JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
hto_aux_hcp Module Reference


integer qcdc
integer pcnt
integer gtop
real *8 cxe
real *8 cxmu
real *8 cxtau
real *8 cxu
real *8 cxd
real *8 cxc
real *8 cxs
real *8 cxt
real *8 cxb
real *8 cxes
real *8 cxmus
real *8 cxtaus
real *8 cxus
real *8 cxds
real *8 cxcs
real *8 cxss
real *8 cxts
real *8 cxbs
real *8 clxe
real *8 clxmu
real *8 clxtau
real *8 clxu
real *8 clxd
real *8 clxc
real *8 clxs
real *8 clxt
real *8 clxb
real *8 muhcp
real *8 scalec
real *8 cxqs
real *8 cxq
real *8 cxls
real *8 cxl
real *8 cxtmb
real *8 cxtmbs
real *8 cxbi
real *8 cxtmbi
real *8 xq
real *8 cxtc
real *8 cxbc
real *8 yimt
real *8, dimension(2) cxwi
real *8, dimension(2) clcts
real *8, dimension(2) clwtb
real *8, dimension(2) cpw
real *8, dimension(2) cpz

Variable Documentation

◆ clcts

real*8, dimension(2) hto_aux_hcp::clcts

Definition at line 67 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clwtb

real*8, dimension(2) hto_aux_hcp::clwtb

Definition at line 67 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxb

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxb

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxc

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxc

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxd

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxd

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxe

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxe

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxmu

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxmu

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxs

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxs

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxt

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxt

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxtau

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxtau

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ clxu

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::clxu

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cpw

real*8, dimension(2) hto_aux_hcp::cpw

Definition at line 67 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cpz

real*8, dimension(2) hto_aux_hcp::cpz

Definition at line 67 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxb

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxb

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxbc

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxbc

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxbi

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxbi

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxbs

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxbs

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxc

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxc

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxcs

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxcs

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxd

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxd

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxds

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxds

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxe

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxe

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

62  real*8 cxe,cxmu,cxtau,cxu,cxd,cxc,cxs,cxt,cxb,
63  # cxes,cxmus,cxtaus,cxus,cxds,cxcs,cxss,cxts,cxbs,
64  # clxe,clxmu,clxtau,clxu,clxd,clxc,clxs,clxt,clxb,muhcp,
65  # scalec,cxqs,cxq,cxls,cxl,cxtmb,cxtmbs,cxbi,cxtmbi,xq,
66  # cxtc,cxbc,yimt

◆ cxes

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxes

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxl

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxl

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxls

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxls

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxmu

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxmu

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxmus

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxmus

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxq

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxq

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxqs

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxqs

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxs

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxs

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxss

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxss

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxt

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxt

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxtau

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxtau

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxtaus

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxtaus

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxtc

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxtc

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxtmb

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxtmb

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxtmbi

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxtmbi

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxtmbs

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxtmbs

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxts

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxts

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxu

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxu

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxus

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::cxus

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ cxwi

real*8, dimension(2) hto_aux_hcp::cxwi

Definition at line 67 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

67  real*8, dimension(2) :: cxwi,clcts,clwtb,cpw,cpz

◆ gtop

integer hto_aux_hcp::gtop

Definition at line 61 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ muhcp

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::muhcp

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ pcnt

integer hto_aux_hcp::pcnt

Definition at line 61 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ qcdc

integer hto_aux_hcp::qcdc

Definition at line 61 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

61  INTEGER qcdc,pcnt,gtop

◆ scalec

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::scalec

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ xq

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::xq

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.

◆ yimt

real*8 hto_aux_hcp::yimt

Definition at line 62 of file CALLING_cpHTO.f.