JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Data Types | Functions/Subroutines
hto_cmplx_rootz Module Reference

Data Types

interface  operator(.crz.)


real *8 function, dimension(2) crz (x, y)

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ crz()

real*8 function, dimension(2) hto_cmplx_rootz::crz ( real*8, intent(in)  x,
real*8, intent(in)  y 

Definition at line 686 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

686  USE hto_units
688  real*8, dimension(2) :: crz
689  real*8, INTENT(IN) :: x,y
690  real*8 rs,r,u,v,sax
691  IF(abs(y/x).lt.1.d-8) THEN
692  IF(x.gt.0.d0) THEN
693  crz(1)= sqrt(x)*(1.d0+0.5d0*y*y/(x*x))
694  crz(2)= 0.5d0*y/sqrt(x)
695  ELSEIF(x.lt.0.d0) THEN
696  sax= sqrt(abs(x))
697  crz(1)= 0.5d0*abs(y)/sax
698  crz(2)= sign(one,y)*sax*(1.d0+0.5d0*y*y/(x*x))
699  ENDIF
700  ELSE
701  rs= x*x+y*y
702  r= sqrt(rs)
703  u= 0.5d0*(r+x)
704  crz(1)= sqrt(u)
705  IF(x > 0.d0.and.y.eq.0.d0) THEN
706  crz(2)= 0.d0
707  ELSE
708  v= 0.5d0*(r-x)
709  crz(2)= sign(one,y)*sqrt(v)
710  ENDIF
711  ENDIF
real *8, parameter one
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:184
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:179
real *8 function, dimension(2) crz(x, y)
Definition: CALLING_cpHTO.f:686