JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Public Member Functions | List of all members
collier_coefs::tn_cll Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

subroutine tn_main_cll (TN, TNuv, MomInv, masses2, N, rmax, TNerr, id_in, TNerr2)
subroutine t1_cll (A, Auv, masses2, N, rmax, Aerr, id_in)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 76 of file collier_coefs.F90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ t1_cll()

subroutine collier_coefs::tn_cll::t1_cll ( double complex, dimension(:), intent(out)  A,
double complex, dimension(:), intent(out)  Auv,
double complex, dimension(0:0), intent(in)  masses2,
integer, intent(in)  N,
integer, intent(in)  rmax,
double precision, dimension(0:rmax), intent(out), optional  Aerr,
integer, intent(in), optional  id_in 

Definition at line 4262 of file collier_coefs.F90.

4263  integer, intent(in) :: N,rmax
4264  double complex, intent(in) :: masses2(0:0)
4265  double complex, intent(out) :: A(:)
4266  double complex, intent(out) :: Auv(:)
4267  integer, optional, intent(in) :: id_in
4268  double precision, optional, intent(out) :: Aerr(0:rmax)
4269  logical :: eflag
4271  if (n.ne.1) then
4272  call seterrflag_cll(-10)
4273  call errout_cll('TN_cll','subroutine called with inconsistent arguments',eflag)
4274  return
4275  end if
4276  if (n.gt.nmax_cll) then
4277  call seterrflag_cll(-10)
4278  call errout_cll('TN_cll','argument N larger than Nmax_cll',eflag,.true.)
4279  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'N =',n
4280  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'Nmax_cll =',nmax_cll
4281  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'Reinitialize COLLIER with Nmax_cll >= ',n
4282  call propagateerrflag_cll
4283  return
4284  end if
4285  if (rmax.gt.rmax_cll) then
4286  call seterrflag_cll(-10)
4287  call errout_cll('TN_cll','argument rmax larger than rmax_cll',eflag,.true.)
4288  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'rmax =',rmax
4289  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'rmax_cll =',rmax_cll
4290  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'Reinitialize COLLIER with rmax_cll >= ',rmax
4291  call propagateerrflag_cll
4292  return
4293  end if
4295  call t1_checked_cll(a,auv,masses2,n,rmax,aerr,id_in)

◆ tn_main_cll()

subroutine collier_coefs::tn_cll::tn_main_cll ( double complex, dimension(:), intent(out)  TN,
double complex, dimension(:), intent(out)  TNuv,
double complex, dimension(:), intent(in)  MomInv,
double complex, dimension(0:), intent(in)  masses2,
integer, intent(in)  N,
integer, intent(in)  rmax,
double precision, dimension(0:), intent(out), optional  TNerr,
integer, intent(in), optional  id_in,
double precision, dimension(0:), intent(out), optional  TNerr2 

Definition at line 3508 of file collier_coefs.F90.

3509  integer, intent(in) :: N,rmax
3510  double complex, intent(in) :: MomInv(:), masses2(0:)
3511  double complex, intent(out) :: TN(:)
3512  double complex, intent(out) :: TNuv(:)
3513  integer, optional, intent(in) :: id_in
3514  double precision, optional, intent(out) :: TNerr(0:),TNerr2(0:)
3515  logical :: eflag
3517  if (n.eq.1) then
3518  call seterrflag_cll(-10)
3519  call errout_cll('TN_cll','subroutine called with wrong number of arguments for N=1',eflag,.true.)
3520  call propagateerrflag_cll
3521  return
3522  end if
3523  if (n.gt.nmax_cll) then
3524  call seterrflag_cll(-10)
3525  call errout_cll('TN_cll','argument N larger than Nmax_cll',eflag,.true.)
3526  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'N =',n
3527  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'Nmax_cll =',nmax_cll
3528  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'Reinitialize COLLIER with Nmax_cll >= ',n
3529  call propagateerrflag_cll
3530  return
3531  end if
3532  if (rmax.gt.rmax_cll) then
3533  call seterrflag_cll(-10)
3534  call errout_cll('TN_cll','argument rmax larger than rmax_cll',eflag,.true.)
3535  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'rmax =',rmax
3536  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'rmax_cll =',rmax_cll
3537  write(nerrout_cll,*) 'Reinitialize COLLIER with rmax_cll >= ',rmax
3538  call propagateerrflag_cll
3539  return
3540  end if
3542  call tn_main_checked_cll(tn,tnuv,mominv,masses2,n,rmax,tnerr,id_in,tnerr2)

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