JHUGen MELA  JHUGen v7.5.6, MELA v2.4.2
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 C============================================================================
2 C April 10, 2002, v6.01
3 C February 23, 2003, v6.1
4 C
5 C Ref[1]: "New Generation of Parton Distributions with Uncertainties from Global QCD Analysis"
6 C By: J. Pumplin, D.R. Stump, J.Huston, H.L. Lai, P. Nadolsky, W.K. Tung
7 C JHEP 0207:012(2002), hep-ph/0201195
8 C
9 C Ref[2]: "Inclusive Jet Production, Parton Distributions, and the Search for New Physics"
10 C By : D. Stump, J. Huston, J. Pumplin, W.K. Tung, H.L. Lai, S. Kuhlmann, J. Owens
11 C hep-ph/0303013
12 C
13 C This package contains
14 C (1) 4 standard sets of CTEQ6 PDF's (CTEQ6M, CTEQ6D, CTEQ6L, CTEQ6L1) ;
15 C (2) 40 up/down sets (with respect to CTEQ6M) for uncertainty studies from Ref[1];
16 C (3) updated version of the above: CTEQ6.1M and its 40 up/down eigenvector sets from Ref[2].
17 C
18 C The CTEQ6.1M set provides a global fit that is almost equivalent in every respect
19 C to the published CTEQ6M, Ref[1], although some parton distributions (e.g., the gluon)
20 C may deviate from CTEQ6M in some kinematic ranges by amounts that are well within the
21 C specified uncertainties.
22 C The more significant improvements of the new version are associated with some of the
23 C 40 eigenvector sets, which are made more symmetrical and reliable in (3), compared to (2).
25 C Details about calling convention are:
26 C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 C Iset PDF-set Description Alpha_s(Mz)**Lam4 Lam5 Table_File
28 C ===========================================================================
29 C Standard, "best-fit", sets:
30 C --------------------------
31 C 1 CTEQ6M Standard MSbar scheme 0.118 326 226 cteq6m.tbl
32 C 2 CTEQ6D Standard DIS scheme 0.118 326 226 cteq6d.tbl
33 C 3 CTEQ6L Leading Order 0.118** 326** 226 cteq6l.tbl
34 C 4 CTEQ6L1 Leading Order 0.130** 215** 165 cteq6l1.tbl
35 C ============================================================================
36 C For uncertainty calculations using eigenvectors of the Hessian:
37 C ---------------------------------------------------------------
38 C central + 40 up/down sets along 20 eigenvector directions
39 C -----------------------------
40 C Original version, Ref[1]: central fit: CTEQ6M (=CTEQ6M.00)
41 C -----------------------
42 C 1xx CTEQ6M.xx +/- sets 0.118 326 226 cteq6m1xx.tbl
43 C where xx = 01-40: 01/02 corresponds to +/- for the 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
44 C e.g. 100 is CTEQ6M.00 (=CTEQ6M),
45 C 101/102 are CTEQ6M.01/02, +/- sets of 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
46 C -----------------------
47 C Updated version, Ref[2]: central fit: CTEQ6.1M (=CTEQ61.00)
48 C -----------------------
49 C 2xx CTEQ61.xx +/- sets 0.118 326 226 ctq61.xx.tbl
50 C where xx = 01-40: 01/02 corresponds to +/- for the 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
51 C e.g. 200 is CTEQ61.00 (=CTEQ6.1M),
52 C 201/202 are CTEQ61.01/02, +/- sets of 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
53 C ===========================================================================
54 C ** ALL fits are obtained by using the same coupling strength
55 C \alpha_s(Mz)=0.118 and the NLO running \alpha_s formula, except CTEQ6L1
56 C which uses the LO running \alpha_s and its value determined from the fit.
57 C For the LO fits, the evolution of the PDF and the hard cross sections are
58 C calculated at LO. More detailed discussions are given in the references.
59 C
60 C The table grids are generated for 10^-6 < x < 1 and 1.3 < Q < 10,000 (GeV).
61 C PDF values outside of the above range are returned using extrapolation.
62 C Lam5 (Lam4) represents Lambda value (in MeV) for 5 (4) flavors.
63 C The matching alpha_s between 4 and 5 flavors takes place at Q=4.5 GeV,
64 C which is defined as the bottom quark mass, whenever it can be applied.
65 C
66 C The Table_Files are assumed to be in the working directory.
67 C
68 C Before using the PDF, it is necessary to do the initialization by
69 C Call SetCtq6(Iset)
70 C where Iset is the desired PDF specified in the above table.
71 C
72 C The function Ctq6Pdf (Iparton, X, Q)
73 C returns the parton distribution inside the proton for parton [Iparton]
74 C at [X] Bjorken_X and scale [Q] (GeV) in PDF set [Iset].
75 C Iparton is the parton label (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, ......, -5)
76 C for (b, c, s, d, u, g, u_bar, ..., b_bar),
77 C
78 C For detailed information on the parameters used, e.q. quark masses,
79 C QCD Lambda, ... etc., see info lines at the beginning of the
80 C Table_Files.
81 C
82 C These programs, as provided, are in double precision. By removing the
83 C "Implicit Double Precision" lines, they can also be run in single
84 C precision.
85 C
86 C If you have detailed questions concerning these CTEQ6 distributions,
87 C or if you find problems/bugs using this package, direct inquires to
89 C
90 C===========================================================================
92  Function ctq6pdf (Iparton, X, Q)
93  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
94  Logical warn
95  Common
96  > / ctqpar2 / nx, nt, nfmx
97  > / qcdtable / alambda, nfl, iorder
99  Data warn /.true./
100  save warn
102  If (x .lt. 0d0 .or. x .gt. 1d0) Then
103  print *, 'X out of range in Ctq6Pdf: ', x
104  stop
105  Endif
106  If (q .lt. alambda) Then
107  print *, 'Q out of range in Ctq6Pdf: ', q
108  stop
109  Endif
110  If ((iparton .lt. -nfmx .or. iparton .gt. nfmx)) Then
111  If (warn) Then
112 C put a warning for calling extra flavor.
113  print *, 'Warning: Iparton out of range in Ctq6Pdf! '
114  print *, 'Iparton, MxFlvN0: ', iparton, nfmx
115  Endif
116  ctq6pdf = 0d0
117  Return
118  Endif
120  ctq6pdf = partonx6(iparton, x, q)
121  if(ctq6pdf.lt.0.d0) ctq6pdf = 0.d0
122  if(isnan(ctq6pdf)) then
123  if (warn) then
124  print *, 'Warning: Ctq6Pdf is NaN!'
125  print *, 'Iparton, MxFlvN0, X, Q: ', iparton, nfmx, x, q
126  endif
127  ctq6pdf = 0.d0
128  endif
130  if (warn) warn = .false.
132  Return
134 C ********************
135  End
137  Subroutine setctq6 (Iset)
138  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
139  parameter(isetmax0=5)
140  Character Flnm(Isetmax0)*6, nn*3, Tablefile*40
141  Data (flnm(i), i=1,isetmax0)
142  > / 'cteq6m', 'cteq6d', 'cteq6l', 'cteq6l','ctq61.'/
143  Data isetold, isetmin0, isetmin1, isetmax1 /-987,1,100,140/
144  Data isetmin2,isetmax2 /200,240/
145  save
147 C If data file not initialized, do so.
148  If(iset.ne.isetold) then
149  iu= nextun()
150  If (iset.ge.isetmin0 .and. iset.le.3) Then
151  tablefile=flnm(iset)//'.tbl'
152  Elseif (iset.eq.4) Then
153  tablefile=flnm(iset)//'1.tbl'
154  Elseif (iset.ge.isetmin1 .and. iset.le.isetmax1) Then
155  write(nn,'(I3)') iset
156  tablefile=flnm(1)//nn//'.tbl'
157  Elseif (iset.ge.isetmin2 .and. iset.le.isetmax2) Then
158  write(nn,'(I3)') iset
159  tablefile=flnm(5)//nn(2:3)//'.tbl'
160  Else
161  print *, 'Invalid Iset number in SetCtq6 :', iset
162  stop
163  Endif
164  Open(iu, file='pdfs/'//tablefile
165  . ,status='OLD', err=100)
166  21 Call readtbl (iu)
167  Close (iu)
168  isetold=iset
169  Endif
170  Return
172  100 print *, ' Data file ', tablefile, ' cannot be opened '
173  >//'in SetCtq6!!'
174  stop
175 C ********************
176  End
178  Subroutine readtbl (Nu)
179  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
180  Character Line*80
181  parameter(mxx = 96, mxq = 20, mxf = 5)
182  parameter(mxpqx = (mxf + 3) * mxq * mxx)
183  Common
184  > / ctqpar1 / al, xv(0:mxx), tv(0:mxq), upd(mxpqx)
185  > / ctqpar2 / nx, nt, nfmx
186  > / xqrange / qini, qmax, xmin
187  > / qcdtable / alambda, nfl, iorder
188  > / masstbl / amass(6)
190  Read (nu, '(A)') line
191  Read (nu, '(A)') line
192  Read (nu, *) dr, fl, al, (amass(i),i=1,6)
193  iorder = nint(dr)
194  nfl = nint(fl)
195  alambda = al
197  Read (nu, '(A)') line
198  Read (nu, *) nx, nt, nfmx
200  Read (nu, '(A)') line
201  Read (nu, *) qini, qmax, (tv(i), i =0, nt)
203  Read (nu, '(A)') line
204  Read (nu, *) xmin, (xv(i), i =0, nx)
206  Do 11 iq = 0, nt
207  tv(iq) = log(log(tv(iq) /al))
208  11 Continue
209 C
210 C Since quark = anti-quark for nfl>2 at this stage,
211 C we Read out only the non-redundent data points
212 C No of flavors = NfMx (sea) + 1 (gluon) + 2 (valence)
214  nblk = (nx+1) * (nt+1)
215  npts = nblk * (nfmx+3)
216  Read (nu, '(A)') line
217  Read (nu, *, iostat=iret) (upd(i), i=1,npts)
219  Return
220 C ****************************
221  End
223  Function nextun()
224 C Returns an unallocated FORTRAN i/o unit.
225  Logical ex
226 C
227  Do 10 n = 10, 300
228  INQUIRE (unit=n, opened=ex)
229  If (.NOT. ex) then
230  nextun = n
231  Return
232  Endif
233  10 Continue
234  stop ' There is no available I/O unit. '
235 C *************************
236  End
237 C
239  SUBROUTINE polint (XA,YA,N,X,Y,DY)
242 C Adapted from "Numerical Recipes"
243  parameter(nmax=10)
244  dimension xa(n),ya(n),c(nmax),d(nmax)
245  ns=1
246  dif=abs(x-xa(1))
247  DO 11 i=1,n
248  dift=abs(x-xa(i))
249  IF (dift.LT.dif) THEN
250  ns=i
251  dif=dift
252  ENDIF
253  c(i)=ya(i)
254  d(i)=ya(i)
256  y=ya(ns)
257  ns=ns-1
258  DO 13 m=1,n-1
259  DO 12 i=1,n-m
260  ho=xa(i)-x
261  hp=xa(i+m)-x
262  w=c(i+1)-d(i)
263  den=ho-hp
264 ! IF(DEN.EQ.0.)PAUSE
265  den=w/den
266  d(i)=hp*den
267  c(i)=ho*den
269  IF (2*ns.LT.n-m)THEN
270  dy=c(ns+1)
271  ELSE
272  dy=d(ns)
273  ns=ns-1
274  ENDIF
275  y=y+dy
278  END
280  Function partonx6 (IPRTN, XX, QQ)
282 c Given the parton distribution function in the array U in
283 c COMMON / PEVLDT / , this routine interpolates to find
284 c the parton distribution at an arbitray point in x and q.
285 c
286  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
288  parameter(mxx = 96, mxq = 20, mxf = 5)
289  parameter(mxqx= mxq * mxx, mxpqx = mxqx * (mxf+3))
291  Common
292  > / ctqpar1 / al, xv(0:mxx), tv(0:mxq), upd(mxpqx)
293  > / ctqpar2 / nx, nt, nfmx
294  > / xqrange / qini, qmax, xmin
296  dimension fvec(4), fij(4)
297  dimension xvpow(0:mxx)
298  Data onep / 1.00001 /
299  Data xpow / 0.3d0 / !**** choice of interpolation variable
300  Data nqvec / 4 /
301  Data ientry / 0 /
302  Save ientry,xvpow
304 c store the powers used for interpolation on first call...
305  if(ientry .eq. 0) then
306  ientry = 1
308  xvpow(0) = 0d0
309  do i = 1, nx
310  xvpow(i) = xv(i)**xpow
311  enddo
312  endif
314  x = xx
315  q = qq
316  tt = log(log(q/al))
318 c ------------- find lower end of interval containing x, i.e.,
319 c get jx such that xv(jx) .le. x .le. xv(jx+1)...
320  jlx = -1
321  ju = nx+1
322  11 If (ju-jlx .GT. 1) Then
323  jm = (ju+jlx) / 2
324  If (x .Ge. xv(jm)) Then
325  jlx = jm
326  Else
327  ju = jm
328  Endif
329  Goto 11
330  Endif
331 C Ix 0 1 2 Jx JLx Nx-2 Nx
332 C |---|---|---|...|---|-x-|---|...|---|---|
333 C x 0 Xmin x 1
334 C
335  If (jlx .LE. -1) Then
336  print '(A,1pE12.4)', 'Severe error: x <= 0 in PartonX6! x = ', x
337  stop
338  ElseIf (jlx .Eq. 0) Then
339  jx = 0
340  Elseif (jlx .LE. nx-2) Then
342 C For interrior points, keep x in the middle, as shown above
343  jx = jlx - 1
344  Elseif (jlx.Eq.nx-1 .or. x.LT.onep) Then
346 C We tolerate a slight over-shoot of one (OneP=1.00001),
347 C perhaps due to roundoff or whatever, but not more than that.
348 C Keep at least 4 points >= Jx
349  jx = jlx - 2
350  Else
351  print '(A,1pE12.4)', 'Severe error: x > 1 in PartonX6! x = ', x
352  stop
353  Endif
354 C ---------- Note: JLx uniquely identifies the x-bin; Jx does not.
356 C This is the variable to be interpolated in
357  ss = x**xpow
359  If (jlx.Ge.2 .and. jlx.Le.nx-2) Then
361 c initiation work for "interior bins": store the lattice points in s...
362  svec1 = xvpow(jx)
363  svec2 = xvpow(jx+1)
364  svec3 = xvpow(jx+2)
365  svec4 = xvpow(jx+3)
367  s12 = svec1 - svec2
368  s13 = svec1 - svec3
369  s23 = svec2 - svec3
370  s24 = svec2 - svec4
371  s34 = svec3 - svec4
373  sy2 = ss - svec2
374  sy3 = ss - svec3
376 c constants needed for interpolating in s at fixed t lattice points...
377  const1 = s13/s23
378  const2 = s12/s23
379  const3 = s34/s23
380  const4 = s24/s23
381  s1213 = s12 + s13
382  s2434 = s24 + s34
383  sdet = s12*s34 - s1213*s2434
384  tmp = sy2*sy3/sdet
385  const5 = (s34*sy2-s2434*sy3)*tmp/s12
386  const6 = (s1213*sy2-s12*sy3)*tmp/s34
388  EndIf
390 c --------------Now find lower end of interval containing Q, i.e.,
391 c get jq such that qv(jq) .le. q .le. qv(jq+1)...
392  jlq = -1
393  ju = nt+1
394  12 If (ju-jlq .GT. 1) Then
395  jm = (ju+jlq) / 2
396  If (tt .GE. tv(jm)) Then
397  jlq = jm
398  Else
399  ju = jm
400  Endif
401  Goto 12
402  Endif
404  If (jlq .LE. 0) Then
405  jq = 0
406  Elseif (jlq .LE. nt-2) Then
407 C keep q in the middle, as shown above
408  jq = jlq - 1
409  Else
410 C JLq .GE. Nt-1 case: Keep at least 4 points >= Jq.
411  jq = nt - 3
413  Endif
414 C This is the interpolation variable in Q
416  If (jlq.GE.1 .and. jlq.LE.nt-2) Then
417 c store the lattice points in t...
418  tvec1 = tv(jq)
419  tvec2 = tv(jq+1)
420  tvec3 = tv(jq+2)
421  tvec4 = tv(jq+3)
423  t12 = tvec1 - tvec2
424  t13 = tvec1 - tvec3
425  t23 = tvec2 - tvec3
426  t24 = tvec2 - tvec4
427  t34 = tvec3 - tvec4
429  ty2 = tt - tvec2
430  ty3 = tt - tvec3
432  tmp1 = t12 + t13
433  tmp2 = t24 + t34
435  tdet = t12*t34 - tmp1*tmp2
437  EndIf
440 c get the pdf function values at the lattice points...
442  If (iprtn .GE. 3) Then
443  ip = - iprtn
444  Else
445  ip = iprtn
446  EndIf
447  jtmp = ((ip + nfmx)*(nt+1)+(jq-1))*(nx+1)+jx+1
449  Do it = 1, nqvec
451  j1 = jtmp + it*(nx+1)
453  If (jx .Eq. 0) Then
454 C For the first 4 x points, interpolate x^2*f(x,Q)
455 C This applies to the two lowest bins JLx = 0, 1
456 C We can not put the JLx.eq.1 bin into the "interrior" section
457 C (as we do for q), since Upd(J1) is undefined.
458  fij(1) = 0
459  fij(2) = upd(j1+1) * xv(1)**2
460  fij(3) = upd(j1+2) * xv(2)**2
461  fij(4) = upd(j1+3) * xv(3)**2
462 C
463 C Use Polint which allows x to be anywhere w.r.t. the grid
465  Call polint (xvpow(0), fij(1), 4, ss, fx, dfx)
467  If (x .GT. 0d0) fvec(it) = fx / x**2
468 C Pdf is undefined for x.eq.0
469  ElseIf (jlx .Eq. nx-1) Then
470 C This is the highest x bin:
472  Call polint (xvpow(nx-3), upd(j1), 4, ss, fx, dfx)
474  fvec(it) = fx
476  Else
477 C for all interior points, use Jon's in-line function
478 C This applied to (JLx.Ge.2 .and. JLx.Le.Nx-2)
479  sf2 = upd(j1+1)
480  sf3 = upd(j1+2)
482  g1 = sf2*const1 - sf3*const2
483  g4 = -sf2*const3 + sf3*const4
485  fvec(it) = (const5*(upd(j1)-g1)
486  & + const6*(upd(j1+3)-g4)
487  & + sf2*sy3 - sf3*sy2) / s23
489  Endif
491  enddo
492 C We now have the four values Fvec(1:4)
493 c interpolate in t...
495  If (jlq .LE. 0) Then
496 C 1st Q-bin, as well as extrapolation to lower Q
497  Call polint (tv(0), fvec(1), 4, tt, ff, dfq)
499  ElseIf (jlq .GE. nt-1) Then
500 C Last Q-bin, as well as extrapolation to higher Q
501  Call polint (tv(nt-3), fvec(1), 4, tt, ff, dfq)
502  Else
503 C Interrior bins : (JLq.GE.1 .and. JLq.LE.Nt-2)
504 C which include JLq.Eq.1 and JLq.Eq.Nt-2, since Upd is defined for
505 C the full range QV(0:Nt) (in contrast to XV)
506  tf2 = fvec(2)
507  tf3 = fvec(3)
509  g1 = ( tf2*t13 - tf3*t12) / t23
510  g4 = (-tf2*t34 + tf3*t24) / t23
512  h00 = ((t34*ty2-tmp2*ty3)*(fvec(1)-g1)/t12
513  & + (tmp1*ty2-t12*ty3)*(fvec(4)-g4)/t34)
515  ff = (h00*ty2*ty3/tdet + tf2*ty3 - tf3*ty2) / t23
516  EndIf
518  partonx6 = ff
520  Return
521 C ********************
522  End
function ctq6pdf(Iparton, X, Q)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:93
function nextun()
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:224
subroutine readtbl(Nu)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:179
function partonx6(IPRTN, XX, QQ)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:281
subroutine setctq6(Iset)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:138
subroutine polint(XA, YA, N, X, Y, DY)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:240