JHUGen v7.5.6, MELA v2.4.2
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen.
Go to the documentation of this file. 1 #ifndef MELACANDIDATE_H
11 MELACandidate(
int id_, TLorentzVector p4_,
bool associatedByHighestPt_=
37 const std::vector<MELAParticle*>&
MELATopCandidate_t * getAssociatedTop(int index) const
bool daughtersInterfere() const
std::vector< MELAParticle * > & getSortedVs()
void setAddAssociatedByHighestPt(bool associatedByHighestPt_)
void addAssociatedJet(MELAParticle *myParticle)
TVar::CandidateDecayMode selfDecayMode
MELACandidate & operator=(const MELACandidate &particle_)
bool associatedByHighestPt
MELAParticle * getAssociatedNeutrino(int index) const
void createAssociatedVs(std::vector< MELAParticle * > &particleArray)
MELAParticle * getSortedV(int index) const
int getNAssociatedJets() const
void addAssociatedNeutrino(MELAParticle *myParticle)
int getNAssociatedPhotons() const
void swap(MELACandidate &particle_)
int getNAssociatedTops() const
std::vector< MELAParticle * > associatedNeutrinos
MELAParticle * getAssociatedPhoton(int index) const
virtual std::vector< int > getDaughterIds() const
void addAssociatedPhoton(MELAParticle *myParticle)
void getRelatedParticles(std::vector< MELAParticle * > &particles) const
std::vector< MELATopCandidate_t * > associatedTops
MELACandidate * shallowCopy()
std::vector< MELAParticle * > & getAssociatedPhotons()
std::vector< MELAParticle * > associatedJets
std::vector< MELAParticle * > sortedDaughters
std::vector< MELAParticle * > associatedPhotons
std::vector< MELAParticle * > getAssociatedSortedVs()
void addSortedV(MELAParticle *myParticle)
TLorentzVector getAlternativeVMomentum(int index) const
MELAParticle * getSortedDaughter(int index) const
MELAParticle * getAssociatedLepton(int index) const
std::vector< MELAParticle * > & getAssociatedNeutrinos()
std::vector< MELAParticle * > & getAssociatedLeptons()
void setDecayMode(TVar::CandidateDecayMode flag)
bool checkDaughtership(MELAParticle const *myParticle) const
static void addUnordered(MELAParticle *myParticle, std::vector< MELAParticle * > &particleArray)
void getDaughterParticles(std::vector< MELAParticle * > &particles) const
std::vector< MELAParticle * > sortedVs
void addAssociatedTop(MELATopCandidate_t *myParticle)
void addAssociatedLepton(MELAParticle *myParticle)
int getNAssociatedNeutrinos() const
MELAParticle * getAssociatedJet(int index) const
std::vector< MELATopCandidate_t * > & getAssociatedTops()
static void addByHighestPt(MELAParticle *myParticle, std::vector< MELAParticle * > &particleArray)
void addAssociatedParticleToArray(MELAParticle *myParticle, std::vector< MELAParticle * > &particleArray)
std::vector< MELAParticle * > associatedLeptons
void sortDaughtersByBestZ1()
std::vector< MELAParticle * > & getAssociatedJets()
std::vector< MELAParticle * > & getSortedDaughters()
void testPreSelectedDaughters()
TVar::CandidateDecayMode getDecayMode() const
int getNAssociatedLeptons() const
std::vector< int > getAssociatedParticleIds() const
void setShallowCopy(bool flag)
void sortDaughtersInitial()