JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 C============================================================================
2 C April 10, 2002, v6.01
3 C February 23, 2003, v6.1
4 C
5 C Ref[1]: "New Generation of Parton Distributions with Uncertainties from Global QCD Analysis"
6 C By: J. Pumplin, D.R. Stump, J.Huston, H.L. Lai, P. Nadolsky, W.K. Tung
7 C JHEP 0207:012(2002), hep-ph/0201195
8 C
9 C Ref[2]: "Inclusive Jet Production, Parton Distributions, and the Search for New Physics"
10 C By : D. Stump, J. Huston, J. Pumplin, W.K. Tung, H.L. Lai, S. Kuhlmann, J. Owens
11 C hep-ph/0303013
12 C
13 C This package contains
14 C (1) 4 standard sets of CTEQ6 PDF's (CTEQ6M, CTEQ6D, CTEQ6L, CTEQ6L1) ;
15 C (2) 40 up/down sets (with respect to CTEQ6M) for uncertainty studies from Ref[1];
16 C (3) updated version of the above: CTEQ6.1M and its 40 up/down eigenvector sets from Ref[2].
17 C
18 C The CTEQ6.1M set provides a global fit that is almost equivalent in every respect
19 C to the published CTEQ6M, Ref[1], although some parton distributions (e.g., the gluon)
20 C may deviate from CTEQ6M in some kinematic ranges by amounts that are well within the
21 C specified uncertainties.
22 C The more significant improvements of the new version are associated with some of the
23 C 40 eigenvector sets, which are made more symmetrical and reliable in (3), compared to (2).
25 C Details about calling convention are:
26 C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 C Iset PDF-set Description Alpha_s(Mz)**Lam4 Lam5 Table_File
28 C ===========================================================================
29 C Standard, "best-fit", sets:
30 C --------------------------
31 C 1 CTEQ6M Standard MSbar scheme 0.118 326 226 cteq6m.tbl
32 C 2 CTEQ6D Standard DIS scheme 0.118 326 226 cteq6d.tbl
33 C 3 CTEQ6L Leading Order 0.118** 326** 226 cteq6l.tbl
34 C 4 CTEQ6L1 Leading Order 0.130** 215** 165 cteq6l1.tbl
35 C ============================================================================
36 C For uncertainty calculations using eigenvectors of the Hessian:
37 C ---------------------------------------------------------------
38 C central + 40 up/down sets along 20 eigenvector directions
39 C -----------------------------
40 C Original version, Ref[1]: central fit: CTEQ6M (=CTEQ6M.00)
41 C -----------------------
42 C 1xx CTEQ6M.xx +/- sets 0.118 326 226 cteq6m1xx.tbl
43 C where xx = 01-40: 01/02 corresponds to +/- for the 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
44 C e.g. 100 is CTEQ6M.00 (=CTEQ6M),
45 C 101/102 are CTEQ6M.01/02, +/- sets of 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
46 C -----------------------
47 C Updated version, Ref[2]: central fit: CTEQ6.1M (=CTEQ61.00)
48 C -----------------------
49 C 2xx CTEQ61.xx +/- sets 0.118 326 226 ctq61.xx.tbl
50 C where xx = 01-40: 01/02 corresponds to +/- for the 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
51 C e.g. 200 is CTEQ61.00 (=CTEQ6.1M),
52 C 201/202 are CTEQ61.01/02, +/- sets of 1st eigenvector, ... etc.
53 C ===========================================================================
54 C ** ALL fits are obtained by using the same coupling strength
55 C \alpha_s(Mz)=0.118 and the NLO running \alpha_s formula, except CTEQ6L1
56 C which uses the LO running \alpha_s and its value determined from the fit.
57 C For the LO fits, the evolution of the PDF and the hard cross sections are
58 C calculated at LO. More detailed discussions are given in the references.
59 C
60 C The table grids are generated for 10^-6 < x < 1 and 1.3 < Q < 10,000 (GeV).
61 C PDF values outside of the above range are returned using extrapolation.
62 C Lam5 (Lam4) represents Lambda value (in MeV) for 5 (4) flavors.
63 C The matching alpha_s between 4 and 5 flavors takes place at Q=4.5 GeV,
64 C which is defined as the bottom quark mass, whenever it can be applied.
65 C
66 C The Table_Files are assumed to be in the working directory.
67 C
68 C Before using the PDF, it is necessary to do the initialization by
69 C Call SetCtq6(Iset)
70 C where Iset is the desired PDF specified in the above table.
71 C
72 C The function Ctq6Pdf (Iparton, X, Q)
73 C returns the parton distribution inside the proton for parton [Iparton]
74 C at [X] Bjorken_X and scale [Q] (GeV) in PDF set [Iset].
75 C Iparton is the parton label (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, ......, -5)
76 C for (b, c, s, d, u, g, u_bar, ..., b_bar),
77 C
78 C For detailed information on the parameters used, e.q. quark masses,
79 C QCD Lambda, ... etc., see info lines at the beginning of the
80 C Table_Files.
81 C
82 C These programs, as provided, are in double precision. By removing the
83 C "Implicit Double Precision" lines, they can also be run in single
84 C precision.
85 C
86 C If you have detailed questions concerning these CTEQ6 distributions,
87 C or if you find problems/bugs using this package, direct inquires to
89 C
90 C===========================================================================
92  Function ctq6pdf (Iparton, X, Q)
93  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
94  Logical warn
95  Common
96  > / ctqpar2 / nx, nt, nfmx
97  > / qcdtable / alambda, nfl, iorder
99  Data warn /.true./
100  save warn
102  If (x .lt. 0d0 .or. x .gt. 1d0) Then
103  print *, 'X out of range in Ctq6Pdf: ', x
104  stop
105  Endif
106  If (q .lt. alambda) Then
107  print *, 'Q out of range in Ctq6Pdf: ', q
108  stop
109  Endif
110  If ((iparton .lt. -nfmx .or. iparton .gt. nfmx)) Then
111  If (warn) Then
112 C put a warning for calling extra flavor.
113  print *, 'Warning: Iparton out of range in Ctq6Pdf! '
114  print *, 'Iparton, MxFlvN0: ', iparton, nfmx
115  Endif
116  ctq6pdf = 0d0
117  Return
118  Endif
120  ctq6pdf = partonx6(iparton, x, q)
121  if(ctq6pdf.lt.0.d0) ctq6pdf = 0.d0
122  if(isnan(ctq6pdf)) then
123  if (warn) then
124  print *, 'Warning: Ctq6Pdf is NaN!'
125  print *, 'Iparton, MxFlvN0, X, Q: ', iparton, nfmx, x, q
126  endif
127  ctq6pdf = 0.d0
128  endif
130  if (warn) warn = .false.
132  Return
134 C ********************
135  End
137  Subroutine setctq6 (Iset)
138  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
139  parameter(isetmax0=5)
140  Character Flnm(Isetmax0)*6, nn*3, Tablefile*40
141  Data (flnm(i), i=1,isetmax0)
142  > / 'cteq6m', 'cteq6d', 'cteq6l', 'cteq6l','ctq61.'/
143  Data isetold, isetmin0, isetmin1, isetmax1 /-987,1,100,140/
144  Data isetmin2,isetmax2 /200,240/
145  save
147 C If data file not initialized, do so.
148  If(iset.ne.isetold) then
149  iu= nextun()
150  If (iset.ge.isetmin0 .and. iset.le.3) Then
151  tablefile=flnm(iset)//'.tbl'
152  Elseif (iset.eq.4) Then
153  tablefile=flnm(iset)//'1.tbl'
154  Elseif (iset.ge.isetmin1 .and. iset.le.isetmax1) Then
155  write(nn,'(I3)') iset
156  tablefile=flnm(1)//nn//'.tbl'
157  Elseif (iset.ge.isetmin2 .and. iset.le.isetmax2) Then
158  write(nn,'(I3)') iset
159  tablefile=flnm(5)//nn(2:3)//'.tbl'
160  Else
161  print *, 'Invalid Iset number in SetCtq6 :', iset
162  stop
163  Endif
164  Open(iu, file='pdfs/'//tablefile
165  . ,status='OLD', err=100)
166  21 Call readtbl (iu)
167  Close (iu)
168  isetold=iset
169  Endif
170  Return
172  100 print *, ' Data file ', tablefile, ' cannot be opened '
173  >//'in SetCtq6!!'
174  stop
175 C ********************
176  End
178  Subroutine readtbl (Nu)
179  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
180  Character Line*80
181  parameter(mxx = 96, mxq = 20, mxf = 5)
182  parameter(mxpqx = (mxf + 3) * mxq * mxx)
183  Common
184  > / ctqpar1 / al, xv(0:mxx), tv(0:mxq), upd(mxpqx)
185  > / ctqpar2 / nx, nt, nfmx
186  > / xqrange / qini, qmax, xmin
187  > / qcdtable / alambda, nfl, iorder
188  > / masstbl / amass(6)
190  Read (nu, '(A)') line
191  Read (nu, '(A)') line
192  Read (nu, *) dr, fl, al, (amass(i),i=1,6)
193  iorder = nint(dr)
194  nfl = nint(fl)
195  alambda = al
197  Read (nu, '(A)') line
198  Read (nu, *) nx, nt, nfmx
200  Read (nu, '(A)') line
201  Read (nu, *) qini, qmax, (tv(i), i =0, nt)
203  Read (nu, '(A)') line
204  Read (nu, *) xmin, (xv(i), i =0, nx)
206  Do 11 iq = 0, nt
207  tv(iq) = log(log(tv(iq) /al))
208  11 Continue
209 C
210 C Since quark = anti-quark for nfl>2 at this stage,
211 C we Read out only the non-redundent data points
212 C No of flavors = NfMx (sea) + 1 (gluon) + 2 (valence)
214  nblk = (nx+1) * (nt+1)
215  npts = nblk * (nfmx+3)
216  Read (nu, '(A)') line
217  Read (nu, *, iostat=iret) (upd(i), i=1,npts)
219  Return
220 C ****************************
221  End
223  Function nextun()
224 C Returns an unallocated FORTRAN i/o unit.
225  Logical ex
226 C
227  Do 10 n = 10, 300
228  INQUIRE (unit=n, opened=ex)
229  If (.NOT. ex) then
230  nextun = n
231  Return
232  Endif
233  10 Continue
234  stop ' There is no available I/O unit. '
235 C *************************
236  End
237 C
239  SUBROUTINE polint (XA,YA,N,X,Y,DY)
242 C Adapted from "Numerical Recipes"
243  parameter(nmax=10)
244  dimension xa(n),ya(n),c(nmax),d(nmax)
245  ns=1
246  dif=abs(x-xa(1))
247  DO 11 i=1,n
248  dift=abs(x-xa(i))
249  IF (dift.LT.dif) THEN
250  ns=i
251  dif=dift
252  ENDIF
253  c(i)=ya(i)
254  d(i)=ya(i)
256  y=ya(ns)
257  ns=ns-1
258  DO 13 m=1,n-1
259  DO 12 i=1,n-m
260  ho=xa(i)-x
261  hp=xa(i+m)-x
262  w=c(i+1)-d(i)
263  den=ho-hp
264 ! IF(DEN.EQ.0.)PAUSE
265  den=w/den
266  d(i)=hp*den
267  c(i)=ho*den
269  IF (2*ns.LT.n-m)THEN
270  dy=c(ns+1)
271  ELSE
272  dy=d(ns)
273  ns=ns-1
274  ENDIF
275  y=y+dy
278  END
280  Function partonx6 (IPRTN, XX, QQ)
282 c Given the parton distribution function in the array U in
283 c COMMON / PEVLDT / , this routine interpolates to find
284 c the parton distribution at an arbitray point in x and q.
285 c
286  Implicit Double Precision (a-h,o-z)
288  parameter(mxx = 96, mxq = 20, mxf = 5)
289  parameter(mxqx= mxq * mxx, mxpqx = mxqx * (mxf+3))
291  Common
292  > / ctqpar1 / al, xv(0:mxx), tv(0:mxq), upd(mxpqx)
293  > / ctqpar2 / nx, nt, nfmx
294  > / xqrange / qini, qmax, xmin
296  dimension fvec(4), fij(4)
297  dimension xvpow(0:mxx)
298  Data onep / 1.00001 /
299  Data xpow / 0.3d0 / !**** choice of interpolation variable
300  Data nqvec / 4 /
301  Data ientry / 0 /
302  Save ientry,xvpow
304 c store the powers used for interpolation on first call...
305  if(ientry .eq. 0) then
306  ientry = 1
308  xvpow(0) = 0d0
309  do i = 1, nx
310  xvpow(i) = xv(i)**xpow
311  enddo
312  endif
314  x = xx
315  q = qq
316  tt = log(log(q/al))
318 c ------------- find lower end of interval containing x, i.e.,
319 c get jx such that xv(jx) .le. x .le. xv(jx+1)...
320  jlx = -1
321  ju = nx+1
322  11 If (ju-jlx .GT. 1) Then
323  jm = (ju+jlx) / 2
324  If (x .Ge. xv(jm)) Then
325  jlx = jm
326  Else
327  ju = jm
328  Endif
329  Goto 11
330  Endif
331 C Ix 0 1 2 Jx JLx Nx-2 Nx
332 C |---|---|---|...|---|-x-|---|...|---|---|
333 C x 0 Xmin x 1
334 C
335  If (jlx .LE. -1) Then
336  print '(A,1pE12.4)', 'Severe error: x <= 0 in PartonX6! x = ', x
337  stop
338  ElseIf (jlx .Eq. 0) Then
339  jx = 0
340  Elseif (jlx .LE. nx-2) Then
342 C For interrior points, keep x in the middle, as shown above
343  jx = jlx - 1
344  Elseif (jlx.Eq.nx-1 .or. x.LT.onep) Then
346 C We tolerate a slight over-shoot of one (OneP=1.00001),
347 C perhaps due to roundoff or whatever, but not more than that.
348 C Keep at least 4 points >= Jx
349  jx = jlx - 2
350  Else
351  print '(A,1pE12.4)', 'Severe error: x > 1 in PartonX6! x = ', x
352  stop
353  Endif
354 C ---------- Note: JLx uniquely identifies the x-bin; Jx does not.
356 C This is the variable to be interpolated in
357  ss = x**xpow
359  If (jlx.Ge.2 .and. jlx.Le.nx-2) Then
361 c initiation work for "interior bins": store the lattice points in s...
362  svec1 = xvpow(jx)
363  svec2 = xvpow(jx+1)
364  svec3 = xvpow(jx+2)
365  svec4 = xvpow(jx+3)
367  s12 = svec1 - svec2
368  s13 = svec1 - svec3
369  s23 = svec2 - svec3
370  s24 = svec2 - svec4
371  s34 = svec3 - svec4
373  sy2 = ss - svec2
374  sy3 = ss - svec3
376 c constants needed for interpolating in s at fixed t lattice points...
377  const1 = s13/s23
378  const2 = s12/s23
379  const3 = s34/s23
380  const4 = s24/s23
381  s1213 = s12 + s13
382  s2434 = s24 + s34
383  sdet = s12*s34 - s1213*s2434
384  tmp = sy2*sy3/sdet
385  const5 = (s34*sy2-s2434*sy3)*tmp/s12
386  const6 = (s1213*sy2-s12*sy3)*tmp/s34
388  EndIf
390 c --------------Now find lower end of interval containing Q, i.e.,
391 c get jq such that qv(jq) .le. q .le. qv(jq+1)...
392  jlq = -1
393  ju = nt+1
394  12 If (ju-jlq .GT. 1) Then
395  jm = (ju+jlq) / 2
396  If (tt .GE. tv(jm)) Then
397  jlq = jm
398  Else
399  ju = jm
400  Endif
401  Goto 12
402  Endif
404  If (jlq .LE. 0) Then
405  jq = 0
406  Elseif (jlq .LE. nt-2) Then
407 C keep q in the middle, as shown above
408  jq = jlq - 1
409  Else
410 C JLq .GE. Nt-1 case: Keep at least 4 points >= Jq.
411  jq = nt - 3
413  Endif
414 C This is the interpolation variable in Q
416  If (jlq.GE.1 .and. jlq.LE.nt-2) Then
417 c store the lattice points in t...
418  tvec1 = tv(jq)
419  tvec2 = tv(jq+1)
420  tvec3 = tv(jq+2)
421  tvec4 = tv(jq+3)
423  t12 = tvec1 - tvec2
424  t13 = tvec1 - tvec3
425  t23 = tvec2 - tvec3
426  t24 = tvec2 - tvec4
427  t34 = tvec3 - tvec4
429  ty2 = tt - tvec2
430  ty3 = tt - tvec3
432  tmp1 = t12 + t13
433  tmp2 = t24 + t34
435  tdet = t12*t34 - tmp1*tmp2
437  EndIf
440 c get the pdf function values at the lattice points...
442  If (iprtn .GE. 3) Then
443  ip = - iprtn
444  Else
445  ip = iprtn
446  EndIf
447  jtmp = ((ip + nfmx)*(nt+1)+(jq-1))*(nx+1)+jx+1
449  Do it = 1, nqvec
451  j1 = jtmp + it*(nx+1)
453  If (jx .Eq. 0) Then
454 C For the first 4 x points, interpolate x^2*f(x,Q)
455 C This applies to the two lowest bins JLx = 0, 1
456 C We can not put the JLx.eq.1 bin into the "interrior" section
457 C (as we do for q), since Upd(J1) is undefined.
458  fij(1) = 0
459  fij(2) = upd(j1+1) * xv(1)**2
460  fij(3) = upd(j1+2) * xv(2)**2
461  fij(4) = upd(j1+3) * xv(3)**2
462 C
463 C Use Polint which allows x to be anywhere w.r.t. the grid
465  Call polint (xvpow(0), fij(1), 4, ss, fx, dfx)
467  If (x .GT. 0d0) fvec(it) = fx / x**2
468 C Pdf is undefined for x.eq.0
469  ElseIf (jlx .Eq. nx-1) Then
470 C This is the highest x bin:
472  Call polint (xvpow(nx-3), upd(j1), 4, ss, fx, dfx)
474  fvec(it) = fx
476  Else
477 C for all interior points, use Jon's in-line function
478 C This applied to (JLx.Ge.2 .and. JLx.Le.Nx-2)
479  sf2 = upd(j1+1)
480  sf3 = upd(j1+2)
482  g1 = sf2*const1 - sf3*const2
483  g4 = -sf2*const3 + sf3*const4
485  fvec(it) = (const5*(upd(j1)-g1)
486  & + const6*(upd(j1+3)-g4)
487  & + sf2*sy3 - sf3*sy2) / s23
489  Endif
491  enddo
492 C We now have the four values Fvec(1:4)
493 c interpolate in t...
495  If (jlq .LE. 0) Then
496 C 1st Q-bin, as well as extrapolation to lower Q
497  Call polint (tv(0), fvec(1), 4, tt, ff, dfq)
499  ElseIf (jlq .GE. nt-1) Then
500 C Last Q-bin, as well as extrapolation to higher Q
501  Call polint (tv(nt-3), fvec(1), 4, tt, ff, dfq)
502  Else
503 C Interrior bins : (JLq.GE.1 .and. JLq.LE.Nt-2)
504 C which include JLq.Eq.1 and JLq.Eq.Nt-2, since Upd is defined for
505 C the full range QV(0:Nt) (in contrast to XV)
506  tf2 = fvec(2)
507  tf3 = fvec(3)
509  g1 = ( tf2*t13 - tf3*t12) / t23
510  g4 = (-tf2*t34 + tf3*t24) / t23
512  h00 = ((t34*ty2-tmp2*ty3)*(fvec(1)-g1)/t12
513  & + (tmp1*ty2-t12*ty3)*(fvec(4)-g4)/t34)
515  ff = (h00*ty2*ty3/tdet + tf2*ty3 - tf3*ty2) / t23
516  EndIf
518  partonx6 = ff
520  Return
521 C ********************
522  End
function ctq6pdf(Iparton, X, Q)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:93
function nextun()
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:224
subroutine readtbl(Nu)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:179
function partonx6(IPRTN, XX, QQ)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:281
subroutine setctq6(Iset)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:138
subroutine polint(XA, YA, N, X, Y, DY)
Definition: Cteq61Pdf.f:240