JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
MELANCSpline_2D_fast Class Reference

#include <MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h>

Inheritance diagram for MELANCSpline_2D_fast:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MELANCSpline_2D_fast:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 MELANCSpline_2D_fast ()
 MELANCSpline_2D_fast (const char *name, const char *title)
 MELANCSpline_2D_fast (const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal &inXVar, RooAbsReal &inYVar, const std::vector< T > &inXList, const std::vector< T > &inYList, const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &inFcnList, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const bcBeginX_=MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const bcEndX_=MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const bcBeginY_=MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const bcEndY_=MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline, Bool_t inUseFloor=true, T inFloorEval=0, T inFloorInt=0)
 MELANCSpline_2D_fast (const MELANCSpline_2D_fast &other, const char *name=0)
virtual TObject * clone (const char *newname) const
virtual ~MELANCSpline_2D_fast ()
void setRangeValidity (const T valmin, const T valmax, const Int_t whichDirection)
virtual Int_t getAnalyticalIntegral (RooArgSet &allVars, RooArgSet &analVars, const char *rangeName=0) const
virtual Double_t analyticalIntegral (Int_t code, const char *rangeName=0) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MELANCSplineCore
 MELANCSplineCore ()
 MELANCSplineCore (const char *name, const char *title)
 MELANCSplineCore (const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal &inXVar, const std::vector< T > &inXList, Bool_t inUseFloor=true, T inFloorEval=1e-15, T inFloorInt=1e-10)
 MELANCSplineCore (const MELANCSplineCore &other, const char *name=0)
virtual ~MELANCSplineCore ()
virtual void setVerbosity (VerbosityLevel flag)
void setEvalFloor (T val)
void setIntFloor (T val)
void doFloor (Bool_t flag)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void emptyFcnList ()
unsigned int npointsY () const
virtual Int_t getWhichBin (const T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const
virtual T getTVar (const std::vector< T > &kappas, const T &val, const Int_t &bin, const Int_t whichDirection) const
virtual void getKappas (std::vector< T > &kappas, const Int_t whichDirection)
Bool_t testRangeValidity (const T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const
void cropValueForRange (T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const
virtual std::vector< std::vector< T > > getCoefficientsPerY (const std::vector< T > &kappaX, const TMatrix_t &xAinv, const Int_t &ybin, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd, const Int_t xbin) const
virtual T interpolateFcn (Int_t code, const char *rangeName=0) const
virtual Double_t evaluate () const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MELANCSplineCore
void getLeafDependents (RooRealProxy &proxy, RooArgSet &set)
void addLeafDependents (RooArgSet &set)
unsigned int npointsX () const
virtual void getBArray (const std::vector< T > &kappas, const std::vector< T > &fcnList, std::vector< T > &BArray, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd) const
virtual void getAArray (const std::vector< T > &kappas, std::vector< std::vector< T >> &AArray, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd) const
virtual std::vector< std::vector< T > > getCoefficientsAlongDirection (const std::vector< T > &kappas, const TMatrix_t &Ainv, const std::vector< T > &fcnList, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd, const Int_t pickBin) const
virtual std::vector< TgetCoefficients (const TVector_t &S, const std::vector< T > &kappas, const std::vector< T > &fcnList, const Int_t &bin) const
virtual T evalSplineSegment (const std::vector< T > &coefs, const T &kappa, const T &tup, const T &tdn, Bool_t doIntegrate=false) const

Protected Attributes

T rangeYmin
T rangeYmax
const BoundaryCondition bcBeginX
const BoundaryCondition bcEndX
const BoundaryCondition bcBeginY
const BoundaryCondition bcEndY
RooRealProxy theYVar
std::vector< TYList
std::vector< std::vector< T > > FcnList
std::vector< TkappaX
std::vector< TkappaY
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > > coefficients
- Protected Attributes inherited from MELANCSplineCore
VerbosityLevel verbosity
Bool_t useFloor
T floorEval
T floorInt
T rangeXmin
T rangeXmax
RooRealProxy theXVar
RooListProxy leafDepsList
std::vector< TXList

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MELANCSplineCore
enum  VerbosityLevel { kSilent, kError, kVerbose }
enum  BoundaryCondition {
  bcApproximatedSlope, bcClamped, bcApproximatedSecondDerivative, bcNaturalSpline,
  bcQuadratic, bcQuadraticWithNullSlope, NBoundaryConditions
typedef Float_t T
typedef TMatrixT< TTMatrix_t
typedef TVectorT< TTVector_t

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MELANCSpline_2D_fast() [1/4]

MELANCSpline_2D_fast::MELANCSpline_2D_fast ( )

◆ MELANCSpline_2D_fast() [2/4]

MELANCSpline_2D_fast::MELANCSpline_2D_fast ( const char *  name,
const char *  title 

◆ MELANCSpline_2D_fast() [3/4]

MELANCSpline_2D_fast::MELANCSpline_2D_fast ( const char *  name,
const char *  title,
RooAbsReal &  inXVar,
RooAbsReal &  inYVar,
const std::vector< T > &  inXList,
const std::vector< T > &  inYList,
const std::vector< std::vector< T >> &  inFcnList,
MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const  bcBeginX_ = MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline,
MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const  bcEndX_ = MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline,
MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const  bcBeginY_ = MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline,
MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const  bcEndY_ = MELANCSplineCore::bcNaturalSpline,
Bool_t  inUseFloor = true,
T  inFloorEval = 0,
T  inFloorInt = 0 

Definition at line 34 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

49  :
50  MELANCSplineCore(name, title, inXVar, inXList, inUseFloor, inFloorEval, inFloorInt),
51  rangeYmin(1), rangeYmax(-1),
52  bcBeginX(bcBeginX_), bcEndX(bcEndX_),
53  bcBeginY(bcBeginY_), bcEndY(bcEndY_),
54  theYVar("theYVar", "theYVar", this, inYVar),
55  YList(inYList),
56  FcnList(inFcnList)
57 {
58  if (npointsX()>1 && npointsY()>1){
59  // Prepare A and kappa arrays for x and y coordinates
60  int npoints;
61  Double_t det;
63  vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>> xA; getKappas(kappaX, 0); getAArray(kappaX, xA, bcBeginX, bcEndX);
64  npoints=kappaX.size();
65  TMatrix_t xAtrans(npoints, npoints);
66  for (int i=0; i<npoints; i++){ for (int j=0; j<npoints; j++){ xAtrans[i][j]=xA.at(i).at(j); } }
67  det=0;
68  TMatrix_t xAinv = xAtrans.Invert(&det);
69  if (det==0.){
70  coutE(InputArguments) << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast::interpolateFcn: Matrix xA could not be inverted. Something is wrong with the x coordinates of points!" << endl;
71  assert(0);
72  }
74  vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>> yA; getKappas(kappaY, 1); getAArray(kappaY, yA, bcBeginY, bcEndY);
75  npoints=kappaY.size();
76  TMatrix_t yAtrans(npoints, npoints);
77  for (int i=0; i<npoints; i++){ for (int j=0; j<npoints; j++){ yAtrans[i][j]=yA.at(i).at(j); } }
78  det=0;
79  TMatrix_t yAinv = yAtrans.Invert(&det);
80  if (det==0.){
81  coutE(InputArguments) << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast::interpolateFcn: Matrix yA could not be inverted. Something is wrong with the y coordinates of points!" << endl;
82  assert(0);
83  }
85  // Get the grid of coefficients
86  vector<vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>>> coefsAlongY; // [Ax(y),Bx(y),Cx(y),Dx(y)][xbin][ybin]
87  int npoldim=0;
88  int nxbins=0;
89  for (unsigned int j=0; j<npointsY(); j++){
90  vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>> xcoefsAtYj = getCoefficientsPerY(kappaX, xAinv, j, bcBeginX, bcEndX, -1); // [ix][Ax,Bx,Cx,Dx] at each y_j
91  if (j==0){
92  nxbins=xcoefsAtYj.size();
93  npoldim=xcoefsAtYj.at(0).size();
94  for (int ipow=0; ipow<npoldim; ipow++){
95  vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>> dum_xycoefarray;
96  for (int ix=0; ix<nxbins; ix++){
97  vector<MELANCSplineCore::T> dum_ycoefarray;
98  dum_xycoefarray.push_back(dum_ycoefarray);
99  }
100  coefsAlongY.push_back(dum_xycoefarray);
101  }
102  }
103  if (nxbins!=(int)xcoefsAtYj.size() || npoldim!=(int)xcoefsAtYj.at(0).size()){
104  coutE(InputArguments) << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast::interpolateFcn: nxbins!=(int)xcoefsAtYj.size() || npoldim!=(int)xcoefsAtYj.at(0).size()!" << endl;
105  assert(0);
106  }
107  for (int ix=0; ix<nxbins; ix++){
108  for (int ipow=0; ipow<npoldim; ipow++) coefsAlongY.at(ipow).at(ix).push_back(xcoefsAtYj.at(ix).at(ipow));
109  }
110  }
112  for (int ix=0; ix<nxbins; ix++){
113  // Get the x coefficients interpolated across y
114  vector<vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>>> xCoefs;
115  for (int ic=0; ic<npoldim; ic++){
116  vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>> yCoefs = getCoefficientsAlongDirection(kappaY, yAinv, coefsAlongY.at(ic).at(ix), bcBeginY, bcEndY, -1); // [iy][A,B,C,D]
117  xCoefs.push_back(yCoefs);
118  }
119  coefficients.push_back(xCoefs);
120  }
121  }
122  else assert(0);
124  RooArgSet leafset;
125  getLeafDependents(theXVar, leafset);
126  getLeafDependents(theYVar, leafset);
127  addLeafDependents(leafset);
129  emptyFcnList();
130 }

◆ MELANCSpline_2D_fast() [4/4]

MELANCSpline_2D_fast::MELANCSpline_2D_fast ( const MELANCSpline_2D_fast other,
const char *  name = 0 

Definition at line 132 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

135  :
136  MELANCSplineCore(other, name),
137  rangeYmin(other.rangeYmin), rangeYmax(other.rangeYmax),
138  bcBeginX(other.bcBeginX), bcEndX(other.bcEndX),
139  bcBeginY(other.bcBeginY), bcEndY(other.bcEndY),
140  theYVar("theYVar", this, other.theYVar),
141  YList(other.YList),
142  FcnList(other.FcnList),
143  kappaX(other.kappaX),
144  kappaY(other.kappaY),
146 {}

◆ ~MELANCSpline_2D_fast()

virtual MELANCSpline_2D_fast::~MELANCSpline_2D_fast ( )

Definition at line 54 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

54 {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ analyticalIntegral()

Double_t MELANCSpline_2D_fast::analyticalIntegral ( Int_t  code,
const char *  rangeName = 0 
) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 347 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

347  {
348  Double_t value = interpolateFcn(code, rangeName);
349  if (useFloor && value<floorInt){
350  if (verbosity>=MELANCSplineCore::kError) coutE(Integration) << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast ERROR::MELANCSpline_2D_fast(" << GetName() << ") integration returned " << value << " for code = " << code << endl;
351  value = floorInt;
352  }
353  if (verbosity==MELANCSplineCore::kVerbose){ cout << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast(" << GetName() << ")::analyticalIntegral = " << value << " for code = " << code << endl; }
354  return value;
355 }

◆ clone()

virtual TObject* MELANCSpline_2D_fast::clone ( const char *  newname) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 53 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

53 { return new MELANCSpline_2D_fast(*this, newname); }

◆ cropValueForRange()

void MELANCSpline_2D_fast::cropValueForRange ( T val,
const Int_t  whichDirection 
) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 382 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

382  {
383  if (testRangeValidity(val, whichDirection)) return;
384  const T* range[2];
385  if (whichDirection==0){
386  range[0] = &rangeXmin;
387  range[1] = &rangeXmax;
388  }
389  else{
390  range[0] = &rangeYmin;
391  range[1] = &rangeYmax;
392  }
393  if (val<*(range[0])) val = *(range[0]);
394  if (val>*(range[1])) val = *(range[1]);
395 }

◆ emptyFcnList()

virtual void MELANCSpline_2D_fast::emptyFcnList ( )

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 62 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

62 { std::vector<std::vector<T>> tmp; FcnList.swap(tmp); }

◆ evaluate()

Double_t MELANCSpline_2D_fast::evaluate ( ) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 313 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

313  {
314  Double_t value = interpolateFcn(0);
315  if (useFloor && value<floorEval){
316  if (verbosity>=MELANCSplineCore::kError) coutE(Eval) << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast ERROR::MELANCSpline_2D_fast(" << GetName() << ") evaluation returned " << value << " at (x, y) = (" << theXVar << ", " << theYVar << ")" << endl;
317  value = floorEval;
318  }
319  if (verbosity==MELANCSplineCore::kVerbose){ cout << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast(" << GetName() << ")::evaluate = " << value << " at (x, y) = (" << theXVar << ", " << theYVar << ")" << endl; }
320  return value;
321 }

◆ getAnalyticalIntegral()

Int_t MELANCSpline_2D_fast::getAnalyticalIntegral ( RooArgSet &  allVars,
RooArgSet &  analVars,
const char *  rangeName = 0 
) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 322 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

322  {
323  if (_forceNumInt) return 0;
325  Int_t code=1;
327  RooArgSet Xdeps, Ydeps;
328  RooRealVar* rrv_x = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(theXVar.absArg());
329  RooRealVar* rrv_y = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(theYVar.absArg());
330  if (rrv_x==0) theXVar.absArg()->leafNodeServerList(&Xdeps, 0, true);
331  if (rrv_y==0) theYVar.absArg()->leafNodeServerList(&Ydeps, 0, true);
333  if (rrv_x!=0){
334  if (Ydeps.find(*rrv_x)==0 || rrv_y!=0){
335  if (matchArgs(allVars, analVars, theXVar)) code*=2;
336  }
337  }
338  if (rrv_y!=0){
339  if (Xdeps.find(*rrv_y)==0 || rrv_x!=0){
340  if (matchArgs(allVars, analVars, theYVar)) code*=3;
341  }
342  }
344  if (code==1) code=0;
345  return code;
346 }

◆ getCoefficientsPerY()

vector< vector< MELANCSplineCore::T > > MELANCSpline_2D_fast::getCoefficientsPerY ( const std::vector< T > &  kappaX,
const TMatrix_t xAinv,
const Int_t &  ybin,
MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const &  bcBegin,
MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const &  bcEnd,
const Int_t  xbin 
) const

Definition at line 306 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

306  {
307  vector<MELANCSplineCore::T> fcnList;
308  for (unsigned int bin=0; bin<npointsX(); bin++){ fcnList.push_back(FcnList.at(ybin).at(bin)); }
309  vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>> coefs = getCoefficientsAlongDirection(kappaX, xAinv, fcnList, bcBegin, bcEnd, xbin);
310  return coefs;
311 }

◆ getKappas()

void MELANCSpline_2D_fast::getKappas ( std::vector< T > &  kappas,
const Int_t  whichDirection 

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 245 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

245  {
246  kappas.clear();
249  Int_t npoints;
250  vector<MELANCSplineCore::T> const* coord;
251  if (whichDirection==0){
252  npoints=npointsX();
253  coord=&XList;
254  }
255  else{
256  npoints=npointsY();
257  coord=&YList;
258  }
260  for (Int_t j=0; j<npoints-1; j++){
261  MELANCSplineCore::T val_j = coord->at(j);
262  MELANCSplineCore::T val_jpo = coord->at(j+1);
263  MELANCSplineCore::T val_diff = (val_jpo-val_j);
264  if (fabs(val_diff)>MELANCSplineCore::T(0)) kappa = 1./val_diff;
265  else kappa = 0;
266  kappas.push_back(kappa);
267  }
268  kappas.push_back(kappa); // Push the same kappa_(N-1)=kappa_(N-2) at the end point
269 }

◆ getTVar()

MELANCSplineCore::T MELANCSpline_2D_fast::getTVar ( const std::vector< T > &  kappas,
const T val,
const Int_t &  bin,
const Int_t  whichDirection 
) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 298 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

298  {
299  const MELANCSplineCore::T& K=kappas.at(bin);
300  vector<MELANCSplineCore::T> const* coord;
301  if (whichDirection==0) coord=&XList;
302  else coord=&YList;
303  return (val-coord->at(bin))*K;
304 }

◆ getWhichBin()

Int_t MELANCSpline_2D_fast::getWhichBin ( const T val,
const Int_t  whichDirection 
) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 270 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

270  {
271  Int_t bin=-1;
272  MELANCSplineCore::T valj, valjpo;
273  Int_t npoints;
274  vector<MELANCSplineCore::T> const* coord;
275  if (whichDirection==0){
276  coord=&XList;
277  npoints=npointsX();
278  }
279  else{
280  coord=&YList;
281  npoints=npointsY();
282  }
284  if (npoints<=1) bin=0;
285  else{
286  valjpo = coord->at(0);
287  for (Int_t j=0; j<npoints-1; j++){
288  valj = coord->at(j);
289  valjpo = coord->at(j+1);
290  if (val<valjpo && val>=valj){ bin=j; break; }
291  }
292  if (bin==-1 && val>=valjpo) bin=npoints-2;
293  else if (bin==-1) bin=0;
294  }
296  return bin;
297 }

◆ interpolateFcn()

MELANCSplineCore::T MELANCSpline_2D_fast::interpolateFcn ( Int_t  code,
const char *  rangeName = 0 
) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 149 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

149  {
152  if (verbosity==MELANCSplineCore::kVerbose){ cout << "MELANCSpline_2D_fast(" << GetName() << ")::interpolateFcn begin with code: " << code << endl; }
154  // Get bins
155  Int_t xbin=-1, xbinmin=-1, xbinmax=-1, ybin=-1, ybinmin=-1, ybinmax=-1;
156  MELANCSplineCore::T tx=0, txmin=0, txmax=0, ty=0, tymin=0, tymax=0;
157  if (code==0 || code%2!=0){ // Case to just compute the value at x
158  if (!testRangeValidity(theXVar, 0)) return 0;
159  xbin = getWhichBin(theXVar, 0);
160  tx = getTVar(kappaX, theXVar, xbin, 0);
161  }
162  else{ // Case to integrate along x
163  MELANCSplineCore::T coordmin = theXVar.min(rangeName); cropValueForRange(coordmin, 0);
164  MELANCSplineCore::T coordmax = theXVar.max(rangeName); cropValueForRange(coordmax, 0);
165  xbinmin = getWhichBin(coordmin, 0);
166  txmin = getTVar(kappaX, coordmin, xbinmin, 0);
167  xbinmax = getWhichBin(coordmax, 0);
168  txmax = getTVar(kappaX, coordmax, xbinmax, 0);
169  }
170  if (code==0 || code%3!=0){ // Case to just compute the value at y
171  if (!testRangeValidity(theYVar, 1)) return 0;
172  ybin = getWhichBin(theYVar, 1);
173  ty = getTVar(kappaY, theYVar, ybin, 1);
174  }
175  else{ // Case to integrate along y
176  MELANCSplineCore::T coordmin = theYVar.min(rangeName); cropValueForRange(coordmin, 1);
177  MELANCSplineCore::T coordmax = theYVar.max(rangeName); cropValueForRange(coordmax, 1);
178  ybinmin = getWhichBin(coordmin, 1);
179  tymin = getTVar(kappaY, coordmin, ybinmin, 1);
180  ybinmax = getWhichBin(coordmax, 1);
181  tymax = getTVar(kappaY, coordmax, ybinmax, 1);
182  }
184  for (int ix=0; ix<(int)coefficients.size(); ix++){
185  if (
186  (xbin>=0 && ix!=xbin)
187  ||
188  (xbinmin>=0 && xbinmax>=xbinmin && !(xbinmin<=ix && ix<=xbinmax))
189  ) continue;
191  MELANCSplineCore::T txlow=0, txhigh=1;
192  if (code>0 && code%2==0){
193  if (ix==xbinmin) txlow=txmin;
194  if (ix==xbinmax) txhigh=txmax;
195  }
196  else txhigh=tx;
199  if (code==0 || code%2!=0) cout << "Evaluating tx=" << txhigh << " in bin " << ix << endl;
200  else cout << "Evaluating tx[" << txlow << ", " << txhigh << "] in bin " << ix << endl;
201  }
203  // Get the x coefficients interpolated across y
204  vector<MELANCSplineCore::T> xCoefs;
205  for (int ic=0; ic<(int)coefficients.at(ix).size(); ic++){
206  const vector<vector<MELANCSplineCore::T>>& yCoefs = coefficients.at(ix).at(ic);
208  if (verbosity==MELANCSplineCore::kVerbose) cout << "\tCoefficient " << ic << ":\n";
211  for (int iy=0; iy<(int)yCoefs.size(); iy++){
212  if (
213  (ybin>=0 && iy!=ybin)
214  ||
215  (ybinmin>=0 && ybinmax>=ybinmin && !(ybinmin<=iy && iy<=ybinmax))
216  ) continue;
218  MELANCSplineCore::T tylow=0, tyhigh=1;
219  if (code>0 && code%3==0){
220  if (iy==ybinmin) tylow=tymin;
221  if (iy==ybinmax) tyhigh=tymax;
222  }
223  else tyhigh=ty;
226  if (code==0 || code%3!=0) cout << "\tEvaluating ty=" << tyhigh << " in bin " << iy << endl;
227  else cout << "\tEvaluating ty[" << tylow << ", " << tyhigh << "] in bin " << iy << endl;
228  }
230  theCoef += evalSplineSegment(yCoefs.at(iy), kappaY.at(iy), tyhigh, tylow, (code>0 && code%3==0));
231  }
233  //if (code==0) cout << "\tCoefficient is " << theCoef << endl;
235  xCoefs.push_back(theCoef);
236  }
238  // Evaluate value of spline at x with coefficients evaluated at y
239  res += evalSplineSegment(xCoefs, kappaX.at(ix), txhigh, txlow, (code>0 && code%2==0));
240  }
242  return res;
243 }

◆ npointsY()

unsigned int MELANCSpline_2D_fast::npointsY ( ) const

Definition at line 64 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

64 { return YList.size(); }

◆ setRangeValidity()

void MELANCSpline_2D_fast::setRangeValidity ( const T  valmin,
const T  valmax,
const Int_t  whichDirection 

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 369 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

369  {
370  T* range[2];
371  if (whichDirection==0){
372  range[0] = &rangeXmin;
373  range[1] = &rangeXmax;
374  }
375  else{
376  range[0] = &rangeYmin;
377  range[1] = &rangeYmax;
378  }
379  *(range[0])=valmin;
380  *(range[1])=valmax;
381 }

◆ testRangeValidity()

Bool_t MELANCSpline_2D_fast::testRangeValidity ( const T val,
const Int_t  whichDirection 
) const

Implements MELANCSplineCore.

Definition at line 357 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc.

357  {
358  const T* range[2];
359  if (whichDirection==0){
360  range[0] = &rangeXmin;
361  range[1] = &rangeXmax;
362  }
363  else{
364  range[0] = &rangeYmin;
365  range[1] = &rangeYmax;
366  }
367  return (*(range[0])>*(range[1]) || (val>=*(range[0]) && val<=*(range[1])));
368 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ bcBeginX

const BoundaryCondition MELANCSpline_2D_fast::bcBeginX

Definition at line 16 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ bcBeginY

const BoundaryCondition MELANCSpline_2D_fast::bcBeginY

Definition at line 18 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ bcEndX

const BoundaryCondition MELANCSpline_2D_fast::bcEndX

Definition at line 17 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ bcEndY

const BoundaryCondition MELANCSpline_2D_fast::bcEndY

Definition at line 19 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ coefficients

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<T> > > > MELANCSpline_2D_fast::coefficients

Definition at line 28 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ FcnList

std::vector<std::vector<T> > MELANCSpline_2D_fast::FcnList

Definition at line 24 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ kappaX

std::vector<T> MELANCSpline_2D_fast::kappaX

Definition at line 26 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ kappaY

std::vector<T> MELANCSpline_2D_fast::kappaY

Definition at line 27 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ rangeYmax

T MELANCSpline_2D_fast::rangeYmax

Definition at line 14 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ rangeYmin

T MELANCSpline_2D_fast::rangeYmin

Definition at line 13 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ theYVar

RooRealProxy MELANCSpline_2D_fast::theYVar

Definition at line 21 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

◆ YList

std::vector<T> MELANCSpline_2D_fast::YList

Definition at line 22 of file MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
@ kVerbose
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:25
pymela::gHIGGS_KAPPA value("gHIGGS_KAPPA_TILDE", pymela::gHIGGS_KAPPA_TILDE) .value("SIZE_HQQ"
Float_t T
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:18
std::vector< T > kappaY
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:27
RooRealProxy theYVar
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:21
T rangeYmin
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:13
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< T > > > > coefficients
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:28
Definition: MELAAccumulators.h:27
T rangeXmax
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:73
virtual T getTVar(const std::vector< T > &kappas, const T &val, const Int_t &bin, const Int_t whichDirection) const
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc:298
virtual void getKappas(std::vector< T > &kappas, const Int_t whichDirection)
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc:245
unsigned int npointsY() const
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:64
void getLeafDependents(RooRealProxy &proxy, RooArgSet &set)
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.cc:275
std::vector< T > kappaX
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:26
virtual Int_t getWhichBin(const T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc:270
@ kError
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:24
T rangeXmin
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:72
Bool_t testRangeValidity(const T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc:357
complex(8), public kappa
Definition: mod_Parameters.F90:882
virtual T evalSplineSegment(const std::vector< T > &coefs, const T &kappa, const T &tup, const T &tdn, Bool_t doIntegrate=false) const
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.cc:265
Definition: testME_all.py:13
virtual void emptyFcnList()
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:62
virtual std::vector< std::vector< T > > getCoefficientsPerY(const std::vector< T > &kappaX, const TMatrix_t &xAinv, const Int_t &ybin, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, MELANCSplineCore::BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd, const Int_t xbin) const
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc:306
virtual std::vector< std::vector< T > > getCoefficientsAlongDirection(const std::vector< T > &kappas, const TMatrix_t &Ainv, const std::vector< T > &fcnList, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd, const Int_t pickBin) const
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.cc:247
TMatrixT< T > TMatrix_t
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:19
std::vector< T > YList
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:22
T rangeYmax
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:14
unsigned int npointsX() const
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:84
const BoundaryCondition bcEndX
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:17
integer cout
Definition: DD_global.F90:21
Bool_t useFloor
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:68
@ bcNaturalSpline
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:32
T floorInt
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:70
std::vector< T > XList
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:77
T floorEval
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:69
const BoundaryCondition bcBeginY
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:18
void addLeafDependents(RooArgSet &set)
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.cc:280
void cropValueForRange(T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc:382
VerbosityLevel verbosity
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:67
std::vector< std::vector< T > > FcnList
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:24
const BoundaryCondition bcBeginX
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:16
RooRealProxy theXVar
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.h:75
virtual void getAArray(const std::vector< T > &kappas, std::vector< std::vector< T >> &AArray, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd) const
Definition: MELANCSplineCore.cc:159
const BoundaryCondition bcEndY
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.h:19
virtual T interpolateFcn(Int_t code, const char *rangeName=0) const
Definition: MELANCSpline_2D_fast.cc:149