JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Macros | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
TMCFM.hh File Reference
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#define bveg1_mcfm_   bveg1_
#define masses_mcfm_   masses_
#define qqb_ww_   qqb_ww_
#define qqb_wz_   qqb_wz_
#define qqb_zz_   qqb_zz_
#define qqb_zz_stu_   qqb_zz_stu_
#define qq_zzqq_   qq_zzqq_
#define qq_wwqq_   qq_wwqq_
#define qq_vvqq_   qq_vvqq_
#define qq_zzqqstrong_   qq_zzqqstrong_
#define qq_wwqqstrong_   qq_wwqqstrong_
#define gg_hzz_tb_   gg_hzz_tb_
#define gg_zz_hpi_   gg_zz_hpi_
#define gg_zz_all_   gg_zz_all_
#define gg_zz_   gg_zz_
#define gg_zz_int_   gg_zz_int_
#define gg_hvv_tb_   gg_hvv_tb_
#define gg_vv_all_   gg_vv_all_
#define gg_vv_   gg_vv_
#define qqb_z2jet_   qqb_z2jet_
#define qqb_zgam_   qqb_zgam_
#define qqb_hww_   qqb_hww_
#define qqb_hzz_   qqb_hzz_
#define qqb_hzz_tb_   qqb_hzz_tb_
#define qqb_z_   qqb_z_
#define qqb_wgam_   qqb_wgam_
#define qqb_wgam_   qqb_wgam_
#define qqb_gamgam_   qqb_gamgam_
#define qqb_w_g_   qqb_w_g_


enum  { nSupportedHiggses =2 }
enum  { nf =5 }
enum  { mxpart =14 }
enum  { ndims =22 }
enum  { nmsq =11 }


void mcfm_init_ (char *inputfile, char *workdir)
void chooser_ ()
void coupling_ ()
void coupling2_ ()
void qlinit_ ()
void fdist_ (int *ih1, double *xx, double *pdfscale, double *fx1)
double alphas_ (double *q, double *amz, int *nloop)
void ckmfill_ (int *nwz)
void qqb_ww_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_wz_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_zz_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_zz_stu_ (double *p, double *msq, int *channeltoggle)
void qq_zzqq_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qq_wwqq_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qq_vvqq_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qq_zzqqstrong_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qq_wwqqstrong_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_hzz_tb_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_zz_hpi_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_zz_all_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_zz_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_zz_int_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_hvv_tb_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_vv_all_ (double *p, double *msq)
void gg_vv_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_z2jet_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_zgam_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_hww_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_hzz_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_hzz_tb_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_z_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_wgam_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_gamgam_ (double *p, double *msq)
void qqb_w_g_ (double *p, double *msq)
double lowint_ (double *r, double *wgt)
void dotem_ (int N, double *p, double *s)
void boost_mcfm_ (double *mass, double *p1, double *p_in, double *p_out)
void breitw_ (double *x1, double *mminsq, double *mmaxsq, double *rmass, double *rwidth, double *msq, double *wt)
void phi3m0_ (double *xth, double *xphi, double *p0, double *p1, double *p2, double *wt)
void gen2_ (double *r, double *p, double *pswt)
void gen3_ (double *r, double *p, double *pswt)
void gen3jet_ (double *r, double *p, double *pswt)
void gen4_ (double *r, double *p, double *wt4)
void gen4h_ (double *r, double *p, double *wt4)
void gen_njets_ (double *r, int *, double *p, double *msq)


struct {
   int   nproc
struct {
   bool   qlfirst
struct {
   bool   Qflag
   bool   Gflag
   bool   QandGflag
struct {
   double   xl [ndims]
   double   xu [ndims]
   double   acc
   int   ndim
   int   ncall
   int   itmx
   int   nprn
struct {
   int   ih1
   int   ih2
struct {
   double   scale
   double   musq
struct {
   double   facscale
struct {
   int   n2
   int   n3
   double   mass2
   double   width2
   double   mass3
   double   width3
struct {
   int   nqcdjets
   int   nqcdstart
struct {
   double   xmin
struct {
   int   npart
struct {
   int   nuflav
struct {
   double   vsymfact
struct {
   bool   interference
struct {
   double   cutoff
struct {
   double   amz
struct {
   double   Gf_inp
   double   aemmz_inp
   double   xw_inp
   double   wmass_inp
   double   zmass_inp
struct {
   int   ewscheme
struct {
   double   gsq
   double   as
   double   ason2pi
   double   ason4pi
struct {
   double   Gf
   double   gw
   double   xw
   double   gwsq
   double   esq
   double   vevsq
struct {
   double   aemmz
struct {
   double   Q [11]
   double   tau [11]
struct {
   double   delg1_z
   double   delg1_g
   double   lambda_g
   double   lambda_z
   double   delk_g
   double   delk_z
   double   tevscale
struct {
   double   md
   double   mu
   double   ms
   double   mc
   double   mb
   double   mt
   double   mel
   double   mmu
   double   mtau
   double   hmass
   double   hwidth
   double   wmass
   double   wwidth
   double   zmass
   double   zwidth
   double   twidth
   double   tauwidth
   double   mtausq
   double   mcsq
   double   mbsq
struct {
   int   AllowAnomalousCouplings
   int   distinguish_HWWcouplings
   int   AnomalCouplPR
   int   AnomalCouplDK
   int   channeltoggle_stu
   int   vvhvvtoggle_vbfvh
   int   cz_q1sq
   int   cz_q2sq
   int   cz_q12sq
   int   cw_q1sq
   int   cw_q2sq
   int   cw_q12sq
   int   c2z_q1sq
   int   c2z_q2sq
   int   c2z_q12sq
   int   c2w_q1sq
   int   c2w_q2sq
   int   c2w_q12sq
   double   mb_4gen
   double   mt_4gen
   double   LambdaBSM
   double   Lambda_Q
   double   Lambda_zgs1
   double   Lambda_z1
   double   Lambda_z2
   double   Lambda_z3
   double   Lambda_z4
   double   Lambda_z11
   double   Lambda_z21
   double   Lambda_z31
   double   Lambda_z41
   double   Lambda_z12
   double   Lambda_z22
   double   Lambda_z32
   double   Lambda_z42
   double   Lambda_z10
   double   Lambda_z20
   double   Lambda_z30
   double   Lambda_z40
   double   Lambda_w1
   double   Lambda_w2
   double   Lambda_w3
   double   Lambda_w4
   double   Lambda_w11
   double   Lambda_w21
   double   Lambda_w31
   double   Lambda_w41
   double   Lambda_w12
   double   Lambda_w22
   double   Lambda_w32
   double   Lambda_w42
   double   Lambda_w10
   double   Lambda_w20
   double   Lambda_w30
   double   Lambda_w40
   double   h2mass
   double   h2width
   double   Lambda2BSM
   double   Lambda2_Q
   double   Lambda2_zgs1
   double   Lambda2_z1
   double   Lambda2_z2
   double   Lambda2_z3
   double   Lambda2_z4
   double   Lambda2_z11
   double   Lambda2_z21
   double   Lambda2_z31
   double   Lambda2_z41
   double   Lambda2_z12
   double   Lambda2_z22
   double   Lambda2_z32
   double   Lambda2_z42
   double   Lambda2_z10
   double   Lambda2_z20
   double   Lambda2_z30
   double   Lambda2_z40
   double   Lambda2_w1
   double   Lambda2_w2
   double   Lambda2_w3
   double   Lambda2_w4
   double   Lambda2_w11
   double   Lambda2_w21
   double   Lambda2_w31
   double   Lambda2_w41
   double   Lambda2_w12
   double   Lambda2_w22
   double   Lambda2_w32
   double   Lambda2_w42
   double   Lambda2_w10
   double   Lambda2_w20
   double   Lambda2_w30
   double   Lambda2_w40
   double   kappa_top [2]
   double   kappa_tilde_top [2]
   double   kappa_bot [2]
   double   kappa_tilde_bot [2]
   double   ghg2 [2]
   double   ghg3 [2]
   double   ghg4 [2]
   double   kappa_4gen_top [2]
   double   kappa_tilde_4gen_top [2]
   double   kappa_4gen_bot [2]
   double   kappa_tilde_4gen_bot [2]
   double   ghg2_4gen [2]
   double   ghg3_4gen [2]
   double   ghg4_4gen [2]
   double   ghz1 [2]
   double   ghz2 [2]
   double   ghz3 [2]
   double   ghz4 [2]
   double   ghz1_prime [2]
   double   ghz2_prime [2]
   double   ghz3_prime [2]
   double   ghz4_prime [2]
   double   ghz1_prime2 [2]
   double   ghz2_prime2 [2]
   double   ghz3_prime2 [2]
   double   ghz4_prime2 [2]
   double   ghz1_prime3 [2]
   double   ghz2_prime3 [2]
   double   ghz3_prime3 [2]
   double   ghz4_prime3 [2]
   double   ghz1_prime4 [2]
   double   ghz2_prime4 [2]
   double   ghz3_prime4 [2]
   double   ghz4_prime4 [2]
   double   ghz1_prime5 [2]
   double   ghz2_prime5 [2]
   double   ghz3_prime5 [2]
   double   ghz4_prime5 [2]
   double   ghz1_prime6 [2]
   double   ghz2_prime6 [2]
   double   ghz3_prime6 [2]
   double   ghz4_prime6 [2]
   double   ghz1_prime7 [2]
   double   ghz2_prime7 [2]
   double   ghz3_prime7 [2]
   double   ghz4_prime7 [2]
   double   ghzgs1_prime2 [2]
   double   ghzgs2 [2]
   double   ghzgs3 [2]
   double   ghzgs4 [2]
   double   ghgsgs2 [2]
   double   ghgsgs3 [2]
   double   ghgsgs4 [2]
   double   ghw1 [2]
   double   ghw2 [2]
   double   ghw3 [2]
   double   ghw4 [2]
   double   ghw1_prime [2]
   double   ghw2_prime [2]
   double   ghw3_prime [2]
   double   ghw4_prime [2]
   double   ghw1_prime2 [2]
   double   ghw2_prime2 [2]
   double   ghw3_prime2 [2]
   double   ghw4_prime2 [2]
   double   ghw1_prime3 [2]
   double   ghw2_prime3 [2]
   double   ghw3_prime3 [2]
   double   ghw4_prime3 [2]
   double   ghw1_prime4 [2]
   double   ghw2_prime4 [2]
   double   ghw3_prime4 [2]
   double   ghw4_prime4 [2]
   double   ghw1_prime5 [2]
   double   ghw2_prime5 [2]
   double   ghw3_prime5 [2]
   double   ghw4_prime5 [2]
   double   ghw1_prime6 [2]
   double   ghw2_prime6 [2]
   double   ghw3_prime6 [2]
   double   ghw4_prime6 [2]
   double   ghw1_prime7 [2]
   double   ghw2_prime7 [2]
   double   ghw3_prime7 [2]
   double   ghw4_prime7 [2]
   double   kappa2_top [2]
   double   kappa2_tilde_top [2]
   double   kappa2_bot [2]
   double   kappa2_tilde_bot [2]
   double   gh2g2 [2]
   double   gh2g3 [2]
   double   gh2g4 [2]
   double   kappa2_4gen_top [2]
   double   kappa2_tilde_4gen_top [2]
   double   kappa2_4gen_bot [2]
   double   kappa2_tilde_4gen_bot [2]
   double   gh2g2_4gen [2]
   double   gh2g3_4gen [2]
   double   gh2g4_4gen [2]
   double   gh2z1 [2]
   double   gh2z2 [2]
   double   gh2z3 [2]
   double   gh2z4 [2]
   double   gh2z1_prime [2]
   double   gh2z2_prime [2]
   double   gh2z3_prime [2]
   double   gh2z4_prime [2]
   double   gh2z1_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2z2_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2z3_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2z4_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2z1_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2z2_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2z3_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2z4_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2z1_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2z2_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2z3_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2z4_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2z1_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2z2_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2z3_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2z4_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2z1_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2z2_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2z3_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2z4_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2z1_prime7 [2]
   double   gh2z2_prime7 [2]
   double   gh2z3_prime7 [2]
   double   gh2z4_prime7 [2]
   double   gh2zgs1_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2zgs2 [2]
   double   gh2zgs3 [2]
   double   gh2zgs4 [2]
   double   gh2gsgs2 [2]
   double   gh2gsgs3 [2]
   double   gh2gsgs4 [2]
   double   gh2w1 [2]
   double   gh2w2 [2]
   double   gh2w3 [2]
   double   gh2w4 [2]
   double   gh2w1_prime [2]
   double   gh2w2_prime [2]
   double   gh2w3_prime [2]
   double   gh2w4_prime [2]
   double   gh2w1_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2w2_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2w3_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2w4_prime2 [2]
   double   gh2w1_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2w2_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2w3_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2w4_prime3 [2]
   double   gh2w1_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2w2_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2w3_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2w4_prime4 [2]
   double   gh2w1_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2w2_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2w3_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2w4_prime5 [2]
   double   gh2w1_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2w2_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2w3_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2w4_prime6 [2]
   double   gh2w1_prime7 [2]
   double   gh2w2_prime7 [2]
   double   gh2w3_prime7 [2]
   double   gh2w4_prime7 [2]
   double   dV_A [2]
   double   dP_A [2]
   double   dM_A [2]
   double   dFour_A [2]
   double   dV_Z [2]
   double   dP_Z [2]
   double   dM_Z [2]
   double   dFour_Z [2]
   double   dZZWpWm [2]
   double   dZAWpWm [2]
   double   dAAWpWm [2]
struct {
   int   AllowAnomalousZffCouplings
   double   reZ
   double   leZ
   double   lnZ
   double   rnZ
   double   rquZ
   double   lquZ
   double   rqdZ
   double   lqdZ
   double   clanou
   double   cranou
   double   clanod
   double   cranod
struct {
   bool   srdiags
struct {
   bool   noglue
   bool   ggonly
   bool   gqonly
   bool   omitgg
struct {
   double   l [nf]
   double   r [nf]
   double   q1
   double   l1
   double   r1
   double   q2
   double   l2
   double   r2
   double   le
   double   ln
   double   re
   double   rn
   double   sin2w
struct {
   int   nwz
struct {
   double   Vud
   double   Vus
   double   Vub
   double   Vcd
   double   Vcs
   double   Vcb
struct {
   double   taumin
struct {
   double   sqrts
struct {
   int   nlooprun
struct {
   int   nflav
struct {
   int   lastphot
struct {
   char   runstring [30]
struct {
   char   pdlabel [7]
struct {
   char   plabel [mxpart][2]

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ bveg1_mcfm_

#define bveg1_mcfm_   bveg1_

Definition at line 44 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_hvv_tb_

#define gg_hvv_tb_   gg_hvv_tb_

Definition at line 380 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_hzz_tb_

#define gg_hzz_tb_   gg_hzz_tb_

Definition at line 367 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_vv_

#define gg_vv_   gg_vv_

Definition at line 384 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_vv_all_

#define gg_vv_all_   gg_vv_all_

Definition at line 382 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_zz_

#define gg_zz_   gg_zz_

Definition at line 373 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_zz_all_

#define gg_zz_all_   gg_zz_all_

Definition at line 371 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_zz_hpi_

#define gg_zz_hpi_   gg_zz_hpi_

Definition at line 369 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gg_zz_int_

#define gg_zz_int_   gg_zz_int_

Definition at line 375 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ masses_mcfm_

#define masses_mcfm_   masses_

Definition at line 130 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qq_vvqq_

#define qq_vvqq_   qq_vvqq_

Definition at line 359 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qq_wwqq_

#define qq_wwqq_   qq_wwqq_

Definition at line 357 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qq_wwqqstrong_

#define qq_wwqqstrong_   qq_wwqqstrong_

Definition at line 364 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qq_zzqq_

#define qq_zzqq_   qq_zzqq_

Definition at line 353 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qq_zzqqstrong_

#define qq_zzqqstrong_   qq_zzqqstrong_

Definition at line 362 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_gamgam_

#define qqb_gamgam_   qqb_gamgam_

Definition at line 414 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_hww_

#define qqb_hww_   qqb_hww_

Definition at line 395 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_hzz_

#define qqb_hzz_   qqb_hzz_

Definition at line 398 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_hzz_tb_

#define qqb_hzz_tb_   qqb_hzz_tb_

Definition at line 401 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_w_g_

#define qqb_w_g_   qqb_w_g_

Definition at line 418 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_wgam_ [1/2]

#define qqb_wgam_   qqb_wgam_

Definition at line 410 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_wgam_ [2/2]

#define qqb_wgam_   qqb_wgam_

Definition at line 410 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_ww_

#define qqb_ww_   qqb_ww_

Definition at line 339 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_wz_

#define qqb_wz_   qqb_wz_

Definition at line 343 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_z2jet_

#define qqb_z2jet_   qqb_z2jet_

Definition at line 388 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_z_

#define qqb_z_   qqb_z_

Definition at line 404 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_zgam_

#define qqb_zgam_   qqb_zgam_

Definition at line 392 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_zz_

#define qqb_zz_   qqb_zz_

Definition at line 347 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qqb_zz_stu_

#define qqb_zz_stu_   qqb_zz_stu_

Definition at line 350 of file TMCFM.hh.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 15 of file TMCFM.hh.

15 {nSupportedHiggses=2}; // This is not actually an integer parameter in MCFM. As of migration to MCFM 7.0, this is the total number of Higgses supported, at most.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 17 of file TMCFM.hh.

17 {nf=5}; // nflavors of "pdf" quarks

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 19 of file TMCFM.hh.

19 {mxpart=14}; // maxpart, max. number of particles. MCFM 6.8+: CAUTION!!! IMPORTANT TO CHECK WHEN UPDATING MCFM!!!

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 22 of file TMCFM.hh.

22 {ndims=22};

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 24 of file TMCFM.hh.

24 {nmsq=11};

Function Documentation

◆ alphas_()

double alphas_ ( double *  q,
double *  amz,
int *  nloop 

◆ boost_mcfm_()

void boost_mcfm_ ( double *  mass,
double *  p1,
double *  p_in,
double *  p_out 

◆ breitw_()

void breitw_ ( double *  x1,
double *  mminsq,
double *  mmaxsq,
double *  rmass,
double *  rwidth,
double *  msq,
double *  wt 

◆ chooser_()

void chooser_ ( )

◆ ckmfill_()

void ckmfill_ ( int *  nwz)

◆ coupling2_()

void coupling2_ ( )

◆ coupling_()

void coupling_ ( )

◆ dotem_()

void dotem_ ( int  N,
double *  p,
double *  s 

◆ fdist_()

void fdist_ ( int *  ih1,
double *  xx,
double *  pdfscale,
double *  fx1 

◆ gen2_()

void gen2_ ( double *  r,
double *  p,
double *  pswt 

◆ gen3_()

void gen3_ ( double *  r,
double *  p,
double *  pswt 

◆ gen3jet_()

void gen3jet_ ( double *  r,
double *  p,
double *  pswt 

◆ gen4_()

void gen4_ ( double *  r,
double *  p,
double *  wt4 

◆ gen4h_()

void gen4h_ ( double *  r,
double *  p,
double *  wt4 

◆ gen_njets_()

void gen_njets_ ( double *  r,
int *  ,
double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_hvv_tb_()

void gg_hvv_tb_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_hzz_tb_()

void gg_hzz_tb_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_vv_()

void gg_vv_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_vv_all_()

void gg_vv_all_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_zz_()

void gg_zz_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_zz_all_()

void gg_zz_all_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_zz_hpi_()

void gg_zz_hpi_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ gg_zz_int_()

void gg_zz_int_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ lowint_()

double lowint_ ( double *  r,
double *  wgt 

◆ mcfm_init_()

void mcfm_init_ ( char *  inputfile,
char *  workdir 

◆ phi3m0_()

void phi3m0_ ( double *  xth,
double *  xphi,
double *  p0,
double *  p1,
double *  p2,
double *  wt 

◆ qlinit_()

void qlinit_ ( )

◆ qq_vvqq_()

void qq_vvqq_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qq_wwqq_()

void qq_wwqq_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qq_wwqqstrong_()

void qq_wwqqstrong_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qq_zzqq_()

void qq_zzqq_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qq_zzqqstrong_()

void qq_zzqqstrong_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_gamgam_()

void qqb_gamgam_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_hww_()

void qqb_hww_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_hzz_()

void qqb_hzz_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_hzz_tb_()

void qqb_hzz_tb_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_w_g_()

void qqb_w_g_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_wgam_()

void qqb_wgam_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_ww_()

void qqb_ww_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_wz_()

void qqb_wz_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_z2jet_()

void qqb_z2jet_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_z_()

void qqb_z_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_zgam_()

void qqb_zgam_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_zz_()

void qqb_zz_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq 

◆ qqb_zz_stu_()

void qqb_zz_stu_ ( double *  p,
double *  msq,
int *  channeltoggle 

Variable Documentation

◆ acc

double acc

Definition at line 46 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ aemmz

double aemmz

Definition at line 117 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ aemmz_inp

double aemmz_inp

Definition at line 101 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ AllowAnomalousCouplings

int AllowAnomalousCouplings

Definition at line 146 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ AllowAnomalousZffCouplings

int AllowAnomalousZffCouplings

Definition at line 248 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ amz

double amz

Definition at line 97 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ AnomalCouplDK

int AnomalCouplDK

Definition at line 149 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ AnomalCouplPR

int AnomalCouplPR

Definition at line 148 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ anomcoup_

struct { ... } anomcoup_

◆ anomzffcouplings_

struct { ... } anomzffcouplings_

◆ as

double as

Definition at line 109 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ason2pi

double ason2pi

Definition at line 109 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ason4pi

double ason4pi

Definition at line 109 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ breit_

struct { ... } breit_

◆ bveg1_mcfm_

struct { ... } bveg1_mcfm_

◆ c2w_q12sq

int c2w_q12sq

Definition at line 156 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ c2w_q1sq

int c2w_q1sq

Definition at line 156 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ c2w_q2sq

int c2w_q2sq

Definition at line 156 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ c2z_q12sq

int c2z_q12sq

Definition at line 155 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ c2z_q1sq

int c2z_q1sq

Definition at line 155 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ c2z_q2sq

int c2z_q2sq

Definition at line 155 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cabib_

struct { ... } cabib_

◆ channeltoggle_stu

int channeltoggle_stu

Definition at line 150 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ clanod

double clanod

Definition at line 259 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ clanou

double clanou

Definition at line 257 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ couple_

struct { ... } couple_

◆ cranod

double cranod

Definition at line 260 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cranou

double cranou

Definition at line 258 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cutoff

double cutoff

Definition at line 93 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cutoff_

struct { ... } cutoff_

◆ cw_q12sq

int cw_q12sq

Definition at line 154 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cw_q1sq

int cw_q1sq

Definition at line 154 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cw_q2sq

int cw_q2sq

Definition at line 154 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cz_q12sq

int cz_q12sq

Definition at line 153 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cz_q1sq

int cz_q1sq

Definition at line 153 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ cz_q2sq

int cz_q2sq

Definition at line 153 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dAAWpWm

double dAAWpWm[2]

Definition at line 243 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ delg1_g

double delg1_g

Definition at line 125 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ delg1_z

double delg1_z

Definition at line 125 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ delk_g

double delk_g

Definition at line 125 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ delk_z

double delk_z

Definition at line 125 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ density_

struct { ... } density_

◆ dFour_A

double dFour_A[2]

Definition at line 241 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dFour_Z

double dFour_Z[2]

Definition at line 242 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ distinguish_HWWcouplings

int distinguish_HWWcouplings

Definition at line 147 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dM_A

double dM_A[2]

Definition at line 241 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dM_Z

double dM_Z[2]

Definition at line 242 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dP_A

double dP_A[2]

Definition at line 241 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dP_Z

double dP_Z[2]

Definition at line 242 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dV_A

double dV_A[2]

Definition at line 241 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dV_Z

double dV_Z[2]

Definition at line 242 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dZAWpWm

double dZAWpWm[2]

Definition at line 243 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ dZZWpWm

double dZZWpWm[2]

Definition at line 243 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ em_

struct { ... } em_

◆ energy_

struct { ... } energy_

◆ esq

double esq

Definition at line 113 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ewcharge_

struct { ... } ewcharge_

◆ ewcouple_

struct { ... } ewcouple_

◆ ewinput_

struct { ... } ewinput_

◆ ewscheme

int ewscheme

Definition at line 105 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ewscheme_

struct { ... } ewscheme_

◆ facscale

double facscale

Definition at line 59 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ facscale_

struct { ... } facscale_

◆ flags_

struct { ... } flags_

◆ Gf

double Gf

Definition at line 113 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Gf_inp

double Gf_inp

Definition at line 101 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Gflag

bool Gflag

Definition at line 40 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ggonly

bool ggonly

Definition at line 269 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2g2

double gh2g2[2]

Definition at line 215 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2g2_4gen

double gh2g2_4gen[2]

Definition at line 218 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2g3

double gh2g3[2]

Definition at line 215 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2g3_4gen

double gh2g3_4gen[2]

Definition at line 218 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2g4

double gh2g4[2]

Definition at line 215 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2g4_4gen

double gh2g4_4gen[2]

Definition at line 218 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2gsgs2

double gh2gsgs2[2]

Definition at line 230 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2gsgs3

double gh2gsgs3[2]

Definition at line 230 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2gsgs4

double gh2gsgs4[2]

Definition at line 230 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1

double gh2w1[2]

Definition at line 232 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1_prime

double gh2w1_prime[2]

Definition at line 233 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1_prime2

double gh2w1_prime2[2]

Definition at line 234 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1_prime3

double gh2w1_prime3[2]

Definition at line 235 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1_prime4

double gh2w1_prime4[2]

Definition at line 236 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1_prime5

double gh2w1_prime5[2]

Definition at line 237 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1_prime6

double gh2w1_prime6[2]

Definition at line 238 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w1_prime7

double gh2w1_prime7[2]

Definition at line 239 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2

double gh2w2[2]

Definition at line 232 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2_prime

double gh2w2_prime[2]

Definition at line 233 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2_prime2

double gh2w2_prime2[2]

Definition at line 234 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2_prime3

double gh2w2_prime3[2]

Definition at line 235 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2_prime4

double gh2w2_prime4[2]

Definition at line 236 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2_prime5

double gh2w2_prime5[2]

Definition at line 237 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2_prime6

double gh2w2_prime6[2]

Definition at line 238 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w2_prime7

double gh2w2_prime7[2]

Definition at line 239 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3

double gh2w3[2]

Definition at line 232 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3_prime

double gh2w3_prime[2]

Definition at line 233 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3_prime2

double gh2w3_prime2[2]

Definition at line 234 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3_prime3

double gh2w3_prime3[2]

Definition at line 235 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3_prime4

double gh2w3_prime4[2]

Definition at line 236 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3_prime5

double gh2w3_prime5[2]

Definition at line 237 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3_prime6

double gh2w3_prime6[2]

Definition at line 238 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w3_prime7

double gh2w3_prime7[2]

Definition at line 239 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4

double gh2w4[2]

Definition at line 232 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4_prime

double gh2w4_prime[2]

Definition at line 233 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4_prime2

double gh2w4_prime2[2]

Definition at line 234 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4_prime3

double gh2w4_prime3[2]

Definition at line 235 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4_prime4

double gh2w4_prime4[2]

Definition at line 236 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4_prime5

double gh2w4_prime5[2]

Definition at line 237 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4_prime6

double gh2w4_prime6[2]

Definition at line 238 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2w4_prime7

double gh2w4_prime7[2]

Definition at line 239 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1

double gh2z1[2]

Definition at line 220 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1_prime

double gh2z1_prime[2]

Definition at line 221 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1_prime2

double gh2z1_prime2[2]

Definition at line 222 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1_prime3

double gh2z1_prime3[2]

Definition at line 223 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1_prime4

double gh2z1_prime4[2]

Definition at line 224 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1_prime5

double gh2z1_prime5[2]

Definition at line 225 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1_prime6

double gh2z1_prime6[2]

Definition at line 226 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z1_prime7

double gh2z1_prime7[2]

Definition at line 227 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2

double gh2z2[2]

Definition at line 220 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2_prime

double gh2z2_prime[2]

Definition at line 221 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2_prime2

double gh2z2_prime2[2]

Definition at line 222 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2_prime3

double gh2z2_prime3[2]

Definition at line 223 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2_prime4

double gh2z2_prime4[2]

Definition at line 224 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2_prime5

double gh2z2_prime5[2]

Definition at line 225 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2_prime6

double gh2z2_prime6[2]

Definition at line 226 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z2_prime7

double gh2z2_prime7[2]

Definition at line 227 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3

double gh2z3[2]

Definition at line 220 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3_prime

double gh2z3_prime[2]

Definition at line 221 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3_prime2

double gh2z3_prime2[2]

Definition at line 222 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3_prime3

double gh2z3_prime3[2]

Definition at line 223 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3_prime4

double gh2z3_prime4[2]

Definition at line 224 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3_prime5

double gh2z3_prime5[2]

Definition at line 225 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3_prime6

double gh2z3_prime6[2]

Definition at line 226 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z3_prime7

double gh2z3_prime7[2]

Definition at line 227 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4

double gh2z4[2]

Definition at line 220 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4_prime

double gh2z4_prime[2]

Definition at line 221 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4_prime2

double gh2z4_prime2[2]

Definition at line 222 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4_prime3

double gh2z4_prime3[2]

Definition at line 223 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4_prime4

double gh2z4_prime4[2]

Definition at line 224 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4_prime5

double gh2z4_prime5[2]

Definition at line 225 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4_prime6

double gh2z4_prime6[2]

Definition at line 226 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2z4_prime7

double gh2z4_prime7[2]

Definition at line 227 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2zgs1_prime2

double gh2zgs1_prime2[2]

Definition at line 229 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2zgs2

double gh2zgs2[2]

Definition at line 229 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2zgs3

double gh2zgs3[2]

Definition at line 229 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gh2zgs4

double gh2zgs4[2]

Definition at line 229 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghg2

double ghg2[2]

Definition at line 186 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghg2_4gen

double ghg2_4gen[2]

Definition at line 189 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghg3

double ghg3[2]

Definition at line 186 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghg3_4gen

double ghg3_4gen[2]

Definition at line 189 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghg4

double ghg4[2]

Definition at line 186 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghg4_4gen

double ghg4_4gen[2]

Definition at line 189 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghgsgs2

double ghgsgs2[2]

Definition at line 201 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghgsgs3

double ghgsgs3[2]

Definition at line 201 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghgsgs4

double ghgsgs4[2]

Definition at line 201 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1

double ghw1[2]

Definition at line 203 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1_prime

double ghw1_prime[2]

Definition at line 204 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1_prime2

double ghw1_prime2[2]

Definition at line 205 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1_prime3

double ghw1_prime3[2]

Definition at line 206 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1_prime4

double ghw1_prime4[2]

Definition at line 207 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1_prime5

double ghw1_prime5[2]

Definition at line 208 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1_prime6

double ghw1_prime6[2]

Definition at line 209 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw1_prime7

double ghw1_prime7[2]

Definition at line 210 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2

double ghw2[2]

Definition at line 203 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2_prime

double ghw2_prime[2]

Definition at line 204 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2_prime2

double ghw2_prime2[2]

Definition at line 205 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2_prime3

double ghw2_prime3[2]

Definition at line 206 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2_prime4

double ghw2_prime4[2]

Definition at line 207 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2_prime5

double ghw2_prime5[2]

Definition at line 208 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2_prime6

double ghw2_prime6[2]

Definition at line 209 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw2_prime7

double ghw2_prime7[2]

Definition at line 210 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3

double ghw3[2]

Definition at line 203 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3_prime

double ghw3_prime[2]

Definition at line 204 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3_prime2

double ghw3_prime2[2]

Definition at line 205 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3_prime3

double ghw3_prime3[2]

Definition at line 206 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3_prime4

double ghw3_prime4[2]

Definition at line 207 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3_prime5

double ghw3_prime5[2]

Definition at line 208 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3_prime6

double ghw3_prime6[2]

Definition at line 209 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw3_prime7

double ghw3_prime7[2]

Definition at line 210 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4

double ghw4[2]

Definition at line 203 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4_prime

double ghw4_prime[2]

Definition at line 204 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4_prime2

double ghw4_prime2[2]

Definition at line 205 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4_prime3

double ghw4_prime3[2]

Definition at line 206 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4_prime4

double ghw4_prime4[2]

Definition at line 207 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4_prime5

double ghw4_prime5[2]

Definition at line 208 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4_prime6

double ghw4_prime6[2]

Definition at line 209 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghw4_prime7

double ghw4_prime7[2]

Definition at line 210 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1

double ghz1[2]

Definition at line 191 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1_prime

double ghz1_prime[2]

Definition at line 192 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1_prime2

double ghz1_prime2[2]

Definition at line 193 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1_prime3

double ghz1_prime3[2]

Definition at line 194 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1_prime4

double ghz1_prime4[2]

Definition at line 195 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1_prime5

double ghz1_prime5[2]

Definition at line 196 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1_prime6

double ghz1_prime6[2]

Definition at line 197 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz1_prime7

double ghz1_prime7[2]

Definition at line 198 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2

double ghz2[2]

Definition at line 191 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2_prime

double ghz2_prime[2]

Definition at line 192 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2_prime2

double ghz2_prime2[2]

Definition at line 193 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2_prime3

double ghz2_prime3[2]

Definition at line 194 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2_prime4

double ghz2_prime4[2]

Definition at line 195 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2_prime5

double ghz2_prime5[2]

Definition at line 196 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2_prime6

double ghz2_prime6[2]

Definition at line 197 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz2_prime7

double ghz2_prime7[2]

Definition at line 198 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3

double ghz3[2]

Definition at line 191 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3_prime

double ghz3_prime[2]

Definition at line 192 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3_prime2

double ghz3_prime2[2]

Definition at line 193 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3_prime3

double ghz3_prime3[2]

Definition at line 194 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3_prime4

double ghz3_prime4[2]

Definition at line 195 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3_prime5

double ghz3_prime5[2]

Definition at line 196 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3_prime6

double ghz3_prime6[2]

Definition at line 197 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz3_prime7

double ghz3_prime7[2]

Definition at line 198 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4

double ghz4[2]

Definition at line 191 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4_prime

double ghz4_prime[2]

Definition at line 192 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4_prime2

double ghz4_prime2[2]

Definition at line 193 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4_prime3

double ghz4_prime3[2]

Definition at line 194 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4_prime4

double ghz4_prime4[2]

Definition at line 195 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4_prime5

double ghz4_prime5[2]

Definition at line 196 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4_prime6

double ghz4_prime6[2]

Definition at line 197 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghz4_prime7

double ghz4_prime7[2]

Definition at line 198 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghzgs1_prime2

double ghzgs1_prime2[2]

Definition at line 200 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghzgs2

double ghzgs2[2]

Definition at line 200 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghzgs3

double ghzgs3[2]

Definition at line 200 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ghzgs4

double ghzgs4[2]

Definition at line 200 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gqonly

bool gqonly

Definition at line 269 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gsq

double gsq

Definition at line 109 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gw

double gw

Definition at line 113 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ gwsq

double gwsq

Definition at line 113 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ h2mass

double h2mass

Definition at line 171 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ h2width

double h2width

Definition at line 171 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ hmass

double hmass

Definition at line 135 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ hwidth

double hwidth

Definition at line 135 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ih1

int ih1

Definition at line 51 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ih2

int ih2

Definition at line 51 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ interference

bool interference

Definition at line 89 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ interference_

struct { ... } interference_

◆ itmx

int itmx

Definition at line 47 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_4gen_bot

double kappa2_4gen_bot[2]

Definition at line 217 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_4gen_top

double kappa2_4gen_top[2]

Definition at line 216 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_bot

double kappa2_bot[2]

Definition at line 214 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_tilde_4gen_bot

double kappa2_tilde_4gen_bot[2]

Definition at line 217 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_tilde_4gen_top

double kappa2_tilde_4gen_top[2]

Definition at line 216 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_tilde_bot

double kappa2_tilde_bot[2]

Definition at line 214 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_tilde_top

double kappa2_tilde_top[2]

Definition at line 213 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa2_top

double kappa2_top[2]

Definition at line 213 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_4gen_bot

double kappa_4gen_bot[2]

Definition at line 188 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_4gen_top

double kappa_4gen_top[2]

Definition at line 187 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_bot

double kappa_bot[2]

Definition at line 185 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_tilde_4gen_bot

double kappa_tilde_4gen_bot[2]

Definition at line 188 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_tilde_4gen_top

double kappa_tilde_4gen_top[2]

Definition at line 187 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_tilde_bot

double kappa_tilde_bot[2]

Definition at line 185 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_tilde_top

double kappa_tilde_top[2]

Definition at line 184 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ kappa_top

double kappa_top[2]

Definition at line 184 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ l

double l[nf]

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ l1

double l1

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ l2

double l2

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_Q

double Lambda2_Q

Definition at line 173 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w1

double Lambda2_w1

Definition at line 179 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w10

double Lambda2_w10

Definition at line 182 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w11

double Lambda2_w11

Definition at line 180 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w12

double Lambda2_w12

Definition at line 181 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w2

double Lambda2_w2

Definition at line 179 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w20

double Lambda2_w20

Definition at line 182 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w21

double Lambda2_w21

Definition at line 180 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w22

double Lambda2_w22

Definition at line 181 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w3

double Lambda2_w3

Definition at line 179 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w30

double Lambda2_w30

Definition at line 182 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w31

double Lambda2_w31

Definition at line 180 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w32

double Lambda2_w32

Definition at line 181 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w4

double Lambda2_w4

Definition at line 179 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w40

double Lambda2_w40

Definition at line 182 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w41

double Lambda2_w41

Definition at line 180 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_w42

double Lambda2_w42

Definition at line 181 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z1

double Lambda2_z1

Definition at line 175 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z10

double Lambda2_z10

Definition at line 178 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z11

double Lambda2_z11

Definition at line 176 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z12

double Lambda2_z12

Definition at line 177 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z2

double Lambda2_z2

Definition at line 175 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z20

double Lambda2_z20

Definition at line 178 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z21

double Lambda2_z21

Definition at line 176 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z22

double Lambda2_z22

Definition at line 177 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z3

double Lambda2_z3

Definition at line 175 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z30

double Lambda2_z30

Definition at line 178 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z31

double Lambda2_z31

Definition at line 176 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z32

double Lambda2_z32

Definition at line 177 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z4

double Lambda2_z4

Definition at line 175 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z40

double Lambda2_z40

Definition at line 178 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z41

double Lambda2_z41

Definition at line 176 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_z42

double Lambda2_z42

Definition at line 177 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2_zgs1

double Lambda2_zgs1

Definition at line 174 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda2BSM

double Lambda2BSM

Definition at line 173 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ lambda_g

double lambda_g

Definition at line 125 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_Q

double Lambda_Q

Definition at line 160 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w1

double Lambda_w1

Definition at line 166 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w10

double Lambda_w10

Definition at line 169 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w11

double Lambda_w11

Definition at line 167 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w12

double Lambda_w12

Definition at line 168 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w2

double Lambda_w2

Definition at line 166 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w20

double Lambda_w20

Definition at line 169 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w21

double Lambda_w21

Definition at line 167 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w22

double Lambda_w22

Definition at line 168 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w3

double Lambda_w3

Definition at line 166 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w30

double Lambda_w30

Definition at line 169 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w31

double Lambda_w31

Definition at line 167 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w32

double Lambda_w32

Definition at line 168 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w4

double Lambda_w4

Definition at line 166 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w40

double Lambda_w40

Definition at line 169 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w41

double Lambda_w41

Definition at line 167 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_w42

double Lambda_w42

Definition at line 168 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ lambda_z

double lambda_z

Definition at line 125 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z1

double Lambda_z1

Definition at line 162 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z10

double Lambda_z10

Definition at line 165 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z11

double Lambda_z11

Definition at line 163 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z12

double Lambda_z12

Definition at line 164 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z2

double Lambda_z2

Definition at line 162 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z20

double Lambda_z20

Definition at line 165 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z21

double Lambda_z21

Definition at line 163 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z22

double Lambda_z22

Definition at line 164 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z3

double Lambda_z3

Definition at line 162 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z30

double Lambda_z30

Definition at line 165 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z31

double Lambda_z31

Definition at line 163 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z32

double Lambda_z32

Definition at line 164 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z4

double Lambda_z4

Definition at line 162 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z40

double Lambda_z40

Definition at line 165 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z41

double Lambda_z41

Definition at line 163 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_z42

double Lambda_z42

Definition at line 164 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Lambda_zgs1

double Lambda_zgs1

Definition at line 161 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ LambdaBSM

double LambdaBSM

Definition at line 160 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ lastphot

int lastphot

Definition at line 302 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ lastphot_

struct { ... } lastphot_

◆ le

double le

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ leZ

double leZ

Definition at line 250 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ln

double ln

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ lnZ

double lnZ

Definition at line 251 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ lqdZ

double lqdZ

Definition at line 256 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ lquZ

double lquZ

Definition at line 254 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mass2

double mass2

Definition at line 63 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mass3

double mass3

Definition at line 63 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ masses_mcfm_

struct { ... } masses_mcfm_

◆ mb

double mb

Definition at line 133 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mb_4gen

double mb_4gen

Definition at line 158 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mbsq

double mbsq

Definition at line 140 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mc

double mc

Definition at line 133 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mcsq

double mcsq

Definition at line 140 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ md

double md

Definition at line 133 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mel

double mel

Definition at line 134 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mmu

double mmu

Definition at line 134 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ms

double ms

Definition at line 133 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mt

double mt

Definition at line 133 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mt_4gen

double mt_4gen

Definition at line 158 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mtau

double mtau

Definition at line 134 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mtausq

double mtausq

Definition at line 140 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ mu

double mu

Definition at line 133 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ musq

double musq

Definition at line 55 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ n2

int n2

Definition at line 63 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ n3

int n3

Definition at line 63 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ncall

int ncall

Definition at line 47 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ ndim

int ndim

Definition at line 47 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nflav

int nflav

Definition at line 298 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nflav_

struct { ... } nflav_

◆ nlooprun

int nlooprun

Definition at line 294 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nlooprun_

struct { ... } nlooprun_

◆ noglue

bool noglue

Definition at line 269 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ noglue_

struct { ... } noglue_

◆ npart

int npart

Definition at line 77 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ npart_

struct { ... } npart_

◆ nprn

int nprn

Definition at line 47 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nproc

int nproc

Definition at line 32 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nproc_

struct { ... } nproc_

◆ nqcdjets

int nqcdjets

Definition at line 67 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nqcdjets_

struct { ... } nqcdjets_

◆ nqcdstart

int nqcdstart

Definition at line 67 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nuflav

int nuflav

Definition at line 81 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nuflav_

struct { ... } nuflav_

◆ nwz

int nwz

Definition at line 278 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ nwz_

struct { ... } nwz_

◆ omitgg

bool omitgg

Definition at line 269 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ pdlabel

char pdlabel[7]

Definition at line 310 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ pdlabel_

struct { ... } pdlabel_

◆ plabel

char plabel[mxpart][2]

Definition at line 314 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ plabel_

struct { ... } plabel_

◆ Q

double Q[11]

Definition at line 121 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ q1

double q1

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ q2

double q2

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ QandGflag

bool QandGflag

Definition at line 40 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qcdcouple_

struct { ... } qcdcouple_

◆ Qflag

bool Qflag

Definition at line 40 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qlfirst

bool qlfirst

Definition at line 36 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ qlfirst_

struct { ... } qlfirst_

◆ r

double r[nf]

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ r1

double r1

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ r2

double r2

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ re

double re

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ reZ

double reZ

Definition at line 249 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ rn

double rn

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ rnZ

double rnZ

Definition at line 252 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ rqdZ

double rqdZ

Definition at line 255 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ rquZ

double rquZ

Definition at line 253 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ runstring

char runstring[30]

Definition at line 306 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ runstring_

struct { ... } runstring_

◆ scale

double scale

Definition at line 55 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ scale_

struct { ... } scale_

◆ sin2w

double sin2w

Definition at line 274 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ spinzerohiggs_anomcoupl_

struct { ... } spinzerohiggs_anomcoupl_

◆ sqrts

double sqrts

Definition at line 290 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ srdiags

bool srdiags

Definition at line 264 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ srdiags_

struct { ... } srdiags_

◆ tau

double tau[11]

Definition at line 121 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ taumin

double taumin

Definition at line 286 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ taumin_

struct { ... } taumin_

◆ tauwidth

double tauwidth

Definition at line 139 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ tevscale

double tevscale

Definition at line 125 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ twidth

double twidth

Definition at line 138 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Vcb

double Vcb

Definition at line 282 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Vcd

double Vcd

Definition at line 282 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Vcs

double Vcs

Definition at line 282 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ vevsq

double vevsq

Definition at line 113 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ vsymfact

double vsymfact

Definition at line 85 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ vsymfact_

struct { ... } vsymfact_

◆ Vub

double Vub

Definition at line 282 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Vud

double Vud

Definition at line 282 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ Vus

double Vus

Definition at line 282 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ vvhvvtoggle_vbfvh

int vvhvvtoggle_vbfvh

Definition at line 151 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ width2

double width2

Definition at line 63 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ width3

double width3

Definition at line 63 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ wmass

double wmass

Definition at line 136 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ wmass_inp

double wmass_inp

Definition at line 101 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ wwidth

double wwidth

Definition at line 136 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ xl

double xl[ndims]

Definition at line 46 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ xmin

double xmin

Definition at line 72 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ xmin_

struct { ... } xmin_

◆ xu

double xu[ndims]

Definition at line 46 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ xw

double xw

Definition at line 113 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ xw_inp

double xw_inp

Definition at line 101 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ zcouple_

struct { ... } zcouple_

◆ zmass

double zmass

Definition at line 137 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ zmass_inp

double zmass_inp

Definition at line 101 of file TMCFM.hh.

◆ zwidth

double zwidth

Definition at line 137 of file TMCFM.hh.

@ nf
Definition: TMCFM.hh:17
@ nSupportedHiggses
Definition: TMCFM.hh:15
@ nmsq
Definition: TMCFM.hh:24
@ ndims
Definition: TMCFM.hh:22
@ mxpart
Definition: TMCFM.hh:19