JHUGen v7.5.6, MELA v2.4.2
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen.
These are the enumerated values set in TVar.hh
. They are used to set up the settings in MELA.
controls how verbose MELA can be. These are originally defined in TVar::VerbosityLevel. Every verbosity level is a subset of the higher one (i.e. Mela.VerbosityLevel.ERROR
contains a subset of the output from Mela.VerbosityLevel.INFO
). The values are tabulated below:
Name | Value | Summary |
Mela.VerbosityLevel.SILENT | 0 | Only required information |
Mela.VerbosityLevel.ERROR | 1 | Only outputs unexpected behavior |
Mela.VerbosityLevel.INFO | 2 | Outputs out useful information as well |
Mela.VerbosityLevel.DEBUG | 3 | Outputs some barebones debugging information |
Mela.VerbosityLevel.DEBUG_VERBOSE | 4 | Outputs more debugging information |
Mela.VerbosityLevel.DEBUG_MECHECK | 5 | Outputs information directly relating to the matrix element |
One can set the verbosity in the MELA constructor to begin with, or use Mela.SetVerbosity(Mela.VerbosityLevel)
, which is originally defined in Mela::setVerbosity.
controls which matrix element MELA is using for its calculation. These are originally defined in TVar::MatrixElement. The values are tabulated below:
Name | Value | Summary |
Mela.MatrixElement.MCFM | 0 | Evaluates via JHUGen-MCFM |
Mela.MatrixElement.JHUGen | 1 | Evaluates via pure JHUGen |
Mela.MatrixElement.ANALYTICAL | 2 | Evaluates via analytic methods |
Mela.MatrixElement.MADGRAPH | 3 | Evaluates via the Madgraph matrix element |
One sets the matrix element using Mela.setProcess(Mela.Process, Mela.MatrixElement, Mela.Production)
, which is originally defined in Mela::setProcess.
controls what production mode MELA is using for its calculations. These are originally defined in TVar::Production. The values are tabulated below:
Name | Value | Summary |
Mela.Production.ZZGG | 0 | Gluon Fusion production |
Mela.Production.ZZQQB | 1 | Quark-Antiquark production |
Mela.Production.ZZQQB_STU | 2 | Quark-Antiquark production |
Mela.Production.ZZINDEPENDENT | 3 | Production-Independent Calculation |
Mela.Production.ttH | 4 | Explicitly only \( t \bar{t} \) production |
Mela.Production.bbH | 5 | Explicitly only \( b \bar{b} \) production |
Mela.Production.JQCD | 6 | Single-Jet QCD production |
Mela.Production.JJQCD | 7 | Double-Jet QCD production |
Mela.Production.JJVBF | 8 | Double-Jet VBF production (ZZ/WW Fusion) |
Mela.Production.JJEW | 9 | Combination of VBF and ZH/WH production |
Mela.Production.JJEWQCD | 10 | Combination of JJEW and JJQCD |
Mela.Production.Had_ZH | 11 | Hadronic ZH production |
Mela.Production.Had_WH | 12 | Hadronic WH production |
Mela.Production.Lep_ZH | 13 | Leptonic ZH production (i.e. \( e^+ e^- \) collisions) |
Mela.Production.Lep_WH | 14 | Leptonic WH production |
Mela.Production.ZZQQB_S | 15 | Quark-Antiquark production (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJQCD_S | 16 | Double-Jet QCD production (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJVBF_S | 17 | Double-Jet VBF production (ZZ/WW Fusion) (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJEW_S | 18 | Double-Jet EW production (VBF/VH) (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJEWQCD_S | 19 | Combination of JJEW and JJQCD (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Had_ZH_S | 20 | Hadronic ZH production (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Had_WH_S | 21 | Hadronic WH production (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Lep_ZH_S | 22 | Leptonic ZH production (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Lep_WH_S | 23 | Hadronic WH production (S-channel only) |
Mela.Production.ZZQQB_TU | 24 | Quark-Antiquark production (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJQCD_TU | 25 | Double-Jet QCD production (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJVBF_TU | 26 | Double-Jet VBF production (ZZ/WW Fusion) (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJEW_TU | 27 | Double-Jet EW production (VBF/VH) (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.JJEWQCD_TU | 28 | Combination of JJEW and JJQCD (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Had_ZH_TU | 29 | Hadronic ZH production (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Had_WH_TU | 30 | Hadronic WH production (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Lep_ZH_TU | 31 | Leptonic ZH production (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.Lep_WH_TU | 32 | Hadronic WH production (T/U-channel only) |
Mela.Production.GammaH | 33 | Photon production of the Higgs |
Mela.Production.nProductions | 34 | This is the total number of production modes that exist within MELA |
One sets the production mode using Mela.setProcess(Mela.Process, Mela.MatrixElement, Mela.Production)
, which is originally defined in Mela::setProcess.
controls what process MELA is running. This is usually the spin of the particle for JHUGen, or signal/background for MCFM.
By and large, many of the processes are redundant, and can be re-created using some combination of couplings and production modes. The "minimal basis" for the processes are as follow.
If you pair a process with the incorrect matrix element there will be an error!
Name | Value | Matrix Element | Summary |
Mela.Process.HSMHiggs | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.H0_g1prime2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H0hplus | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H0minus | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H0_Zgsg1prime2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H0_Zgs | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H0_Zgs_PS | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H0_gsgs | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H0_gsgs_PS | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_g1g1prime2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_g1g2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_g1g2_pi_2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_g1g4 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_g1g4_pi_2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_zzzg | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_zzgg | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_zzzg_PS | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_zzgg_PS | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_zzzg_g1prime2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.D_zzzg_g1prime2_pi_2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H1minus | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H1plus | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g1 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g3 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g4 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g5 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g1g5 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g6 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g7 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g8 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g9 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.H2_g10 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.bkgGammaGamma | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgZGamma | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgZJets | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgZZ | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgWW | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgWWZZ | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgZZ_SMHiggs | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgWW_SMHiggs | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.bkgWWZZ_SMHiggs | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.HSMHiggs_WWZZ | 0 | MCFM | |
Mela.Process.D_gg10 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.SelfDefine_spin0 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.SelfDefine_spin1 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.SelfDefine_spin2 | 0 | JHUGen | |
Mela.Process.nProcesses | 0 | The total number of processes available to you |
One sets the process using Mela.setProcess(Mela.Process, Mela.MatrixElement, Mela.Production)
, which is originally defined in Mela::setProcess.
controls the scheme that resonances are defined by. This is used to control mass shapes as well as conduct POWHEG high-mass reweighting. This is originally defined in TVar::ResonancePropagatorScheme. **Mela.ResonancePropagatorScheme.FixedWidth
is set by default**. The values are tabulated below:
Name | Value | Summary |
Mela.ResonancePropagatorScheme.NoPropagator | 0 | No propagator is applied to the resonance |
Mela.ResonancePropagatorScheme.RunningWidth | 1 | A running width scheme is applied to the resonance |
Mela.ResonancePropagatorScheme.FixedWidth | 2 | A fixed width scheme is applied to the resonance |
Mela.ResonancePropagatorScheme.CPS | 3 | A Complex-Pole scheme is applied to the resonance |
Mela.ResonancePropagatorScheme.AltRunningWidth | 4 | An S-Wave Breit-Wigner is applied to the resonance |
These are provided as inputs to Mela.getXPropagator(Mela.ResonancePropagatorScheme)
to get a value for mass shape reweighting.
controls the scaling scheme of the event. You can set it with Mela.setRenFacScaleMode
(originally defined in Mela::setRenFacScaleMode), and get the value from Mela.getRenFacScaleMode
(originally defined in Mela::getRenFacScaleMode).
Name | Value | Summary |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.DefaultScaleScheme | 0 | The default scale factor scheme for the process/production. |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Fixed_mH | 1 | A scale based off of the pole mass of \(m_H\) |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Fixed_mW | 2 | A scale based off of the pole mass of \(m_Z\) |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Fixed_mZ | 3 | A scale based off of the pole mass of \(m_W\) |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Fixed_mWPlusmH | 4 | A scale based off of the pole value \(m_W + m_H\) |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Fixed_mZPlusmH | 5 | A scale based off of the pole value \(m_Z + m_H\) |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Fixed_TwomtPlusmH | 6 | A scale based off of the pole value \(2m_t + m_H\) |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Fixed_mtPlusmH | 7 | A scale based off of the pole value \(m_t + m_H\) |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_qH | 8 | A scale based off of the \(q^2\) of the Higgs |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_qJJH | 9 | A scale based off of the \(q^2\) of H+2 jets |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_qJJ_qH | 10 | IDK |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_qJ_qJ_qH | 11 | IDK |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_HT | 12 | IDK |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_Leading_pTJ | 13 | IDK |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_Softest_pTJ | 14 | IDK |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.Dynamic_RandomUniform_Constrained | 15 | IDK |
Mela.EventScaleScheme.nEventScaleSchemes | 16 | The number of event scale schemes available to you |
quantifies the decay mode of the candidate in MELA. This can be a range of things. All the possibilities are listed below:
Name | Value | Summary |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_Stable | 0 | The reconstructed candidate does not decay |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_ff | 1 | The reconstructed candidate decays to fermions |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_WW | 2 | The reconstructed candidate decays to 2 W Bosons |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_ZZ | 3 | The reconstructed candidate decays to 2 Z Bosons |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_ZW | 4 | The reconstructed candidate decays to a Z and a W (Warning - Untested) |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_ZG | 5 | The reconstructed candidate decays to a Z and a gluon |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_WG | 6 | The reconstructed candidate decays to a W and a gluon |
Mela.CandidateDecayMode.CandidateDecay_GG | 7 | The reconstructed candidate decays to 2 gluons |