JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Functions | Variables
testME_all Namespace Reference


def defaultdictset ()
def unifycontent (content)


 p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 args = p.parse_args()
 ratiosMCFMJHUGenVBF = defaultdict(set)
 ratiosMCFMJHUGenLepZH = defaultdict(set)
 ratiosMCFMJHUGenLepWH = defaultdict(set)
 ratiosMCFMJHUGenHadZH = defaultdict(set)
 ratiosMCFMJHUGenHadWH = defaultdict(set)
 badbkgratios = set()
 different = set()
 badangles = set()
 badselfD = set()
 messedup = set()
 referencefiles = os.listdir("reference")
 melaptr = ROOT.makemelaptr(13, 125, ROOT.TVar.ERROR)
 match = re.match("(testME_.*_Ping)_?(.*).ref", ref)
 functionname = match.group(1)
 arguments = match.group(2)
 function = getattr(ROOT, functionname)
 newfile = ref.replace(".ref", ".out")
def content = unifycontent(f.read())
def refcontent = unifycontent(f.read())
def production = content.split("\n")[0].split()[3]
 ratios = ratiosMCFMJHUGenVBF
def sections = content.split("JHUGen/MCFM Ratio")
 sectioncontent = section.split()
 ratio = float(number)
def ratiopart = content.split("MCFM Bkg (re-sum)/Bkg Ratio")[1]
 tutilline = line.split(": ")[1]
dictionary melaline = {line for line in content.split("\n") if "MELA " + match.group(1) in line}.pop().split(": ")[1]
dictionary pendingselfD = {}
int iline = 0
list errors = []

Function Documentation

◆ defaultdictset()

def testME_all.defaultdictset ( )

Definition at line 23 of file testME_all.py.

23 def defaultdictset():
24  return defaultdict(set)

◆ unifycontent()

def testME_all.unifycontent (   content)
removes stuff from the reference file that would make
it different for each run for no real reason.
For example 0x1234567 --> 0xPOINTER

Definition at line 44 of file testME_all.py.

44 def unifycontent(content):
45  """
46  removes stuff from the reference file that would make
47  it different for each run for no real reason.
48  For example 0x1234567 --> 0xPOINTER
49  """
50  content = re.sub("0x[0-9a-f]+", "0xPOINTER", content)
51  return content

Variable Documentation

◆ args

testME_all.args = p.parse_args()

Definition at line 14 of file testME_all.py.

◆ arguments

list testME_all.arguments = match.group(2)

Definition at line 60 of file testME_all.py.

◆ badangles

testME_all.badangles = set()

Definition at line 34 of file testME_all.py.

◆ badbkgratios

testME_all.badbkgratios = set()

Definition at line 32 of file testME_all.py.

◆ badselfD

testME_all.badselfD = set()

Definition at line 35 of file testME_all.py.

◆ content

def testME_all.content = unifycontent(f.read())

Definition at line 104 of file testME_all.py.

◆ default


Definition at line 13 of file testME_all.py.

◆ different

testME_all.different = set()

Definition at line 33 of file testME_all.py.

◆ errors

list testME_all.errors = []

Definition at line 184 of file testME_all.py.

◆ function

testME_all.function = getattr(ROOT, functionname)

Definition at line 95 of file testME_all.py.

◆ functionname

string testME_all.functionname = match.group(1)

Definition at line 59 of file testME_all.py.

◆ iline

int testME_all.iline = 0

Definition at line 166 of file testME_all.py.

◆ int


Definition at line 13 of file testME_all.py.

◆ match

testME_all.match = re.match("(testME_.*_Ping)_?(.*).ref", ref)

Definition at line 56 of file testME_all.py.

◆ melaline

dictionary testME_all.melaline = {line for line in content.split("\n") if "MELA " + match.group(1) in line}.pop().split(": ")[1]

Definition at line 160 of file testME_all.py.

◆ melaptr

testME_all.melaptr = ROOT.makemelaptr(13, 125, ROOT.TVar.ERROR)

Definition at line 53 of file testME_all.py.

◆ messedup

testME_all.messedup = set()

Definition at line 36 of file testME_all.py.

◆ nargs


Definition at line 13 of file testME_all.py.

◆ newfile

testME_all.newfile = ref.replace(".ref", ".out")

Definition at line 101 of file testME_all.py.

◆ p

testME_all.p = argparse.ArgumentParser()

Definition at line 11 of file testME_all.py.

◆ pendingselfD

dictionary testME_all.pendingselfD = {}

Definition at line 165 of file testME_all.py.

◆ production

def testME_all.production = content.split("\n")[0].split()[3]

Definition at line 115 of file testME_all.py.

◆ ratio

testME_all.ratio = float(number)

Definition at line 136 of file testME_all.py.

◆ ratiopart

def testME_all.ratiopart = content.split("MCFM Bkg (re-sum)/Bkg Ratio")[1]

Definition at line 144 of file testME_all.py.

◆ ratios

testME_all.ratios = ratiosMCFMJHUGenVBF

Definition at line 117 of file testME_all.py.

◆ ratiosMCFMJHUGenHadWH

testME_all.ratiosMCFMJHUGenHadWH = defaultdict(set)

Definition at line 30 of file testME_all.py.

◆ ratiosMCFMJHUGenHadZH

testME_all.ratiosMCFMJHUGenHadZH = defaultdict(set)

Definition at line 29 of file testME_all.py.

◆ ratiosMCFMJHUGenLepWH

testME_all.ratiosMCFMJHUGenLepWH = defaultdict(set)

Definition at line 28 of file testME_all.py.

◆ ratiosMCFMJHUGenLepZH

testME_all.ratiosMCFMJHUGenLepZH = defaultdict(set)

Definition at line 27 of file testME_all.py.


testME_all.ratiosMCFMJHUGenVBF = defaultdict(set)

Definition at line 26 of file testME_all.py.

◆ refcontent

def testME_all.refcontent = unifycontent(f.read())

Definition at line 109 of file testME_all.py.

◆ referencefiles

testME_all.referencefiles = os.listdir("reference")

Definition at line 38 of file testME_all.py.

◆ sectioncontent

testME_all.sectioncontent = section.split()

Definition at line 132 of file testME_all.py.

◆ sections

def testME_all.sections = content.split("JHUGen/MCFM Ratio")

Definition at line 130 of file testME_all.py.

◆ start


Definition at line 55 of file testME_all.py.

◆ tutilline

testME_all.tutilline = line.split(": ")[1]

Definition at line 159 of file testME_all.py.

◆ type


Definition at line 13 of file testME_all.py.

def unifycontent(content)
Definition: testME_all.py:44
def defaultdictset()
Definition: testME_all.py:23