MC Generator based on the papers:

"Spin Determination of Single-Produced Resonances at Hadron Colliders"  
Yanyan Gao, Andrei V. Gritsan, Zijin Guo, Kirill Melnikov, Markus Schulze, and Nhan V. Tran   

"On the Spin and Parity of a Single-Produced Resonance at the LHC"  
Sara Bolognesi, Yanyan Gao, Andrei V. Gritsan, Kirill Melnikov, Markus Schulze, Nhan V. Tran, and Andrew Whitbeck   

"Constraining anomalous HVV interactions at proton and lepton colliders"  
Ian Anderson, Sara Bolognesi, Fabrizio Caola, Yanyan Gao, Andrei V. Gritsan, Christopher B. Martin,   
Kirill Melnikov, Markus Schulze, Nhan V. Tran, Andrew Whitbeck, and Yaofu Zhou   

"Constraining anomalous Higgs boson couplings to the heavy flavor fermions using matrix element techniques"  
Andrei V. Gritsan, Raoul Rontsch, Markus Schulze, and Meng Xiao   

"New features in the JHU generator framework: constraining Higgs boson properties from on-shell and off-shell production"  
Andrei V. Gritsan, Jeffrey Roskes, Ulascan Sarica, Markus Schulze, Meng Xiao, and Yaofu Zhou    

"Probing the CP structure of the top quark Yukawa coupling: Loop sensitivity vs. on-shell sensitivity"  
Till Martini, Ren-Qi Pan, Markus Schulze, and Meng Xiao    

"Constraining anomalous Higgs boson couplings to virtual photons"  
Jeffrey Davis, Andrei V. Gritsan, Lucas S. Mandacaru Guerra, Savvas Kyriacou, Jeffrey Roskes, and Markus Schulze    

email contacts: Jeffrey Davis, Mohit Srivastav

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Note: Last version of the JHUGen package was released on December 20, 2024

Please reference the above papers and refer to "JHU generator" when using the simulation program and "MELA" when using the matrix element likelihood approach. The latter was also introduced in [12]. The matrix element package (MELA) also depends on MCFM libraries for background parameterization which should be referenced [3] when used. A more recent version also provides interface to MadGraph [4] and SMEFTsim [5].

Generator for pp → X → VV, VBF, X+JJ, pp → VX, ee → VX

A generator giving parton-level information including full spin and polarization correlations for the processes ab → X → VV (V=Z,W,gamma), VBF, X+JJ, pp → VX, ee → VX. The Fortran program produces a single-produced X resonance via either the gluon fusion, qqbar, VBF, or VH processes for either the Tevatron, the LHC, or an e+e- collider. The resonance X can be a spin-zero, -one, or -two particle with general couplings defined in the study. The output is in the LHE format and can be input to any parton showering program. Please see the manual file for further technical details.

ifort (Intel Fortran compiler) or gfortran (part of gcc)

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Code for a general spin-J resonance angular distribution in pp → X → VV

Mathematica code which gives the full 5D angular distribution for a general spin-J resonance given the input J.


Analytic fits of partonic luminosity functions

Simple and fast parametric code for simulating analytic partonic luminosity for gg and qqbar(') initial states.
Download C code