JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
raw_names.txt File Reference


double selfDHggcoupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HGG][2]
double selfDHg4g4coupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HGG][2]
double selfDHqqcoupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]
double selfDHbbcoupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]
double selfDHttcoupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]
double selfDHb4b4coupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]
double selfDHt4t4coupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]
double selfDHzzcoupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV][2]
double selfDHwwcoupl [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV][2]
double selfDHzzLambda_qsq [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_LAMBDAQSQ][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]
double selfDHwwLambda_qsq [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_LAMBDAQSQ][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]
int selfDHzzCLambda_qsq [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]
int selfDHwwCLambda_qsq [nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]
bool differentiate_HWW_HZZ
double selfDHzzpcoupl [SIZE_HVV][2]
double selfDHzpzpcoupl [SIZE_HVV][2]
double selfDZpffcoupl [SIZE_Vpff][2]
double selfDHwwpcoupl [SIZE_HVV][2]
double selfDHwpwpcoupl [SIZE_HVV][2]
double selfDWpffcoupl [SIZE_Vpff][2]
double selfDM_Zprime
double selfDGa_Zprime
double selfDM_Wprime
double selfDGa_Wprime
double selfDZqqcoupl [SIZE_ZQQ][2]
double selfDZvvcoupl [SIZE_ZVV][2]
double selfDGqqcoupl [SIZE_GQQ][2]
double selfDGggcoupl [SIZE_GGG][2]
double selfDGvvcoupl [SIZE_GVV][2]
double selfDGvvpcoupl [SIZE_GVV][2]
double selfDGvpvpcoupl [SIZE_GVV][2]
double selfDaTQGCcoupl [SIZE_ATQGC][2]
double selfDAZffcoupl [SIZE_AZff][2]

Variable Documentation

◆ differentiate_HWW_HZZ

bool differentiate_HWW_HZZ

Definition at line 14 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDaTQGCcoupl

double selfDaTQGCcoupl[SIZE_ATQGC][2]

Definition at line 32 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDAZffcoupl

double selfDAZffcoupl[SIZE_AZff][2]

Definition at line 33 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDGa_Wprime

double selfDGa_Wprime

Definition at line 24 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDGa_Zprime

double selfDGa_Zprime

Definition at line 22 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDGggcoupl

double selfDGggcoupl[SIZE_GGG][2]

Definition at line 28 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDGqqcoupl

double selfDGqqcoupl[SIZE_GQQ][2]

Definition at line 27 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDGvpvpcoupl

double selfDGvpvpcoupl[SIZE_GVV][2]

Definition at line 31 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDGvvcoupl

double selfDGvvcoupl[SIZE_GVV][2]

Definition at line 29 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDGvvpcoupl

double selfDGvvpcoupl[SIZE_GVV][2]

Definition at line 30 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHb4b4coupl

double selfDHb4b4coupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]

Definition at line 6 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHbbcoupl

double selfDHbbcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]

Definition at line 4 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHg4g4coupl

double selfDHg4g4coupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HGG][2]

Definition at line 2 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHggcoupl

double selfDHggcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HGG][2]

Definition at line 1 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHqqcoupl

double selfDHqqcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]

Definition at line 3 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHt4t4coupl

double selfDHt4t4coupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]

Definition at line 7 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHttcoupl

double selfDHttcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2]

Definition at line 5 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHwpwpcoupl

double selfDHwpwpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2]

Definition at line 19 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHwwCLambda_qsq

int selfDHwwCLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]

Definition at line 13 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHwwcoupl

double selfDHwwcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV][2]

Definition at line 9 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHwwLambda_qsq

double selfDHwwLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_LAMBDAQSQ][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]

Definition at line 11 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHwwpcoupl

double selfDHwwpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2]

Definition at line 18 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHzpzpcoupl

double selfDHzpzpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2]

Definition at line 16 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHzzCLambda_qsq

int selfDHzzCLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]

Definition at line 12 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHzzcoupl

double selfDHzzcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV][2]

Definition at line 8 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHzzLambda_qsq

double selfDHzzLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_LAMBDAQSQ][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ]

Definition at line 10 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDHzzpcoupl

double selfDHzzpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2]

Definition at line 15 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDM_Wprime

double selfDM_Wprime

Definition at line 23 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDM_Zprime

double selfDM_Zprime

Definition at line 21 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDWpffcoupl

double selfDWpffcoupl[SIZE_Vpff][2]

Definition at line 20 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDZpffcoupl

double selfDZpffcoupl[SIZE_Vpff][2]

Definition at line 17 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDZqqcoupl

double selfDZqqcoupl[SIZE_ZQQ][2]

Definition at line 25 of file raw_names.txt.

◆ selfDZvvcoupl

double selfDZvvcoupl[SIZE_ZVV][2]

Definition at line 26 of file raw_names.txt.