JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Public Member Functions | List of all members
collier_coefs::db_cll Interface Reference

Public Member Functions

subroutine db_main_cll (DB, DBuv, p10, m02, m12, rmax, DBerr)
subroutine db_arrays_cll (DB, DBuv, MomInv, masses2, rmax, DBerr)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 126 of file collier_coefs.F90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ db_arrays_cll()

subroutine collier_coefs::db_cll::db_arrays_cll ( double complex, dimension(0:rmax/2,0:rmax), intent(out)  DB,
double complex, dimension(0:rmax/2,0:rmax), intent(out)  DBuv,
double complex, dimension(1), intent(in)  MomInv,
double complex, dimension(0:1), intent(in)  masses2,
integer, intent(in)  rmax,
double precision, dimension(0:rmax), intent(out), optional  DBerr 

Definition at line 5885 of file collier_coefs.F90.

5886  integer, intent(in) :: rmax
5887  double complex, intent(in) :: MomInv(1), masses2(0:1)
5888  double complex, intent(out) :: DBuv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5889  double complex, intent(out) :: DB(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5890  double precision, optional, intent(out) :: DBerr(0:rmax)
5891  double precision :: DBerraux(0:rmax)
5893  if (present(dberr)) then
5894  call db_main_cll(db,dbuv,mominv(1),masses2(0),masses2(1),rmax,dberr)
5895  else
5896  call db_main_cll(db,dbuv,mominv(1),masses2(0),masses2(1),rmax,dberraux)
5897  end if

◆ db_main_cll()

subroutine collier_coefs::db_cll::db_main_cll ( double complex, dimension(0:rmax/2,0:rmax), intent(out)  DB,
double complex, dimension(0:rmax/2,0:rmax), intent(out)  DBuv,
double complex, intent(in)  p10,
double complex, intent(in)  m02,
double complex, intent(in)  m12,
integer, intent(in)  rmax,
double precision, dimension(0:rmax), intent(out), optional  DBerr 

Definition at line 5721 of file collier_coefs.F90.

5722  integer, intent(in) :: rmax
5723  double complex, intent(in) :: p10,m02,m12
5724  double precision :: q10
5725  double complex :: mm02,mm12
5726  double complex, intent(out) :: DBuv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5727  double complex, intent(out) :: DB(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5728  double precision, optional, intent(out) :: DBerr(0:rmax)
5729  double precision :: DBerraux(0:rmax),DBdiff(0:rmax)
5730  double complex :: DB2uv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax), DB2(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5731  double complex :: DBcoliuv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5732  double complex :: DBcoli(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5733  double complex :: DB0dd,DB1dd
5734  double complex :: args(3)
5735  double complex :: DBdduv(0:rmax,0:rmax)
5736  double complex :: DBdd(0:rmax,0:rmax)
5737  double precision :: accrelDD(0:rmax_DD),accabsDD(0:rmax_DD)
5738  double precision :: accrel2DD(0:rmax_DD),accabs2DD(0:rmax_DD)
5739  double precision :: DBacc(0:rmax),DBacc2(0:rmax),norm,norm_coli,norm_dd
5740  integer :: accflagDD,errflagDD,NDD,rankDD
5741  integer :: n0,rank,errflag,i0,i1,n
5742  logical :: flag = .true.,eflag
5744 ! write(*,*) 'DB_main in',p10,m02,m12,rmax
5746  ! set ID of master call
5747  args(1) = p10
5748  args(2) = m02
5749  args(3) = m12
5750  call setmasterfname_cll('DB_cll')
5751  call setmastern_cll(2)
5752  call setmasterr_cll(rmax)
5753  call setmasterargs_cll(3,args)
5755  select case (mode_cll)
5757  case (1)
5758  ! calculate loop integral using
5759  ! COLI implementation by AD/LH
5761  if (present(dberr)) then
5762  call calcdb(dbcoli,dbcoliuv,p10,m02,m12,rmax,0,dberr)
5763  else
5764  call calcdb(dbcoli,dbcoliuv,p10,m02,m12,rmax,0,dberraux)
5765  end if
5766  db(0:rmax/2,0:rmax) = dbcoli(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5767  dbuv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax) = dbcoliuv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5769  case (2)
5770  ! calculate loop integral using
5771  ! DD implementation by SD
5773  ! replace small masses by DD-identifiers
5774  q10 = dreal(getminf2dd_cll(p10))
5775  mm02 = getminf2dd_cll(m02)
5776  mm12 = getminf2dd_cll(m12)
5778  rank = rmax
5780  ! use_cache_system=.false.
5781  call db_dd(dbdd,dbdduv,q10,mm02,mm12,rank)
5782  ! use_cache_system=use_cache_system_save
5784  db(0:rank/2,0:rank) = dbdd(0:rank/2,0:rank)
5785  dbuv(0:rank/2,0:rank) = dbdduv(0:rank/2,0:rank)
5787  case (3)
5788  ! cross-check mode
5789  ! compare results for loop integral
5790  ! from COLI implementation by AD/LH and
5791  ! from DD implementation by SD
5793  ! calculate loop integral using COLI
5794  call calcdb(dbcoli,dbcoliuv,p10,m02,m12,rmax,0,dberraux)
5795  db(0:rmax/2,0:rmax) = dbcoli(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5796  dbuv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax) = dbcoliuv(0:rmax/2,0:rmax)
5798  ! calculate loop integral using DD
5800  ! replace small masses by DD-identifiers
5801  q10 = dreal(getminf2dd_cll(p10))
5802  mm02 = getminf2dd_cll(m02)
5803  mm12 = getminf2dd_cll(m12)
5805  rank = rmax
5807  ! use_cache_system=.false.
5808  call db_dd(dbdd,dbdduv,q10,mm02,mm12,rank)
5809  ! use_cache_system=use_cache_system_save
5811  db2(0:rank/2,0:rank) = dbdd(0:rank/2,0:rank)
5812  db2uv(0:rank/2,0:rank) = dbdduv(0:rank/2,0:rank)
5813  call ddgetacc(accreldd,accabsdd,accrel2dd,accabs2dd,ndd,rankdd,accflagdd,errflagdd,0)
5815  norm_coli = maxval(abs(db(0,0:rmax)))
5816  norm_dd = maxval(abs(db2(0,0:rmax)))
5817  if (norm_coli.eq.0d0) then
5818  norm_coli = max(abs(p10),abs(m02),abs(m12))
5819  if(norm_coli.ne.0d0) then
5820  norm_coli=1d0/norm_coli
5821  else
5822  norm_coli=1d0/muir2_cll
5823  end if
5824  end if
5825  if (norm_dd.eq.0d0) then
5826  norm_dd = max(abs(p10),abs(m02),abs(m12))
5827  if(norm_dd.ne.0d0) then
5828  norm_dd=1d0/norm_dd
5829  else
5830  norm_dd=1d0/muir2_cll
5831  end if
5832  end if
5833  norm = min(norm_coli,norm_dd)
5835  ! cross-check
5836  call checkcoefsdb_cll(db,db2,p10,m02,m12,rank,norm,dbdiff)
5838  if (dberraux(rmax).lt.accabsdd(rmax)) then
5839  if (present(dberr)) dberr = max(dberraux,dbdiff)
5840  dbacc = max(dberraux/norm_coli,dbdiff/norm)
5841  if (monitoring) pointscntdb_coli = pointscntdb_coli + 1
5842  else
5843  db = db2
5844  dbuv = db2uv
5845  if (present(dberr)) dberr = max(accabsdd(0:rmax),dbdiff)
5846  dbacc = max(accabsdd(0:rmax)/norm_dd,dbdiff/norm)
5847  if (monitoring) pointscntdb_dd = pointscntdb_dd + 1
5848  end if
5850  call propagateaccflag_cll(dbacc,rmax)
5852  end select
5854  call propagateerrflag_cll
5856  if (monitoring) then
5857  pointscntdb_cll = pointscntdb_cll + 1
5859  if(maxval(dbacc).gt.reqacc_cll) accpointscntdb_cll = accpointscntdb_cll + 1
5861  if(maxval(dbacc).gt.critacc_cll) then
5862  critpointscntdb_cll = critpointscntdb_cll + 1
5863  if ( critpointscntdb_cll.le.noutcritpointsmaxdb_cll ) then
5864  call critpointsout_cll('DB_cll',0,maxval(dbacc), critpointscntdb_cll)
5865  if( critpointscntdb_cll.eq.noutcritpointsmaxdb_cll) then
5866  write(ncpout_cll,*) ' Further output of Critical Points for DB_cll suppressed '
5867  write(ncpout_cll,*)
5868  endif
5869  end if
5870  end if
5872  end if

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file:
O0 g endif() string(TOLOWER "$
Definition: CMakeLists.txt:143