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JHUGen v7.5.6, MELA v2.4.2
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen.
This is the complete list of members for ZZMatrixElement, including all inherited members.
append_TopCandidate(SimpleParticleCollection_t *TopDaughters) | ZZMatrixElement | |
build() | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
Calculate4Momentum(double Mx, double M1, double M2, double theta, double theta1, double theta2, double Phi1, double Phi) | ZZMatrixElement | |
computeProdXS_JH(float &mevalue) | ZZMatrixElement | |
computeProdXS_JJH(float &mevalue) | ZZMatrixElement | |
computeProdXS_ttH(float &mevalue, int topProcess, int topDecay=0) | ZZMatrixElement | |
computeProdXS_VH(float &mevalue, bool includeHiggsDecay=false) | ZZMatrixElement | |
computeProdXS_VVHVV(float &mevalue) | ZZMatrixElement | |
computeXS(float &mevalue) | ZZMatrixElement | |
EBEAM | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
get_CurrentCandidate() | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_CurrentCandidateIndex() | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_HiggsWidthAtPoleMass(double mass) | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_IORecord() | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_NCandidates() | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_PrimaryHiggsMass() | ZZMatrixElement | inline |
get_PrimaryMass(int ipart) | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_PrimaryWidth(int ipart) | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_RenFacScaleMode() const | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_TopCandidateCollection() | ZZMatrixElement | |
get_XPropagator(TVar::ResonancePropagatorScheme scheme, float &prop) | ZZMatrixElement | |
melaCand | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
mHiggs | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
processLeptonInterference | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
processME | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
processModel | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
processProduction | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
processVerbosity | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
reset_InputEvent() | ZZMatrixElement | |
reset_Mass(double inmass, int ipart) | ZZMatrixElement | |
reset_MCFM_EWKParameters(double ext_Gf, double ext_aemmz, double ext_mW, double ext_mZ, double ext_xW, int ext_ewscheme=3) | ZZMatrixElement | |
reset_QuarkMasses() | ZZMatrixElement | |
reset_Width(double inmass, int ipart) | ZZMatrixElement | |
resetPerEvent() | ZZMatrixElement | |
selfD_aTQGCCouplings | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
selfD_AZffCouplings | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
selfD_SpinOneCouplings | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
selfD_SpinTwoCouplings | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
selfD_SpinZeroCouplings | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
selfD_VprimeCouplings | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
set_aTQGCCouplings(double selfDaTQGCcoupl[SIZE_ATQGC][2]) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_AZffCouplings(double selfDAZffcoupl[SIZE_AZff][2]) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_CandidateDecayMode(TVar::CandidateDecayMode mode) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_CurrentCandidate(MELACandidate *cand) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_CurrentCandidateFromIndex(unsigned int icand) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_InputEvent(SimpleParticleCollection_t *pDaughters, SimpleParticleCollection_t *pAssociated=0, SimpleParticleCollection_t *pMothers=0, bool isGen=false) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_LeptonInterference(TVar::LeptonInterference myLepInterf) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_LHAgrid(const char *path, int pdfmember=0) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_mHiggs(double mh_, int index) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_mHiggs_wHiggs(double mh_, double gah_, int index) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_PrimaryHiggsMass(double mh) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_Process(TVar::Process process_, TVar::MatrixElement me_, TVar::Production production_) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_RenFacScaleMode(TVar::EventScaleScheme renormalizationSch, TVar::EventScaleScheme factorizationSch, double ren_sf, double fac_sf) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_SpinOneCouplings(double selfDZqqcoupl[SIZE_ZQQ][2], double selfDZvvcoupl[SIZE_ZVV][2]) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_SpinTwoContact(double selfDGvvpcoupl[SIZE_GVV][2], double selfDGvpvpcoupl[SIZE_GVV][2]) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_SpinTwoCouplings(double selfDGqqcoupl[SIZE_GQQ][2], double selfDGggcoupl[SIZE_GGG][2], double selfDGvvcoupl[SIZE_GVV][2]) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_SpinZeroContact(double selfDHzzpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2], double selfDHzpzpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2], double selfDHwwpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2], double selfDHwpwpcoupl[SIZE_HVV][2]) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_SpinZeroCouplings(double selfDHggcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HGG][2], double selfDHg4g4coupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HGG][2], double selfDHqqcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2], double selfDHbbcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2], double selfDHttcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2], double selfDHb4b4coupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2], double selfDHt4t4coupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HQQ][2], double selfDHzzcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV][2], double selfDHwwcoupl[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV][2], double selfDHzzLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_LAMBDAQSQ][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ], double selfDHwwLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_LAMBDAQSQ][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ], int selfDHzzCLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ], int selfDHwwCLambda_qsq[nSupportedHiggses][SIZE_HVV_CQSQ], double selfDSMEFTSimcoupl[SIZE_SMEFT], bool diffHWW=false) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_TempCandidate(SimpleParticleCollection_t *pDaughters, SimpleParticleCollection_t *pAssociated=0, SimpleParticleCollection_t *pMothers=0, bool isGen=false) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_Verbosity(TVar::VerbosityLevel verbosity_) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_VprimeContactCouplings(double selfDZpffcoupl[SIZE_Vpff][2], double selfDWpffcoupl[SIZE_Vpff][2], double M_Zprime, double Ga_Zprime, double M_Wprime, double Ga_Wprime) | ZZMatrixElement | |
set_wHiggs(double gah_, int index) | ZZMatrixElement | |
tmpCandList | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
tmpPartList | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
wHiggs | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
Xcal2 | ZZMatrixElement | protected |
ZZMatrixElement(const char *pathtoPDFSet, int PDFMember, const char *pathtoHiggsCSandWidth, double ebeam, TVar::VerbosityLevel verbosity) | ZZMatrixElement | |
ZZMatrixElement(const ZZMatrixElement &other) | ZZMatrixElement | |
~ZZMatrixElement() | ZZMatrixElement |