JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
hto_units Module Reference


integer, parameter izer = 0
integer, parameter ione = 1
integer, parameter itwo = 2
real *8, parameter eps = -1.d0
real *8, parameter one = 1.d0
real *8, parameter zero = 0.d0
real *8, parameter qeps = 1.d-25
real *8, parameter ez = 1.d-15
real *8, dimension(1:2) co =(/1.d0,0.d0/)
real *8, dimension(1:2) ci =(/0.d0,1.d0/)
real *8, dimension(1:2) cz =(/0.d0,0.d0/)

Variable Documentation

◆ ci

real*8, dimension(1:2) hto_units::ci =(/0.d0,1.d0/)

Definition at line 189 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

189  real*8 :: ci(1:2)=(/0.d0,1.d0/)

◆ co

real*8, dimension(1:2) hto_units::co =(/1.d0,0.d0/)

Definition at line 188 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

188  real*8 :: co(1:2)=(/1.d0,0.d0/)

◆ cz

real*8, dimension(1:2) hto_units::cz =(/0.d0,0.d0/)

Definition at line 190 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

190  real*8 :: cz(1:2)=(/0.d0,0.d0/)

◆ eps

real*8, parameter hto_units::eps = -1.d0

Definition at line 183 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

183  real*8, parameter :: eps= -1.d0

◆ ez

real*8, parameter hto_units::ez = 1.d-15

Definition at line 187 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

187  real*8, parameter :: ez= 1.d-15

◆ ione

integer, parameter hto_units::ione = 1

Definition at line 181 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

181  INTEGER, parameter :: ione= 1

◆ itwo

integer, parameter hto_units::itwo = 2

Definition at line 182 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

182  INTEGER, parameter :: itwo= 2

◆ izer

integer, parameter hto_units::izer = 0

Definition at line 180 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

180  INTEGER, parameter :: izer= 0

◆ one

real*8, parameter hto_units::one = 1.d0

Definition at line 184 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

184  real*8, parameter :: one= 1.d0

◆ qeps

real*8, parameter hto_units::qeps = 1.d-25

Definition at line 186 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

186  real*8, parameter :: qeps= 1.d-25

◆ zero

real*8, parameter hto_units::zero = 0.d0

Definition at line 185 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

185  real*8, parameter :: zero= 0.d0
real *8, parameter one
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:184
real *8, dimension(1:2) cz
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:190
real *8, parameter qeps
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:186
real *8, dimension(1:2) ci
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:189
real *8, dimension(1:2) co
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:188
real *8, parameter eps
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:183
real *8, parameter ez
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:187
real *8, parameter zero
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:185