JHUGen MELA  v2.4.1
Matrix element calculations as used in JHUGen. MELA is an important tool that was used for the Higgs boson discovery and for precise measurements of its structure and interactions. Please see the website https://spin.pha.jhu.edu/ and papers cited there for more details, and kindly cite those papers when using this code.
MELANCSplineCore Member List

This is the complete list of members for MELANCSplineCore, including all inherited members.

addLeafDependents(RooArgSet &set)MELANCSplineCoreprotected
analyticalIntegral(Int_t code, const char *rangeName=0) const =0MELANCSplineCorepure virtual
bcApproximatedSecondDerivative enum valueMELANCSplineCore
bcApproximatedSlope enum valueMELANCSplineCore
bcClamped enum valueMELANCSplineCore
bcNaturalSpline enum valueMELANCSplineCore
bcQuadratic enum valueMELANCSplineCore
bcQuadraticWithNullSlope enum valueMELANCSplineCore
BoundaryCondition enum nameMELANCSplineCore
clone(const char *newname) const =0MELANCSplineCorepure virtual
cropValueForRange(T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const =0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
doFloor(Bool_t flag)MELANCSplineCore
emptyFcnList()=0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
evalSplineSegment(const std::vector< T > &coefs, const T &kappa, const T &tup, const T &tdn, Bool_t doIntegrate=false) constMELANCSplineCoreprotectedvirtual
evaluate() const =0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
getAArray(const std::vector< T > &kappas, std::vector< std::vector< T >> &AArray, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd) constMELANCSplineCoreprotectedvirtual
getAnalyticalIntegral(RooArgSet &allVars, RooArgSet &analVars, const char *rangeName=0) const =0MELANCSplineCorepure virtual
getBArray(const std::vector< T > &kappas, const std::vector< T > &fcnList, std::vector< T > &BArray, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd) constMELANCSplineCoreprotectedvirtual
getCoefficients(const TVector_t &S, const std::vector< T > &kappas, const std::vector< T > &fcnList, const Int_t &bin) constMELANCSplineCoreprotectedvirtual
getCoefficientsAlongDirection(const std::vector< T > &kappas, const TMatrix_t &Ainv, const std::vector< T > &fcnList, BoundaryCondition const &bcBegin, BoundaryCondition const &bcEnd, const Int_t pickBin) constMELANCSplineCoreprotectedvirtual
getKappas(std::vector< T > &kappas, const Int_t whichDirection)=0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
getLeafDependents(RooRealProxy &proxy, RooArgSet &set)MELANCSplineCoreprotected
getTVar(const std::vector< T > &kappas, const T &val, const Int_t &bin, const Int_t whichDirection) const =0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
getWhichBin(const T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const =0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
interpolateFcn(Int_t code, const char *rangeName=0) const =0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
kError enum valueMELANCSplineCore
kSilent enum valueMELANCSplineCore
kVerbose enum valueMELANCSplineCore
MELANCSplineCore(const char *name, const char *title)MELANCSplineCore
MELANCSplineCore(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal &inXVar, const std::vector< T > &inXList, Bool_t inUseFloor=true, T inFloorEval=1e-15, T inFloorInt=1e-10)MELANCSplineCore
MELANCSplineCore(const MELANCSplineCore &other, const char *name=0)MELANCSplineCore
NBoundaryConditions enum valueMELANCSplineCore
npointsX() constMELANCSplineCoreinlineprotected
setEvalFloor(T val)MELANCSplineCore
setIntFloor(T val)MELANCSplineCore
setRangeValidity(const T valmin, const T valmax, const Int_t whichDirection)=0MELANCSplineCorepure virtual
setVerbosity(VerbosityLevel flag)MELANCSplineCorevirtual
T typedefMELANCSplineCore
testRangeValidity(const T &val, const Int_t whichDirection) const =0MELANCSplineCoreprotectedpure virtual
TMatrix_t typedefMELANCSplineCore
TVector_t typedefMELANCSplineCore
VerbosityLevel enum nameMELANCSplineCore