289  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1290  elseif(index.eq.2) then
1292  lambda_v = lambda_w2
1293  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w21, lambda_w22, lambda_w20 /)
1294  elseif(index.eq.3) then
1296  lambda_v = lambda_w3
1297  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w31, lambda_w32, lambda_w30 /)
1298  elseif(index.eq.4) then
1300  lambda_v = lambda_w4
1301  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w41, lambda_w42, lambda_w40 /)
1302  elseif(index.eq.12) then
1304  lambda_v = lambda_w1
1305  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1306  elseif(index.eq.13) then
1308  lambda_v = lambda_w2
1309  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1310  elseif(index.eq.14) then
1312  lambda_v = lambda_w3
1313  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1314  elseif(index.eq.15) then
1316  lambda_v = lambda_w4
1317  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1318  elseif(index.eq.16) then
1320  lambda_v = lambda_w1
1321  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1322  elseif(index.eq.17) then
1324  lambda_v = lambda_w2
1325  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1326  elseif(index.eq.18) then
1328  lambda_v = lambda_w3
1329  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1330  elseif(index.eq.19) then
1332  lambda_v = lambda_w4
1333  lambda_v120 = (/ lambda_w11, lambda_w12, lambda_w10 /)
1334  endif
1335  endif
1337  if(vvcoupl(2).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(2) * lambda_v**4/(lambda_v**2 + abs(swplus))/(lambda_v**2 + abs(swminus))
1338  if(vvcoupl(3).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(3) * ( swplus + swminus )/lambda_v**2
1339  if(vvcoupl(4).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(4) * ( swplus - swminus )/lambda_v**2
1340  if(vvcoupl(5).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(5) * ( sww )/lambda_q**2
1341  if(vvcoupl(6).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(6) * ( swplus**2 + swminus**2 )/lambda_v**4
1342  if(vvcoupl(7).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(7) * ( swplus**2 - swminus**2 )/lambda_v**4
1343  if(vvcoupl(8).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(8) * ( swplus * swminus )/lambda_v**4
1345  if(index.eq.1) then
1346  if(computeqsqcompundcoupl) then
1347  qsqcompoundfactor = (lambda_v120(1)**2 + swplus_signed)*(lambda_v120(2)**2 + swminus_signed)*(lambda_v120(3)**2 + sww_signed)
1348  if(qsqcompoundfactor.ne.0d0) then
1349  qsqcompoundfactor = (lambda_v120(1)*lambda_v120(2)*lambda_v120(3))**2/qsqcompoundfactor
1350  endif
1351  hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling * qsqcompoundfactor
1352  endif
1353  if(vvcoupl(1).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(1)
1354  else
1355  if(vvcoupl(1).ne.czero) hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling + vvcoupl(1)
1356  if(computeqsqcompundcoupl) then
1357  qsqcompoundfactor = (lambda_v120(1)**2 + swplus_signed)*(lambda_v120(2)**2 + swminus_signed)*(lambda_v120(3)**2 + sww_signed)
1358  if(qsqcompoundfactor.ne.0d0) then
1359  qsqcompoundfactor = (lambda_v120(1)*lambda_v120(2)*lambda_v120(3))**2/qsqcompoundfactor
1360  endif
1361  hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling = hvvspinzerodynamiccoupling * qsqcompoundfactor
1362  endif
1363  endif
1365 return

◆ initcollier()

subroutine modparameters::initcollier ( integer, intent(in)  Nmax,
integer, intent(in)  Rmax 

Definition at line 3397 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3397 #if useCollier==1
3398 use collier
3399 implicit none
3400 integer, intent(in) :: Nmax, Rmax
3401 integer :: supNmax, supRmax
3402  supnmax = max(nmax, collier_maxnloopprops)
3403  suprmax = max(rmax, collier_maxrank)
3404  if ((supnmax .gt. collier_maxnloopprops) .or. (suprmax .gt. collier_maxrank)) then
3405  call init_cll(supnmax,suprmax,'')
3406  call setmode_cll(1)
3407  endif
3408 #else
3409 implicit none
3410 integer, intent(in) :: Nmax, Rmax
3411  return
3412 #endif

◆ isaboson()

logical function modparameters::isaboson ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2453 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2453 implicit none
2454 logical :: IsABoson
2455 integer :: PartType
2456  isaboson = ( abs(parttype).eq.abs(pho_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(z0_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(wp_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(hig_) )

◆ isagluon()

logical function modparameters::isagluon ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2423 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2423 implicit none
2424 logical :: IsAGluon
2425 integer :: PartType
2426  isagluon = (abs(parttype).eq.glu_)

◆ isajet()

logical function modparameters::isajet ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2438 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2438 implicit none
2439 logical :: IsAJet
2440 integer :: PartType
2441  isajet = (isalightquark(parttype) .or. isagluon(parttype))

◆ isalepton()

logical function modparameters::isalepton ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2409 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2409 implicit none
2410 logical :: IsALepton
2411 integer :: PartType
2412  isalepton = ( abs(parttype).eq.abs(elp_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(mup_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(tap_) )

◆ isalheboson()

logical function modparameters::isalheboson ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2460 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2460 implicit none
2461 logical :: IsALHEBoson
2462 integer :: PartType
2463  isalheboson = ( abs(parttype).ge.22 .and. abs(parttype).le.25 )

◆ isalhegluon()

logical function modparameters::isalhegluon ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2430 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2430 implicit none
2431 logical :: IsALHEGluon
2432 integer :: PartType
2433  isalhegluon = (abs(parttype).eq.convertlhe(glu_))

◆ isalhejet()

logical function modparameters::isalhejet ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2445 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2445 implicit none
2446 logical :: IsALHEJet
2447 integer :: PartType
2448  isalhejet = (isalhelightquark(parttype) .or. isalhegluon(parttype))

◆ isalhelepton()

logical function modparameters::isalhelepton ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2415 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2415 implicit none
2416 logical :: IsALHELepton
2417 integer :: PartType
2418  isalhelepton = ( abs(parttype).eq.11 .or. abs(parttype).eq.13 .or. abs(parttype).eq.15 )

◆ isalhelightquark()

logical function modparameters::isalhelightquark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2388 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2388 implicit none
2389 logical :: IsALHELightQuark
2390 integer :: PartType
2391  isalhelightquark=islheuptypelightquark(parttype) .or. islhedowntypequark(parttype)

◆ isalheneutrino()

logical function modparameters::isalheneutrino ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2402 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2402 implicit none
2403 logical :: IsALHENeutrino
2404 integer :: PartType
2405  isalheneutrino = ( abs(parttype).eq.12 .or. abs(parttype).eq.14 .or. abs(parttype).eq.16 )

◆ isalhequark()

logical function modparameters::isalhequark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2375 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2375 implicit none
2376 logical :: IsALHEQuark
2377 integer :: PartType
2378  isalhequark=islheuptypequark(parttype) .or. islhedowntypequark(parttype)

◆ isalightquark()

logical function modparameters::isalightquark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2382 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2382 implicit none
2383 logical :: IsALightQuark
2384 integer :: PartType
2385  isalightquark=isuptypelightquark(parttype) .or. isdowntypequark(parttype)

◆ isaneutrino()

logical function modparameters::isaneutrino ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2396 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2396 implicit none
2397 logical :: IsANeutrino
2398 integer :: PartType
2399  isaneutrino = ( abs(parttype).eq.abs(nue_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(num_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(nut_) )

◆ isaphoton()

logical function modparameters::isaphoton ( integer  DKMode)

Definition at line 2313 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2313 implicit none
2314 logical :: IsAPhoton
2315 integer :: DKMode
2318  if( dkmode.eq.7 ) then
2319  isaphoton = .true.
2320  else
2321  isaphoton=.false.
2322  endif

◆ isaquark()

logical function modparameters::isaquark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2369 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2369 implicit none
2370 logical :: IsAQuark
2371 integer :: PartType
2372  isaquark=isuptypequark(parttype) .or. isdowntypequark(parttype)

◆ isawdecay()

logical function modparameters::isawdecay ( integer  DKMode)

Definition at line 2278 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2278 implicit none
2279 logical :: IsAWDecay
2280 integer :: DKMode
2283  if( dkmode.eq.4 ) then
2284  isawdecay = .true.
2285  elseif( dkmode.eq.5 ) then
2286  isawdecay = .true.
2287  elseif( dkmode.eq.6 ) then
2288  isawdecay = .true.
2289  elseif( dkmode.eq.10 ) then
2290  isawdecay = .true.
2291  elseif( dkmode.eq.11 ) then
2292  isawdecay = .true.
2293  elseif( dkmode.lt.0 ) then
2294  isawdecay = ( &
2295  dkmode.eq.-2*1 .or. & ! W->enu
2296  dkmode.eq.-3*1 .or. & ! W->munu
2297  dkmode.eq.-5*7 .or. & ! W->du
2298  dkmode.eq.-5*13 .or. & ! W->dc
2299  dkmode.eq.-11*7 .or. & ! W->su
2300  dkmode.eq.-11*13 .or. & ! W->sc
2301  dkmode.eq.-17*7 .or. & ! W->bu
2302  dkmode.eq.-17*13 & ! W->bc
2303  )
2304  else
2305  isawdecay=.false.
2306  endif

◆ isazdecay()

logical function modparameters::isazdecay ( integer  DKMode)

Definition at line 2243 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2243 implicit none
2244 logical :: IsAZDecay
2245 integer :: DKMode
2248  if( dkmode.eq.0 ) then
2249  isazdecay = .true.
2250  elseif( dkmode.eq.1 ) then
2251  isazdecay = .true.
2252  elseif( dkmode.eq.2 ) then
2253  isazdecay = .true.
2254  elseif( dkmode.eq.3 ) then
2255  isazdecay = .true.
2256  elseif( dkmode.eq.8 ) then
2257  isazdecay = .true.
2258  elseif( dkmode.eq.9 ) then
2259  isazdecay = .true.
2260  elseif( dkmode.lt.0 ) then
2261  isazdecay = ( &
2262  dkmode.eq.-2*2 .or. & ! Z->ee
2263  dkmode.eq.-3*3 .or. & ! Z->mumu
2264  dkmode.eq.-5*5 .or. & ! Z->dd
2265  dkmode.eq.-7*7 .or. & ! Z->uu
2266  dkmode.eq.-11*11 .or. & ! Z->ss
2267  dkmode.eq.-13*13 .or. & ! Z->cc
2268  dkmode.eq.-17*17 & ! Z->bb
2269  )
2270  else
2271  isazdecay=.false.
2272  endif

◆ isdowntypequark()

logical function modparameters::isdowntypequark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2330 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2330 implicit none
2331 logical :: IsDownTypeQuark
2332 integer :: PartType
2333  isdowntypequark = ( abs(parttype).eq.abs(dn_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(str_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(bot_) )

◆ islhedowntypequark()

logical function modparameters::islhedowntypequark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2336 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2336 implicit none
2337 logical :: IsLHEDownTypeQuark
2338 integer :: PartType
2339  islhedowntypequark = ( abs(parttype).eq.1 .or. abs(parttype).eq.3 .or. abs(parttype).eq.5 )

◆ islheuptypelightquark()

logical function modparameters::islheuptypelightquark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2362 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2362 implicit none
2363 logical :: IsLHEUpTypeLightQuark
2364 integer :: PartType
2365  islheuptypelightquark = ( abs(parttype).eq.2 .or. abs(parttype).eq.4 )

◆ islheuptypequark()

logical function modparameters::islheuptypequark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2349 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2349 implicit none
2350 logical :: IsLHEUpTypeQuark
2351 integer :: PartType
2352  islheuptypequark = ( abs(parttype).eq.2 .or. abs(parttype).eq.4 .or. abs(parttype).eq.6 )

◆ isuptypelightquark()

logical function modparameters::isuptypelightquark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2356 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2356 implicit none
2357 logical :: IsUpTypeLightQuark
2358 integer :: PartType
2359  isuptypelightquark = ( abs(parttype).eq.abs(up_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(chm_))

◆ isuptypequark()

logical function modparameters::isuptypequark ( integer  PartType)

Definition at line 2343 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2343 implicit none
2344 logical :: IsUpTypeQuark
2345 integer :: PartType
2346  isuptypequark = ( abs(parttype).eq.abs(up_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(chm_) .or. abs(parttype).eq.abs(top_) )

◆ massfrun()

real(8) function modparameters::massfrun ( real(8), intent(in)  mf,
real(8), intent(in)  scale 

Definition at line 2904 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2904 !
2905 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2906 !
2907 ! This function returns the 'nloop' value of a MSbar fermion mass
2908 ! at a given scale.
2909 !
2910 ! INPUT: mf = MSbar mass of fermion at MSbar fermion mass scale
2911 ! scale = scale at which the running mass is evaluated
2912 ! asmz = AS(MZ) : this is passed to alphas(scale,asmz,2)
2913 ! nloop = # of loops in the evolutionC
2914 !
2916 ! contains the MS-bar masses of the heavy quarks.
2917 !
2918 ! EXTERNAL: double precision alphas(scale,asmz,2)
2919 !
2920 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2921 !
2922 ! use ModParameters
2923  implicit none
2924 !
2926 !
2927  real(8), intent(in) :: mf, scale
2928  real(8) scale_temp_ren
2929  !integer , intent(in) :: nloop
2930 !
2931 ! LOCAL
2932 !
2933  real(8) beta0, beta1,gamma0,gamma1
2934  real(8) as,asmf,l2
2935  integer nfrun
2937  scale_temp_ren=mu_ren
2938 !
2940 !
2941 ! double precision alphas
2942 ! external alphas
2943 !
2944 ! COMMON
2945 !
2946 ! real *8 cmass,bmass,tmass
2948 !
2950 !
2951 ! double precision One, Two, Three, Pi
2952  !parameter( One = 1d0, Two = 2d0, Three = 3d0 )
2953  !parameter( Pi = 3.14159265358979323846d0)
2955  if ( mf.gt.m_top ) then
2956  nfrun = 6
2957  else
2958  nfrun = 5
2959  end if
2961  beta0 = ( 11d0 - 2d0/3d0 *nfrun )/4d0
2962  !beta1 = ( 102d0 - 38d0/3d0*nf )/16d0
2963  gamma0= 1d0
2964  !gamma1= ( 202d0/3d0 - 20d0/9d0*nf )/16d0
2965  !A1 = -beta1*gamma0/beta0**2+gamma1/beta0
2966  mu_ren=scale
2967  call evalalphas()
2968  as=alphas
2970  mu_ren=mf
2971  call evalalphas()
2972  asmf=alphas
2973  !l2 = (1d0+A1*as/Pi)/(one+A1*asmf/Pi)
2975  massfrun = mf * (as/asmf)**(gamma0/beta0)
2977  !if(nloop.eq.2) massfrun=massfrun*l2
2979  mu_ren=scale_temp_ren
2980  call evalalphas()
2982  return

◆ pol_dk2mom()

complex(dp) function, dimension(4) modparameters::pol_dk2mom ( complex(dp), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  plepton,
complex(dp), dimension(1:4), intent(in)  antilepton,
integer, intent(in)  i,
logical, intent(in), optional  outgoing 

Definition at line 3068 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3068  implicit none
3069  integer, intent(in) :: i
3070  integer :: j
3071  complex(dp), intent(in) :: plepton(1:4),antilepton(1:4)
3072  logical, intent(in),optional :: outgoing
3073  complex(dp) :: pol_dk2mom(4),Ub(4),V(4),q(4),qsq
3076  q=plepton+antilepton
3077  qsq=q(1)**2-q(2)**2-q(3)**2-q(4)**2
3079  ub(:)=ubar0(plepton,i)
3080  v(:)=v0(antilepton,-i)
3081  !---Now return in Kirill's notation 1=E,2=px,3=py,4=pz
3082  ! This is an expression for (-i)/qsq* (-i) Ub(+/-)) Gamma^\mu V(-/+)
3083  pol_dk2mom(1)=-(ub(2)*v(4)+v(2)*ub(4)+ub(1)*v(3)+v(1)*ub(3))
3084  pol_dk2mom(2)=-(-ub(1)*v(4)+v(1)*ub(4)-ub(2)*v(3)+v(2)*ub(3))
3085  pol_dk2mom(3)=-ci*(ub(1)*v(4)+v(1)*ub(4)-ub(2)*v(3)-v(2)*ub(3))
3086  pol_dk2mom(4)=-(ub(2)*v(4)-v(2)*ub(4)-ub(1)*v(3)+v(1)*ub(3))
3089  do j=1,4
3090  pol_dk2mom(j)=pol_dk2mom(j)/qsq
3091  enddo
3093  ! -- do nothing in this case
3094  if (present(outgoing)) then
3095  !if (outgoing) pol_dk2mom = conjg(pol_dk2mom)
3096  endif

◆ pol_mass()

complex(8) function, dimension(4) modparameters::pol_mass ( complex(8), dimension(4), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  i,
logical, intent(in), optional  outgoing 

Definition at line 3102 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3102  implicit none
3103  integer, intent(in) :: i
3104  integer :: pol
3105  complex(8), intent(in) :: p(4)
3106  logical, intent(in),optional :: outgoing
3107  complex(8) :: pol_mass(4)
3108  complex(8) :: msq,m
3109  real(8) :: p0,px,py,pz, pv,pvsq
3110  real(8) :: ct,st,cphi,sphi
3112  p0=dreal(p(1))
3113  px=dreal(p(2))
3114  py=dreal(p(3))
3115  pz=dreal(p(4))
3117  pv=px**2 + py**2 + pz**2
3118  m=p0**2-pv
3119  m=sqrt(m)
3120  pv=sqrt(pv)
3122  if(cdabs(pv/m).lt.1d-8) then
3123  if(i.eq.0) then
3124  pol_mass(1:3)=czero
3125  pol_mass( 4 )=cone
3126  return
3127  endif
3128  ct = 1d0; st=0d0
3129  else
3130  ct= pz/pv
3131  st= dsqrt(dabs(1.0d0-ct**2))
3132  endif
3135  if (st .lt. 1d-15) then
3136  cphi=1.0d0
3137  sphi=0d0
3138  else
3139  cphi= px/pv/st
3140  sphi= py/pv/st
3141  endif
3144 ! i=0 is longitudinal polarization
3145 ! the following ifstatement distinguishes between
3146 ! positive and negative energies
3147  if ( p0 .gt. 0.0d0) then
3148  pol=i
3149  else
3150  pol=-i
3151  endif
3153  ! -- take complex conjugate for outgoing
3154  if (present(outgoing)) then
3155  if (outgoing) pol = -pol
3156  endif
3158  if(pol.eq.-1 .or. pol.eq.1) then
3159  pol_mass(1)=czero
3160  pol_mass(2)=(ct*cphi-pol*ci*sphi)/sqrt2
3161  pol_mass(3)=(ct*sphi+pol*ci*cphi)/sqrt2
3162  pol_mass(4)=-st/sqrt2
3163  else if(pol.eq.0) then
3164  pol_mass(1)= pv/m
3165  pol_mass(2)= p0/m/pv*px
3166  pol_mass(3)= p0/m/pv*py
3167  pol_mass(4)= p0/m/pv*pz
3168  else
3169  print *,"wrong helicity setting in pol_mass"
3170  stop
3171  endif

◆ pol_mass2()

complex(dp) function, dimension(4) modparameters::pol_mass2 ( complex(dp), dimension(4), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  i,
character(len=*), intent(in)  out 

Definition at line 3176 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3176  implicit none
3177  integer, intent(in) :: i
3178  complex(dp), intent(in) :: p(4)
3179  character(len=*), intent(in):: out
3180  complex(dp) :: pol_mass2(4)
3181  ! -------------------------------------
3183  if (out == 'out') then
3184  pol_mass2 = pol_mass(p,i,outgoing=.true.)
3185  else
3186  pol_mass2 = pol_mass(p,i,outgoing=.false.)
3187  endif

◆ pol_mless()

complex(dp) function, dimension(4) modparameters::pol_mless ( complex(dp), dimension(4), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  i,
logical, intent(in), optional  outgoing 

Definition at line 2997 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2997  implicit none
2998  complex(dp), intent(in) :: p(4)
2999  integer, intent(in) :: i
3000  logical, intent(in),optional :: outgoing
3001  ! -------------------------------
3002  integer :: pol
3003  real(dp) :: p0,px,py,pz
3004  real(dp) :: pv,ct,st,cphi,sphi
3005  complex(dp) :: pol_mless(4)
3007 !^^^IFmp
3008 ! p0=(p(1)+conjg(p(1)))/two
3009 ! px=(p(2)+conjg(p(2)))/two
3010 ! py=(p(3)+conjg(p(3)))/two
3011 ! pz=(p(4)+conjg(p(4)))/two
3012 !^^^ELSE
3013  p0=real(p(1),dp)
3014  px=real(p(2),dp)
3015  py=real(p(3),dp)
3016  pz=real(p(4),dp)
3017 !^^^END
3020  pv=sqrt(abs(p0**2))
3021  ct=pz/pv
3022  st=sqrt(abs(1.0_dp-ct**2))
3024  if (st < tol) then
3025  cphi=1.0_dp
3026  sphi=0.0_dp
3027  else
3028  cphi= px/pv/st
3029  sphi= py/pv/st
3030  endif
3033  ! -- distinguish between positive and negative energies
3034  if ( p0 > 0.0_dp) then
3035  pol=i
3036  else
3037  pol=-i
3038  endif
3040  ! -- take complex conjugate for outgoing
3041  if (present(outgoing)) then
3042  if (outgoing) pol = -pol
3043  endif
3045  pol_mless(1)=czero
3046  pol_mless(2)=ct*cphi/sqrt2 - ci*pol*sphi/sqrt2
3047  pol_mless(3)=ct*sphi/sqrt2 + ci*pol*cphi/sqrt2
3048  pol_mless(4)=-st/sqrt2

◆ pol_mless2()

complex(dp) function, dimension(4) modparameters::pol_mless2 ( complex(dp), dimension(4), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  i,
character(len=*), intent(in)  out 

Definition at line 3053 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3053  implicit none
3054  integer, intent(in) :: i
3055  complex(dp), intent(in) :: p(4)
3056  character(len=*), intent(in):: out
3057  complex(dp) :: pol_mless2(4)
3058  ! -------------------------------------
3060  if (out == 'out') then
3061  pol_mless2 = pol_mless(p,i,outgoing=.true.)
3062  else
3063  pol_mless2 = pol_mless(p,i,outgoing=.false.)
3064  endif

◆ scalefactor()

real(8) function modparameters::scalefactor ( integer  id1in,
integer  id2in 

Definition at line 1509 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1509 implicit none
1510 real(8) :: ScaleFactor
1511 integer :: id1, id2, id1in, id2in
1512 id1 = abs(id1in)
1513 id2 = abs(id2in)
1515 ! W->qq
1516 if((id1.eq.convertlhe(up_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(dn_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(up_)))then
1517  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_ud
1518 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(up_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(str_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(str_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(up_)))then
1519  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_ud
1520 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(up_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(bot_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(up_)))then
1521  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_ud
1522 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(dn_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(chm_)))then
1523  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_cs
1524 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(str_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(str_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(chm_)))then
1525  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_cs
1526 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(bot_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(chm_)))then
1527  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_cs
1528 ! W-> td
1529 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(top_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(dn_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(top_)))then
1530  scalefactor = 1d0
1531 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(top_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(str_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(str_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(top_)))then
1532  scalefactor = 1d0
1533 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(top_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(bot_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(top_)))then
1534  scalefactor = 1d0
1535 ! W->lnu
1536 elseif((abs(id1).eq.abs(convertlhe(nut_)) .and. abs(id2).eq.abs(convertlhe(tap_))) .or. (abs(id1).eq.abs(convertlhe(tap_)) .and. abs(id2).eq.abs(convertlhe(nut_))))then
1537  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_tn
1538 elseif((abs(id1).eq.abs(convertlhe(num_)) .and. abs(id2).eq.abs(convertlhe(mup_))) .or. (abs(id1).eq.abs(convertlhe(mup_)) .and. abs(id2).eq.abs(convertlhe(num_))))then
1539  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_ln
1540 elseif((abs(id1).eq.abs(convertlhe(nue_)) .and. abs(id2).eq.abs(convertlhe(elp_))) .or. (abs(id1).eq.abs(convertlhe(elp_)) .and. abs(id2).eq.abs(convertlhe(nue_))))then
1541  scalefactor = scale_alpha_w_ln
1542 ! Z->qq
1543 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(up_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(up_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(chm_)))then
1544  scalefactor = scale_alpha_z_uu
1545 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(dn_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(str_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(str_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(bot_)))then
1546  scalefactor = scale_alpha_z_dd
1547 ! Z-> ll, nunu
1548 elseif(id1.eq.convertlhe(tap_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(tap_))then
1549  scalefactor = scale_alpha_z_tt
1550 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(mup_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(mup_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(elp_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(elp_)))then
1551  scalefactor = scale_alpha_z_ll
1552 elseif((id1.eq.convertlhe(nut_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(nut_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(num_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(num_)) .or. (id1.eq.convertlhe(nue_) .and. id2.eq.convertlhe(nue_)))then
1553  scalefactor = scale_alpha_z_nn
1554 ! Everything else
1555 else
1556  scalefactor = 1d0
1557 endif
1559 return

◆ setdecaywidth()

subroutine modparameters::setdecaywidth ( real(8), intent(in)  width,
integer, intent(in)  ipart 

Definition at line 1996 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1996 implicit none
1997 real(8), intent(in) :: width
1998 integer, intent(in) :: ipart
1999 integer :: Part
2001  part=abs(ipart)
2002  if( part.eq.abs(tam_) ) then
2003  ga_tau = width
2004  elseif( part.eq.abs(top_) ) then
2005  ga_top = width
2006  elseif( part.eq.abs(z0_) ) then
2007  ga_z = width
2008  elseif( part.eq.abs(zpr_) ) then
2009  ga_zprime = width
2010  elseif( part.eq.abs(wp_) ) then
2011  ga_w = width
2012  elseif( part.eq.abs(wppr_) ) then
2013  ga_wprime = width
2014  elseif( part.eq.abs(hig_) ) then
2015  ga_reso = width
2016  endif

◆ setdefaultckm()

subroutine modparameters::setdefaultckm

Definition at line 2774 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2774 implicit none
2775  vckm_ud = 0.974285d0
2776  vckm_us = 0.225290d0
2777  vckm_cs = 0.9734244d0
2778  vckm_cd =-0.225182d0
2779  vckm_tb = 0.99912367d0
2780  vckm_ts =-0.040920069d0

◆ sethiggsdecaywidth()

subroutine modparameters::sethiggsdecaywidth ( integer  jH,
real(8)  width 

Definition at line 2110 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2110 implicit none
2111 real(8) :: width
2112 integer :: jH
2113  if (jh .eq. 1) then
2114  ga_reso=width
2115  elseif (jh .eq.2) then
2116  ga_reso2=width
2117  endif

◆ sethiggsmass()

subroutine modparameters::sethiggsmass ( integer  jH,
real(8)  mass 

Definition at line 2099 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2099 implicit none
2100 real(8) :: mass
2101 integer :: jH
2102  if (jh .eq. 1) then
2103  m_reso=mass
2104  elseif (jh .eq.2) then
2105  m_reso2=mass
2106  endif

◆ setmass()

subroutine modparameters::setmass ( real(8), intent(in)  mass,
integer, intent(in)  ipart 

Definition at line 1962 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1962 implicit none
1963 real(8), intent(in) :: mass
1964 integer, intent(in) :: ipart
1965 integer :: Part
1967  part=abs(ipart)
1968  if( part.eq.abs(elm_) ) then
1969  m_el = mass
1970  elseif( part.eq.abs(mum_) ) then
1971  m_mu = mass
1972  elseif( part.eq.abs(tam_) ) then
1973  m_tau = mass
1974  elseif( part.eq.abs(chm_) ) then
1975  m_charm = mass
1976  elseif( part.eq.abs(bot_) ) then
1977  m_bot = mass
1978  elseif( part.eq.abs(top_) ) then
1979  m_top = mass
1980  elseif( part.eq.abs(z0_) ) then
1981  m_z = mass
1982  elseif( part.eq.abs(zpr_) ) then
1983  m_zprime = mass
1984  elseif( part.eq.abs(wp_) ) then
1985  m_w = mass
1986  elseif( part.eq.abs(wppr_) ) then
1987  m_wprime = mass
1988  elseif( part.eq.abs(hig_) ) then
1989  m_reso = mass
1990  endif

◆ spinoru()

subroutine modparameters::spinoru ( real(dp), dimension(:,:)  p,
complex(dp), dimension(:,:)  za,
complex(dp), dimension(:,:)  zb,
real(dp), dimension(:,:)  s 

Definition at line 3331 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3331 !---Calculate spinor products
3332 !---taken from MCFM & modified by R. Rontsch, May 2015
3333 !---extended to deal with negative energies ie with all momenta outgoing
3334 !---Arbitrary conventions of Bern, Dixon, Kosower, Weinzierl,
3335 !---za(i,j)*zb(j,i)=s(i,j)
3336  implicit none
3337  real(dp) :: p(:,:),two
3338  integer, parameter :: mxpart=14
3339  complex(dp):: c23(mxpart),f(mxpart),rt(mxpart),za(:,:),zb(:,:),czero,cone,ci
3340  real(dp) :: s(:,:)
3341  integer i,j,N
3343  n = size(p,1)
3344 ! if (size(p,1) .ne. N) then
3345 ! call Error("spinorz: momentum mismatch",size(p,1))
3346 ! endif
3347  two=2d0
3348  czero=dcmplx(0d0,0d0)
3349  cone=dcmplx(1d0,0d0)
3350  ci=dcmplx(0d0,1d0)
3353 !---if one of the vectors happens to be zero this routine fails.
3354  do j=1,n
3355  za(j,j)=czero
3356  zb(j,j)=za(j,j)
3358 !-----positive energy case
3359  if (p(j,4) .gt. 0d0) then
3360  rt(j)=dsqrt(p(j,4)+p(j,1))
3361  c23(j)=dcmplx(p(j,3),-p(j,2))
3362  f(j)=cone
3363  else
3364 !-----negative energy case
3365  rt(j)=dsqrt(-p(j,4)-p(j,1))
3366  c23(j)=dcmplx(-p(j,3),p(j,2))
3367  f(j)=ci
3368  endif
3369  enddo
3370  do i=2,n
3371  do j=1,i-1
3372  s(i,j)=two*(p(i,4)*p(j,4)-p(i,1)*p(j,1)-p(i,2)*p(j,2)-p(i,3)*p(j,3))
3373  za(i,j)=f(i)*f(j)*(c23(i)*dcmplx(rt(j)/rt(i))-c23(j)*dcmplx(rt(i)/rt(j)))
3375  if (abs(s(i,j)).lt.1d-5) then
3376  zb(i,j)=-(f(i)*f(j))**2*dconjg(za(i,j))
3377  else
3378  zb(i,j)=-dcmplx(s(i,j))/za(i,j)
3379  endif
3380  za(j,i)=-za(i,j)
3381  zb(j,i)=-zb(i,j)
3382  s(j,i)=s(i,j)
3383  enddo
3384  enddo

◆ su2flip()

integer function modparameters::su2flip ( integer  Part)

Definition at line 2603 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

2603 implicit none
2604 integer :: SU2flip
2605 integer :: Part
2607  if( abs(part).eq.up_ ) then
2608  su2flip = sign(1,part)*dn_
2609  elseif( abs(part).eq.dn_ ) then
2610  su2flip = sign(1,part)*up_
2611  elseif( abs(part).eq.chm_ ) then
2612  su2flip = sign(1,part)*str_
2613  elseif( abs(part).eq.str_ ) then
2614  su2flip = sign(1,part)*chm_
2615  elseif( abs(part).eq.bot_ ) then
2616  su2flip = sign(1,part)*top_
2617  elseif( abs(part).eq.top_ ) then
2618  su2flip = sign(1,part)*bot_
2619  elseif( abs(part).eq.elp_ ) then
2620  su2flip = sign(1,part)*nue_
2621  elseif( abs(part).eq.mup_ ) then
2622  su2flip = sign(1,part)*num_
2623  elseif( abs(part).eq.tap_ ) then
2624  su2flip = sign(1,part)*nut_
2625  elseif( abs(part).eq.nue_ ) then
2626  su2flip = sign(1,part)*elp_
2627  elseif( abs(part).eq.num_ ) then
2628  su2flip = sign(1,part)*mup_
2629  elseif( abs(part).eq.nut_ ) then
2630  su2flip = sign(1,part)*tap_
2631  else
2632  print *, "Error: Invalid flavor in SU2flip ",part
2633  stop
2634  endif

◆ ubar0()

complex(dp) function, dimension(4) modparameters::ubar0 ( complex(dp), dimension(4), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  i 

Definition at line 3193 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3193  implicit none
3194  complex(dp), intent(in) :: p(4)
3195  integer, intent(in) :: i
3196  complex(dp) :: ubar0(4)
3197  complex(dp) :: fc, fc2
3198  real(dp) :: p0,px,py,pz,mass
3201  p0=real(p(1),dp)
3202  px=real(p(2),dp)
3203  py=real(p(3),dp)
3204  pz=real(p(4),dp)
3205  mass=dsqrt(dabs(p0**2-px**2-py**2-pz**2))
3206  if( mass.lt.1d-4 ) mass=0d0
3209  fc2 = p0 + pz
3210  fc=sqrt(fc2)
3212  if (abs(fc2).gt. tol) then
3213  if (i.eq.1) then
3214  ubar0(1)=czero
3215  ubar0(2)=czero
3216  ubar0(3)=fc
3217  ubar0(4)=(px-ci*py)/fc
3218  elseif (i.eq.-1) then
3219  ubar0(1)=(px+ci*py)/fc
3220  ubar0(2)=-fc
3221  ubar0(3)=czero
3222  ubar0(4)=czero
3223  else
3224  stop 'ubar0: i out of range'
3225  endif
3226  else
3227  if (i.eq.1) then
3228  ubar0(1) = czero
3229  ubar0(2) = czero
3230  ubar0(3) = czero
3231  ubar0(4) = sqrt(cone*two*p0)
3232  elseif (i.eq.-1) then
3233  ubar0(1) = sqrt(cone*(two*p0))
3234  ubar0(2) = czero
3235  ubar0(3) = czero
3236  ubar0(4) = czero
3237  else
3238  stop 'ubar0: i out of range'
3239  endif
3240  endif
3243 ! if (i.eq.1) then
3244 ! ubar0(1)=dcmplx(mass,0d0)/fc
3245 ! ubar0(2)=czero
3246 ! ubar0(3)=fc
3247 ! ubar0(4)=dcmplx(px,-py)/fc
3248 ! elseif (i.eq.-1) then
3249 ! ubar0(1)=dcmplx(px,py)/fc
3250 ! ubar0(2)=-fc
3251 ! ubar0(3)=czero
3252 ! ubar0(4)=-dcmplx(mass,0d0)/fc
3253 ! else
3254 ! stop 'ubar0: i out of range'
3255 ! endif

◆ v0()

complex(dp) function, dimension(4) modparameters::v0 ( complex(dp), dimension(4), intent(in)  p,
integer, intent(in)  i 

Definition at line 3263 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

3263  implicit none
3264  complex(dp), intent(in) :: p(4)
3265  integer, intent(in) :: i
3266  complex(dp) :: v0(4)
3267  complex(dp) :: fc2, fc
3268  real(dp) :: p0,px,py,pz,mass
3270  p0=real(p(1),dp)
3271  px=real(p(2),dp)
3272  py=real(p(3),dp)
3273  pz=real(p(4),dp)
3274  mass=dsqrt(dabs(p0**2-px**2-py**2-pz**2))
3275  if( mass.lt.1d-4 ) mass=0d0
3278  fc2 = p0 + pz
3279  fc=sqrt(fc2)
3281  if (abs(fc2).gt. tol) then
3282  if (i.eq.1) then
3283  v0(1)=czero
3284  v0(2)=czero
3285  v0(3)=(px-ci*py)/fc
3286  v0(4)=-fc
3287  elseif (i.eq.-1) then
3288  v0(1)=fc
3289  v0(2)=(px+ci*py)/fc
3290  v0(3)=czero
3291  v0(4)=czero
3292  else
3293  stop 'v0: i out of range'
3294  endif
3295  else
3296  if (i.eq.1) then
3297  v0(1)=czero
3298  v0(2)=czero
3299  v0(3)=sqrt(cone*two*p0)
3300  v0(4)=czero
3301  elseif (i.eq.-1) then
3302  v0(1)=czero
3303  v0(2)=sqrt(cone*two*p0)
3304  v0(3)=czero
3305  v0(4)=czero
3306  else
3307  stop 'v0: i out of range'
3308  endif
3309  endif
3312 ! if (i.eq.+1) then
3313 ! v0(1)=czero
3314 ! v0(2)=dcmplx(mass,0d0)/fc
3315 ! v0(3)=dcmplx(px,-py)/fc
3316 ! v0(4)=-fc
3317 ! elseif (i.eq.-1) then
3318 ! v0(1)=fc
3319 ! v0(2)=dcmplx(px,py)/fc
3320 ! v0(3)=dcmplx(-mass,0d0)/fc
3321 ! v0(4)=czero
3322 ! else
3323 ! stop 'v0: i out of range'
3324 ! endif

◆ vpffcoupling()

complex(8) function modparameters::vpffcoupling ( integer, intent(in)  jhuid,
integer, intent(in)  hel,
logical, intent(in)  useWp 

Definition at line 1370 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1370 integer, intent(in) :: jhuid
1371 integer, intent(in) :: hel
1372 logical, intent(in) :: useWp
1373 complex(8) :: VpffCoupling
1374 integer :: absid
1376  vpffcoupling=czero
1377  if (abs(hel).ne.1) then
1378  return
1379  endif
1380  absid=abs(jhuid)
1382  if(usewp) then
1383  if (absid.eq.abs(up_) .or. absid.eq.abs(dn_)) then
1384  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1385  vpffcoupling=ewp_up_left
1386  else
1387  vpffcoupling=ewp_up_right
1388  endif
1389  elseif (absid.eq.abs(chm_) .or. absid.eq.abs(str_)) then
1390  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1391  vpffcoupling=ewp_chm_left
1392  else
1393  vpffcoupling=ewp_chm_right
1394  endif
1395  elseif (absid.eq.abs(top_) .or. absid.eq.abs(bot_)) then
1396  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1397  vpffcoupling=ewp_top_left
1398  else
1399  vpffcoupling=ewp_top_right
1400  endif
1401  elseif (absid.eq.abs(elp_) .or. absid.eq.abs(nue_)) then
1402  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1403  vpffcoupling=ewp_el_left
1404  else
1405  vpffcoupling=ewp_el_right
1406  endif
1407  elseif (absid.eq.abs(mup_) .or. absid.eq.abs(num_)) then
1408  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1409  vpffcoupling=ewp_mu_left
1410  else
1411  vpffcoupling=ewp_mu_right
1412  endif
1413  elseif (absid.eq.abs(tap_) .or. absid.eq.abs(nut_)) then
1414  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1415  vpffcoupling=ewp_ta_left
1416  else
1417  vpffcoupling=ewp_ta_right
1418  endif
1419  endif
1420  else
1421  if (absid.eq.abs(up_)) then
1422  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1423  vpffcoupling=ezp_up_left
1424  else
1425  vpffcoupling=ezp_up_right
1426  endif
1427  elseif (absid.eq.abs(dn_)) then
1428  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1429  vpffcoupling=ezp_dn_left
1430  else
1431  vpffcoupling=ezp_dn_right
1432  endif
1433  elseif (absid.eq.abs(chm_)) then
1434  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1435  vpffcoupling=ezp_chm_left
1436  else
1437  vpffcoupling=ezp_chm_right
1438  endif
1439  elseif (absid.eq.abs(str_)) then
1440  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1441  vpffcoupling=ezp_str_left
1442  else
1443  vpffcoupling=ezp_str_right
1444  endif
1445  elseif (absid.eq.abs(top_)) then
1446  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1447  vpffcoupling=ezp_top_left
1448  else
1449  vpffcoupling=ezp_top_right
1450  endif
1451  elseif (absid.eq.abs(bot_)) then
1452  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1453  vpffcoupling=ezp_bot_left
1454  else
1455  vpffcoupling=ezp_bot_right
1456  endif
1457  elseif (absid.eq.abs(elp_)) then
1458  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1459  vpffcoupling=ezp_el_left
1460  else
1461  vpffcoupling=ezp_el_right
1462  endif
1463  elseif (absid.eq.abs(nue_)) then
1464  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1465  vpffcoupling=ezp_nue_left
1466  else
1467  vpffcoupling=ezp_nue_right
1468  endif
1469  elseif (absid.eq.abs(mup_)) then
1470  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1471  vpffcoupling=ezp_mu_left
1472  else
1473  vpffcoupling=ezp_mu_right
1474  endif
1475  elseif (absid.eq.abs(num_)) then
1476  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1477  vpffcoupling=ezp_nue_left
1478  else
1479  vpffcoupling=ezp_nue_right
1480  endif
1481  elseif (absid.eq.abs(tap_)) then
1482  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1483  vpffcoupling=ezp_ta_left
1484  else
1485  vpffcoupling=ezp_ta_right
1486  endif
1487  elseif (absid.eq.abs(nut_)) then
1488  if(hel.eq.-1) then
1489  vpffcoupling=ezp_nue_left
1490  else
1491  vpffcoupling=ezp_nue_right
1492  endif
1493  endif
1494  endif

◆ vpffcoupling_pdg()

complex(8) function modparameters::vpffcoupling_pdg ( integer, intent(in)  pdgid,
integer, intent(in)  hel,
logical, intent(in)  useWp 

Definition at line 1498 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1498 integer, intent(in) :: pdgid
1499 integer, intent(in) :: hel
1500 logical, intent(in) :: useWp
1501 complex(8) :: VpffCoupling_PDG
1502 integer :: jhuid
1503  jhuid=convertlhereverse(pdgid)
1504  vpffcoupling_pdg=vpffcoupling(jhuid,hel,usewp)

◆ zff()

real(8) function modparameters::zff ( integer  id1in,
integer  id2in,
real(8)  h1,
real(8)  h2 

Definition at line 1650 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1650 implicit none
1651 real(8) :: ZFF
1652 integer :: id1in, id2in
1653 real(8) :: h1,h2
1654  zff = zffbare(id1in,id2in,h1,h2) * sqrt(scalefactor(id1in,id2in))
1655 return

◆ zffbare()

real(8) function modparameters::zffbare ( integer  id1in,
integer  id2in,
real(8)  h1,
real(8)  h2 

Definition at line 1601 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1601 implicit none
1602 real(8) :: ZFFbare
1603 integer :: id1, id2, id1in, id2in
1604 real(8) :: h1,h2
1606 id1 = abs(id1in)
1607 id2 = abs(id2in)
1609  if(id1.ne.id2)then
1610  print*,"Not a valid Z to fermion pair vertex!",id1in,id2in
1611  stop
1612  !Zll
1613  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(elm_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(mum_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(tam_))then
1614  if((id1in*h1).gt.0d0)then
1615  zffbare = ar_lep
1616  else
1617  zffbare = al_lep
1618  endif
1619  !Zuu
1620  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(up_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(chm_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(top_))then
1621  if((id1in*h1).gt.0d0)then
1622  zffbare = ar_qup
1623  else
1624  zffbare = al_qup
1625  endif
1626  !Zdd
1627  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(dn_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(str_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(bot_))then
1628  if((id1in*h1).gt.0d0)then
1629  zffbare = ar_qdn
1630  else
1631  zffbare = al_qdn
1632  endif
1633  !Z nu nu
1634  else if(id1.eq.convertlhe(nue_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(num_).or.id1.eq.convertlhe(nut_))then
1635  if((id1in*h1).lt.0d0)then
1636  zffbare = al_neu
1637  else
1638  print*,"No right-handed neutrino here!",id1in,h1
1639  stop
1640  endif
1641  else
1642  print*,"Not a valid Z to fermion pair vertex!",id1in,id2in
1643  stop
1644  endif
1646 return

Variable Documentation

◆ a1

complex(8), public modparameters::a1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 923 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

923  complex(8), public :: a1 = (0d0,0d0) ! g1 -- c.f. draft

◆ a2

complex(8), public modparameters::a2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 924 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

924  complex(8), public :: a2 = (0d0,0d0) ! g2

◆ a3

complex(8), public modparameters::a3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 925 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

925  complex(8), public :: a3 = (0d0,0d0) ! g3

◆ a4

complex(8), public modparameters::a4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 926 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

926  complex(8), public :: a4 = (0d0,0d0) ! g4

◆ a5

complex(8), public modparameters::a5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 927 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

927  complex(8), public :: a5 = (0d0,0d0) ! pseudoscalar, g8

◆ abot_

integer, target, public modparameters::abot_ = -6

Definition at line 1111 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1111 integer, public, target :: ABot_ = -6

◆ accepcounter

integer(8), public modparameters::accepcounter =0

Definition at line 50 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

50 integer(8), public :: AccepCounter=0

◆ accepcounter_part

integer(8), dimension(-6:6,-6:6), public modparameters::accepcounter_part =0

Definition at line 52 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

52 integer(8), public :: AccepCounter_part(-6:6,-6:6)=0,rejecounter_part(-6:6,-6:6)=0,requevents(-6:+6,-6:+6)=0

◆ accepcounter_part2

integer(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public modparameters::accepcounter_part2 =0

Definition at line 55 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

55 integer(8), public :: AccepCounter_part2(1:NMAXCHANNELS)=0

◆ achm_

integer, target, public modparameters::achm_ = -3

Definition at line 1108 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1108 integer, public, target :: AChm_ = -3

◆ adn_

integer, target, public modparameters::adn_ = -2

Definition at line 1107 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1107 integer, public, target :: ADn_ = -2

◆ ahg1

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ahg1 = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 362 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

362  complex(8), public, parameter :: ahg1 = (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ ahg2

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ahg2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 363 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

363  complex(8), public, parameter :: ahg2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ahg3

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ahg3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 364 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

364  complex(8), public, parameter :: ahg3 = (0d0,0d0) ! pseudoscalar

◆ ahz1

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ahz1 = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 365 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

365  complex(8), public, parameter :: ahz1 = (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ ahz2

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ahz2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 366 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

366  complex(8), public, parameter :: ahz2 = (0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute for gamma+gamma final states

◆ ahz3

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ahz3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 367 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

367  complex(8), public, parameter :: ahz3 = (0d0,0d0) ! pseudoscalar

◆ al_lep

real(8), public modparameters::al_lep

Definition at line 1059 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1059 real(8), public :: aL_lep ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(-1d0)-1d0

◆ al_neu

real(8), public modparameters::al_neu

Definition at line 1061 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1061 real(8), public :: aL_neu ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(0d0)+1d0

◆ al_qdn

real(8), public modparameters::al_qdn

Definition at line 1065 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1065 real(8), public :: aL_QDn ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(-1d0/3d0)-1d0

◆ al_qup

real(8), public modparameters::al_qup

Definition at line 1063 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1063 real(8), public :: aL_QUp ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(2d0/3d0)+1d0

◆ alertcounter

integer(8), public modparameters::alertcounter =0

Definition at line 51 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

51 integer(8), public :: AlertCounter=0

◆ alpha_dip

real(8), public modparameters::alpha_dip = 1d0

Definition at line 199 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

199 real(8), public :: alpha_dip = 1d0 !extra non physical degree of freedom for dipoles. Vary to check indepedence (of alpha_dip).

◆ alpha_qed

real(8), public modparameters::alpha_qed = 1d0/128d0

Definition at line 248 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

248 real(8), public :: alpha_QED = 1d0/128d0 ! el.magn. coupling

◆ alphas

real(dp), public modparameters::alphas

Definition at line 269 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

269 real(dp), public :: alphas ! strong coupling per event, set to some reasonable value

◆ alphas_mz

real(dp), public modparameters::alphas_mz

Definition at line 270 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

270 real(dp), public :: alphas_mz ! strong coupling at M_Z, reset later in main per PDF

◆ anue_

integer, target, public modparameters::anue_ = -14

Definition at line 1116 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1116 integer, public, target :: ANuE_ = -14

◆ anum_

integer, target, public modparameters::anum_ = -15

Definition at line 1117 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1117 integer, public, target :: ANuM_ = -15

◆ anut_

integer, target, public modparameters::anut_ = -16

Definition at line 1118 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1118 integer, public, target :: ANuT_ = -16

◆ ar_lep

real(8), public modparameters::ar_lep

Definition at line 1058 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1058 real(8), public :: aR_lep ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(-1d0)

◆ ar_neu

real(8), public modparameters::ar_neu

Definition at line 1060 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1060 real(8), public :: aR_neu ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(0d0)

◆ ar_qdn

real(8), public modparameters::ar_qdn

Definition at line 1064 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1064 real(8), public :: aR_QDn ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(-1d0/3d0)

◆ ar_qup

real(8), public modparameters::ar_qup

Definition at line 1062 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1062 real(8), public :: aR_QUp ! = -2d0*sitW**2*(2d0/3d0)

◆ astr_

integer, target, public modparameters::astr_ = -4

Definition at line 1109 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1109 integer, public, target :: AStr_ = -4

◆ atop_

integer, target, public modparameters::atop_ = -5

Definition at line 1110 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1110 integer, public, target :: ATop_ = -5

◆ attobarn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::attobarn =1e-18*barn

Definition at line 104 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

104 real(8), public, parameter :: attobarn=1e-18*barn

◆ aup_

integer, target, public modparameters::aup_ = -1

Definition at line 1106 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1106 integer, public, target :: AUp_ = -1

◆ avegg

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::avegg = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/64.0_dp

Definition at line 1019 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1019 real(dp), public, parameter :: avegg = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/64.0_dp

◆ aveqg

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::aveqg = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/24.0_dp

Definition at line 1020 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1020 real(dp), public, parameter :: aveqg = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/24.0_dp

◆ aveqq

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::aveqq = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/9.0_dp

Definition at line 1021 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1021 real(dp), public, parameter :: aveqq = 1.0_dp/4.0_dp/9.0_dp

◆ avgcs

real(8), public modparameters::avgcs =0d0

Definition at line 119 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ b0_pdf

real(dp), dimension(0:6), parameter, public modparameters::b0_pdf = (/ 0.8753521870054244D0,0.822300539308126D0,0.7692488916108274D0,0.716197243913529D0,0.6631455962162306D0,0.6100939485189321D0,0.5570423008216338D0 /)

Definition at line 1013 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1013 real(dp), public, parameter :: B0_PDF(0:6) = (/ 0.8753521870054244d0,0.822300539308126d0,0.7692488916108274d0,0.716197243913529d0,0.6631455962162306d0,0.6100939485189321d0,0.5570423008216338d0 /)

◆ b1

complex(8), public modparameters::b1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 936 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

936  complex(8), public :: b1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ b10

complex(8), public modparameters::b10 =(0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 945 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

945  complex(8), public :: b10 =(0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute to V+gamma final states

◆ b2

complex(8), public modparameters::b2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 937 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

937  complex(8), public :: b2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ b3

complex(8), public modparameters::b3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 938 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

938  complex(8), public :: b3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ b4

complex(8), public modparameters::b4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 939 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

939  complex(8), public :: b4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ b5

complex(8), public modparameters::b5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 940 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

940  complex(8), public :: b5 = (0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute to V+gamma final states

◆ b6

complex(8), public modparameters::b6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 941 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

941  complex(8), public :: b6 = (0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute to V+gamma final states

◆ b7

complex(8), public modparameters::b7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 942 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

942  complex(8), public :: b7 = (0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute to V+gamma final states

◆ b8

complex(8), public modparameters::b8 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 943 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

943  complex(8), public :: b8 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ b9

complex(8), public modparameters::b9 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 944 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

944  complex(8), public :: b9 = (0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute to V+gamma final states

◆ barn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::barn =1d-28*(meter**2)

Definition at line 101 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

101 real(8), public, parameter :: barn=1d-28*(meter**2)

◆ bgsgs1

complex(8), public modparameters::bgsgs1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 975 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

975  complex(8), public :: bgsgs1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bgsgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::bgsgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 976 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

976  complex(8), public :: bgsgs2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bgsgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::bgsgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 977 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

977  complex(8), public :: bgsgs3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bgsgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::bgsgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 978 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

978  complex(8), public :: bgsgs4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bgsgs8

complex(8), public modparameters::bgsgs8 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 979 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

979  complex(8), public :: bgsgs8 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bl

real(8), public modparameters::bl

Definition at line 1066 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1066 real(8), public :: bL ! = dsqrt(2d0)*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)

◆ bot_

integer, target, public modparameters::bot_ = 6

Definition at line 1089 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1089 integer, public, target :: Bot_ = 6

◆ br

real(8), public modparameters::br

Definition at line 1067 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1067 real(8), public :: bR ! = 0d0

◆ br_counter

integer, dimension(1:5,1:5), public modparameters::br_counter =0

Definition at line 126 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

126 integer, public :: Br_counter(1:5,1:5)=0

◆ br_w_cs

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_w_cs = 1d0/2d0*Br_W_hadr

Definition at line 309 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

309 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_W_cs = 1d0/2d0*br_w_hadr ! c-s W branching

◆ br_w_en

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_w_en = 1d0/3d0*Br_W_ll

Definition at line 305 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

305 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_W_en = 1d0/3d0*br_w_ll ! electron W branching

◆ br_w_hadr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_w_hadr = 100d0*percent - Br_W_ll

Definition at line 297 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

297 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_W_hadr = 100d0*percent - br_w_ll ! hadronic W branching

◆ br_w_ll

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_w_ll = 32.72d0*percent

Definition at line 296 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

296 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_W_ll = 32.72d0*percent ! leptonic W branching

◆ br_w_ll_counter

integer, public modparameters::br_w_ll_counter =0

Definition at line 124 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

124 integer, public :: Br_W_ll_counter=0

◆ br_w_mn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_w_mn = 1d0/3d0*Br_W_ll

Definition at line 306 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

306 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_W_mn = 1d0/3d0*br_w_ll ! muon W branching

◆ br_w_tn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_w_tn = 1d0/3d0*Br_W_ll

Definition at line 307 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

307 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_W_tn = 1d0/3d0*br_w_ll ! electron W branching

◆ br_w_ud

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_w_ud = 1d0/2d0*Br_W_hadr

Definition at line 308 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

308 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_W_ud = 1d0/2d0*br_w_hadr ! u-d W branching

◆ br_w_ud_counter

integer, public modparameters::br_w_ud_counter =0

Definition at line 125 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

125 integer, public :: Br_W_ud_counter=0

◆ br_z_bb

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_bb = Br_Z_hadr - Br_Z_uu - Br_Z_dd - Br_Z_cc - Br_Z_ss

Definition at line 295 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

295 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_bb = br_z_hadr - br_z_uu - br_z_dd - br_z_cc - br_z_ss

◆ br_z_cc

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_cc = 11.6d0*percent

Definition at line 292 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

292 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_cc = 11.6d0*percent ! chm chmbar Z branching

◆ br_z_dd

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_dd = 15.6d0*percent

Definition at line 293 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

293 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_dd = 15.6d0*percent ! dn dnbar Z branching

◆ br_z_dd_counter

integer, public modparameters::br_z_dd_counter =0

Definition at line 123 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

123 integer, public :: Br_Z_dd_counter=0

◆ br_z_ee

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_ee = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_ll

Definition at line 301 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

301 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_ee = 1d0/3d0*br_z_ll ! electron Z branching

◆ br_z_hadr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_hadr = 69.91d0*percent

Definition at line 289 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

289 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_hadr = 69.91d0*percent ! hadronic Z branching

◆ br_z_inv

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_inv = 100d0*percent - Br_Z_ll - Br_Z_hadr

Definition at line 290 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

290 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_inv = 100d0*percent - br_z_ll - br_z_hadr ! invisible Z branching

◆ br_z_inv_counter

integer, public modparameters::br_z_inv_counter =0

Definition at line 121 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

121 integer, public :: Br_Z_inv_counter=0

◆ br_z_ll

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_ll = 10.10d0*percent

Definition at line 288 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

288 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_ll = 10.10d0*percent ! leptonic Z branching

◆ br_z_ll_counter

integer, public modparameters::br_z_ll_counter =0

Definition at line 120 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

120 integer, public :: Br_Z_ll_counter=0

◆ br_z_mm

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_mm = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_ll

Definition at line 302 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

302 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_mm = 1d0/3d0*br_z_ll ! muon Z branching

◆ br_z_nn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_nn = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_inv

Definition at line 304 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

304 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_nn = 1d0/3d0*br_z_inv ! neutrino Z branching

◆ br_z_ss

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_ss = 15.6d0*percent

Definition at line 294 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

294 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_ss = 15.6d0*percent ! str strbar Z branching

◆ br_z_tt

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_tt = 1d0/3d0*Br_Z_ll

Definition at line 303 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

303 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_tt = 1d0/3d0*br_z_ll ! tau Z branching

◆ br_z_uu

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::br_z_uu = 11.6d0*percent

Definition at line 291 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

291 real(8), public, parameter :: Br_Z_uu = 11.6d0*percent ! up upbar Z branching

◆ br_z_uu_counter

integer, public modparameters::br_z_uu_counter =0

Definition at line 122 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

122 integer, public :: Br_Z_uu_counter=0

◆ breitwignercutoff

real(8), public modparameters::breitwignercutoff = 20d0

Definition at line 272 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

272 real(8), public :: BreitWignerCutoff = 20d0 ! This is the cutoff to the phase space calculation in mod_CrossSection.F90

◆ brhadr_w_cs

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brhadr_w_cs = Br_W_cs/Br_W_hadr

Definition at line 325 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

325 real(8), public, parameter :: Brhadr_W_cs = br_w_cs/br_w_hadr ! W branching fraction Ga(chm)/Ga(hadronic)

◆ brhadr_w_ud

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brhadr_w_ud = Br_W_ud/Br_W_hadr

Definition at line 324 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

324 real(8), public, parameter :: Brhadr_W_ud = br_w_ud/br_w_hadr ! W branching fraction Ga(up)/Ga(hadronic)

◆ brhadr_z_bb

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brhadr_z_bb = Br_Z_bb/Br_Z_hadr

Definition at line 323 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

323 real(8), public, parameter :: Brhadr_Z_bb = br_z_bb/br_z_hadr ! Z branching fraction Ga(bot)/Ga(hadronic)

◆ brhadr_z_cc

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brhadr_z_cc = Br_Z_cc/Br_Z_hadr

Definition at line 320 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

320 real(8), public, parameter :: Brhadr_Z_cc = br_z_cc/br_z_hadr ! Z branching fraction Ga(chm)/Ga(hadronic)

◆ brhadr_z_dd

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brhadr_z_dd = Br_Z_dd/Br_Z_hadr

Definition at line 321 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

321 real(8), public, parameter :: Brhadr_Z_dd = br_z_dd/br_z_hadr ! Z branching fraction Ga(don)/Ga(hadronic)

◆ brhadr_z_ss

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brhadr_z_ss = Br_Z_ss/Br_Z_hadr

Definition at line 322 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

322 real(8), public, parameter :: Brhadr_Z_ss = br_z_ss/br_z_hadr ! Z branching fraction Ga(str)/Ga(hadronic)

◆ brhadr_z_uu

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brhadr_z_uu = Br_Z_uu/Br_Z_hadr

Definition at line 319 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

319 real(8), public, parameter :: Brhadr_Z_uu = br_z_uu/br_z_hadr ! Z branching fraction Ga(up)/Ga(hadronic)

◆ brlept_w_en

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brlept_w_en = Br_W_en/Br_W_ll

Definition at line 315 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

315 real(8), public, parameter :: Brlept_W_en = br_w_en/br_w_ll ! W branching fraction Ga(el)/Ga(leptonic)

◆ brlept_w_mn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brlept_w_mn = Br_W_mn/Br_W_ll

Definition at line 316 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

316 real(8), public, parameter :: Brlept_W_mn = br_w_mn/br_w_ll ! W branching fraction Ga(mu)/Ga(leptonic)

◆ brlept_w_tn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brlept_w_tn = Br_W_tn/Br_W_ll

Definition at line 317 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

317 real(8), public, parameter :: Brlept_W_tn = br_w_tn/br_w_ll ! W branching fraction Ga(tau)/Ga(leptonic)

◆ brlept_z_ee

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brlept_z_ee = Br_Z_ee/Br_Z_ll

Definition at line 311 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

311 real(8), public, parameter :: Brlept_Z_ee = br_z_ee/br_z_ll ! Z branching fraction Ga(el)/Ga(leptonic)

◆ brlept_z_mm

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brlept_z_mm = Br_Z_mm/Br_Z_ll

Definition at line 312 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

312 real(8), public, parameter :: Brlept_Z_mm = br_z_mm/br_z_ll ! Z branching fraction Ga(mu)/Ga(leptonic)

◆ brlept_z_nn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brlept_z_nn = Br_Z_nn/Br_Z_inv

Definition at line 314 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

314 real(8), public, parameter :: Brlept_Z_nn = br_z_nn/br_z_inv ! Z branching fraction Ga(neu)/Ga(invisible)

◆ brlept_z_tt

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::brlept_z_tt = Br_Z_tt/Br_Z_ll

Definition at line 313 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

313 real(8), public, parameter :: Brlept_Z_tt = br_z_tt/br_z_ll ! Z branching fraction Ga(tau)/Ga(leptonic)

◆ bzgs1

complex(8), public modparameters::bzgs1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 969 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

969  complex(8), public :: bzgs1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::bzgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 970 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

970  complex(8), public :: bzgs2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::bzgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 971 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

971  complex(8), public :: bzgs3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::bzgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 972 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

972  complex(8), public :: bzgs4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzgs8

complex(8), public modparameters::bzgs8 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 973 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

973  complex(8), public :: bzgs8 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpgs1

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpgs1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 981 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

981  complex(8), public :: bzpgs1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 982 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

982  complex(8), public :: bzpgs2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 983 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

983  complex(8), public :: bzpgs3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 984 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

984  complex(8), public :: bzpgs4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpgs8

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpgs8 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 985 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

985  complex(8), public :: bzpgs8 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp1

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 958 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

958  complex(8), public :: bzpzp1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp10

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp10 =(0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 967 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

967  complex(8), public :: bzpzp10 =(0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp2

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 959 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

959  complex(8), public :: bzpzp2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp3

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 960 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

960  complex(8), public :: bzpzp3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp4

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 961 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

961  complex(8), public :: bzpzp4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp5

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 962 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

962  complex(8), public :: bzpzp5 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp6

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 963 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

963  complex(8), public :: bzpzp6 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp7

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 964 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

964  complex(8), public :: bzpzp7 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp8

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp8 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 965 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

965  complex(8), public :: bzpzp8 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzpzp9

complex(8), public modparameters::bzpzp9 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 966 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

966  complex(8), public :: bzpzp9 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp1

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 947 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

947  complex(8), public :: bzzp1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp10

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp10 =(0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 956 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

956  complex(8), public :: bzzp10 =(0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp2

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 948 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

948  complex(8), public :: bzzp2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp3

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 949 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

949  complex(8), public :: bzzp3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp4

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 950 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

950  complex(8), public :: bzzp4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp5

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 951 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

951  complex(8), public :: bzzp5 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp6

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 952 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

952  complex(8), public :: bzzp6 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp7

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 953 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

953  complex(8), public :: bzzp7 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp8

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp8 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 954 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

954  complex(8), public :: bzzp8 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ bzzp9

complex(8), public modparameters::bzzp9 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 955 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

955  complex(8), public :: bzzp9 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ c1

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c1 = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 988 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

988  complex(8), public, parameter :: c1 = (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ c2

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 989 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

989  complex(8), public, parameter :: c2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ c2w_q12sq

integer, public modparameters::c2w_q12sq = 0

Definition at line 850 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

850  integer, public :: c2w_q12sq = 0

◆ c2w_q1sq

integer, public modparameters::c2w_q1sq = 0

Definition at line 848 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

848  integer, public :: c2w_q1sq = 0 ! Sign of q1,2,12**2 for the following Lambda2's, set to 1 or -1 to get q**2-dependence from these form factor Lambda2s

◆ c2w_q2sq

integer, public modparameters::c2w_q2sq = 0

Definition at line 849 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

849  integer, public :: c2w_q2sq = 0

◆ c2z_q12sq

integer, public modparameters::c2z_q12sq = 0

Definition at line 787 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

787  integer, public :: c2z_q12sq = 0

◆ c2z_q1sq

integer, public modparameters::c2z_q1sq = 0

Definition at line 785 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

785  integer, public :: c2z_q1sq = 0 ! Sign of q1,2,12**2 for the following Lambda2's, set to 1 or -1 to get q**2-dependence from these form factor Lambda2s

◆ c2z_q2sq

integer, public modparameters::c2z_q2sq = 0

Definition at line 786 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

786  integer, public :: c2z_q2sq = 0

◆ c3

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 990 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

990  complex(8), public, parameter :: c3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ c41

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c41 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 991 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

991  complex(8), public, parameter :: c41= (0d0,0d0)

◆ c42

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c42 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 992 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

992  complex(8), public, parameter :: c42= (0d0,0d0)

◆ c5

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 993 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

993  complex(8), public, parameter :: c5 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ c6

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 994 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

994  complex(8), public, parameter :: c6 = (0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute to gamma+gamma final states

◆ c7

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::c7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 995 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

995  complex(8), public, parameter :: c7 = (0d0,0d0) ! this coupling does not contribute to gamma+gamma final states

◆ ca

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::ca = 3.0_dp

Definition at line 1016 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1016 real(dp), public, parameter :: Ca = 3.0_dp

◆ cf

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::cf = 4.0_dp/3.0_dp

Definition at line 1017 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1017 real(dp), public, parameter :: Cf = 4.0_dp/3.0_dp

◆ channels_ratio_fix

real(8), public modparameters::channels_ratio_fix = 0.25d0

Definition at line 170 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

170 real(8), public :: channels_ratio_fix = 0.25d0 ! desired ratio of N_qq/(N_qq+N_gg)

◆ chm_

integer, target, public modparameters::chm_ = 3

Definition at line 1086 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1086 integer, public, target :: Chm_ = 3

◆ ci

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ci =(0d0, 1.0d0)

Definition at line 88 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

88 complex(8), parameter, public :: ci=(0d0,1.0d0)

◆ cl_lep

real(8), public modparameters::cl_lep

Definition at line 1069 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1069 real(8), public :: cL_lep ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(-1d0)

◆ cl_neu

real(8), public modparameters::cl_neu

Definition at line 1071 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1071 real(8), public :: cL_neu ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(0d0)

◆ cl_qdn

real(8), public modparameters::cl_qdn

Definition at line 1075 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1075 real(8), public :: cL_QDn ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(-1d0/3d0)

◆ cl_qup

real(8), public modparameters::cl_qup

Definition at line 1073 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1073 real(8), public :: cL_QUp ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(2d0/3d0)

◆ collider

integer, public modparameters::collider

Definition at line 17 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

17 integer, public :: Collider,PChannel,Process,DecayMode1,DecayMode2,TopDecays,TauDecays

◆ collider_energy

real(8), public modparameters::collider_energy

Definition at line 19 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

19 real(8), public :: Collider_Energy

◆ cone

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::cone = 1.0d0

Definition at line 87 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

87 complex(8), parameter, public :: cone = 1.0d0

◆ convertlhefile

logical, public modparameters::convertlhefile

Definition at line 28 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ counttauasany

logical, public modparameters::counttauasany

Definition at line 29 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ couplaffsq

real(dp), public modparameters::couplaffsq

Definition at line 1081 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1081 real(dp), public :: couplAffsq

◆ couplazff

real(dp), public modparameters::couplazff

Definition at line 1080 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1080 real(dp), public :: couplAZff

◆ couplwffsq

real(dp), public modparameters::couplwffsq

Definition at line 1078 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1078 real(dp), public :: couplWffsq

◆ couplzffsq

real(dp), public modparameters::couplzffsq

Definition at line 1079 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1079 real(dp), public :: couplZffsq

◆ cr_lep

real(8), public modparameters::cr_lep

Definition at line 1068 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1068 real(8), public :: cR_lep ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(-1d0)

◆ cr_neu

real(8), public modparameters::cr_neu

Definition at line 1070 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1070 real(8), public :: cR_neu ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(0d0)

◆ cr_qdn

real(8), public modparameters::cr_qdn

Definition at line 1074 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1074 real(8), public :: cR_QDn ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(-1d0/3d0)

◆ cr_qup

real(8), public modparameters::cr_qup

Definition at line 1072 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1072 real(8), public :: cR_QUp ! = -2d0*sitW*dsqrt(1d0-sitW**2)*(2d0/3d0)

◆ crosssec

real(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public modparameters::crosssec =0

Definition at line 53 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ crosssec2

real(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public modparameters::crosssec2 =0

Definition at line 56 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

56 real(8), public :: CrossSec2(1:NMAXCHANNELS)=0

◆ crosssecmax

real(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public modparameters::crosssecmax =0

Definition at line 53 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

53 real(8), public :: CrossSecMax(-6:+6,-6:+6)=0,crosssec(-6:+6,-6:+6)=0

◆ crosssecmax2

real(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public modparameters::crosssecmax2 =0

Definition at line 57 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

57 real(8), public :: CrossSecMax2(1:NMAXCHANNELS)=0

◆ crosssectionwithweights

real(8), public modparameters::crosssectionwithweights = 0d0

Definition at line 147 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

147 real(8), public :: CrossSectionWithWeights = 0d0, crosssectionwithweightserrorsquared = 0d0

◆ crosssectionwithweightserrorsquared

real(8), public modparameters::crosssectionwithweightserrorsquared = 0d0

Definition at line 147 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ csmaxfile

character(len=500) modparameters::csmaxfile

Definition at line 62 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

62 character(len=500) :: CSmaxFile

◆ ctauunit

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::ctauunit =milimeter

Definition at line 100 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

100 real(8), public, parameter :: ctauUnit=milimeter

◆ customlowerscalebound

real(8), public modparameters::customlowerscalebound

Definition at line 21 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ customupperscalebound

real(8), public modparameters::customupperscalebound

Definition at line 21 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ cw_q12sq

integer, public modparameters::cw_q12sq = 0

Definition at line 499 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

499  integer, public :: cw_q12sq = 0

◆ cw_q1sq

integer, public modparameters::cw_q1sq = 0

Definition at line 497 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

497  integer, public :: cw_q1sq = 0 ! Sign of q1,2,12**2 for the following Lambda's, set to 1 or -1 to get q**2-dependence from these form factor Lambdas

◆ cw_q2sq

integer, public modparameters::cw_q2sq = 0

Definition at line 498 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

498  integer, public :: cw_q2sq = 0

◆ cz_q12sq

integer, public modparameters::cz_q12sq = 0

Definition at line 436 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

436  integer, public :: cz_q12sq = 0

◆ cz_q1sq

integer, public modparameters::cz_q1sq = 0

Definition at line 434 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

434  integer, public :: cz_q1sq = 0 ! Sign of q1,2,12**2 for the following Lambda's, set to 1 or -1 to get q**2-dependence from these form factor Lambdas

◆ cz_q2sq

integer, public modparameters::cz_q2sq = 0

Definition at line 435 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

435  integer, public :: cz_q2sq = 0

◆ czero

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::czero = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 86 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

86 complex(8), parameter, public :: czero = (0d0,0d0)

◆ daawpwm

complex(8), public modparameters::daawpwm = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 874 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

874  complex(8), public :: dAAWpWm= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ datafile

character(len=500) modparameters::datafile

Definition at line 61 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

61 character(len=500) :: DataFile

◆ daz_lep_left

real(8), public modparameters::daz_lep_left = (0d0)

Definition at line 999 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

999  real(8), public :: daz_Lep_left = (0d0)

◆ daz_lep_right

real(8), public modparameters::daz_lep_right = (0d0)

Definition at line 1000 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1000  real(8), public :: daz_Lep_right = (0d0)

◆ daz_neu_left

real(8), public modparameters::daz_neu_left = (0d0)

Definition at line 1001 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1001  real(8), public :: daz_Neu_left = (0d0)

◆ daz_neu_right

real(8), public modparameters::daz_neu_right = (0d0)

Definition at line 1002 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1002  real(8), public :: daz_Neu_right = (0d0)

◆ daz_qdn_left

real(8), public modparameters::daz_qdn_left = (0d0)

Definition at line 1005 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1005  real(8), public :: daz_QDn_left = (0d0)

◆ daz_qdn_right

real(8), public modparameters::daz_qdn_right = (0d0)

Definition at line 1006 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1006  real(8), public :: daz_QDn_right = (0d0)

◆ daz_qup_left

real(8), public modparameters::daz_qup_left = (0d0)

Definition at line 1003 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1003  real(8), public :: daz_QUp_left = (0d0)

◆ daz_qup_right

real(8), public modparameters::daz_qup_right = (0d0)

Definition at line 1004 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1004  real(8), public :: daz_QUp_right = (0d0)

◆ debugcounter

integer, dimension(0:10), public modparameters::debugcounter = 0

Definition at line 1148 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1148 integer, public :: DebugCounter(0:10) = 0

◆ debugvar

real(8), dimension(0:10), public modparameters::debugvar = 0d0

Definition at line 1149 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1149 real(8), public :: debugvar(0:10) = 0d0

◆ decaymode1

integer, public modparameters::decaymode1

Definition at line 17 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ decaymode2

integer, public modparameters::decaymode2

Definition at line 17 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ defaultseeds

integer, dimension(1:nmaxseeds), parameter, public modparameters::defaultseeds = (/847362834,470115596,392845769,191039475,372910496,192049687,695820194,218930493,902943834,471748302,123958674,390534012,938576849,386472918,938576483,891928354,593857698,938576432,948576849,192847564 ,218940493,902943854,471748304,123958670,390534013,938576846,386472917,938576484,891928359,593857698,938576434,948576848,192847565/)

Definition at line 160 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

160 integer, public, parameter :: DefaultSeeds(1:nmaxseeds) = (/847362834,470115596,392845769,191039475,372910496,192049687,695820194,218930493,902943834,471748302,123958674,390534012,938576849,386472918,938576483,891928354,593857698,938576432,948576849,192847564 ,218940493,902943854,471748304,123958670,390534013,938576846,386472917,938576484,891928359,593857698,938576434,948576848,192847565/)

◆ detajetcut

real(8), public modparameters::detajetcut = -1d0

Definition at line 207 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

207 real(8), public :: detajetcut = -1d0 ! min difference in eta between jets

◆ dfour_a

complex(8), public modparameters::dfour_a = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 877 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

877  complex(8), public :: dFour_A= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ dfour_z

complex(8), public modparameters::dfour_z = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 878 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

878  complex(8), public :: dFour_Z= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ distinguish_hwwcouplings

logical, public modparameters::distinguish_hwwcouplings =.false.

Definition at line 453 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

453  logical, public :: distinguish_HWWcouplings=.false.

◆ dm_a

complex(8), public modparameters::dm_a = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 870 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

870  complex(8), public :: dM_A= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ dm_z

complex(8), public modparameters::dm_z = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 873 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

873  complex(8), public :: dM_Z= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ dn_

integer, target, public modparameters::dn_ = 2

Definition at line 1085 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1085 integer, public, target :: Dn_ = 2

◆ doprintpmzz

logical, public modparameters::doprintpmzz

Definition at line 28 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ dp

integer, parameter, public modparameters::dp = selected_real_kind(15)

Definition at line 11 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

11 integer, public, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15)

◆ dp_a

complex(8), public modparameters::dp_a = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 869 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

869  complex(8), public :: dP_A= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ dp_z

complex(8), public modparameters::dp_z = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 872 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

872  complex(8), public :: dP_Z= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ dv_a

complex(8), public modparameters::dv_a = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 868 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

868  complex(8), public :: dV_A= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ dv_z

complex(8), public modparameters::dv_z = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 871 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

871  complex(8), public :: dV_Z= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ dzawpwm

complex(8), public modparameters::dzawpwm = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 875 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

875  complex(8), public :: dZAWpWm= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ dzzwpwm

complex(8), public modparameters::dzzwpwm = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 876 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

876  complex(8), public :: dZZWpWm= (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ elm_

integer, target, public modparameters::elm_ = -7

Definition at line 1112 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1112 integer, public, target :: ElM_ = -7

◆ elp_

integer, target, public modparameters::elp_ = 7

Definition at line 1090 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1090 integer, public, target :: ElP_ = 7

◆ esq

real(dp), public modparameters::esq

Definition at line 251 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

251 real(dp), public :: esq ! = 4.0d0 * pi * alpha_QED ! Fundamental charge

◆ etajetcut

real(8), public modparameters::etajetcut = -1d0

Definition at line 206 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

206 real(8), public :: etajetcut = -1d0 ! jet max |eta|

◆ etalepcut

real(8), public modparameters::etalepcut = 999d0

Definition at line 217 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

217 real(8), public :: etalepcut = 999d0 ! lepton max |eta|

◆ ev

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::ev =1d-9*GeV

Definition at line 97 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

97 real(8), public, parameter :: eV=1d-9*gev

◆ evalcounter

integer(8), public modparameters::evalcounter =0

Definition at line 48 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

48 integer(8), public :: EvalCounter=0

◆ ewp_chm_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_chm_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 707 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

707  complex(8), public :: ewp_Chm_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_chm_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_chm_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 708 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

708  complex(8), public :: ewp_Chm_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_el_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_el_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 699 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

699  complex(8), public :: ewp_El_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_el_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_el_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 700 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

700  complex(8), public :: ewp_El_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_mu_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_mu_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 701 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

701  complex(8), public :: ewp_Mu_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_mu_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_mu_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 702 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

702  complex(8), public :: ewp_Mu_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_ta_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_ta_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 703 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

703  complex(8), public :: ewp_Ta_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_ta_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_ta_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 704 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

704  complex(8), public :: ewp_Ta_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_top_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_top_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 709 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

709  complex(8), public :: ewp_Top_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_top_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_top_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 710 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

710  complex(8), public :: ewp_Top_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_up_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_up_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 705 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

705  complex(8), public :: ewp_Up_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ewp_up_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ewp_up_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 706 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

706  complex(8), public :: ewp_Up_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_bot_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_bot_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 614 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

614  complex(8), public :: ezp_Bot_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_bot_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_bot_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 615 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

615  complex(8), public :: ezp_Bot_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_chm_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_chm_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 608 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

608  complex(8), public :: ezp_Chm_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_chm_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_chm_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 609 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

609  complex(8), public :: ezp_Chm_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_dn_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_dn_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 610 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

610  complex(8), public :: ezp_Dn_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_dn_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_dn_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 611 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

611  complex(8), public :: ezp_Dn_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_el_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_el_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 598 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

598  complex(8), public :: ezp_El_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_el_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_el_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 599 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

599  complex(8), public :: ezp_El_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_mu_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_mu_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 600 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

600  complex(8), public :: ezp_Mu_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_mu_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_mu_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 601 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

601  complex(8), public :: ezp_Mu_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_nue_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_nue_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 604 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

604  complex(8), public :: ezp_NuE_left = (0d0,0d0) !same for NuMu and NuTau

◆ ezp_nue_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_nue_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 605 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

605  complex(8), public :: ezp_NuE_right = (0d0,0d0) !same for NuMu and NuTau

◆ ezp_str_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_str_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 612 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

612  complex(8), public :: ezp_Str_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_str_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_str_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 613 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

613  complex(8), public :: ezp_Str_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_ta_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_ta_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 602 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

602  complex(8), public :: ezp_Ta_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_ta_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_ta_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 603 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

603  complex(8), public :: ezp_Ta_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_top_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_top_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 616 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

616  complex(8), public :: ezp_Top_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_top_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_top_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 617 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

617  complex(8), public :: ezp_Top_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_up_left

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_up_left = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 606 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

606  complex(8), public :: ezp_Up_left = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ezp_up_right

complex(8), public modparameters::ezp_up_right = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 607 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

607  complex(8), public :: ezp_Up_right = (0d0,0d0)

◆ facscheme

integer, public modparameters::facscheme

Definition at line 20 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

20 integer, public :: FacScheme,RenScheme

◆ femtobarn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::femtobarn =1e-15*barn

Definition at line 103 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

103 real(8), public, parameter :: femtobarn=1e-15*barn

◆ filesopened

logical, public modparameters::filesopened = .false.

Definition at line 31 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

31 logical, public :: FilesOpened = .false.

◆ findcrosssectionwithweights

logical, public modparameters::findcrosssectionwithweights = .false.

Definition at line 145 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

145 logical, public :: FindCrossSectionWithWeights = .false.

◆ fix_channels_ratio

logical, public modparameters::fix_channels_ratio = .false.

Definition at line 168 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

168 logical, public :: fix_channels_ratio = .false.

◆ foundhiggsmass

logical, public modparameters::foundhiggsmass

Definition at line 29 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ foundhiggswidth

logical, public modparameters::foundhiggswidth

Definition at line 29 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ ga_reso

real(8), public modparameters::ga_reso = 0.00407d0 *GeV

Definition at line 231 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

231 real(8), public :: Ga_Reso = 0.00407d0 *gev ! X resonance width

◆ ga_reso2

real(8), public modparameters::ga_reso2 = 0d0 *GeV

Definition at line 233 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

233 real(8), public :: Ga_Reso2= 0d0 *gev ! second resonance width

◆ ga_tau

real(8), public modparameters::ga_tau = 2.267d-12 *GeV

Definition at line 243 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

243 real(8), public :: Ga_tau = 2.267d-12 *gev ! tau width

◆ ga_top

real(8), public modparameters::ga_top = 2.0d0 *GeV

Definition at line 225 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

225 real(8), public :: Ga_Top = 2.0d0 *gev ! top quark width

◆ ga_v

real(8), public modparameters::ga_v

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ ga_v_ps

real(8), public modparameters::ga_v_ps

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ ga_vprime

real(8), public modparameters::ga_vprime

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ ga_w

real(8), public modparameters::ga_w = 2.085d0 *GeV

Definition at line 229 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

229 real(8), public :: Ga_W = 2.085d0 *gev ! W boson width(PDG-2011)

◆ ga_w_ps

real(8), public modparameters::ga_w_ps

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ ga_wprime

real(8), public modparameters::ga_wprime = 0d0

Definition at line 713 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

713  real(8), public :: Ga_Wprime = 0d0

◆ ga_z

real(8), public modparameters::ga_z = 2.4952d0 *GeV

Definition at line 227 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

227 real(8), public :: Ga_Z = 2.4952d0 *gev ! Z boson width(PDG-2011)

◆ ga_z_ps

real(8), public modparameters::ga_z_ps

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ ga_zprime

real(8), public modparameters::ga_zprime = 0d0

Definition at line 620 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

620  real(8), public :: Ga_Zprime = 0d0

◆ gabarh

real(8), public modparameters::gabarh = -999d0

Definition at line 134 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

134 real(8), public :: gabarH = -999d0 !for CPS

◆ gamma_0

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::gamma_0 = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421_dp

Definition at line 81 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

81 real(dp), public, parameter :: gamma_0 = 0.5772156649015328606065120900824024310421_dp !Euler–Mascheroni constant

◆ generate_as

logical, parameter, public modparameters::generate_as = .false.

Definition at line 361 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

361  logical, public, parameter :: generate_as = .false. ! .true. uses ah* instead of gh*

◆ generate_bis

logical, parameter, public modparameters::generate_bis = .true.

Definition at line 932 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

932  logical, public, parameter :: generate_bis = .true.

◆ generateevents

logical, public modparameters::generateevents

Definition at line 29 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ gev

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::gev =1d0/100d0

Definition at line 93 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

93 real(8), public, parameter :: GeV=1d0/100d0 ! we are using units of 100GeV, i.e. Lambda=10 is 1TeV

◆ gf

real(8), public modparameters::gf = 1.16639d-5/GeV**2

Definition at line 247 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

247 real(8), public :: Gf = 1.16639d-5/gev**2 ! Fermi constant

◆ ggmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::ggmode =07

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ gh2g2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2g2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 721 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

721  complex(8), public :: gh2g2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2g2_4gen

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2g2_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 726 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

726  complex(8), public :: gh2g2_4gen = (0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2g3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2g3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 722 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

722  complex(8), public :: gh2g3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2g3_4gen

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2g3_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 727 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

727  complex(8), public :: gh2g3_4gen = (0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2g4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2g4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 723 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

723  complex(8), public :: gh2g4 = (0d0,0d0) ! pseudoscalar

◆ gh2g4_4gen

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2g4_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 728 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

728  complex(8), public :: gh2g4_4gen = (0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2gsgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2gsgs2 = (0.00d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 739 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

739  complex(8), public :: gh2gsgs2 = (0.00d0,0d0)

◆ gh2gsgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2gsgs3 = (0.00d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 740 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

740  complex(8), public :: gh2gsgs3 = (0.00d0,0d0)

◆ gh2gsgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2gsgs4 = (0.00d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 741 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

741  complex(8), public :: gh2gsgs4 = (0.00d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 805 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

805  complex(8), public :: gh2w1 = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 811 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

811  complex(8), public :: gh2w1_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 812 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

812  complex(8), public :: gh2w1_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 813 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

813  complex(8), public :: gh2w1_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 814 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

814  complex(8), public :: gh2w1_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 815 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

815  complex(8), public :: gh2w1_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 816 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

816  complex(8), public :: gh2w1_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w1_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 817 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

817  complex(8), public :: gh2w1_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 806 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

806  complex(8), public :: gh2w2 = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 819 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

819  complex(8), public :: gh2w2_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 820 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

820  complex(8), public :: gh2w2_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 821 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

821  complex(8), public :: gh2w2_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 822 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

822  complex(8), public :: gh2w2_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 823 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

823  complex(8), public :: gh2w2_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 824 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

824  complex(8), public :: gh2w2_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w2_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 825 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

825  complex(8), public :: gh2w2_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 807 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

807  complex(8), public :: gh2w3 = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 827 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

827  complex(8), public :: gh2w3_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 828 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

828  complex(8), public :: gh2w3_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 829 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

829  complex(8), public :: gh2w3_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 830 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

830  complex(8), public :: gh2w3_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 831 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

831  complex(8), public :: gh2w3_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 832 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

832  complex(8), public :: gh2w3_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w3_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 833 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

833  complex(8), public :: gh2w3_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 808 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

808  complex(8), public :: gh2w4 = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 835 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

835  complex(8), public :: gh2w4_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 836 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

836  complex(8), public :: gh2w4_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 837 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

837  complex(8), public :: gh2w4_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 838 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

838  complex(8), public :: gh2w4_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 839 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

839  complex(8), public :: gh2w4_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 840 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

840  complex(8), public :: gh2w4_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2w4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2w4_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 841 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

841  complex(8), public :: gh2w4_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 731 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

731  complex(8), public :: gh2z1 = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 744 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

744  complex(8), public :: gh2z1_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 745 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

745  complex(8), public :: gh2z1_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 746 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

746  complex(8), public :: gh2z1_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 747 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

747  complex(8), public :: gh2z1_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 748 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

748  complex(8), public :: gh2z1_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 749 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

749  complex(8), public :: gh2z1_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z1_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 750 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

750  complex(8), public :: gh2z1_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 732 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

732  complex(8), public :: gh2z2 = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 752 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

752  complex(8), public :: gh2z2_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 753 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

753  complex(8), public :: gh2z2_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 754 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

754  complex(8), public :: gh2z2_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 755 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

755  complex(8), public :: gh2z2_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 756 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

756  complex(8), public :: gh2z2_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 757 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

757  complex(8), public :: gh2z2_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z2_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 758 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

758  complex(8), public :: gh2z2_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 733 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

733  complex(8), public :: gh2z3 = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 760 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

760  complex(8), public :: gh2z3_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 761 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

761  complex(8), public :: gh2z3_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 762 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

762  complex(8), public :: gh2z3_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 763 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

763  complex(8), public :: gh2z3_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 764 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

764  complex(8), public :: gh2z3_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 765 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

765  complex(8), public :: gh2z3_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z3_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 766 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

766  complex(8), public :: gh2z3_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 734 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

734  complex(8), public :: gh2z4 = (0.0d0,0d0) ! pseudoscalar

◆ gh2z4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4_prime = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 768 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

768  complex(8), public :: gh2z4_prime = (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 769 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

769  complex(8), public :: gh2z4_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4_prime3 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 770 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

770  complex(8), public :: gh2z4_prime3= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4_prime4 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 771 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

771  complex(8), public :: gh2z4_prime4= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4_prime5 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 772 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

772  complex(8), public :: gh2z4_prime5= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4_prime6 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 773 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

773  complex(8), public :: gh2z4_prime6= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2z4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2z4_prime7 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 774 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

774  complex(8), public :: gh2z4_prime7= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2zgs1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2zgs1_prime2 = (0.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 776 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

776  complex(8), public :: gh2zgs1_prime2= (0.0d0,0d0)

◆ gh2zgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2zgs2 = (0.00d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 736 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

736  complex(8), public :: gh2zgs2 = (0.00d0,0d0)

◆ gh2zgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2zgs3 = (0.00d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 737 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

737  complex(8), public :: gh2zgs3 = (0.00d0,0d0)

◆ gh2zgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::gh2zgs4 = (0.00d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 738 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

738  complex(8), public :: gh2zgs4 = (0.00d0,0d0)

◆ ghg2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghg2 = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 371 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

371  complex(8), public :: ghg2 = (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ ghg2_4gen

complex(8), public modparameters::ghg2_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 376 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

376  complex(8), public :: ghg2_4gen = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghg3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghg3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 372 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

372  complex(8), public :: ghg3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghg3_4gen

complex(8), public modparameters::ghg3_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 377 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

377  complex(8), public :: ghg3_4gen = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghg4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghg4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 373 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

373  complex(8), public :: ghg4 = (0d0,0d0) ! pseudoscalar

◆ ghg4_4gen

complex(8), public modparameters::ghg4_4gen = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 378 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

378  complex(8), public :: ghg4_4gen = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghgsgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghgsgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 423 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

423  complex(8), public :: ghgsgs2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghgsgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghgsgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 424 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

424  complex(8), public :: ghgsgs3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghgsgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghgsgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 425 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

425  complex(8), public :: ghgsgs4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 454 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

454  complex(8), public :: ghw1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 460 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

460  complex(8), public :: ghw1_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 461 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

461  complex(8), public :: ghw1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 462 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

462  complex(8), public :: ghw1_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 463 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

463  complex(8), public :: ghw1_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 464 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

464  complex(8), public :: ghw1_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 465 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

465  complex(8), public :: ghw1_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 466 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

466  complex(8), public :: ghw1_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 455 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

455  complex(8), public :: ghw2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 468 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

468  complex(8), public :: ghw2_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 469 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

469  complex(8), public :: ghw2_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 470 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

470  complex(8), public :: ghw2_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 471 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

471  complex(8), public :: ghw2_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 472 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

472  complex(8), public :: ghw2_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 473 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

473  complex(8), public :: ghw2_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 474 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

474  complex(8), public :: ghw2_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 456 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

456  complex(8), public :: ghw3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 476 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

476  complex(8), public :: ghw3_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 477 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

477  complex(8), public :: ghw3_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 478 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

478  complex(8), public :: ghw3_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 479 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

479  complex(8), public :: ghw3_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 480 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

480  complex(8), public :: ghw3_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 481 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

481  complex(8), public :: ghw3_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 482 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

482  complex(8), public :: ghw3_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 457 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

457  complex(8), public :: ghw4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 484 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

484  complex(8), public :: ghw4_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 485 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

485  complex(8), public :: ghw4_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 486 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

486  complex(8), public :: ghw4_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 487 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

487  complex(8), public :: ghw4_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 488 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

488  complex(8), public :: ghw4_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 489 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

489  complex(8), public :: ghw4_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghw4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghw4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 490 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

490  complex(8), public :: ghw4_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 661 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

661  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 667 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

667  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 668 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

668  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 669 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

669  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 670 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

670  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 671 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

671  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 672 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

672  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 673 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

673  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp1_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 662 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

662  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 675 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

675  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 676 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

676  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 677 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

677  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 678 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

678  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 679 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

679  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 680 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

680  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 681 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

681  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp2_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 663 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

663  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 683 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

683  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 684 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

684  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 685 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

685  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 686 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

686  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 687 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

687  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 688 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

688  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 689 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

689  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp3_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 664 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

664  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 691 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

691  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 692 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

692  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 693 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

693  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 694 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

694  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 695 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

695  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 696 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

696  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwpwp4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwpwp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 697 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

697  complex(8), public :: ghwpwp4_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 623 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

623  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 629 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

629  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 630 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

630  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 631 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

631  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 632 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

632  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 633 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

633  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 634 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

634  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 635 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

635  complex(8), public :: ghwwp1_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 624 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

624  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 637 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

637  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 638 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

638  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 639 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

639  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 640 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

640  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 641 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

641  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 642 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

642  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 643 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

643  complex(8), public :: ghwwp2_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 625 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

625  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 645 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

645  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 646 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

646  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 647 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

647  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 648 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

648  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 649 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

649  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 650 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

650  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 651 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

651  complex(8), public :: ghwwp3_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 626 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

626  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 653 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

653  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 654 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

654  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 655 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

655  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 656 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

656  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 657 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

657  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 658 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

658  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghwwp4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghwwp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 659 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

659  complex(8), public :: ghwwp4_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz1

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1 = (2.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 381 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

381  complex(8), public :: ghz1 = (2.0d0,0d0) ! SM=2 (MCFM => =1)

◆ ghz1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 387 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

387  complex(8), public :: ghz1_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 388 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

388  complex(8), public :: ghz1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 389 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

389  complex(8), public :: ghz1_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 390 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

390  complex(8), public :: ghz1_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 391 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

391  complex(8), public :: ghz1_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 392 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

392  complex(8), public :: ghz1_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 393 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

393  complex(8), public :: ghz1_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 382 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

382  complex(8), public :: ghz2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 395 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

395  complex(8), public :: ghz2_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 396 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

396  complex(8), public :: ghz2_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 397 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

397  complex(8), public :: ghz2_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 398 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

398  complex(8), public :: ghz2_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 399 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

399  complex(8), public :: ghz2_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 400 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

400  complex(8), public :: ghz2_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 401 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

401  complex(8), public :: ghz2_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 383 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

383  complex(8), public :: ghz3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 403 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

403  complex(8), public :: ghz3_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 404 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

404  complex(8), public :: ghz3_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 405 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

405  complex(8), public :: ghz3_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 406 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

406  complex(8), public :: ghz3_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 407 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

407  complex(8), public :: ghz3_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 408 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

408  complex(8), public :: ghz3_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 409 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

409  complex(8), public :: ghz3_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 384 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

384  complex(8), public :: ghz4 = (0d0,0d0) ! pseudoscalar

◆ ghz4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 411 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

411  complex(8), public :: ghz4_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 412 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

412  complex(8), public :: ghz4_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 413 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

413  complex(8), public :: ghz4_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 414 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

414  complex(8), public :: ghz4_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 415 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

415  complex(8), public :: ghz4_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 416 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

416  complex(8), public :: ghz4_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghz4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghz4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 417 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

417  complex(8), public :: ghz4_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzgs1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzgs1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 419 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

419  complex(8), public :: ghzgs1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 420 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

420  complex(8), public :: ghzgs2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 421 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

421  complex(8), public :: ghzgs3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 422 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

422  complex(8), public :: ghzgs4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpgs1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpgs1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 553 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

553  complex(8), public :: ghzpgs1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpgs2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpgs2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 554 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

554  complex(8), public :: ghzpgs2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpgs3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpgs3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 555 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

555  complex(8), public :: ghzpgs3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpgs4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpgs4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 556 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

556  complex(8), public :: ghzpgs4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 559 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

559  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 565 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

565  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 566 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

566  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 567 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

567  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 568 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

568  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 569 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

569  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 570 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

570  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 571 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

571  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp1_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 560 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

560  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 573 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

573  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 574 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

574  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 575 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

575  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 576 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

576  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 577 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

577  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 578 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

578  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 579 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

579  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp2_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 561 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

561  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 581 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

581  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 582 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

582  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 583 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

583  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 584 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

584  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 585 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

585  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 586 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

586  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 587 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

587  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp3_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 562 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

562  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 589 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

589  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 590 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

590  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 591 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

591  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 592 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

592  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 593 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

593  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 594 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

594  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzpzp4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzpzp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 595 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

595  complex(8), public :: ghzpzp4_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 514 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

514  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 520 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

520  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 521 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

521  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 522 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

522  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 523 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

523  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 524 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

524  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 525 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

525  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp1_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp1_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 526 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

526  complex(8), public :: ghzzp1_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 515 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

515  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 528 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

528  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 529 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

529  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 530 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

530  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 531 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

531  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 532 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

532  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 533 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

533  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp2_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp2_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 534 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

534  complex(8), public :: ghzzp2_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 516 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

516  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 536 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

536  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 537 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

537  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 538 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

538  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 539 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

539  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 540 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

540  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 541 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

541  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp3_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp3_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 542 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

542  complex(8), public :: ghzzp3_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 517 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

517  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4 = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4_prime

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4_prime = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 544 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

544  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4_prime = (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4_prime2

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4_prime2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 545 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

545  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4_prime2= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4_prime3

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4_prime3 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 546 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

546  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4_prime3= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4_prime4

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4_prime4 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 547 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

547  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4_prime4= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4_prime5

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4_prime5 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 548 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

548  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4_prime5= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4_prime6

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4_prime6 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 549 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

549  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4_prime6= (0d0,0d0)

◆ ghzzp4_prime7

complex(8), public modparameters::ghzzp4_prime7 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 550 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

550  complex(8), public :: ghzzp4_prime7= (0d0,0d0)

◆ glu_

integer, target, public modparameters::glu_ = 10

Definition at line 1093 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1093 integer, public, target :: Glu_ = 10

◆ gluoncolavg

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::gluoncolavg =1d0/8d0

Definition at line 91 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ gra_

integer, target, public modparameters::gra_ = 39

Definition at line 1104 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1104 integer, public, target :: Gra_ = 39

◆ graviton_qq_left

complex(8), public modparameters::graviton_qq_left = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 928 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

928  complex(8), public :: graviton_qq_left = (1.0d0,0d0)! graviton coupling to quarks

◆ graviton_qq_right

complex(8), public modparameters::graviton_qq_right = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 929 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

929  complex(8), public :: graviton_qq_right = (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ gs

real(dp), public modparameters::gs

Definition at line 271 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

271 real(dp), public :: gs ! = sqrt(alphas*4.0_dp*pi)

◆ gsgmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::gsgmode =06

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ gsgsmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::gsgsmode =04

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ gszmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::gszmode =03

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ gszpmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::gszpmode =30

Definition at line 16 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

16 integer, public, parameter :: gsZpMode=30,zpgsmode=31,zpgmode=32

◆ gwsq

real(8), public modparameters::gwsq

Definition at line 250 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

250 real(8), public :: gwsq ! = 4.0d0 * M_W**2/vev**2 ! weak constant squared

◆ h_dk

logical, public modparameters::h_dk =.false.

Definition at line 180 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

180 logical, public :: H_DK =.false. ! default to false so H in V* > VH (Process = 50) does not decay to bbbar

◆ half

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::half = 0.5d0

Definition at line 84 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

84 real(8), public, parameter :: half = 0.5d0,two = 2.0d0

◆ hasleptonfilter

logical, public modparameters::hasleptonfilter

Definition at line 29 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ hbar

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::hbar =PlanckConstant/(2d0*pi)

Definition at line 109 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

109 real(8), public, parameter :: hbar=planckconstant/(2d0*pi)

◆ hbarc

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::hbarc =hbar*SpeedOfLight

Definition at line 110 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

110 real(8), public, parameter :: hbarc=hbar*speedoflight

◆ hbarc2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::hbarc2 =hbarc**2

Definition at line 111 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

111 real(8), public, parameter :: hbarc2=hbarc**2

◆ hbarc2_fbgev2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::hbarc2_fbgev2 = hbarc2/(femtobarn*(GeV**2))

Definition at line 112 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

112 real(8), public, parameter :: hbarc2_fbGeV2 = hbarc2/(femtobarn*(gev**2))

◆ hbarc2_pbgev2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::hbarc2_pbgev2 = hbarc2/(picobarn*(GeV**2))

Definition at line 113 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

113 real(8), public, parameter :: hbarc2_pbGeV2 = hbarc2/(picobarn*(gev**2))

◆ hbarc2xsecunit

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::hbarc2xsecunit = hbarc2_fbGeV2*(GeV**2)

Definition at line 114 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

114 real(8), public, parameter :: hbarc2XsecUnit = hbarc2_fbgev2*(gev**2) ! Units of xsec are reported in fb. Mutliplication by GeV**2 is to cancel out the units of ME*PS.

◆ hbbdecays

logical, public modparameters::hbbdecays =.false.

Definition at line 178 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

178 logical, public :: HbbDecays =.false. ! default to false so H in V* > VH (Process = 51) does not decay to bbbar

◆ hig_

integer, target, public modparameters::hig_ = 25

Definition at line 1100 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1100 integer, public, target :: Hig_ = 25

◆ higgsdecaylengthmm

real(8), public modparameters::higgsdecaylengthmm = 0d0

Definition at line 235 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

235 real(8), public :: HiggsDecayLengthMM = 0d0 ! Higgs decay length in [mm]

◆ ichann_sel

integer, public modparameters::ichann_sel

Definition at line 58 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ ijpartons

integer, dimension(1:2), public modparameters::ijpartons =0

Definition at line 1152 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1152 integer, public :: ijPartons(1:2)=0

◆ ilc_energy

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::ilc_energy =250d0 *GeV

Definition at line 258 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

258 real(8), public, parameter :: ILC_Energy=250d0 *gev ! Linear collider center of mass energy

◆ includegammastar

logical, public modparameters::includegammastar = .false.

Definition at line 213 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

213 logical, public :: includeGammaStar = .false. ! include offshell photons?

◆ includeinterference

logical, public modparameters::includeinterference

Definition at line 77 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

77 logical, public :: includeInterference, ReweightInterference, writegit

◆ includevprime

logical, public modparameters::includevprime = .false.

Definition at line 214 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

214 logical, public :: includeVprime = .false.

◆ invalidmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::invalidmode =-1

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

13 integer, public, parameter :: InvalidMode=-1,wwmode=00,zzmode=01,zgsmode=02,gszmode=03,gsgsmode=04,zgmode=05,gsgmode=06,ggmode=07

◆ io_csmaxfile

integer, parameter modparameters::io_csmaxfile =18

Definition at line 1143 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1143 integer,parameter :: io_CSmaxFile=18

◆ io_histofile

integer, parameter modparameters::io_histofile =15

Definition at line 1140 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1140 integer,parameter :: io_HistoFile=15

◆ io_lheinfile

integer, parameter modparameters::io_lheinfile =16

Definition at line 1141 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1141 integer,parameter :: io_LHEInFile=16

◆ io_lheoutfile

integer, parameter modparameters::io_lheoutfile =14

Definition at line 1139 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1139 integer,parameter :: io_LHEOutFile=14

◆ io_lheoutfile2

integer, parameter modparameters::io_lheoutfile2 =19

Definition at line 1144 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1144 integer,parameter :: io_LHEOutFile2=19

◆ io_lheoutfile3

integer, parameter modparameters::io_lheoutfile3 =20

Definition at line 1145 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1145 integer,parameter :: io_LHEOutFile3=20

◆ io_logfile

integer, parameter modparameters::io_logfile =17

Definition at line 1142 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1142 integer,parameter :: io_LogFile=17

◆ io_stdout

integer, parameter modparameters::io_stdout =6

Definition at line 1138 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1138 integer,parameter :: io_stdout=6

◆ io_tmpfile

integer, parameter modparameters::io_tmpfile =21

Definition at line 1146 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1146 integer,parameter :: io_TmpFile=21 !to use for whatever purpose is needed, but close afterwards

◆ ipart_sel

integer, public modparameters::ipart_sel

Definition at line 58 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

58 integer, public :: iPart_sel, jPart_sel, iChann_sel

◆ jetsinevent

integer, dimension(0:8), public modparameters::jetsinevent = 0

Definition at line 128 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

128 integer, public :: JetsInEvent(0:8) = 0

◆ jetsoppositeeta

logical, public modparameters::jetsoppositeeta = .false.

Definition at line 219 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

219 logical, public :: JetsOppositeEta = .false. ! Ensures associated jets are in opposite hemispheres. Useful to obtain VBF/VBS topology from inclusive production

◆ jhugen_version

character(len=*), parameter modparameters::jhugen_version ="v7.5.4"

Definition at line 6 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

6 character(len=*),parameter :: JHUGen_Version="v7.5.4"

◆ jpart_sel

integer, public modparameters::jpart_sel

Definition at line 58 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ kappa

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa = (1d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 882 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

882  complex(8), public :: kappa = (1d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_4gen_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 904 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

904  complex(8), public :: kappa2_4gen_bot = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_4gen_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 902 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

902  complex(8), public :: kappa2_4gen_top = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_bot = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 899 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

899  complex(8), public :: kappa2_bot = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_tilde_4gen_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_tilde_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 905 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

905  complex(8), public :: kappa2_tilde_4gen_bot = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_tilde_4gen_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_tilde_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 903 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

903  complex(8), public :: kappa2_tilde_4gen_top = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_tilde_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_tilde_bot = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 900 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

900  complex(8), public :: kappa2_tilde_bot = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_tilde_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_tilde_top = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 898 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

898  complex(8), public :: kappa2_tilde_top = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa2_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa2_top = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 897 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

897  complex(8), public :: kappa2_top = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_4gen_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 893 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

893  complex(8), public :: kappa_4gen_bot = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_4gen_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 891 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

891  complex(8), public :: kappa_4gen_top = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_bot = (1d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 888 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

888  complex(8), public :: kappa_bot = (1d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_tilde

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_tilde = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 883 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

883  complex(8), public :: kappa_tilde = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_tilde_4gen_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_tilde_4gen_bot = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 894 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

894  complex(8), public :: kappa_tilde_4gen_bot = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_tilde_4gen_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_tilde_4gen_top = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 892 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

892  complex(8), public :: kappa_tilde_4gen_top = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_tilde_bot

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_tilde_bot = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 889 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

889  complex(8), public :: kappa_tilde_bot = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_tilde_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_tilde_top = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 887 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

887  complex(8), public :: kappa_tilde_top = (0d0,0d0)

◆ kappa_top

complex(8), public modparameters::kappa_top = (1d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 886 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

886  complex(8), public :: kappa_top = (1d0,0d0)

◆ kev

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::kev =1d-6*GeV

Definition at line 96 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

96 real(8), public, parameter :: keV=1d-6*gev

◆ krenfacscheme_custom_scale

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_custom_scale =12

Definition at line 44 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

44 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_custom_scale=12

◆ krenfacscheme_default

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_default =0

Definition at line 32 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

32 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_default=0

◆ krenfacscheme_maxptj

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_maxptj =10

Definition at line 42 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

42 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_maxpTj=10

◆ krenfacscheme_mhstar

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mhstar =1

Definition at line 33 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

33 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mhstar=1

◆ krenfacscheme_minptj

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_minptj =11

Definition at line 43 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

43 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_minpTj=11

◆ krenfacscheme_mj

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mj =9

Definition at line 41 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

41 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mj=9

◆ krenfacscheme_mj_mhstar

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mj_mhstar =8

Definition at line 40 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

40 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mj_mhstar=8

◆ krenfacscheme_mj_mj

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mj_mj =6

Definition at line 38 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

38 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mj_mj=6

◆ krenfacscheme_mj_mj_mhstar

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mj_mj_mhstar =4

Definition at line 36 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

36 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mj_mj_mhstar=4

◆ krenfacscheme_mjhstar

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mjhstar =7

Definition at line 39 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

39 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mjhstar=7

◆ krenfacscheme_mjj

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mjj =5

Definition at line 37 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

37 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mjj=5

◆ krenfacscheme_mjj_mhstar

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mjj_mhstar =3

Definition at line 35 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

35 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mjj_mhstar=3

◆ krenfacscheme_mjjhstar

integer, parameter, public modparameters::krenfacscheme_mjjhstar =2

Definition at line 34 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

34 integer, public, parameter :: kRenFacScheme_mjjhstar=2

◆ lambda

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda = 1000d0 *GeV

Definition at line 354 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

354 real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda = 1000d0 *gev

◆ lambda2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2 = 1000d0 *GeV

Definition at line 355 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

355 real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2 = 1000d0 *gev ! for second resonance

◆ lambda2_q

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_q = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 783 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

783  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_Q = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w1

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_w1 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 843 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

843  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_w1 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w10

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w10 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 859 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

859  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w10 = 100d0*gev ! For the Higgs

◆ lambda2_w11

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w11 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 851 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

851  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w11 = 100d0*gev ! For W+

◆ lambda2_w12

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w12 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 855 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

855  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w12 = 100d0*gev ! For W-

◆ lambda2_w2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_w2 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 844 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

844  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_w2 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w20

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w20 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 860 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

860  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w20 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w21

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w21 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 852 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

852  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w21 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w22

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w22 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 856 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

856  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w22 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w3

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_w3 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 845 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

845  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_w3 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w30

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w30 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 861 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

861  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w30 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w31

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w31 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 853 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

853  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w31 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w32

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w32 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 857 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

857  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w32 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w4

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_w4 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 846 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

846  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_w4 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w40

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w40 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 862 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

862  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w40 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w41

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w41 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 854 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

854  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w41 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_w42

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_w42 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 858 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

858  real(8), public :: Lambda2_w42 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z1

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_z1 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 778 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

778  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_z1 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z10

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z10 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 796 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

796  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z10 = 100d0*gev ! For the Higgs

◆ lambda2_z11

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z11 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 788 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

788  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z11 = 100d0*gev ! For Z1

◆ lambda2_z12

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z12 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 792 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

792  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z12 = 100d0*gev ! For Z2

◆ lambda2_z2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_z2 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 779 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

779  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_z2 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z20

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z20 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 797 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

797  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z20 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z21

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z21 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 789 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

789  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z21 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z22

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z22 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 793 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

793  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z22 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z3

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_z3 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 780 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

780  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_z3 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z30

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z30 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 798 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

798  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z30 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z31

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z31 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 790 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

790  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z31 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z32

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z32 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 794 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

794  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z32 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z4

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_z4 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 781 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

781  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_z4 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z40

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z40 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 799 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

799  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z40 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z41

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z41 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 791 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

791  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z41 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_z42

real(8), public modparameters::lambda2_z42 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 795 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

795  real(8), public :: Lambda2_z42 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda2_zgs1

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda2_zgs1 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 782 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

782  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda2_zgs1 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_q

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_q = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 432 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

432  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_Q = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_w1

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_w1 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 492 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

492  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_w1 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_w10

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w10 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 508 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

508  real(8), public :: Lambda_w10 = 100d0*gev ! For the Higgs

◆ lambda_w11

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w11 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 500 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

500  real(8), public :: Lambda_w11 = 100d0*gev ! For W+

◆ lambda_w12

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w12 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 504 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

504  real(8), public :: Lambda_w12 = 100d0*gev ! For W-

◆ lambda_w2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_w2 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 493 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

493  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_w2 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_w20

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w20 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 509 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

509  real(8), public :: Lambda_w20 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w21

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w21 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 501 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

501  real(8), public :: Lambda_w21 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w22

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w22 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 505 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

505  real(8), public :: Lambda_w22 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w3

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_w3 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 494 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

494  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_w3 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_w30

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w30 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 510 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

510  real(8), public :: Lambda_w30 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w31

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w31 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 502 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

502  real(8), public :: Lambda_w31 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w32

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w32 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 506 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

506  real(8), public :: Lambda_w32 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w4

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_w4 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 495 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

495  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_w4 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_w40

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w40 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 511 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

511  real(8), public :: Lambda_w40 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w41

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w41 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 503 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

503  real(8), public :: Lambda_w41 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_w42

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_w42 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 507 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

507  real(8), public :: Lambda_w42 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z1

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_z1 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 427 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

427  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_z1 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_z10

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z10 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 446 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

446  real(8), public :: Lambda_z10 = 100d0*gev ! For the Higgs

◆ lambda_z11

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z11 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 438 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

438  real(8), public :: Lambda_z11 = 100d0*gev ! For Z1

◆ lambda_z12

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z12 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 442 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

442  real(8), public :: Lambda_z12 = 100d0*gev ! For Z2

◆ lambda_z2

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_z2 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 428 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

428  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_z2 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_z20

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z20 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 447 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

447  real(8), public :: Lambda_z20 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z21

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z21 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 439 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

439  real(8), public :: Lambda_z21 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z22

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z22 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 443 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

443  real(8), public :: Lambda_z22 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z3

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_z3 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 429 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

429  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_z3 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_z30

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z30 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 448 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

448  real(8), public :: Lambda_z30 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z31

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z31 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 440 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

440  real(8), public :: Lambda_z31 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z32

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z32 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 444 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

444  real(8), public :: Lambda_z32 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z4

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_z4 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 430 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

430  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_z4 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lambda_z40

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z40 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 449 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

449  real(8), public :: Lambda_z40 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z41

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z41 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 441 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

441  real(8), public :: Lambda_z41 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_z42

real(8), public modparameters::lambda_z42 = 100d0*GeV

Definition at line 445 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

445  real(8), public :: Lambda_z42 = 100d0*gev

◆ lambda_zgs1

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lambda_zgs1 = 10000d0*GeV

Definition at line 431 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

431  real(8), public, parameter :: Lambda_zgs1 = 10000d0*gev

◆ lenlhapdfstring

integer, public modparameters::lenlhapdfstring

Definition at line 68 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ leptinevent

integer, dimension(0:8), public modparameters::leptinevent = 0

Definition at line 127 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

127 integer, public :: LeptInEvent(0:8) = 0

◆ lhapdf_data_path

character(len=500) modparameters::lhapdf_data_path

Definition at line 67 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

67 character(len=500) :: LHAPDF_DATA_PATH

◆ lhapdfmember

integer, public modparameters::lhapdfmember

Definition at line 68 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

68 integer, public :: LHAPDFMember, lenLHAPDFString ! lenLHAPDFString is needed in MELA

◆ lhapdfstring

character(len=100) modparameters::lhapdfstring

Definition at line 66 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

66 character(len=100) :: LHAPDFString

◆ lhc_energy

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::lhc_energy =13d0 *TeV

Definition at line 256 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

256 real(8), public, parameter :: LHC_Energy=13d0 *tev ! LHC hadronic center of mass energy

◆ lheprodfile

character(len=500) modparameters::lheprodfile

Definition at line 64 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

64 character(len=500) :: LHEProdFile

◆ logfile

character(len=500) modparameters::logfile

Definition at line 63 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

63 character(len=500) :: LogFile

◆ m2l_minmax

real(8), dimension(1:2), public modparameters::m2l_minmax = (/ 0d0,14000d0 /)*GeV

Definition at line 211 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

211 real(8), public :: m2l_minmax(1:2) = (/ 0d0,14000d0 /)*gev ! min and max for m_V in VH production;

◆ m4l_minmax

real(8), dimension(1:2), public modparameters::m4l_minmax = (/ -1d0,-1d0 /)*GeV

Definition at line 210 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

210 real(8), public :: m4l_minmax(1:2) = (/ -1d0,-1d0 /)*gev ! min and max for m_4l. default is (-1,-1): m_4l ~ Higgs resonance (on-shell)

◆ m_bot

real(8), public modparameters::m_bot = 4.75d0 *GeV

Definition at line 238 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

238 real(8), public :: m_bot = 4.75d0 *gev ! bottom quark mass

◆ m_bot_4gen

real(8), public modparameters::m_bot_4gen = 100000d0*GeV

Definition at line 244 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

244 real(8), public :: m_bot_4gen = 100000d0*gev ! b mass for fourth-generation loop in gg MCFM

◆ m_charm

real(8), public modparameters::m_charm = 1.275d0 *GeV

Definition at line 239 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

239 real(8), public :: m_charm = 1.275d0 *gev ! charm quark mass

◆ m_el

real(8), public modparameters::m_el = 0.00051100d0 *GeV

Definition at line 240 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

240 real(8), public :: m_el = 0.00051100d0 *gev ! electron mass

◆ m_mu

real(8), public modparameters::m_mu = 0.10566d0 *GeV

Definition at line 241 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

241 real(8), public :: m_mu = 0.10566d0 *gev ! muon mass

◆ m_reso

real(8), public modparameters::m_reso = 125.0d0 *GeV

Definition at line 230 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

230 real(8), public :: M_Reso = 125.0d0 *gev ! X resonance mass (spin 0, spin 1, spin 2, can be overwritten by command line argument)

◆ m_reso2

real(8), public modparameters::m_reso2 = -1d0 *GeV

Definition at line 232 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

232 real(8), public :: M_Reso2 = -1d0 *gev ! second resonance mass (spin 0 in off-shell MCFM, can be overwritten by command line argument)

◆ m_tau

real(8), public modparameters::m_tau = 1.7768d0 *GeV

Definition at line 242 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

242 real(8), public :: m_tau = 1.7768d0 *gev ! tau mass

◆ m_top

real(8), public modparameters::m_top = 173.2d0 *GeV

Definition at line 224 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

224 real(8), public :: M_Top = 173.2d0 *gev ! top quark mass

◆ m_top_4gen

real(8), public modparameters::m_top_4gen = 100000d0*GeV

Definition at line 245 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

245 real(8), public :: m_top_4gen = 100000d0*gev ! t mass for fourth-generation loop in gg MCFM

◆ m_v

real(8), public modparameters::m_v

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

78 real(8), public :: M_V,Ga_V, M_Vprime,Ga_Vprime, M_V_ps,Ga_V_ps, M_Z_ps,Ga_Z_ps, M_W_ps,Ga_W_ps

◆ m_v_ps

real(8), public modparameters::m_v_ps

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ m_vprime

real(8), public modparameters::m_vprime

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ m_w

real(8), public modparameters::m_w = 80.399d0 *GeV

Definition at line 228 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

228 real(8), public :: M_W = 80.399d0 *gev ! W boson mass (PDG-2011)

◆ m_w_ps

real(8), public modparameters::m_w_ps

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ m_wprime

real(8), public modparameters::m_wprime = -1d0

Definition at line 712 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

712  real(8), public :: M_Wprime = -1d0 ! <0: CT interaction, >=0: Heavy Zprime propagator

◆ m_z

real(8), public modparameters::m_z = 91.1876d0 *GeV

Definition at line 226 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

226 real(8), public :: M_Z = 91.1876d0 *gev ! Z boson mass (PDG-2011)

◆ m_z_ps

real(8), public modparameters::m_z_ps

Definition at line 78 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ m_zprime

real(8), public modparameters::m_zprime = -1d0

Definition at line 619 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

619  real(8), public :: M_Zprime = -1d0 ! <0: CT interaction, >=0: Heavy Zprime propagator

◆ maxcs

real(8), public modparameters::maxcs =0d0

Definition at line 119 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ maxinputmhstar

real(8), public modparameters::maxinputmhstar = -999d0

Definition at line 135 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

135 real(8), public :: maxInputmHstar = -999d0, mininputmhstar = 1d15, mhstarforphasespace

◆ maxpart

integer, parameter, public modparameters::maxpart = 30

Definition at line 46 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

46 integer, public, parameter :: maxpart = 30

◆ meter

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::meter =1d6

Definition at line 98 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

98 real(8), public, parameter :: meter=1d6

◆ mev

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::mev =1d-3*GeV

Definition at line 95 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

95 real(8), public, parameter :: MeV=1d-3*gev

◆ mhstarforphasespace

real(8), public modparameters::mhstarforphasespace

Definition at line 135 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ milimeter

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::milimeter =1d-3*meter

Definition at line 99 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

99 real(8), public, parameter :: milimeter=1d-3*meter

◆ milisecond

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::milisecond =1d-3*second

Definition at line 106 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

106 real(8), public, parameter :: milisecond=1d-3*second

◆ mincs

real(8), public modparameters::mincs =1d10

Definition at line 119 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

119 real(8),public :: minCS=1d10,maxcs=0d0,avgcs=0d0

◆ mininputmhstar

real(8), public modparameters::mininputmhstar = 1d15

Definition at line 135 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ mjjcut

real(8), public modparameters::mjjcut = 0d0*GeV

Definition at line 209 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

209 real(8), public :: mJJcut = 0d0*gev ! minimum mJJ

◆ mom_not_a_particle

real(8), dimension(1:4), parameter, public modparameters::mom_not_a_particle = (/0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0/)

Definition at line 1122 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1122 real(8), public, parameter :: Mom_Not_a_particle(1:4) = (/0d0,0d0,0d0,0d0/)

◆ mone

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::mone = -1.0d0

Definition at line 83 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ mphotoncutoff

real(8), public modparameters::mphotoncutoff = -1d0*GeV

Definition at line 215 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

215 real(8), public :: MPhotonCutoff = -1d0*gev ! minimum |mass_ll| for offshell photons when includeGammaStar = .true. or in VBF bkg

◆ mu_fact

real(8), public modparameters::mu_fact

Definition at line 267 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

267 real(8), public :: Mu_Fact ! pdf factorization scale (set to M_Reso in main.F90)

◆ mu_ren

real(8), public modparameters::mu_ren

Definition at line 268 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

268 real(8), public :: Mu_Ren ! QCD renormalization (alpha_s) scale (set to M_Reso in main.F90)

◆ mubarh

real(8), public modparameters::mubarh = -999d0

Definition at line 133 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

133 real(8), public :: mubarH = -999d0 !for CPS

◆ mufacmultiplier

real(8), public modparameters::mufacmultiplier

Definition at line 21 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

21 real(8), public :: MuFacMultiplier,MuRenMultiplier,CustomUpperScaleBound, CustomLowerScaleBound

◆ mum_

integer, target, public modparameters::mum_ = -8

Definition at line 1113 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1113 integer, public, target :: MuM_ = -8

◆ mup_

integer, target, public modparameters::mup_ = 8

Definition at line 1091 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1091 integer, public, target :: MuP_ = 8

◆ murenmultiplier

real(8), public modparameters::murenmultiplier

Definition at line 21 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ mvh_minmax

real(8), dimension(1:2), public modparameters::mvh_minmax = (/ 0d0,14000d0 /)*GeV

Definition at line 212 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

212 real(8), public :: mVH_minmax(1:2) = (/ 0d0,14000d0 /)*gev ! min and max for m_VH in VH production;

◆ ne

complex(8), parameter, public modparameters::ne =(0d0, 1.0d0)

Definition at line 89 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

89 complex(8), parameter, public :: ne=(0d0,1.0d0)

◆ nf

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::nf = 5.0_dp

Definition at line 1014 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1014 real(dp), public, parameter :: nf = 5.0_dp

◆ nloops_pdf

integer, parameter, public modparameters::nloops_pdf = 1

Definition at line 265 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

265 integer, public, parameter :: nloops_pdf = 1 ! alpha_s order

◆ nmaxchannels

integer, parameter, public modparameters::nmaxchannels =200

Definition at line 47 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

47 integer, public, parameter :: NMAXCHANNELS=200 ! Maximum 250 from vegas_common xi dimensions

◆ nmaxseeds

integer, parameter, public modparameters::nmaxseeds = 33

Definition at line 159 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

159 integer, public, parameter :: nmaxseeds = 33

◆ not_a_particle_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::not_a_particle_ = -9000

Definition at line 1121 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1121 integer, public, parameter :: Not_a_particle_ = -9000

◆ nqflavors_pdf

integer, parameter, public modparameters::nqflavors_pdf = 5

Definition at line 264 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

264 integer, public, parameter :: nQflavors_pdf = 5 ! Number of flavors enforced to the PDF, used in ModParameters::EvalAlphaS()

◆ nrenfacschemes

integer, parameter, public modparameters::nrenfacschemes =13

Definition at line 45 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

45 integer, public, parameter :: nRenFacSchemes=13

◆ nue_

integer, target, public modparameters::nue_ = 14

Definition at line 1097 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1097 integer, public, target :: NuE_ = 14

◆ num_

integer, target, public modparameters::num_ = 15

Definition at line 1098 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1098 integer, public, target :: NuM_ = 15

◆ numhistograms

integer, public modparameters::numhistograms

Definition at line 23 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

23 integer, public :: NumHistograms

◆ nut_

integer, target, public modparameters::nut_ = 16

Definition at line 1099 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1099 integer, public, target :: NuT_ = 16

◆ offshellreson

logical, public modparameters::offshellreson

Definition at line 28 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ offshellv1

logical, public modparameters::offshellv1

Definition at line 28 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ offshellv2

logical, public modparameters::offshellv2

Definition at line 28 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ one

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::one = 1.0d0

Definition at line 83 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

83 real(8), public, parameter :: one = 1.0d0, mone = -1.0d0

◆ overallcouplvffsq

real(8), public modparameters::overallcouplvffsq

Definition at line 1057 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1057 real(8), public :: overallCouplVffsq ! Overall coupling squared that goes along with the ones below

◆ pchannel

integer, public modparameters::pchannel

Definition at line 17 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ pdfabot_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfabot_ = -5

Definition at line 1135 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1135 integer, public, parameter :: pdfABot_ = -5

◆ pdfachm_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfachm_ = -4

Definition at line 1134 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1134 integer, public, parameter :: pdfAChm_ = -4

◆ pdfadn_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfadn_ = -1

Definition at line 1131 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1131 integer, public, parameter :: pdfADn_ = -1

◆ pdfastr_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfastr_ = -3

Definition at line 1133 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1133 integer, public, parameter :: pdfAStr_ = -3

◆ pdfatop_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfatop_ = -6

Definition at line 1136 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1136 integer, public, parameter :: pdfATop_ = -6 ! Dummy

◆ pdfaup_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfaup_ = -2

Definition at line 1132 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1132 integer, public, parameter :: pdfAUp_ = -2

◆ pdfbot_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfbot_ = 5

Definition at line 1129 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1129 integer, public, parameter :: pdfBot_ = 5

◆ pdfchm_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfchm_ = 4

Definition at line 1128 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1128 integer, public, parameter :: pdfChm_ = 4

◆ pdfdn_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfdn_ = 1

Definition at line 1125 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1125 integer, public, parameter :: pdfDn_ = 1

◆ pdfglu_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfglu_ = 0

Definition at line 1124 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1124 integer, public, parameter :: pdfGlu_ = 0

◆ pdfset

integer, public modparameters::pdfset

Definition at line 69 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

69 integer, public :: PDFSet

◆ pdfstr_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfstr_ = 3

Definition at line 1127 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1127 integer, public, parameter :: pdfStr_ = 3

◆ pdftop_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdftop_ = 6

Definition at line 1130 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1130 integer, public, parameter :: pdfTop_ = 6 ! Dummy

◆ pdfup_

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pdfup_ = 2

Definition at line 1126 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1126 integer, public, parameter :: pdfUp_ = 2

◆ percent

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::percent =1d0/100d0

Definition at line 90 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

90 real(8), public, parameter :: percent=1d0/100d0

◆ pho_

integer, target, public modparameters::pho_ = 11

Definition at line 1094 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1094 integer, public, target :: Pho_ = 11

◆ pi

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::pi =3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197_dp

Definition at line 79 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

79 real(dp), public, parameter :: pi =3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197_dp

◆ picobarn

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::picobarn =1e-12*barn

Definition at line 102 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

102 real(8), public, parameter :: picobarn=1e-12*barn

◆ pisq

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::pisq = pi**2

Definition at line 82 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

82 real(dp), public, parameter :: pisq = pi**2

◆ planckconstant

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::planckconstant =4.13567d-15*eV*second

Definition at line 108 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

108 real(8), public, parameter :: PlanckConstant=4.13567d-15*ev*second

◆ pmzz_mreso

real(8), public modparameters::pmzz_mreso = -1d0

Definition at line 138 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

138 real(8), public :: PMZZ_mReso = -1d0

◆ pmzzdistribution

real(8), dimension(1:pmzzsize,1:2), public modparameters::pmzzdistribution

Definition at line 140 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

140 real(8), public :: PMZZdistribution(1:PMZZsize,1:2) !huge array, in normal cases will never get near the edge

◆ pmzzevals

integer, public modparameters::pmzzevals

Definition at line 18 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ pmzzfile

character(len=500), public modparameters::pmzzfile = "PMZZdistribution.out"

Definition at line 137 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

137 character(len=500), public :: PMZZfile = "PMZZdistribution.out"

◆ pmzzmaxindex

integer, public modparameters::pmzzmaxindex =-1

Definition at line 141 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ pmzzminindex

integer, public modparameters::pmzzminindex =-1

Definition at line 141 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

141 integer, public :: PMZZminindex=-1, pmzzmaxindex=-1 !store the largest and smallest values currently used

◆ pmzzsize

integer, parameter, public modparameters::pmzzsize = 10000

Definition at line 139 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

139 integer, public, parameter :: PMZZsize = 10000

◆ pol_a

real(8), public modparameters::pol_a = 0d0

Definition at line 260 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

260 real(8), public :: POL_A = 0d0 ! e+ polarization. 0: no polarization, 100: helicity = 1, -100: helicity = -1

◆ pol_b

real(8), public modparameters::pol_b = 0d0

Definition at line 261 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

261 real(8), public :: POL_B = 0d0 ! e- polarization. 0: no polarization, 100: helicity = 1, -100: helicity = -1

◆ printpmzz

complex(8), public modparameters::printpmzz

Definition at line 142 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

142 complex(8), public :: PrintPMZZ !real part is the minimum, imaginary part is the maximum

◆ printpmzzintervals

integer, public modparameters::printpmzzintervals

Definition at line 143 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

143 integer, public :: PrintPMZZIntervals

◆ process

integer, public modparameters::process

Definition at line 17 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ pthcut

real(8), public modparameters::pthcut = 0d0*GeV

Definition at line 218 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

218 real(8), public :: pTHcut = 0d0*gev

◆ ptjetcut

real(8), public modparameters::ptjetcut = -1d0*GeV

Definition at line 205 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

205 real(8), public :: pTjetcut = -1d0*gev ! jet min pt

◆ ptlepcut

real(8), public modparameters::ptlepcut = -1d0*GeV

Definition at line 216 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

216 real(8), public :: pTlepcut = -1d0*gev ! lepton min pt

◆ qdl

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qdl = -1d0/3d0

Definition at line 1038 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1038 real(8), public, parameter :: QdL = -1d0/3d0

◆ qdr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qdr = -1d0/3d0

Definition at line 1039 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1039 real(8), public, parameter :: QdR = -1d0/3d0

◆ qll

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qll = -1d0

Definition at line 1032 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1032 real(8), public, parameter :: QlL = -1d0

◆ qlr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qlr = -1d0

Definition at line 1033 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1033 real(8), public, parameter :: QlR = -1d0

◆ qnl

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qnl = 0d0

Definition at line 1034 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1034 real(8), public, parameter :: QnL = 0d0

◆ qnr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qnr = 0d0

Definition at line 1035 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1035 real(8), public, parameter :: QnR = 0d0

◆ quarkcolavg

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::quarkcolavg =1d0/3d0

Definition at line 91 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ qul

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qul = 2d0/3d0

Definition at line 1036 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1036 real(8), public, parameter :: QuL = 2d0/3d0

◆ qur

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::qur = 2d0/3d0

Definition at line 1037 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1037 real(8), public, parameter :: QuR = 2d0/3d0

◆ randomizevvdecays

logical, public modparameters::randomizevvdecays = .true.

Definition at line 174 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

174 logical, public :: RandomizeVVdecays = .true. ! randomize DecayMode1 and DecayMode2 in H-->VV and TTBAR decays whenever appropriate

◆ readcsmax

logical, public modparameters::readcsmax

Definition at line 29 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

29 logical, public :: ReadCSmax,GenerateEvents,CountTauAsAny,HasLeptonFilter, FoundHiggsMass, FoundHiggsWidth

◆ readlhefile

logical, public modparameters::readlhefile

Definition at line 28 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ readpmzz

logical, public modparameters::readpmzz

Definition at line 136 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

136 logical, public :: ReadPMZZ

◆ rejecounter

integer(8), public modparameters::rejecounter =0

Definition at line 49 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

49 integer(8), public :: RejeCounter=0

◆ rejecounter_part

integer(8), dimension(-6:6,-6:6), public modparameters::rejecounter_part =0

Definition at line 52 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ renscheme

integer, public modparameters::renscheme

Definition at line 20 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ requestnjets

integer, dimension(1:2), public modparameters::requestnjets = -1

Definition at line 25 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

25 integer, public :: RequestNJets(1:2) = -1

◆ requestnleptons

integer, dimension(1:2), public modparameters::requestnleptons = -1

Definition at line 24 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

24 integer, public :: RequestNLeptons(1:2) = -1

◆ requestos

integer, dimension(1:2), public modparameters::requestos = -1

Definition at line 26 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

26 integer, public :: RequestOS(1:2) = -1

◆ requestossf

integer, dimension(1:2), public modparameters::requestossf = -1

Definition at line 27 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

27 integer, public :: RequestOSSF(1:2) = -1

◆ requevents

integer(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public modparameters::requevents =0

Definition at line 52 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ requevents2

integer(8), dimension(1:nmaxchannels), public modparameters::requevents2 =0

Definition at line 54 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

54 integer(8), public :: RequEvents2(1:NMAXCHANNELS)=0

◆ reweightdecay

logical, public modparameters::reweightdecay = .false.

Definition at line 129 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

129 logical, public :: ReweightDecay = .false.

◆ reweightinterference

logical, public modparameters::reweightinterference

Definition at line 77 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ rjet

real(8), public modparameters::rjet = -1d0

Definition at line 208 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

208 real(8), public :: Rjet = -1d0 ! jet deltaR

◆ scale_alpha_w_cs

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_w_cs = 1.038200d0

Definition at line 333 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

333 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_W_cs = 1.038200d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for W > c s

◆ scale_alpha_w_ln

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_w_ln = 1d0

Definition at line 334 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

334 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_W_ln = 1d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for W > l nu (l=e,mu)

◆ scale_alpha_w_tn

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_w_tn = 1d0

Definition at line 335 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

335 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_W_tn = 1d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for W > tau nu

◆ scale_alpha_w_ud

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_w_ud = 1.038200d0

Definition at line 332 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

332 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_W_ud = 1.038200d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for W > u d

◆ scale_alpha_z_dd

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_z_dd = 1.037560d0

Definition at line 328 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

328 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_Z_dd = 1.037560d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for Z > d d~, s s~, b b~

◆ scale_alpha_z_ll

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_z_ll = 1d0

Definition at line 329 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

329 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_Z_ll = 1d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for Z > l+ l- (l=e,mu)

◆ scale_alpha_z_nn

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_z_nn = 1d0

Definition at line 331 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

331 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_Z_nn = 1d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for Z > nu nu~

◆ scale_alpha_z_tt

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_z_tt = 1d0

Definition at line 330 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

330 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_Z_tt = 1d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for Z > tau+ tau-

◆ scale_alpha_z_uu

real(8), public modparameters::scale_alpha_z_uu = 1.037560d0

Definition at line 327 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

327 real(8), public :: scale_alpha_Z_uu = 1.037560d0 ! scaling factor of alpha (~partial width) for Z > u u~, c c~

◆ second

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::second =1d15

Definition at line 105 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

105 real(8), public, parameter :: second=1d15

◆ sitw

real(8), public modparameters::sitw

Definition at line 254 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

254 real(8), public :: sitW ! = dsqrt(xw) ! sin(Theta_Weinberg) (PDG-2008)

◆ speedoflight

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::speedoflight =299792458*meter/second

Definition at line 107 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

107 real(8), public, parameter :: SpeedOfLight=299792458*meter/second

◆ spinavg

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::spinavg =1d0/4d0

Definition at line 91 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ sqrt2

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980786_dp

Definition at line 80 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

80 real(dp), public, parameter :: sqrt2 = 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980786_dp

◆ str_

integer, target, public modparameters::str_ = 4

Definition at line 1087 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1087 integer, public, target :: Str_ = 4

◆ symmfac

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::symmfac =1d0/2d0

Definition at line 91 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

91 real(8), public, parameter :: SymmFac=1d0/2d0, spinavg=1d0/4d0, quarkcolavg=1d0/3d0, gluoncolavg=1d0/8d0

◆ t3dl

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3dl = -0.5d0

Definition at line 1030 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1030 real(8), public, parameter :: T3dL= -0.5d0

◆ t3dr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3dr = 0d0

Definition at line 1031 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1031 real(8), public, parameter :: T3dR= 0d0

◆ t3ll

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3ll = -0.5d0

Definition at line 1024 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1024 real(8), public, parameter :: T3lL= -0.5d0

◆ t3lr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3lr = 0d0

Definition at line 1025 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1025 real(8), public, parameter :: T3lR= 0d0

◆ t3nl

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3nl = 0.5d0

Definition at line 1026 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1026 real(8), public, parameter :: T3nL= 0.5d0

◆ t3nr

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3nr = 0d0

Definition at line 1027 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1027 real(8), public, parameter :: T3nR= 0d0

◆ t3ul

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3ul = 0.5d0

Definition at line 1028 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1028 real(8), public, parameter :: T3uL= 0.5d0

◆ t3ur

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::t3ur = 0d0

Definition at line 1029 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1029 real(8), public, parameter :: T3uR= 0d0

◆ tam_

integer, target, public modparameters::tam_ = -9

Definition at line 1114 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1114 integer, public, target :: TaM_ = -9

◆ tap_

integer, target, public modparameters::tap_ = 9

Definition at line 1092 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1092 integer, public, target :: TaP_ = 9

◆ taudecays

integer, public modparameters::taudecays

Definition at line 17 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ tev

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::tev =1d+3*GeV

Definition at line 94 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

94 real(8), public, parameter :: TeV=1d+3*gev

◆ tev_energy

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::tev_energy =1.96d0 *TeV

Definition at line 257 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

257 real(8), public, parameter :: TEV_Energy=1.96d0 *tev ! Tevatron hadronic center of mass energy

◆ theseeds

integer, dimension(1:nmaxseeds), public modparameters::theseeds = DefaultSeeds

Definition at line 161 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

161 integer, public :: TheSeeds(1:nmaxseeds) = defaultseeds

◆ time_end

real(8) modparameters::time_end

Definition at line 59 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ time_int

real(8) modparameters::time_int

Definition at line 59 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ time_start

real(8) modparameters::time_start

Definition at line 59 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

59 real(8) :: time_start,time_end,time_int

◆ tol

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::tol = 0.0000001d0

Definition at line 12 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

12 real(8), public, parameter :: tol = 0.0000001d0

◆ top_

integer, target, public modparameters::top_ = 5

Definition at line 1088 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1088 integer, public, target :: Top_ = 5

◆ topdecays

integer, public modparameters::topdecays

Definition at line 17 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ tr

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::tr = 0.5_dp

Definition at line 1018 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1018 real(dp), public, parameter :: Tr = 0.5_dp

◆ two

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::two = 2.0d0

Definition at line 84 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ twosc

real(8), public modparameters::twosc

Definition at line 255 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

255 real(8), public :: twosc ! = sqrt(4.0_dp*xw*(1.0_dp-xw))

◆ unweighted

logical, public modparameters::unweighted

Definition at line 28 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

28 logical, public :: Unweighted,OffShellReson,OffShellV1,OffShellV2,ReadLHEFile,ConvertLHEFile,DoPrintPMZZ

◆ up_

integer, target, public modparameters::up_ = 1

Definition at line 1084 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1084 integer, public, target :: Up_ = 1

◆ use_dynamic_mg

logical, parameter, public modparameters::use_dynamic_mg = .true.

Definition at line 933 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

933  logical, public, parameter :: use_dynamic_MG = .true.

◆ userseed

integer, public modparameters::userseed = 0

Definition at line 130 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

130 integer, public :: UserSeed = 0

◆ useunformattedread

logical, public modparameters::useunformattedread = .false.

Definition at line 176 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

176 logical, public :: UseUnformattedRead = .false. !Set this to true if the regular reading fails for whatever reason

◆ vbfoffsh_run

integer, public modparameters::vbfoffsh_run =-1

Definition at line 144 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

144 integer, public :: VBFoffsh_run=-1

◆ vckm_cb

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_cb

Definition at line 282 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

282 real(8), public :: VCKM_cb! = dsqrt(1d0-VCKM_cd**2-VCKM_cs**2)

◆ vckm_cd

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_cd

Definition at line 279 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

279 real(8), public :: VCKM_cd! =-0.225182d0

◆ vckm_cs

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_cs

Definition at line 278 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

278 real(8), public :: VCKM_cs! = 0.9734244d0

◆ vckm_tb

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_tb

Definition at line 280 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

280 real(8), public :: VCKM_tb! = 0.99912367d0

◆ vckm_td

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_td

Definition at line 284 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

284 real(8), public :: VCKM_td! = dsqrt(1d0-VCKM_tb**2-VCKM_ts**2)

◆ vckm_ts

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_ts

Definition at line 281 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

281 real(8), public :: VCKM_ts! =-0.040920069d0

◆ vckm_ub

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_ub

Definition at line 283 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

283 real(8), public :: VCKM_ub! = dsqrt(1d0-VCKM_ud**2-VCKM_us**2)

◆ vckm_ud

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_ud

Definition at line 276 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

276 real(8), public :: VCKM_ud! = 0.974285d0

◆ vckm_us

real(8), public modparameters::vckm_us

Definition at line 277 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

277 real(8), public :: VCKM_us! = 0.225290d0

◆ vegasit1

integer, public modparameters::vegasit1

Definition at line 18 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

18 integer, public :: VegasIt1,VegasNc0,VegasNc1,VegasNc2,PMZZEvals

◆ vegasit1_default

integer, public modparameters::vegasit1_default

Definition at line 22 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

22 integer, public :: VegasIt1_default,VegasNc0_default,VegasNc1_default,VegasNc2_default

◆ vegasnc0

integer, public modparameters::vegasnc0

Definition at line 18 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ vegasnc0_default

integer, public modparameters::vegasnc0_default

Definition at line 22 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ vegasnc1

integer, public modparameters::vegasnc1

Definition at line 18 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ vegasnc1_default

integer, public modparameters::vegasnc1_default

Definition at line 22 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ vegasnc2

integer, public modparameters::vegasnc2

Definition at line 18 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ vegasnc2_default

integer, public modparameters::vegasnc2_default

Definition at line 22 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ vev

real(8), public modparameters::vev

Definition at line 249 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

249 real(8), public :: vev ! = 1.0d0/sqrt(Gf*sqrt(2.0d0))

◆ vh_pc

character(len=2), public modparameters::vh_pc = "lo"

Definition at line 184 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

184 character(len=2), public :: VH_PC = "lo" ! VH partonic channel and mode selection, in development.

◆ vprimedecaylengthmasscutofffactor

real(8), public modparameters::vprimedecaylengthmasscutofffactor = -1d0

Definition at line 146 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

146 real(8), public :: VprimeDecayLengthMassCutoffFactor = -1d0 ! x Ga_Vprime

◆ vprimedecaylengthmm

real(8), public modparameters::vprimedecaylengthmm = 0d0

Definition at line 236 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

236 real(8), public :: VprimeDecayLengthMM = 0d0 ! Vprime decay length in [mm]

◆ warmup

logical, public modparameters::warmup

Definition at line 60 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

60 logical, public :: warmup

◆ widthscheme

integer, public modparameters::widthscheme = 0

Definition at line 131 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

131 integer, public :: WidthScheme = 0 ! 1=running BW-width, 2=fixed BW-width (default), 3=Passarino's CPS

◆ widthschemein

integer, public modparameters::widthschemein = 0

Definition at line 132 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

132 integer, public :: WidthSchemeIn = 0 ! 1=running BW-width, 2=fixed BW-width (default), 3=Passarino's CPS

◆ wm_

integer, target, public modparameters::wm_ = -13

Definition at line 1115 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1115 integer, public, target :: Wm_ = -13

◆ wmpr_

integer, target, public modparameters::wmpr_ = -34

Definition at line 1119 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1119 integer, public, target :: Wmpr_ = -34

◆ wp_

integer, target, public modparameters::wp_ = 13

Definition at line 1096 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1096 integer, public, target :: Wp_ = 13

◆ wppr_

integer, target, public modparameters::wppr_ = 34

Definition at line 1103 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1103 integer, public, target :: Wppr_ = 34

◆ wpwmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::wpwmode =11

Definition at line 14 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ wpwpmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::wpwpmode =12

Definition at line 14 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ writefailedevents

integer, public modparameters::writefailedevents

Definition at line 30 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

30 integer, public :: WriteFailedEvents

◆ writegit

logical, public modparameters::writegit

Definition at line 77 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ writeweightedlhe

logical, public modparameters::writeweightedlhe = .false.

Definition at line 172 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

172 logical, public :: writeWeightedLHE = .false.

◆ wwmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::wwmode =00

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ wwpmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::wwpmode =10

Definition at line 14 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

14 integer, public, parameter :: WWpMode=10,wpwmode=11,wpwpmode=12

◆ xn

real(dp), parameter, public modparameters::xn = 3.0_dp

Definition at line 1015 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1015 real(dp), public, parameter :: xn = 3.0_dp

◆ xw

real(8), public modparameters::xw = 0.23119d0

Definition at line 253 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

253 real(8), public :: xw = 0.23119d0 ! sin**2(Theta_Weinberg) (PDG-2008)

◆ z0_

integer, target, public modparameters::z0_ = 12

Definition at line 1095 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1095 integer, public, target :: Z0_ = 12

◆ zero

real(8), parameter, public modparameters::zero = 0d0

Definition at line 85 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

85 real(8), public, parameter :: zero = 0d0

◆ zgmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zgmode =05

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ zgsmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zgsmode =02

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ zmass_pdf

real(8), public modparameters::zmass_pdf

Definition at line 266 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

266 real(8), public :: zmass_pdf ! Z mass used in pdf toward the QCD scale, reset later in main per PDF if needed

◆ zpgmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zpgmode =32

Definition at line 16 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ zpgsmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zpgsmode =31

Definition at line 16 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ zpr2_

integer, target, public modparameters::zpr2_ = 33

Definition at line 1102 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1102 integer, public, target :: Zpr2_ = 33

◆ zpr_

integer, target, public modparameters::zpr_ = 32

Definition at line 1101 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

1101 integer, public, target :: Zpr_ = 32

◆ zprime_qq_left

complex(8), public modparameters::zprime_qq_left = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 912 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

912  complex(8), public :: zprime_qq_left = (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ zprime_qq_right

complex(8), public modparameters::zprime_qq_right = (1.0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 913 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

913  complex(8), public :: zprime_qq_right = (1.0d0,0d0)

◆ zprime_zz_1

complex(8), public modparameters::zprime_zz_1 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 914 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

914  complex(8), public :: zprime_zz_1 = (0d0,0d0)! =1 for JP=1- vector

◆ zprime_zz_2

complex(8), public modparameters::zprime_zz_2 = (0d0, 0d0)

Definition at line 915 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

915  complex(8), public :: zprime_zz_2 = (0d0,0d0)! =1 for JP=1+ pseudovector

◆ zpzmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zpzmode =21

Definition at line 15 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ zpzpmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zpzpmode =22

Definition at line 15 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ zzmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zzmode =01

Definition at line 13 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

◆ zzpmode

integer, parameter, public modparameters::zzpmode =20

Definition at line 15 of file mod_Parameters.F90.

15 integer, public, parameter :: ZZpMode=20,zpzmode=21,zpzpmode=22
integer, target, public abot_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1111
real(dp), dimension(0:6), parameter, public b0_pdf
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1013
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:571
complex(8), public ezp_top_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:617
real(dp), public alphas_mz
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:270
real(8), public lambda_w31
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:502
integer, target, public zpr2_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1102
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:592
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:657
integer, target, public achm_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1108
complex(8), public ghz4_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:416
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:520
integer, parameter, public nloops_pdf
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:265
real(8), public daz_neu_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1002
integer, target, public glu_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1093
integer, parameter, public pdfstr_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1127
complex(8), public ezp_top_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:616
real(8), public vev
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:249
integer, target, public elm_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1112
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:492
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:579
real(8), public twosc
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:255
complex(8), public ghz2_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:395
real(dp), public couplazff
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1080
complex(8), public ghw1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:454
real(8), public daz_qdn_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1005
integer, parameter, public pdfastr_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1133
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:526
complex(8), public ewp_chm_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:708
complex(8), public ghz4_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:414
real(8) function zffbare(id1in, id2in, h1, h2)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1601
complex(8), public ghwpwp3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:663
integer, parameter, public zpgsmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:16
complex(8), public ghzpzp1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:559
complex(8), public ghz3_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:407
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:655
real(dp), public gs
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:271
logical, public distinguish_hwwcouplings
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:453
integer, parameter, public pdfatop_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1136
real(8), public lambda_z10
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:446
real(8), public daz_neu_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1001
real(8), parameter, public tev
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:94
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:536
complex(8), public ghw2_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:473
integer, parameter, public pdfglu_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1124
integer, parameter, public pdftop_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1130
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:545
integer, parameter, public zgmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:643
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:656
real(8), public m_tau
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:242
real(8), public lambda_z41
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:441
real(8), public vckm_cb
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:282
complex(8), public ghwpwp1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:661
real(8), public cl_neu
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1071
complex(8), public ezp_up_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:606
complex(8), public ghzgs4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:422
real(8), public vckm_cs
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:278
real(8), public lambda_z12
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:442
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:578
complex(8), public ghz3_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:404
Definition: COLLIER.F90:30
complex(8), public ghz2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:382
complex(8), public ghw2_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:474
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:532
real(8), public ga_wprime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:713
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:659
real(8), public lambda_z21
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:439
complex(8), public ghzpzp2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:560
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:546
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:688
integer, target, public dn_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1085
complex(8), public ghw2_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:470
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:547
real *8, dimension(1:2) ci
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:189
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:585
real(8), public lambda_z31
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:440
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:582
real(8), public m_reso2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:232
real(8), parameter, public qul
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1036
complex(8), public ghz3_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:408
real(8), public ga_w
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:229
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:676
complex(8), public ghzgs2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:420
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_tn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:335
integer, parameter, public pdfdn_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1125
real(8), parameter, public t3ll
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1024
real(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public crosssec
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:53
integer, parameter, public zpzpmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:15
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:683
complex(8), public ezp_el_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:598
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:641
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:569
integer, public cz_q12sq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:436
complex(8), public ghz1_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:387
real(8), public sitw
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:254
complex(8), public ghwwp2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:624
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:428
integer, parameter, public zgsmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
real(dp), parameter, public sqrt2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:80
real(8), public m_zprime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:619
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:581
complex(8), public ezp_bot_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:615
logical function isajet(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2438
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_ln
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:334
complex(8), public ewp_top_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:710
real(dp), public couplaffsq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1081
complex(8), public ghz1_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:393
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:677
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:689
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:667
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:538
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:568
real(8), public cr_qdn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1074
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:522
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:570
complex(8), public ghz2_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:399
integer, public cw_q2sq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:498
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:493
complex(8), public ghgsgs4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:425
real(8), public cr_neu
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1070
complex(8), public ghw3_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:480
real(8), parameter, public t3dl
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1030
integer, target, public adn_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1107
complex(8), public ghw4_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:487
integer, target, public wm_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1115
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:589
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:593
integer, target, public chm_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1086
integer, target, public up_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1084
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:429
integer, target, public bot_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1089
real(8), public cl_lep
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1069
real(8), public gwsq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:250
complex(8), public ghzzp1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:514
real(8), parameter, public milimeter
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:99
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:654
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:525
real(8) function massfrun(mf, scale)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2904
complex(8), public ghzzp4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:517
real(8), public cr_lep
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1068
real(8), public lambda_w30
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:510
complex(8), public ghz3_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:405
real(8), public lambda_w22
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:505
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) v0(p, i)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:3263
real(8), parameter, public tol
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:12
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:633
complex(8), public ghw3_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:481
complex(8), public ezp_chm_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:609
real(8), public ga_reso
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:231
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:629
real(8), parameter, public second
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:105
logical function islhedowntypequark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2336
integer, target, public gra_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1104
real(8), public lambda_z11
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:438
integer, parameter, public zzmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
real(8), parameter, public br_z_ss
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:294
real(8), public m_top
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:224
complex(8), public ghzpgs3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:555
real(8), public m_wprime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:712
complex(8), public ghz3_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:406
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:495
logical function isalhelightquark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2388
real(8), public ar_qdn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1064
complex(8), public ghw3_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:479
real(8) function ckmbare(id1in, id2in)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1563
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:645
integer(8), dimension(-6:+6,-6:+6), public requevents
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:52
complex(8), public ghz3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:383
complex(8), public ghwpwp2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:662
logical function isalepton(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2409
real(8), public vckm_tb
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:280
subroutine computeqcdvariables()
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2841
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:685
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:533
real(8), parameter, public t3nr
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1027
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:671
real(8), parameter, public mone
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:83
logical function isuptypelightquark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2356
complex(8), public ghz1_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:390
integer, parameter, public gsgmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:649
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_ll
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:329
real(8), public crosssectionwithweightserrorsquared
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:147
complex(8), public ghz1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:388
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:548
real(8), public bl
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1066
complex(8), public ewp_mu_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:701
complex(8), public ghz4_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:415
complex(8), public ghw4_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:486
complex(8), public ezp_mu_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:601
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:528
complex(8), public ezp_chm_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:608
character(len=3) function getparticle(Part)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2146
integer, public pmzzmaxindex
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:141
real(8), parameter, public lambda_zgs1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:431
integer, public cz_q2sq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:435
real(8), public vckm_ts
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:281
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:646
complex(8), public ewp_ta_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:703
complex(8), public ghw1_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:465
complex(8), public ghzzp2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:515
real(8), public m_el
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:240
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:675
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:542
complex(8), public ghwwp1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:623
real(8), public ga_reso2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:233
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:523
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_cs
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:333
real(8), public lambda_z32
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:444
complex(8), public ghw2_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:472
logical function islheuptypelightquark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2362
real(8), public lambda_w10
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:508
complex(8), public ghw2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:455
complex(8), public ghw2_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:471
complex(8), public ghzpgs4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:556
real(8), public ar_neu
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1060
integer, target, public tam_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1114
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:575
real(8), public scale_alpha_w_ud
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:332
real(dp), public couplwffsq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1078
real(8), public xw
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:253
real(8), public m_mu
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:241
real(8), parameter, public picobarn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:102
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:681
complex(8), public ghw1_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:462
real(8), public al_qdn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1065
complex(dp) function, dimension(4) ubar0(p, i)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:3193
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:692
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:638
integer, target, public aup_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1106
real(8), parameter, public br_w_hadr
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:297
real(8), public lambda_w11
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:500
complex(8), public ghzpzp3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:561
complex(8), public ghz1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:381
real(8), public daz_qdn_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1006
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:591
real(8), public cl_qdn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1075
real(8), public ga_zprime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:620
real(8), parameter, public gev
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:93
real(8), public daz_qup_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1004
real(8), parameter, public percent
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:90
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:684
integer, target, public nue_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1097
real(8), public ar_lep
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1058
complex(8), public ghw1_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:463
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:594
real(8), public lambda_z42
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:445
real(8), public mininputmhstar
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:135
complex(8), public ewp_up_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:706
complex(8), public ezp_str_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:613
real(8), parameter, public br_w_ll
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:296
complex(8), parameter, public czero
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:86
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:530
real(8), parameter, public t3ul
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1028
logical function isuptypequark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2343
integer, parameter, public gszmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
integer, parameter, public pdfup_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1126
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:574
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:565
real(dp), public couplzffsq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1079
complex(8), public ezp_up_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:607
complex(8), public ghzzp3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:516
complex(8), parameter, public cone
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:87
real(8), public lambda_z30
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:448
complex(8), public ghzgs1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:419
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:678
integer, target, public elp_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1090
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:590
integer, parameter, public pdfaup_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1132
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:631
real(8), public daz_qup_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1003
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:540
real(8), parameter, public qdl
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1038
complex(8), public ghw2_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:469
complex(8), public ghzpgs2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:554
complex(8), public ghz4_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:417
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:695
real(8), public lambda_w20
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:509
real(8), public ga_z
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:227
complex(8), public ghz3_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:409
real(8), parameter, public br_z_hadr
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:289
integer, parameter, public zpzmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:15
real(8), public m_w
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:228
integer, target, public atop_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1110
real(8), parameter, public qnl
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1034
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_tt
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:330
real(8), public zmass_pdf
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:266
complex(8), public ghw4_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:489
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:680
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:534
real(8), parameter, public spinavg
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:91
real(8), parameter, public t3nl
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1026
integer, target, public anum_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1117
complex(8), public ewp_chm_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:707
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:697
real(8), parameter, public lambda_w3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:494
real(8), public al_qup
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1063
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:587
real(8), public alpha_qed
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:248
real(8), parameter, public lambda_q
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:432
real(8), public lambda_w41
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:503
complex(8), public ewp_el_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:700
real(8), parameter, public qnr
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1035
subroutine computeckmelements(inVCKM_ud, inVCKM_us, inVCKM_cd, inVCKM_cs, inVCKM_ts, inVCKM_tb, inVCKM_ub, inVCKM_cb, inVCKM_td)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2708
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:577
real(8), public lambda_w40
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:511
complex(8), public ghz1_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:389
complex(8), public ghwwp3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:625
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:550
complex(8), public ewp_up_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:705
integer, target, public anut_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1118
real(8), parameter, public meter
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:98
integer, target, public anue_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1116
integer, parameter, public pdfchm_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1128
complex(8), public ezp_dn_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:610
complex(8), public ghz2_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:400
complex(8), public ghz4_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:411
logical function islheuptypequark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2349
real(8), public lambda_z40
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:449
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:639
complex(8), public ezp_nue_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:605
real(8), public vckm_ud
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:276
complex(8), public ghz3_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:403
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:647
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_nn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:331
real(8), public m_charm
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:239
integer, parameter, public wpwmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:14
complex(8), public ghwpwp4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:664
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:693
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:696
real(8), parameter, public t3lr
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1025
complex(8), public ghz2_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:398
complex(8), public ezp_ta_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:602
complex(8), public ghzpzp4_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:595
complex(8), public ghw2_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:468
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z1
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:427
integer, target, public wppr_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1103
real(8) function scalefactor(id1in, id2in)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1509
integer, parameter, public pdfbot_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1129
complex(8), public ghw1_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:466
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:521
complex(8), public ghw4_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:484
complex(8), public ezp_mu_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:600
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:648
complex(8), public ghzgs3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:421
real(8), public vckm_cd
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:279
complex(8), public ghwwp4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:626
real(8), public lambda_z22
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:443
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:637
integer function convertlhe(Part)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1798
complex(8), public ezp_dn_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:611
integer, parameter, public nqflavors_pdf
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:264
real(8), public cr_qup
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1072
complex(8), public ghwpwp2_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:679
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_dd
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:328
real(8), parameter, public qur
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1037
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:566
complex(8), public ezp_nue_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:604
real(8), public lambda_w42
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:507
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:537
real(8), public br
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1067
real(8), public mhstarforphasespace
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:135
integer, parameter, public pdfachm_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1134
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:672
real(8), public m_z
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:226
real(8), public lambda_z20
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:447
integer, target, public nut_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1099
integer, parameter, public wwmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
complex(8), public ghz2_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:401
complex(8), public ghw3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:456
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:576
real(8), public vckm_ub
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:283
integer(8), dimension(-6:6,-6:6), public rejecounter_part
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:52
complex(8), public ghw4_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:488
complex(8), public ghzpzp1_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:567
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:658
complex(8), public ghgsgs2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:423
real(8), public mu_ren
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:268
integer, target, public mum_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1113
integer, target, public zpr_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1101
complex(8), public ghzpgs1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:553
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:584
complex(8), public ghw3_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:477
logical function isalightquark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2382
integer, target, public wp_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1096
real(8), parameter, public t3dr
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1031
real(8), parameter, public planckconstant
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:108
real(8), public m_bot
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:238
real(8), public m_reso
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:230
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:531
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:541
real(dp), public alphas
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:269
complex(8), public ghw3_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:478
integer, target, public str_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1087
complex(8), public ghzpzp2_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:573
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:634
real(8), public vckm_us
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:277
complex(8), public ewp_top_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:709
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:630
real(8), parameter, public qll
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1032
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:642
real(8), public scale_alpha_z_uu
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:327
complex(8), public ewp_mu_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:702
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:686
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:651
complex(8), public ghw1_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:460
integer, target, public astr_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1109
real(8), parameter, public t3ur
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1029
real(8), parameter, public speedoflight
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:107
real(8), public maxcs
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:119
complex(8), public ghw4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:457
complex(8), public ghz1_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:392
integer, parameter, public zpgmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:16
real(8), public lambda_w12
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:504
real(8), parameter, public lambda_z4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:430
integer, parameter, public not_a_particle_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1121
real(8), public ga_top
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:225
integer, parameter, public ggmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:586
real(8), public lambda_w32
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:506
logical function isdowntypequark(PartType)
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2330
real(8), public gf
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:247
real(8), public al_lep
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1059
real(dp), public esq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:251
complex(8), public ghwwp4_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:653
complex(8), public ezp_str_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:612
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:632
complex(8), public ghw1_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:464
integer, target, public num_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1098
complex(8), public ewp_ta_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:704
integer, parameter, public wpwpmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:14
complex(8), public ezp_el_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:599
integer, public cz_q1sq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:434
real(8), parameter, public barn
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:101
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:668
real(8), public cl_qup
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1073
complex(8), public ghz4_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:412
complex(8), public ghzzp1_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:524
real(8), public daz_lep_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:999
integer, target, public hig_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1100
integer, target, public tap_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1092
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:691
complex(8), public ghzpzp3_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:583
subroutine evalalphas()
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:2850
complex(8), public ghzpzp4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:562
real(8), public daz_lep_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1000
complex(8), public ghwpwp4_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:694
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:669
integer, target, public top_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1088
complex(8), public ghzzp2_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:529
integer, parameter, public gsgsmode
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:13
real(8), parameter, public quarkcolavg
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:91
complex(8), public ghwwp2_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:640
real(8), public overallcouplvffsq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1057
complex(8), public ghz2_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:396
integer, target, public wmpr_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1119
complex(8), public ghw1_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:461
complex(8), public ghz1_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:391
integer, public cw_q12sq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:499
complex(8), public ghz2_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:397
real(8), public avgcs
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:119
complex(8), public ghzzp3_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:539
integer, target, public pho_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1094
complex(8), public ghgsgs3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:424
real(8), public lambda_w21
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:501
complex(8), public ghw3_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:476
integer, target, public z0_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1095
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:549
real(8), parameter, public qdr
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1039
complex(8), public ewp_el_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:699
real(8), parameter, public br_z_cc
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:292
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:670
integer, parameter, public pdfadn_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1131
complex(8), public ghwwp3_prime6
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:650
complex(8), public ghwpwp3_prime5
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:687
complex(8), public ghw3_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:482
complex(8), public ghw4_prime2
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:485
real(8), parameter, public br_z_ll
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:288
complex(8), public ghz4_prime3
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:413
real(8), parameter, public gluoncolavg
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:91
integer, parameter, public pdfabot_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1135
complex(8), public ghwpwp1_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:673
complex(8), public ghwwp1_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:635
complex(8), public ezp_ta_right
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:603
real(8), parameter, public br_z_dd
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:293
complex(8), public ghw4_prime7
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:490
integer, public cw_q1sq
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:497
real(8), parameter, public br_z_uu
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:291
complex(8), public ezp_bot_left
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:614
real(8), public ga_tau
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:243
complex(8), public ghzzp4_prime
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:544
real(8), public al_neu
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1061
integer, target, public mup_
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1091
real(8), public ar_qup
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:1062
real(8), public vckm_td
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:284
complex(8), public ghz4
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:384